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Preview The Taxonomy of Diandranthus (Poaceae)

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7S65 ActaPhytotax.GeoboL S4(2)1:09-12S(2003) The TaxonomyofDiandranthus(Poaceae) YASUSHIIBARAGI 7bkushiinaPwfecturat Museum, Bunka-no-Mbri furk,Htiehiman-cho7,bkushima770-8070,Jinpan Diandranthu s(Poace awaes) segregated from Miscanthu sby Liou in 1997. Mcmbers ofthe genus have been reported from China ,Nepal and India ,with a diejun cotccurrcnce in Malaysia, This paper presents a revision efthe genus sN'ith a clarification and circumscription of the species and synonymy. The genus contains two spccics, D. nepalensis andD. nudipes. Diandranthu snudijpes contains t-'o subspecies: subsp. nudipes and subsp. yunnanen,yis ,comb. nov. An identificat kieoyn, deseriptio onfs the taxa, and distribut imoapns for all taxa ofDiandranthus are provided. Key Diandranthus,distributiQPno,aceae,Miscanthus,taxonomy. words: Diandranthu sL. Liou is a genus of larg etussock (Hodkinso ent aL 1997, 2002) of Diandranthus grasse sdistribu tferdom middle to high elevations in and relatcd taxa furthe srhow that Diandranthu sis China, Nepal, India ,and Malaysia .Members of phylogenetically diff trcnt from Miscanthus, Diandkanthus have long been treate das belongin tgo Since taxonomic studies ofDiandranthus have uascanthus ,Eulati aor Erianthu s<Trin i1u8s33, been restricted to florist oirc regional works (Hooker Grisebach1868,Keng 1957,Bor 1960,Lee 1964, 1897,Bor 1960,Lee 1964,Liou 1987,Zhong ]988, Zhong 1988). Nolti e2000) ,there is no overall monograph of the The firs atttempt to distingui tshhe species of genus. This revision, based on specimens from Diandvanthus as a singlc group was by Keng (1957,throughout the entire range of distributi opnr,o- 1959) ,when he grouped the Chinese members of vides the firs ttaxonomic account fbr all the species the presen Dtianthanthtt sas a section in Miscanthus. ofDiandranthus. Since he publishe hdis ncw section without a Latin diagnQsis the name is invalid .Liou (1987 )distin- MateriaSs and Methods guishe dDiandfranthus from Miscanthus as a genus containing seven species. Liou (a sLiu) did not This study is based mainly on herbariu mmaterial indica tae type species fbr the genus until 1997, at obtained on loan from the followi nhgerbar iCaabbre- which time the generi cname became valid, viations according to Holmgren et aL 1990) :BisH, Diandiunthus is cleseiy related to Miscanthus BM, BSHC, E, GoET, K, p, pE and uS. Specimens were and is distinguish efdrom i tby the number of anthers also examined at KATH, KyO, MAK, PNH, TI, TNg, TUS and the position of the stigmas. Miscanthu shas and the Herbarium of Tamagawa Univcrsit Iyb,kyo, three stamens and the stigmas exserted laterally Dots on distributi omnaps are based exclusively on from the spikelet; Diandranthz thsas only two sta- the speciinens studied. mens and the stigmas cxserted apically. DNA data A fiel dsurvey was also canied out in Ncpal, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 110 APG Vbl,54 The livin gplant sand seeds collccted in Nepal were D. nepalensis cultivated at Tbkushima Prefectural grown and observed at the experimental facili otfy Museum occasionally branch .The heigh tof the Tbhoku Universit aynd in the garden of the Toku- culm has also been used as a taxonomic charac- shima Prefectura lMuseum. terist¢i in Diandrantht{s (Lio u1997) ,but height Pollen was obtained from herbarium speci- varics greatl eyyen in the same species. For exam- mens kept in the Biologica lInstitute ,Tohoku ple, D. nudipes subsp, nudipes ranges from 20-140 UniversitSMendai,Japan(TusS)p.ecimens inheightD,, utilized cm nudipes subsp. yunnanensis ranges in this study are cited in [fablel .For SEM observa- from 50-150 cm, and D, nepalensis is 30-160 cm tion, pollen grains were acetolysed fbllowin gthe tall . Height is therefbre notausefu1 taxonomic standard method (Erdtm a19n60) and dehydrate idn character, The dried an ethano] series. samples were air and coated with gold in a vacuum, and examined with a Inflorescen caxeis. The lcngt hofthe axis ofthe scanning electron microscope (Hitac Sh-i4100), inflorescen hcaes been used taxonomically (Keng The axis length was deterrnin ferdom measurrnents 1959, Liou 1997), but the lengt hof the infiores- of25 grains in each sample, cence axis varies widely and continuously; 2-8.5 cm One spikelet per inflorescen ocne each speci- in Diandranthus nudipes subsp, nudipes, 2.5-10 men ofDiandvanthus nudipes was selected to deter- cm in subsp, yunnanensis and 2.5-12 cm in D. mine the lengt hof the callus haiTs and glume hairs. nepalensis. I theretbre did not use the length ofthe [Il ocompare the range of variation between inflorescen acxies as a diagnost iccharacter in my taxa, I chose and mcasured at leas ttwo spikelets and treatment .As Liou (1994 i)ndicate dth,e infiores- awns from each specimen ofall taxa. cence axis of D. nudipes subsp. nudipes is usually Thirty spikelets and their adjacent rachis pilose (Fi g2.a) ,while the axis ef subsp. yunna- internod eons the holotyp eofMiscanthus wantii (=='nensis is glabrous (Fi g2.b). Diandranthus nudipey subsp, nudipes in this paper) werc chosen fbr length comparison. Rachis. Bor (1960 s)eparated Miscanthu swaidii Bor from Diandranthu snudipes by the spikelets rlletxonomic characters equaling or exceeding than the rachis internode. Fig .3 shows the relationship between the length of Habit. The species ofDiandpunthus arc all tussock the rachis internod aend the lengt hofits adjacent grasses ,usually with manM erect, unbranched culms spikelet on the holotype of M. wardii. The figure (Fi g1.) .Liou (198 71,994 ,1997) used character- shows that the rachis internode is usually longer istic sofculm branchin gas a taxonomic character, than the spikelet. In all species ofDiandranthus, but I have not found it to be taxonomically usefu1. however ,the internod oefthe rachis is longer than, The specimen H, Hdra et aL no. 6302319 ofD. or at leas ats long as, the spikelet. Itherefbr edid not ncipalensis is branched at one node, and the culms of use it as a diagnost iccharacter in this treatment. TABLE 1, Pe]Lcn size and shape efDiandranthors and M)'scanthus. Rtxa major axis ± SD mjnor axis ± SD majoraxis Xlaucherspecimen (pm) (um) trninoraxis D. ntidipes suhsp. nudipes 29,Otl.3 27,5±O,9 1,051,091.e9iVaito et at. 1O12 (TUS) l) .nepatensis 32.6t2.0 29.7±2.2 Mikqge et al. 96827)- 5(TUS) M, saccharijVbrus 36.7 ± 2.3 33.7±2.0 }bnekura 1l47 (TUS) NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytslctsematics December2003 IBARAGI:TaxonomyofDcanitranthus (Poaceae) 111 FIG.LroadDtand)'ant hntepfasiensts, Severa} culms tuft fi'oni at (NurbCuhaur,EasteunNepal. 20gOmas3c0enAdumgg. 1997)bank sidc alt ,,,t ' --t lt,, ,/ //, t ,v!l,.,l , ,,/!!!MXI /tla.meIl,,/,, tttfft/t "l/l-IM ,Mlma.M/,・,-li/,i/l/i/,//lt//mat/t// /t/t/"t ・li f 't,!/,th.1 1 i'・iiilffilll'llil・1,iilige /'i /'}1t'va! ,1 ' IIIIi 11//tittt/ti/it .wn:. 't/t""'it/1/ mnt, FTG,2 Infiorescen cacxis ofD iandrcTnthus nudipes,a. subsp nudipes, long hair scovering on the surface. b.gubsp.J,unnanensis, glabro uesn the surface. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 112 APG Yic)S14. . ,'T-7T7TrT-".7TT7T " 6 FT7Ti, . rEs.-s 6 8 o l -st- -- , loo '" G5g`-Y4-as:.MOthel .. Egz.er.ge3:. ,: t-t ttt:ttt-t 4.S. .-L. 4 'ii "!"""-f : 3 o ÷ ]'i 2 -- . 3 T : D. nudipes D. nudipes D. nepaiensis '-2・ .5 ・ -} subsp. nudipes subsp..yunnanensts n=s n=2S n=・20 2 ti ,/ ,, k , FiG. 4. Spikcle tlength variation in Diandrctnthu sT'h.e box 3. ] 3 ,4 ]5 S. 6 3.7 3.S 3,9 4 4.1 encompasses the 25th - 75th percentilc data intcrva wli,th the SpiketetlenethCmtt/) midline representing the median, The vertical bar repre- FIG,3r(fa9. c=3h2iDs8Ri, ea ilKnna)t.tteihmoo'ndsach nino ttpnbtd heiaptt ehs"to,s lseuo ebstsnppyi.kp e loenefut dfi plelfse:insgc tKahi nantnghd duv ovslannei ni-i gP tlBh keorfrd yssltueaeynm nstpdntslaic) n ,ft'e'fnh n''oees u ritr1sseeOi pndrtb eteaheste-t nt9wpths0e e<te hin p tOneDh,rt.e0 cnen5e uurm(nbdevtTri aTipu llhekie.se en sotmyufebe-as srnpKps,virka ealt nlauemh;rdteeeis p. drenmsoo'uttls t r iseapipnlgrdereisi e fsniurtcbasasnnpg,e ±a- Spikelet length. The lengt hof the spikelet has 1960 ,Liou 1987) .The glumes ofD, nepalensis are also been used as a taxonomic character (Lio 1u987, glabrous ,while those of both subspecies of D. 1994, 1997). Fig .4 shows a comparison spikelet nudipag are pubescent (Fi g5a,-c) .IIhe densit oyfthe length sfor all the taxa ofDiandranthus. Although hair son the glumes of D. nudipes varies widely D. ncpalensis tends to have shorter spikelets than D. and there is no discontinuit ybetween the two sub- nttdipes, the lengt hof the spikelets shows a wide species, The lower glume in Miscanthus wardii range ofvariation and everlap between the taxa .It is Bor (= D, nudipes subsp. nudipes in this paper) impossible to divid eall taxa using this character. and in D, tibeticus L. Liou (= =D. nudipes subsp, nudipes in this paper) have been reported to be CaHus hairs. The callus hairs at the base of the glabrous (Bo r1953, 1960; Liou 1987), butIhave spikelets ofDiandranthtts have been used as a key confimned that they are abaxialiy hairy .Although taxonomic character (Lio u1987, 1997) .The callus the hairs of D. nudipes subsp, yunnanensis tend to hair sofD. nepalensis are three times as long as the be longer than in subspecies nudipes, there is widc spikelet and make i teasy to distingui tshhis species variation and overlap between the two subspecies from the other taxa of the gcnus (Fi g5,c). Fig. 6 (Fi g6.); 1 - 3.5 mm long in subsp, nudipes versus 2 shows variation in the lengt hof the callus hairs - 4.7 mm long in subsp. yunnanensis. and glumes in D. nudipes. Although exhibiting a wide range ofvariation, the ratie ofthe lengt hofthe ttwn. The lengt hof the awn has been used asatax- callus hairs and glurn ehair sas a diagnost icchar- onomic characteristic (Ken g1959, Liou 1987), but acteristic will usually distingui ssuhbspecies. it varies widely and shows some overlap between species (Fig ,7). The spikelets of Diandranthus Hairs on the glume. The pubescence ofthe glumes are usually awned although the terminal spikelet , and the lengt hof the hair osn the glume surface have occasional]y has two awns (Fi g8.a) ,Simila rvari- been used as key characters in Diandianthu s(Bor ation is also found in the spikclcts of Miscanthus NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December2003 IBARAGI: Taxonomy of Diandtunthus (Poaceae) 113 FIG ,5, Spikelet osfDiandranthus. a. D. nudipes subsp. nudipes (Hooke irO, K). b. D. nudipes subsp.yunnanensis (Mair aennae I914 p). c. D. nepalensis (Mihag eet at, 9682 7)-5 T,su), d. A spikelet ofD. nudipes subsp. nudipes that have rather short callus hairs = (Kingdon-P 1F)i'r02f4 d,E). bar 1 mrn, s li1 ・- -- l・---- o / (},・o oe cl), o '1'-t'f 4EgE.3s.e1!2Ew ''' 1210g64. o ... . Ega:.s< 1 o ooo o o off'f'''1'f ... ±lt 'ef-f .t . oo /・g・/ . . e- c). . .'.-"L. F f i4 . 1 ff'/ . !) .nudipes D. nudipes D, nepaiensis suhsp.nudipes subsp.s'"nnanensis n=14 n=2S n=10 e 'f''t.t''''/ FIG. 7. Awn lengt hvariation in Diandranthus .The box encem- o 12 3 4 s 6 passes the 25th - 7Sth pcrcent idlatea inten'a lan,d the mid- ]in erepresents the median, The vcrtical bar represents the cat]ushairlength(mm) 1Oth - 90th percent iilncterva lt;he dot reprcscnts a sample Fl(,6-.. Comparison of the maxjmum length of the callus hair outside the intcrva lT.he means arc signifieantly difTk)rent and the glume hai rofDiandranihtis nttdipes subsp, nudipes aniong D.nttdipe ssubsp, yunnanensi sand D,nepalensi ast p and subsp. .vttnnanen sSiosli.d cirele: subsp. nttdipes. Open < O,05 (Tukey-Kram emurlt'ipsle rangc test) .''n" repre- circlc/ subsp. .vunnanensis. sentsthenumberofspikcicts. ' NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 114 APG Vbl.54 FIG. 8. The spikelet with two awns. This kind ofunusual spikelcts sometime found en the terminal ofinfiorcsccnce raceme. a. DiandTanthtt smtdipes subsp. mtdtPes (Aigt h73a4o, Kyo). b. Ml'scanthu osligostaciuius (foko.ya meta aL 97104070, Tus). bar = 5 mm. (Fi g8.b) .Liou (199 41,997) used awn length to dis- truncate ,ebtuse, dentate ,margin rarely ciliate. tinguish Diandranthus aris'tatus L. Liou (= D, Leaves linea tro linear-lanceola tfei,a th,erbaceous, nudipes subsp. yunnanensis in this paper) from graduall tyapering at both ends, margins scabrous, congeners. Howevcr, I consider awn length to be apex acuminate, sparsely pilose or glabreus. variablc and not usefu1 as a diagnost ichcaracteri s- Infioresccnce spanicles ,long exscrted, corymbi- tic in Diancfrantht{s. fbrm ,bearin gseveral racemes on a short axis. Axis denscl ylong pilos eor glabrou isn and under panicle. Pollen .The pollen grains ofDiandranthus are glo- Racemes branched or not, rachis glabrous, fiat- bose ,monoporate and with granulat seculpturing tened. Pedicels ofpaired spikelets unequal, com- <Fi g9.a-D, as generally seen ii iPoaccae (Acedo pressed, margins glabrous ,scabrous or ciliate. 1999) .The pollen ofDiandranthus shows no spe- Spikelets lanceolate ,dorsiventra lclomypressed, cific diversi tiyn morphology and is ofnearly uni- apex graduall ayttenuate, herbaceou osr coriaceous, form, same size among the species (Tabl e1), ,Thc light yellow to ligh tyellowish-browni oschc,asion- polle ngrains of il4iscanthus are simi]ar to those of ally with magenta spots, Callu shair snumerous, yel- Diandranthu s(Fi g9,g-i). low, white or purple on drie dspecimens, 115 to three times as long as spikelet, fa11i nwigth spikelet. Taxonomic treatment Lower glume lanceolat ec,hartaceous, shorter than or equaling upper glume, slightly 2-keeled apicaily, Diandranthus L. Liou, in Fl .Reipubl, Popularis margins folde dg,labrous or pilos eon folde dmargins Sin, 10 (2) 1:0, I997. n/p especies :Diandranthtts rarely or densel yso between keels ,gradually taper- 'ing nttdipes (Grise Lb, ,L)iou, in Fl, Reipubl P.opularis to apex, apex truncate, obtuse, emarginate, Sin. ,10 (2 )1:5. 1997. attenuate, acute or obtuse, margins of apex dentate or ciliatc. Upper glume lanceolat ech,artaceous, Herbs, perennia lI,thizomes short, with lus- gradually attcnuate to apex, apex acute, attenuate or trous scales. Nerves of scales many, prominent, obtuse, glabrou sor slightly hair yabaxially. Lower Culms erect from base, tcrete ,nodes smooth or fior estterile, without palea ;sterile lemma lanceolate, pubescent, Leaf sheath basarl yglabrous, apically membranaccous, hyaline t,apering to acute apex. ` hairy clollar pilosc or occasionally glabrous .Ligule Upper fiore fterti lhee,rmaphrodit icFe,rtil elemma NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December 20e3 IBARAGI: Taxonomy ofDiandranthus (Poaceae) 115 'k' at/"t ". / l ' lj'it t" - rv /. F]G, 9. SEM photograph sofpollcn grain sofDiandiunthus and it srelatcd taxa. a-c. D. nudipes subsp. nudipes (Alr iett aoL 1Oi2, TUS); d-£ D. nepaiensis (A4iha gete aL P6S2755, TUS); g-i .iW, saccharitlorus ( foneftur a114Z TUS). bar = lOpin in a, b, d, e, g. h. bar =Spminc,gi, lanceolat eh,yaline ,nerve 1 , apex acute, attenuate or 1. Diandranthus nudipes CGrise Lb, .L)iou [i nC. bifid ,awn straight, bent or geniculat seca,bcrulose. Yl Wu, Fl. Xizang. 5: 312. 1987. comb. invalid i,n; Palealanceolate,hyaline.Lodicules2 W. T.Wang Vasc.Pl,Hengduan Mts. 2: or absent, et al,, Stamens 2, anthers orange, brown or purple .Styles 2298. 1994. comb, invalid .i]n S, L. Chen, Fl. 2, from ReipublP.opulariSsin.IO(2)1:5.1997.-Erianthus stigma plumose, purple, exserted apex of spikelet. nudipes Griseb .in Nachr K6nigl .Ges. Wiss, Georg- Distribtttio nC:HINA, NEPAL, INDIA a'nd Augusts-Univ. 1868: 92, 1868, - Miscanthus nudipes MAL,rv PENINSULA. (GriscHba.c)k.inA,DC,,Monogr, Phan,6:109, Key totaxa 1 Hairs ofcallus shorter than spikelet; spikelets 3-6 mm leng ...,............,.,,,,. ,1,,.D,., ,n.udipes 2, Callushairs1-5,5 long, hairy mm usua]ly equaling spikclct; axis of panicle or occasionally glabrous ,.,,......,,,.........,.........,......,,.,,,.,,,.,,, ,1,-.1, ,,,D,,. n,t,{.di,p.e,s, ,subsp. nudipes 2, Callus hair s0,1-3 mm long ,usually 1!4-lf 5as long as spikelet; axis ofpanicle glabrous ............ ...............,...................,..................... ..1.-.2.. .D... n.u.d.ip.e.s.. .s.u.bsp.yunnanensis 1. Hairs ofcallus three times longe rthan spikelet; spikelets 2-3. 5mm long ........, .2... D, nqpaiensis NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 116 APG M}1, 54 1889 ;Hook. fl ,Fl, Brit Ind, :107. 1897; Keng in Fl. (Holoty pGoeET 1; Isotype K ! ,Fig, 1O) Ill.Pl.Prim.Sin.Gramineae:754.1959;Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan: 196. 1-1. Diandranthus nudipes (Gris eLb, .Li)ou subsp. 1960; Y, N. Lee in J. Jap, Bot. 39 (1O )2:97. 1964; nudipes Moulik, Grasse s& Bamboos India 1: 315.1997 .- Miscanthu staylorii Bor in Kew Bull .8: 273. 7)we:Sikkim, 9-13000 feet,l D. H [ooker1]0, 1953;Bor, GrassesBurma, Ceylon, India & i// t ttt/ttt ・ ・,' ・l'I' \I"iijewll'l・eei.lii・l sts' tstltv {iiigskrk eestt-t.t £.・/・ x ・! .l/i・/,,・ .e"' $ ill'i f tt./.,.fr < tt ti i g 't'i' in・ g #Ii;tfi lli・ ll g'- . tkt . X iitiv ・ i.'.m.a. '..".."..'.k.lm,mm.al'l FEG. 1O. Holoty'p 'ofe Diandranihus nudipes (Grise Lb,. L)iou suhsp. nttdij)es NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December2003 IBARAGI: TaxQnumy efDiandranthus (Peaceae) 117 Pakistan :r96, 1960; Y, N. Lee in J, Jap ,Bot. 39 or glabrou sin and below panicl eR,acemcs 5-13 (10 )2:97. 1964 - Miscanthus nudipes (Griseb.c)m long, unbranched. Pedicels of paire dspikelets Hack. subsp. taylorii (Bor Y)l N. Lee in J. Korean unequal, 2.8- 5mm and 1-2. 5mm long respectively, Pl ,Taxon 3: 18. 1971; Moulik, Grasses & Bamboos Spikele t3s-6 mm long excluding awn, 1-1.2 mm India 1: 315, I997, - Diandi"anthu staylorii (Bor )L, wide, herbaceous ,ligh tyellowish brown with LiQu [i nC. Y Wu, Fl. Xizang ,5: 31O. 1987, comb. magenta spots. Callus hairs 1-5.8 mm long, ca. invali di,n ]S. L. Chen, Fl .Reipubl P.opular iSsin .1O 415 as long as spikelet (Fi g5a.). Lower glume 2-7- (2)1:4.1997.1)tpCeH:INA, S.E.Tibet,Kongbo folded betweenkeels nerved, rnargins and rarely Prov,,Tur nLa, Nayu, 11,OOOft, C,ommon in open pilose h,air s1-3, 5mm long ,apex acute or obtuse, swampy meadow 2-3ft high. E,. Ludlow, G. Sherrijredge cMate, shorter than or equaling upper glume. & G. 7inyl o5r799 (Holoty pBMe :!) Upper glume 1-3-nerve d,Steri lleemma 3,5 mm Miscanthu swardii Bor in Kew Bull ,8: 274. long ,without distin cnetrves, upper margins ciliate, 1953;Bor,GrassesBurma, Ceylon,India& Fertilleemma 3.5 long, mm apex acute, slightly Pakistan :196, 1960. - n{fiscanth unsudipes (Griseb.ci)liate on upper margins, awn 5-15 mm long, Hack. subsp. waidii (Bo rY) N. Lee in J. Korean Pl, straight, Lodicule s2, truncate, ca. O.5 mm long. Taxon 3: 18. 1971 ;Moulik ,Grasse s& Bamboos Anther s1.7-2. 2mm long, orange, brown or purple. lndia 1: 315. 1997,- [Diandran twahnttii{ s(Bor L). Stigmas ca. 2 mm long. Liou in C, Y. Wu, Fl .Xizang, 5: 31 1, 1987 ,comb. Distribttt i(oFni g1.1) ieastem NERAL (ca. invalid. ]- 7)tpe :Assam, Dichu gorge :Lohit val- 3500 m), Sikkim C2640-2 8m)0,0 Assam (ca .1500 ley .4500,' F. Kinsidbn - vain, 1d9328 (I{olot Ky p!)e:m), BHUTIAN (2700-3 0m)0,0 CHINA (195 03-600 Diandr"anthus cor.vmbosus L, Liou [i nC. Y. m). Wu, Fl. Xizang. 5: 312. 1987 nom. invalid .i]n S. L. AJbtes :The fo11owing are conspecific with Chen, Fl .Reipubl .Populari Ssin .10 (2) 1:6, 1997, Diandranthus nudipes subsp. nudipes. - .7[)i pXei:zang, Nyingchi, 3200 m, G, W, C7iang 87 1) MiLs'canth utsaylorii was distinguishe dfrorn (Holoty ppEe n:.v.) Diandiuntht ntudsipes by differen cien sthe shape of Diandranthus tibeticus L. Liou [i nC. Y. VVu, the apex ofthe lower glume (Bo r1953, 1960, Liou Fl. Xizang. 5: 30g. 1987 nom. invalid .;in W. T. 1997). Lee (1971 h)o,wever, noted that the shape of Wang ct al. Visc .Pl .Hengduan Mts. 2: 2296. 1994 the apex ofthe lower glume varics cvcn within an nom. invalid ,i]n S, L, Chen, Fl, Reipubl, Popularis individua land it is impossible to use as a taxo- Sin.10(2)1i3.1997.-li{pXei:zang:Bomi Xian, nomic character, rlbng mai along the Bo tou fu bu River 2080 m., Z 2) A4iseanth uwasidii was separated from its S. }7ng etD. }1 Hbng 650779 (Holoty ppEe ! :), congeners by the glabrous lower glume, the trtmcate lower long apex ofthe glume and spikelets as as, or Roots 2 mm thick, Culms 20-140 cm tall ,2-8 longcr ,than the rachis internode(Bor 1953, 1960), mm thick. Leaf sheath basall yglabrous, apically Thosc differenc erespresent intraspeci fyairication ha{ry h,air swhite, 2 min long ;collar densel ypilose, within Diandranthu snttdipes subsp. nudipes (Fig. Ligule 1-1. 5mm long, trun¢ate, chartaceeus, margin 3). dentate .Leaves Iinear ,6-35 cm long, 2-15 mm 3) Diandranthus tibeticus was noted by Liou wide, midvein prominent, both surfaces sparingly (1987 t)o have "spiculae 5(-6) mm longae," "arista pilosc ,hair ssoft, 4 mm long .Panicl e5-19 cm 1O-15 mm longa" and "D. nu`ipedi (Hack .L). Liou long ,1-10 cm wide, bearin g3-15 racemes on a comparanda scd ab eo spiculae gluma inferiore short axis, Axis 2-8.5 cm long, densely long pilose apice acuta, glabra ,aristis longioribus ..I .h"ave NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 118 APG Nbl.54 FTG. t 1 , Distributio nmap ofDiandranthus nudipes and subsp. .vunnanens iOs=.. -subsp. nudipes'; D=:stth.sp.yunnanensis. seen spikelets (Fi g4.) and awns (Fi g7,) as large on 39 (10) :297. 1964. - Diandranthus brevipihts many specimens throughout the range ofD. nudipes (Hand,-Maz zL,. )Liou [i nW, T. Wang et al. Vasc. subsp. nudipes and the difTerenc aeres recognized as Pl .Hengduan Mts. 2: 2297. 1994 .¢omb. invali di,n] intraspec ivafriiactions. I therefor etrea tD. tibeticus S, L. Chen, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 10 (2) :16, as a synonym ofD. nudipes subsp. nudipes', 18. 1997. - ZJt pCeH:INA, northwesterri YUnnan, 4) Diancimnthu csoi7mbostts was distinguishedF6hrenwalder der tp. St. am Hange des Waha bei from D. nudipes on the size of the spikelets and 1fungriin g3,200 m, H, F. v, Hinndel - imzzetti 7073, lengt hof the callus hair s(Lio u1987), but such (Holety pweu: !) variation in these characters can be seen in D, tl4iscanthus eiilalioides Keng in Sinensi a10 nudipes subsp. nudipes (Fig 4s, .6). (1/6 )2:88, 1939; Keng, Fl. Ill .Pl. Prim, Sin. Gramineae752-753,Fig,696.1959;YlN. Lee inJ. 1-2. Diandranthlls nudipes (Grise Lb.L.i)ou subsp, Jap. Bot. 39 (10) :296, 1964. - Diandranthus yunnanensis (A.Camu sI)barag jcomb. noy. - etttatioicies (Keng L)iou [i nW. T. Wang et at, Vasc. Miscanthu snudipes (Grisc bI.la)ck ,subsp. Pl .Hengduan Mts, 2, 2297. 1994 ,comb. invali di.n] .vunna- nensis A. Camus in Bull. Mus. Hist Nat. Pari s25: S. L. Chen, Fl .Reipubl .Popularis Sin. 10 (2) :15, 670. 1919 ,- thscanthu syunnanensis (A .Camus) 1997. -Tltp CeH:INA, YUnnan, eastern slopes of Keng in Sinensia 10 (116 )2:90. 1939. - Likiang Snow Range, Yangtze watershed, J, F. Diandranthu ysunnanensis (A .Camus) L. Liou in S. Rock 10832 (Holoty puse, [Photo TKpM !) L, Chen,Fl.Reipubl.PopularisSin,10 C2)1:4. Miscanthus [KenginKeng,Fl. scechuanensis 1997, - 1)tp eC:HINA: YUnnan, col]ines arides L Ill P,l ,Prim. Sin .Gramineae 754. 1959 .nom, nud.; Tong-chouan,2500-2600 1914,E.E, Y,N.LeeinJ.Jap.Bot,39(1O)2:97,1964. m., annee nom. Maire, (Isotyp !e ,:Fipg .12) nud.] ex Zhong in J. Southwest Agric. Coll. 1(4): Miscanthu sbtevipil tHtasnd.-Mazz ,in Symb. 80-81 .1982; [Dianth'a ,nstzehcuhusanensi s(Ken egx Sin .7i 1306 .1936; Keng, Fl. IIL PL Prim, Sin. Zhong) L. Liou in W. T, Wang et aL Vasc. Pl. Gramineae 751-752 .1959 ;Y, N. Lee in J. Jap. Bot. Hengduan Mts. 2. 2297. 1994. comb. invalid. ]- NII-Electronic Library Service

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