THE TAME AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF AN AFFINE QUADRIC THREEFOLD ACTING ON A SQUARE COMPLEX 4 CINZIABISI,JEAN-PHILIPPEFURTERANDSTE´PHANELAMY 1 0 2 Abstract. WestudythegroupTame(SL )oftameautomorphismsofasmooth 2 t affine 3-dimensional quadric, which we can view as the underlying variety of c SL (C). We construct a square complex on which the group admits a natural O 2 cocompactaction,andweprovethatthecomplexisCAT(0)andhyperbolic.We 1 proposetwoapplicationsofthisconstruction: Weshowthatanyfinitesubgroup inTame(SL )islinearizable,andthatTame(SL )satisfiestheTitsalternative. 2 2 ] R G . h t Contents a m Introduction 2 [ 1. Preliminaries 5 3 1.1. Tame(SL2) 6 1.2. Orthogonalgroup 8 v 2. SquareComplex 12 3 2.1. Definitions 12 5 1 2.2. Transitivityandstabilizers 14 6 2.3. Isometries 18 . 2.4. Firstproperties 19 2 2.5. Tame(An)actingonasimplicialcomplex 19 1 K 3. Geometryofthecomplex 21 3 1 3.1. Linksofvertices 21 : 3.2. Simpleconnectedness 24 v 3.3. Hyperbolicity 28 i X 4. Amalgamatedproductstructures 30 4.1. Stabilizerof[x ] 30 r 1 a 4.2. Productoftrees 34 5. Applications 38 5.1. Linearizability 38 5.2. Titsalternative 40 6. Complements 44 6.1. Examples 44 6.2. Furthercomments 48 Annex 51 A.1. Mainresult 51 A.2. Lowerbounds 52 A.3. Proofofthemainresult 56 References 59 ThisresearchwaspartiallysupportedbyANRGrant“BirPol”ANR-11-JS01-004-01,bytheRe- searchNetworkProgramGDRE-GRIFGAandbyGNSAGA-INDAM,Rome,Italy. 1 THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 2 Introduction The structure of transformation groups of rational surfaces is quite well under- stood. Bycontrast,thehigherdimensionalcaseisstillessentiallyaterraincognita. Thispaperisanattempttoexploresomeaspectsoftransformationgroupsofratio- nal3-folds. The ultimate goal would be to understand the structure of the whole Cremona groupBir(P3). Sincethisseemsquiteaformidabletask,itisnaturaltobreakdown the study by looking atsome natural subgroups ofBir(P3), withthe hope that this gives an idea of the properties to expect in general. We now list a few of these subgroups, inordertogiveafeelingaboutwhereourmodestsubgroup Tame(SL ) 2 fitsintothebiggerpicture. AfirstnaturalsubgroupisthemonomialgroupGL (Z), 3 whereamatrix(a )isidentifiedtoabirational mapofC3 bytaking ij (x,y,z) d (xa11ya12za13,xa21ya22za23,xa31ya32za33). Anothernaturalsubgroup isthegroupofpolynomialautomorphisms ofC3. These two examples seem at first glance quite different in nature, nevertheless it turns out that both are contained in the subgroup Bir (P3) of birational transformations 0 of genus 0, which are characterized by the fact that they admit a resolution by blowing-up points and rational curves (see [Fru73, Lam13]). On the other hand, it is known (see [Pan99]) that given a smooth curve C of arbitrary genus, there exists an element f of Bir(P3) with the property that any resolution of f must involve theblow-up ofacurveisomorphic toC. Sowemustbeawarethatevenif a full understanding of the group Aut(C3) still seems far out of reach, this group Aut(C3)issuchasmallsubgroup ofBir(P3)thatitmightturnoutnottobeagood representative ofthewealthofproperties ofthewholegroupBir(P3). GL (Z) 3 ⊃ Bir(P3) Bir (P3) Aut(C3) Tame(C3) 0 ⊃ ⊃ ⊃ Aut(SL ) Tame(SL ) ⊃ 2 ⊃ 2 Figure1. Afewsubgroups ofBir(P3). ThegroupAut(C3)isjustaspecialinstanceofthefollowingconstruction: given a rational affine 3-fold V, the group Aut(V) can be identified with a subgroup of Bir(P3). Apart from V = C3, another interesting example is when V C4 is ⊆ an affine quadric 3-fold, say V is the underlying variety of SL . In this case the 2 groupAut(V)stillseemsquiteredoubtablydifficulttostudy. Weareleadtomakea further restriction and toconsider only the smaller group oftame automorphisms, eitherinthecontextofV = C3 orSL . 2 The definition of the tame subgroup for Aut(Cn) is classical. Let us recall it in dimension 3. The tame subgroup Tame(C3) is the subgroup of Aut(C3) generated THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 3 by the affine group A = GL ⋉C3 and by elementary automorphisms of the form 3 3 (x,y,z) (x + P(y,z),y,z). A natural analogue in the case of an affine quadric 7→ 3-fold was given recently in [LV13]. This is the group Tame(SL ), which will be 2 themainobjectofourstudyinthispaper. When we consider the 2-dimensional analogues of the groups in Figure 1, we obtain in particular the Cremona group Bir(P2), the monomial group GL (Z) and 2 the group of polynomial automorphisms Aut(C2). A remarkable feature of these groupsisthattheyalladmitnaturalactionsonsomesortofhyperbolic spaces. For instance the group SL (Z) acts on the hyperbolic half-plane H2, since PSL (Z) 2 2 ⊆ PSL (R) Isom (H2). But SL (Z) also acts on the Bass-Serre tree associated 2 + 2 ≃ with the structure of amalgamated product SL (Z) Z/4 Z/6. A tree, or the 2 Z/2 ≃ ∗ hyperbolic planeH2,arebotharchetypal examplesofspaceswhicharehyperbolic inthesenseofGromov. ThegroupAut(C2)alsoadmitsastructureofamalgamated product. This is the classical theorem of Jung and van der Kulk, which states that Aut(C2) = A E ,where A and E arerespectively thesubgroups ofaffine and triangula2r∗aAu2t∩oEm2or2phisms. So2 Aut(C22) also admits an action on a Bass-Serre tree,andweknowsincetheworkofDanilovandGizatullin [GD77]thatthesame istrueformanyotheraffinerational surfaces. Finally, itwasrecently realized that thewholegroupBir(P2)alsoactsonahyperbolicspace,viaacompletelydifferent construction: By simultaneously considering all possible blow-ups over P2, it is possible toproduce aninfinitedimensional analogue ofH2 onwhichtheCremona groupactsbyisometries (see[Can11,CL13]). Withthesefactsinmind,givena3-dimensional transformation groupitisnatu- raltolookforanaction ofthisgroup onsomespaces withnon-positive curvature, in a sense to be made precise. Considering the case of monomial maps, we have a natural action of SL (Z) on the symmetric space SL (R)/SO (R), see [BH99, 3 3 3 II.10]. The later space is a basic example of a CAT(0) symmetric space. Re- call that aCAT(0) space is a geodesic metric space where all triangles are thinner than their comparison triangles in the Euclidean plane. We take this as a hint that Bir(P3) or some of its subgroups should act on spaces of non-positive curvature. Atthemomentitisnotclearhowtoimitatetheconstruction byinductivelimitsof blow-ups to obtain a space say with the CAT(0) property, so we try to generalize instead the more combinatorial approach of the action on a Bass-Serre tree. The group Tame(C3) does not possess an obvious structure of amalgamated product over two of its subgroups. We should mention here that it was recently observed in[Wri13]thatthegroupTame(C3)canbedescribed astheamalgamationofthree of its subgroups along pairwise intersections; in fact a similar structure exists for the Cremona group Bir(P2) as was noted again by Wright a long time ago (see [Wri92]). Such an algebraic structure yields an action of Tame(C3) on a natural simplyconnected2-dimensionalsimplicialcomplex. Howeveritisstillnotclearif this complex has good geometric properties, and so it is not immediate to answer thefollowing: Question A. Is there a natural action of Tame(C3) on some hyperbolic and/or CAT(0)space? THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 4 Of course, this question is rather vague. In our mind an action on some hyper- bolicspacewouldqualify asa“goodanswer” toQuestionAifitallowstoanswer thefollowingquestions, whichweconsidertobebasictestsaboutourunderstand- ingofthegroup: QuestionB. Isanyfinitesubgroup inTame(C3)linearizable? QuestionC. DoesTame(C3)satisfytheTitsalternative? To put this into a historical context, let us review briefly the similar questions in dimension 2. The fact that any finite subgroup in Aut(C2) is linearizable is classical (see for instance [Kam79, Fur83]). The Tits alternative for Aut(C2) and Bir(P2) were proved respectively in [Lam01] and [Can11], and the proofs involve theactions onthehyperbolic spacespreviously mentioned. Nowwecometothegroup Tame(SL ). Wedefineitastherestriction toSL of 2 2 thesubgroupTame (C4)ofAut(C4)generatedbyO andE2,whereO isthecom- q 4 4 4 plexorthogonalgroupassociatedwiththequadraticformgivenbythedeterminant q= x x x x ,and 1 4 2 3 − x x x x + x P(x ,x ) E2 = 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 ; P C[x ,x ] . 4 ( x3 x4! 7→ x3 x4+ x3P(x1,x3)! ∈ 1 3 ) One possible generalization of simplicial trees are CAT(0) cube complexes (see [Wis12]). We briefly explain how we construct a square complex on which this group acts cocompactly (butcertainly notproperly!). Each element ofTame(SL ) 2 can be written as f = f1 f2 . Modulo some identifications that we will make f3 f4 precise in Section 2, we(cid:16)assoc(cid:17)iate vertices to each component f, to each row or i column (f , f ), (f , f ), (f , f ), (f , f ) and to the whole automorphism f. On 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 the other hand, (undirected) edges correspond to inclusion of a component inside a row or column, or of a row or column inside an automorphism. This yields a graph, on which we glue squares to fill each loop of four edges (see Figure 3), to finallyobtainasquarecomplex . C In this paper we answer analogues of Questions A to C in the context of the group Tame(SL ). Themainingredient inourproofs isanatural action byisome- 2 triesonthecomplex ,whichadmitsgoodgeometricproperties: C TheoremA. Thesquarecomplex isCAT(0)andhyperbolic. C Asasampleofpossible applications ofsuchaconstruction weobtain: Theorem B. Any finite subgroup in Tame(SL ) is linearizable, that is, conjugate 2 toasubgroup oftheorthogonal groupO . 4 Theorem C. The group Tame(SL ) satisfies the Tits alternative, that is, for any 2 subgroupG Tame(SL )wehave: 2 ⊆ (1) eitherGcontains asolvable subgroup offiniteindex; (2) orGcontains afreesubgroup ofrank2. Thepaper isorganized asfollows. InSection 1wegather some definitions and facts about the groups Tame(SL ) and O . The square complex is constructed in 2 4 THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 5 Section 2, and some of its basic properties are established. Then in Section 3 we studyitsgeometry: linksofvertices,non-positivecurvature,simpleconnectedness, hyperbolicity. Inparticular,weobtainaproofofTheoremA.Instudyingthegeom- etryofthesquare complexonerealizes thatsomesimplicial treesnaturally appear assubstructures, forinstancesinthelinkofsomevertices,orashyperplanesofthe complex. Atthe algebraic level this translates into the existence of many amalga- mated product structures for subgroups of Tame(SL ). In Section 4 we study in 2 detailssomeoftheseproducts,whicharereminiscentofRussiannestingdolls(see Figure 14). Groups acting on CAT(0) spaces satisfy nice properties: for instance anysuch finitegroup admitsafixedpoint. InSection 5weexploit suchgeometric properties togiveaproof ofTheoremsBandC.InSection6wegivesomeexam- plesofelliptic, parabolic andloxodromic subgroups, whichappear intheproof of theTitsalternative. Wealsobrieflydiscuss thecaseofTame(C3),commentonthe recent related work[Wri13],and propose someopenquestions. Finally wegather in an annex some reworked results from [LV13] about the theory of elementary reductions onthegroupsTame(SL )andTame (C4). 2 q 1. Preliminaries We identify C4 with the space of 2 2 complex matrices. So a polynomial × automorphism f ofC4 isdenoted by x x f f f: 1 2 1 2 , x3 x4! 7→ f3 f4! where f C[x ,x ,x ,x ] for 1 i 4, or simply by f = f1 f2 . We choose i ∈ 1 2 3 4 ≤ ≤ f3 f4 to work with the smooth affine quadric given by the equation(cid:16)q = (cid:17)1, where q = x x x x isthedeterminant: 1 4 2 3 − x x SL = 1 2 ; x x x x = 1 . 2 ( x3 x4! 1 4− 2 3 ) We insist that we use this point of view for notational convenience, but we are interestedonlyintheunderlyingvarietyofSL . InparticularAut(SL )isthegroup 2 2 ofautomorphism ofSL asanaffinevariety, andnotasanalgebraic group. 2 We denote by Aut (C4) the subgroup of Aut(C4) of automorphisms preserving q thequadratic formq: Aut (C4) = f Aut(C4); q f = q . q { ∈ ◦ } We will often denote an element f Aut (C4) in an abbreviated form such as q ∈ f = f1 f2 : Here the dots should be replaced by the unique polynomial f such f3 ... 4 that (cid:16)f f (cid:17) f f = x x x x . We call Tame (C4) the subgroup of Aut (C4) 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 q q − − generated by O and E2, where O = Aut (C4) GL is the complex orthogonal 4 4 4 q ∩ 4 groupassociated withq,and E2 isthegroupdefinedas 4 x x + x P(x ,x ) E2 = 1 2 1 1 3 ; P C[x ,x ] . 4 ( x3 x4+ x3P(x1,x3)! ∈ 1 3 ) THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 6 Wedenotebyρ: Aut (C4) Aut(SL )thenaturalrestriction map,andwedefine q 2 → the tame group of SL , denoted by Tame(SL ), to be the image of Tame (C4) 2 2 q by ρ. We also define STame (C4) as the subgroup of index 2 in Tame (C4) of q q automorphismswithlinearpartinSO ,andthespecialtamegroupSTame(SL ) = 4 2 ρ(STame (C4)). q Remark 1.1. The morphism ρ is clearly injective in restriction to O and to E2: 4 4 This justifies that we will consider O and E2 as subgroups of Tame(SL ). On 4 4 2 the other hand it is less clear if ρ induces an isomorphism between Tame (C4) q and Tame(SL ): It turns out to be true, but we shall need quite alot of machinery 2 before being in position to prove it (see Proposition 4.19). Nevertheless by abuse ofnotation if f = f1 f2 isanelementofTame (C4)wewillalsoconsider f asan f3 f4 q element of Tame(S(cid:16)L ), t(cid:17)he morphism ρ being implicit. See also Section 6.2.2 for 2 otherquestions around therestriction morphismρ. TheKleinfour-group V willbeconsidered asthefollowingsubgroup ofO : 4 4 x x x x x x V = id, 4 2 , 1 3 , 4 3 . 4 ( x3 x1! x2 x4! x2 x1!) Inparticular V contains thetranspose automorphism τ= x1 x3 . 4 x2 x4 (cid:0) (cid:1) 1.1. Tame(SL ). Wenow review some results which are essentially contained in 2 [LV13]. However, weadopt some slightly different notations and definitions. For the convenience of the reader, we give self-contained proofs of all needed results inanannex. We define a degree function on C[x ,x ,x ,x ] with value in N4 by 1 2 3 4 ∪ {−∞} taking deg x = (2,1,1,0) deg x = (1,2,0,1) C4 1 C4 2 deg x = (1,0,2,1) deg x = (0,1,1,2) C4 3 C4 4 and by convention deg 0 = . We use the graded lexicographic order on C4 −∞ N4 to compare degrees. We obtain a degree function on the algebra C[SL ] = 2 C[x ,x ,x ,x ]/(q 1)bysetting 1 2 3 4 − degp = min deg r; r p mod (q 1) . C4 { ≡ − } Wedefinetwonotions ofdegreeforanautomorphism f = f1 f2 Tame(SL ): f3 f4 ∈ 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) degsum f = deg f; i 1Xi 4 ≤ ≤ degmax f = max deg f. i 1 i 4 ≤ ≤ Lemma1.2. Let f beanelementinTame(SL ). 2 (1) Foranyu O ,wehavedegmax f = degmaxu f. 4 ∈ ◦ (2) Wehave f O ifandonlyifdegmax f = (2,1,1,0). 4 ∈ Proof. (1) Clearlydegmaxu f degmax f,andsimilarlywegetdegmax f = ◦ ≤ degmaxu 1 (u f) degmaxu f. − ◦ ◦ ≤ ◦ THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 7 (2) This follows from the fact that if P C[x ,x ,x ,x ] with deg P = 1 2 3 4 C4 ∈ (i, j,k,l),thentheordinary degreeofPistheaverage 1(i+ j+k+l). (cid:3) 4 The degree degsum was the one used in [LV13], with a different choice of weights with value in N3. Because of the nice properties in Lemma 1.2 we pre- fertousedegmax,together withtheabove choice ofweights. Thechoice tousea degreefunction withvalueinN4 ismainlyforaesthetic reasons, ontheotherhand the property that the ordinary degree is recovered by taking mean was the main impulse tochange theinitial choice. Fromnow onwewillneveruse degsum,and wesimplydenotedeg = degmax. An elementary automorphism (resp. a generalized elementary automor- phism)isanelemente Tame(SL )oftheform 2 ∈ x x + x P(x ,x ) e = u 1 2 1 1 3 u 1 x3 x4+ x3P(x1,x3)! − where P C[x ,x ], u V (resp. u O ). Note that any elementary automor- 1 3 4 4 ∈ ∈ ∈ phismbelongsto(atleast)oneofthefoursubgroupsE12,E ,E1,E2ofTame(SL ) 34 3 4 2 respectively definedasthesetofelementsoftheform x + x Q(x ,x ) x + x Q(x ,x ) x x 1 3 3 4 2 4 3 4 , 1 2 , x3 x4 ! x3+ x1Q(x1,x2) x4+ x2Q(x1,x2)! x + x Q(x ,x ) x x x + x Q(x ,x ) 1 2 2 4 2 , 1 2 1 1 3 , x3+ x4Q(x2,x4) x4! x3 x4+ x3Q(x1,x3)! whereQisanypolynomial intwoindeterminates. We say that f Tame(SL ) admits an elementary reduction if there exists an 2 ∈ elementary automorphism esuch that dege f < deg f. In[LV13], the definition ◦ of an elementary automorphism is slightly different. However all these changes – newweights,newdegree,newelementaryreduction–donotaffecttheformulation ofthemaintheorem;infactitsimplifiestheproof: Theorem1.3(seeTheoremA.1). Anynon-linearelementofTame(SL )admitsan 2 elementaryreduction. Sincethegradedlexicographic orderofN4 isawell-ordering, Theorem1.3im- plies that any element f of Tame(SL ) admits a finite sequence of elementary re- 2 ductions f e f e e f e e f 1 2 1 n 1 → ◦ → ◦ ◦ → ···→ ◦···◦ ◦ suchthatthelastautomorphism isanelementofO . 4 An important technical ingredient of the proof is the following lemma, which tells that under an elementary reduction, the degree of both affected components decreases strictly. Lemma1.4(seeLemmaA.8). Let f = f1 f2 Tame(SL ). Ife E1 and f3 f4 ∈ 2 ∈ 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) f f e f = 1′ 2 , ◦ f3′ f4! THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 8 then dege f∢deg f deg f ∢deg f deg f ∢deg f ◦ ⇐⇒ 1′ 1 ⇐⇒ 3′ 3 foranyrelation ∢among<,>, , and=. ≤ ≥ Ausefulimmediatecorollary is: Corollary 1.5. Let f = f1 f2 STame(SL ) be an automorphism such that f3 f4 ∈ 2 f = x . Then f is a comp(cid:16)ositio(cid:17)n of elementary automorphisms preserving x . In 1 1 1 particular, f and f do not depend on x and we can view (f , f ) as defining an 2 3 4 2 3 element of the subgroup of Aut C[x ][x ,x ] generated by (x ,x ) and auto- C[x1] 1 2 3 3 2 morphisms of the form (ax + x P(x ,x ),a 1x ). In particular, if f = x , there 2 1 1 3 − 3 3 3 existssomepolynomial Psuchthat f = x + x P(x ,x ). 2 2 1 1 3 Remark 1.6. We obtain the following justification for the definition of the group E2: Any automorphism f = f1 f2 in Tame(SL ) such that f = x and f = x 4 f3 f4 2 1 1 3 3 belongsto E2. (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 Lemma 1.7 (see Lemma A.12). Let f Tame(SL ), and assume there exist two 2 ∈ elementaryautomorphisms x + x Q(x ,x ) x + x Q(x ,x ) e = 1 3 3 4 2 4 3 4 E12, x3 x4 ! ∈ x + x P(x ,x ) x e = 1 2 2 4 2 E1, ′ x3+ x4P(x2,x4) x4! ∈ 3 suchthatdege f deg f anddege f < deg f. ′ ◦ ≤ ◦ Thenweareinoneofthefollowingcases: (1) Q = Q(x ) C[x ]; 4 4 ∈ (2) P = P(x ) C[x ]; 4 4 ∈ (3) ThereexistsR(x ) C[x ]suchthatdeg(f + f R(f ))< deg f ; 4 4 2 4 4 2 ∈ (4) ThereexistsR(x ) C[x ]suchthatdeg(f + f R(f ))< deg f . 4 4 3 4 4 3 ∈ 1.2. Orthogonalgroup. 1.2.1. Definitions. Recall that we denote by O the orthogonal group of C4 asso- 4 ciated with the quadratic form q = x x x x . We have O = SO ,τ , where 1 4 2 3 4 4 τ = x1 x3 denotes theinvolution given b−ythe transposition. Theh2:1 miorphism x2 x4 ofgroups (cid:0) (cid:1) SL SL SO 2 2 4 × → x x (A,B) A 1 2 Bt 7→ · x3 x4!· istheuniversalcoverofSO . Heretheproduct A x1 x2 Bt actually denotesthe 4 · x3 x4 · usualproductofmatrices. However,if f = ff13 ff24 (cid:0)andg(cid:1)= gg13 gg24 areelementsof O ,theircomposition is (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 f g f g f ◦g = f31◦g f42◦g! ∈ O4 ◦ ◦ THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 9 which must not be confused with the product of the 2 2 matrices f1 f2 and × f3 f4 g1 g2 ! (seealsoRemark1.8below). (cid:16) (cid:17) g3 g4 (cid:16) (cid:17) 1.2.2. Dual quadratic form. We now study the totally isotropic spaces of a qua- dratic form on the dual of C4 in order to understand the geometry of the group O . 4 In this section we set V = C4 and we denote by V the dual of V. We denote ∗ respectively bye ,e ,e ,e and x ,x ,x ,x thecanonical basisofV andthedual 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 basis of V . Since q(x) = x x x x is a non degenerate quadratic form on V, ∗ 1 4 2 3 − there is a non degenerate quadratic form q on V corresponding to q. Moreover, ∗ ∗ anyendomorphism f ofV belongstotheorthogonalgroupO(V,q)ifandonlyifits transpose ft belongs to the orthogonal group O(V ,q ). In other words, we have ∗ ∗ q f = qifandonlyifq ft = q . Sincethematrixofqinthecanonical basisis ∗ ∗ ◦ ◦ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 A = 1 0 0 1 0 ,then, thematrixofq inthedualbasisis A 1 = 2 0 0 1 0 . 2 0 1 −0 0! ∗ − 0 1 −0 0! 1 −0 0 0 1 −0 0 0 Wedenote by , thebilinear pairing V V Cassociated with 1q (sothat h· ·i ∗ × ∗ → 4 ∗ itsmatrixinthedualbasisis 1A 1 = A). 4 − Remark1.8. Inthispaper, eachelementofO isdenoted inarather unusual way 4 asa2 2matrix oftheform f = f1 f2 ,whereeach f = f x , f C,isan × f3 f4 i j i,j j i,j ∈ elementofV∗. Thecorresponding(cid:16)moref(cid:17)amiliar4 4matrixPisM := (fi,j)1 i,j 4 M (C)anditsatisfiestheusualequality MtAM =×A. ≤ ≤ ∈ 4 Lemma1.9. Consider f = f1 f2 ,wheretheelements f belong toV . Then,the f3 f4 k ∗ followingassertions areequ(cid:16)ivalen(cid:17)t: (1) f O ; 4 ∈ (2) f, f = x,x foralli, j 1,2,3,4 . i j i j h i h i ∈ { } Proof. Observe first that ft(x) = f(x ,...,x ) for i = 1,...,4. Then, we have i i 1 4 seen that f O if and only if ft belongs to theorthogonal group O(V , 1q ), i.e. ∈ 4 ∗ 4 ∗ ifandonlyifforany x,y V ,wehave ft(x), ft(y) = x,y . Thislastequality is ∗ satisfiedforallx,y V if∈andonlyifitishsatisfiedfoiranyh x,yi x ,x ,x ,x . (cid:3) ∗ 1 2 3 4 ∈ ∈ { } Recallthatasubspace W V istotally isotropic (withrespect toq )ifforall ∗ ∗ ⊆ x,y W, x,y = 0. ∈ h i Lemma 1.10. Let f , f be linearly independent elements of V . The following 1 2 ∗ assertions areequivalent: (1) Vect(f , f )istotallyisotropic ; 1 2 (2) Thereexist f , f V suchthat f1 f2 O . 3 4 ∈ ∗ f3 f4 ∈ 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. If f1 f2 O , then by Lemma 1.9 for any i, j 1,2 we have f, f = f3 f4 ∈ 4 ∈ { } h i ji x,x =(cid:16)0. (cid:17) i j h i Conversely, if f, f = x,x = 0foranyi, j 1,2 ,byWitt’sTheorem (see i j i j h i h i ∈ { } e.g. [Ser77b, p. 58]) we can extend the map x f , x f as an isometry 1 1 2 2 7→ 7→ V V . Then denoting by f , f the images of x ,x , wehave f, f = x,x ∗ ∗ 3 4 3 4 i j i j fora→lli, j 1,2,3,4 . Weconclude byLemma1.9. h i h (cid:3)i ∈ { } THETAMEAUTOMORPHISMGROUPOFANAFFINEQUADRICTHREEFOLD 10 If f1 f2 O ,theplanes Vect(f , f ),Vect(f , f ),Vect(f , f )andVect(f , f ) f3 f4 ∈ 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 areto(cid:16)tallyi(cid:17)sotropic. Moreoverthefollowingdecompositions hold: V = Vect(f , f ) Vect(f , f ) and V = Vect(f , f ) Vect(f , f ). ∗ 1 2 3 4 ∗ 1 3 2 4 ⊕ ⊕ Wehavethefollowingreciprocal result. Lemma1.11. LetW and W be two totally isotropic planes of V such that V = ′ ∗ ∗ W W . Thenforanybasis(f , f )ofW,thereexistsaunique basis(f , f )ofW ′ 1 2 3 4 ′ ⊕ suchthat f1 f2 O . f3 f4 ∈ 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. Existence. By Witt’s Theorem, we may assume that f = x and f = x . 1 1 2 2 Let f , f be a basis of W . If we express them in the basis x ,x ,x ,x , we get 3 4 ′ 1 2 3 4 f = a x + a x + a x + a x and f = b x + b x + b x + b x . Since 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 x ,x , f , f is a basis of V , we get det a3 a4 , 0. Therefore, up to replacing 1 2 3 4 ∗ b3 b4 f and f by some linear combinations, w(cid:16)e may(cid:17) assume that a3 a4 = 1 0 , i.e. 3 4 b3 b4 0 1 f = a x +a x + x and f = b x +b x + x . (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 3 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 4 Since f , f = a and f , f = b , we get a = b = 0. Finally, f , f = 3 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 3 4 h i − h i h i 1(a b ),sothata = b , f = x +a x and f = x +a x . 2 N1o−wi2tiscleartha1t 2x1 3 x32 1 O1 . 4 4 1 2 x3+a1x1 x4+a1x2 ∈ 4 Unicity. Let (f , f ) an(cid:0)d (f˜, f˜) be tw(cid:1)o bases of W such that f1 f2 and f1 f2 3 4 3 4 ′ f3 f4 f˜3 f˜4 belong to O . From f f f f = f f˜ f f˜, we get f (f˜ (cid:16)f ) =(cid:17) f (f˜(cid:16) f )(cid:17). 4 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 3 3 1 4 4 − − − − Since f and f are coprime, we get the existence of a polynomial λ such that 1 2 f˜ f = λf and f˜ f = λf . Since the f and f˜ are linear forms, we see that 3 3 1 4 4 2 i j − − λisaconstant. Thisprovesthat f˜ f and f˜ f areelementsinW W = 0 , 3 3 4 4 ′ andweobtain(f , f ) = (f˜, f˜). − − ∩ { (cid:3)} 3 4 3 4 Lemma 1.12. For any nonzero isotropic vector f of V , there exist exactly two 1 ∗ totally isotropic planes of V containing f . Furthermore, they are of the form ∗ 1 Vect(f , f )andVect(f , f ),where f1 f2 isanelementofO . 1 2 1 3 f3 ... 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. By Witt’s theorem, we may assume that f = x . Any totally isotropic 1 1 subspace W in V containing x is included into x = Vect(x ,x ,x ). Therefore, ∗ 1 ⊥1 1 2 3 thereexista ,a CsuchthatW = Vect(x ,a x +a x ). Finally,sinceq (a x + 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 ∗ 2 2 ∈ a x ) = 4a a = 0 (recall that q (u) = 4 u,u for any u V ), W is equal to 3 3 2 3 ∗ ∗ Vect(x ,x−)orVect(x ,x ). h i ∈ (cid:3) 1 2 1 3 Lemma 1.13. Let W and W be two totally isotropic planes of V . Then there ′ ∗ exists f O suchthat f(W)= Vect(x ,x )and f(W )isoneofthefollowingthree 4 3 4 ′ ∈ possibilities: (1) f(W ) = Vect(x ,x ); ′ 3 4 (2) f(W ) = Vect(x ,x ); ′ 1 2 (3) f(W ) = Vect(x ,x ). ′ 2 4 Proof. By Witt’s theorem there exists f O such that f(W) = Vect(x ,x ). If 4 3 4 ∈ W = W weareinCase(1),andifW W = 0 thenwecanapplyLemma1.11to ′ ′ ∩ { } getCase(2). Assumenow thatW W isaline. AgainbyWitt’s theorem wecan ′ ∩