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The Tank Factory : British Military Vehicle Development and the Chobham Establishment PDF

278 Pages·2015·5.47 MB·English
by  Suttie
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book was compiled with inputs, encouragement and support from many people who worked at or had associations with the establishment. Particular mention is made of the following people for their contributions: Ian Burch Brian Clark Alan Cooper Simon Davis Paul Fenne Thomas Forbes Dave King Colin Newell Richard Rawlins Neil Service Neil Sparshott Derek Talbot Julian Walker CONTENTS Title Acknowledgements Author’s Note Abbreviations Introduction 1 The Birth of the Tank 2 British Tank Development Following the First World War 3 Vehicle Testing in the Interwar Years 4 Rearmament 5 Tank Development in the Second World War and the Role of the DTD 6 Vehicle Testing During the Second World War 7 Chobham Common 8 Post-war Evolution of the Chertsey Establishment 9 Development of the Chertsey Site 10 Chertsey Facilities 11 Equipment, Concepts, Designs and Development 12 Survivability Research and Development at Chertsey 13 Mobility Research at Chertsey 14 Fighting and Subsystem Research at Chertsey 15 Special Devices Appendix A: Genealogy of Chertsey Appendix B: Lineage of Director MVEE Appendix C: Longcross Test Track Facilities Bibliography Copyright AUTHOR’S NOTE This book has been compiled using information from a significant number of documents and resources; the key open-source documents are listed in the bibliography. Most importantly, I have been able to have access to a significant number of MOD reports, and hence I include much information that has never been published before and ensure that, as far as possible, all the information within this book is correct. A large number of MOD reports used are still classified and, therefore, are not listed in this book. Where open-source literature and Internet sources have been used, information has been checked for coherence with information from official reports. An interesting aspect of compiling this document is to see how in these days of the World Wide Web incorrect ‘facts’ become widely repeated and quoted on different websites until they are assumed to be right. Some of the best, and most interesting, inputs have been provided by ex- members of staff who have sent me stories, facts and pictures. It was the staff who made the Chertsey establishment the successful place it was, and so these personal inputs are valued. This book contains a large number of pictures never before published. Many come from MOD reports and are used with permission, but others have been sent by ex-members of staff, or are pictures from my own collection. Some of the pictures are of poor quality, having been taken from electronic scanned copies of old documents, but these have been included because they are of specific interest. The resulting document is likely to have many omissions and despite the checks may have some errors. Any additional information or corrections are always welcome. I am grateful to the Ministry of Defence, and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in particular, for permission to publish this document and to use information and pictures from MOD sources. ABBREVIATIONS ACAVP Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Programme AD Assistant Director AEV Armoured Engineer Vehicle ALPS Advanced Land Platform System APC Armoured Personnel Carrier APDS Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot APFSDS Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot ARRV Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle ASC Army Service Corps ASPAT Air-portable Self Propelled Anti-Tank AT Anti-Tank ATDT Automatic Target Detection and Tracking ATSA Army Technical Support Agency AVLB Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge AVR Armoured Vehicle Reconnaissance AVRE Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers BAC British Aircraft Corporation BAOR British Army Of the Rhine BARV Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle BTID Battlefield Target Identification Device BEF British Expeditionary Force CAC Climatic and Altitude Chamber CER Controller Establishments and Research CET Combat Engineer Tractor CHIP Chieftain/Challenger Improvement Programme CIA Chief Inspector of Artillery CR1 Challenger 1 CRARRV Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle CTDP Component Technology Demonstrator Programme CVCC Complete Vehicle Climatic Chamber CVR(T) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) CVR(W) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Wheeled) DD Duplex Drive (Swimming Tank system) DD Deputy Director DD(M) Design Department (Mechanical) DD(V) Design Department (Vehicles) DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency DFWES Direct Fire Weapon Effects Simulator DIT Driver In Turret DLO Defence Logistics Organisation DO Drawing Office DO Drawing Office DOE Department Of the Environment DRA Defence Research Agency DRIFT Driving Remotely In Following Truck DSEi Defence Systems and Equipment International Dstl Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DTD Department of Tank Design DTD&E Department of Tank Design and Experimentation ECU Engine Control Unit EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EM gun Electromagnetic gun EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal ETL Engineering Test Laboratories FCR Fire Control Rig FCTP Fire Control Technical Programme FLAV Future Light Armoured Vehicle FMBT Future Main Battle Tank FRES Future Rapid Effects System FV Fighting Vehicle FVDD Fighting Vehicles Design Department FVPE Fighting Vehicles Proving Establishment FVRDE Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment GS General Service HE High Explosive HEAT High Explosive Anti-Tank HESH High Explosive Squash Head hp Horsepower HQ Headquarters IDCE Integrated Driving Control Experiment IED Improvised Explosive Device IFCS Improved Fire Control System IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle KE Kinetic Energy kW Kilowatt LCS Landing Craft Ship LCT Landing Craft Tank LP Liquid Propellant MAID Mobile Autonomous Intelligent Device MARDI Mobile Advanced Robotics Defence Initiative MBT Main Battle Tank MEE Mechanical Experimental Establishment MEXE Military Engineering Experimental Establishment MCV80 Mechanised Combat Vehicle 80 MGB Medium Girder Bridge MGO Master General of the Ordnance MICV Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle MLRS Multi-Launch Rocket System MMP Mean Maximum Pressure MOD Ministry of Defence MT Motor Transport MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment MWEE Mechanised Warfare Experimental Establishment MWSD Mechanical Warfare Supply Department NBC Nuclear Biological Chemical NEC Network Enabled Capability NGP Nominal Ground Pressure ODP Operational Demonstrator Programme OF Ordnance Factory PANTILI Panoramic Thermal Imager Laser Integrated PE Procurement Executive PERME Propellants Explosives and Rocket Motors Establishment POL Petrol Oils and Lubricants PPP Public Private Partnership PSA Property Services Agency R&D Research and Development RA Royal Artillery RAC Royal Armoured Corps RAF Royal Air Force RARDE Royal Armaments Research and Development Establishment RASC Royal Army Service Corps RE Royal Engineers REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RMG Ranging Machine Gun RNAS Royal Naval Air Service ROF Royal Ordnance Factory ROVA Road Vehicle Autonomous RSRE Royal Signals and Radar Establishment RTC Royal Transport Corps RUDA Reduced Update Driving Aid SAE Special Armour Establishment SC Shaped Charge SCAR Signature Classification And Reduction SID Signature Integration Demonstrator SITV Sprung Idler Test Vehicle SP Self Propelled SP70 Self Propelled Gun 70 – Joint UK-German project SPAT Self Propelled Anti-Tank SRV Suspension Research Vehicle STAMPLAR Sight, Thermal, Armoured, Periscope, Laser Ranging STT School of Tank Technology SVDC Special Vehicle Development Committee TD&E Trials Design and Experimentation TDU Trials and Development Unit TED Tom Elliott Detector TICM Thermal Imager Common Module TOG ‘The Old Gang’ TOGS Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight TS Dept Tank Supply Department TVA Test Vehicle Aluminium URV Unmanned Research Vehicle VE Vehicle Engineering VE Vehicle Engineering VSI Vehicle Systems Integration WASAD Wide Area Surveillance and Aided Detection WSD Weapon System Demonstrator WVEE Wheeled Vehicles Experimental Establishment

Overview: Despite being the inventor of the tank and responsible for campaign-winning tactics, by the start of the Second World War the United Kingdom had fallen well behind other nations in the design and build of armoured vehicles. Here, William Suttie uncovers the history of tank design from a go
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