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THE SWORD OF SAINT MICHAEL SAINT PIUS V 1504-1572 LILLIAN BROWNE-OLF T raditio S p iritu als Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorm www.traditio-op.org THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY MILWAUKEE ST. PIUS V Copyright, 1943 The Bruce Publishing Company Printed in the U. S. A. (Second Printing— 1945) This book is complete and unabridged and is reprinted in full accord with the rules and regulations of the War Production Board for the conservation of paper and other materials. THE S C I E N C E mAND C U L T U R E SERIES REV. JOSEPH HUSSLEIN, S.J., EDITOR THE SWORD OF SAINT MICHAEL TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ST. DOMINIC ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To Sister Reparata, O.P., able librarian of Rosary Col­ lege, River Forest, Illinois, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for assisting in my research; to Father Joseph Schroeder, O.P., librarian of the Dominican House of Studies at River Forest, lately deceased, whose carefully annotated references are preserved as treasured mementoes of a fine scholar and a whimsical personality; to my dear friend Grace Welsh who first introduced me to the gracious Dominican Sisters at Rosary College, River Forest, and at Edgewood College of the Sacred Heart in Madison, Wisconsin, whose acquaintance is such an inspiration; and finally, to the husband and son without whose patient cooperation this book would never have seen the light — to all these, my humble thanks! L. B-O. CONTENTS Preface by the G eneral Editor . . . . i Introduction . . . . . . . . 5 1. T he Election . . . . . . . 13 Candidates for the Papacy; The Conclave; Bor- romeo’s Influence; Cardinal Alessandrino’s Election 2. M ichele G h islier i..............................................................19 His Antecedents and Humble Home; Early Domin­ ican Influence; Sword of Saint Michael: Dominican Inquisitor; Consistent Character As Dominican, Cardinal, Pontiff 3. T he R uler of Christendom . . . . 44 The Pope Continues His Monastic Habits; The Reforms of Pius V; His Threefold Program; Estimates of the New Pontiff; Salutary Results of Papal Reforms 4. Luther and H is W o r k s .................................................55 Personality of Luther —His Doctrine of “justifica­ tion”; The Münster Madness; The Peasants’ Re­ volt; Religious Wars in Germany; The Peace of Augsburg; Commendone: The Ideal Papal Legate; The Diet of Augsburg Reconvened; The Jesuits Come to Commendone’s Assistance; Maximilian’s Army Against the Turks; Suleyman’s Death; Biglia As Papal Nuncio; Commendone Is Recalled to Vienna; Papal Concessions to Germany; Catholic Restoration in Germany; Canisius’ Labors and His Devotion to Catholic Unity 5. Caesar’s Conflicts W ith Christ’s Vicar . 93 The Spanish King, Philip II; Strained Relations Between Pius V and Philip II; The Carranza Affair; The Papal Bull: In Coena Domini; The Monarchia Sicula; Character of Philip II: His Dynastic Ambi- vii Vili CONTENTS tions; Papal Concessions to Spain; Papal Problems Regarding Borromeo’s Reforms in Milan; Bor­ romeo Is Attacked by the Umiliati; Zuniga Succeeds de Requesens As Philip’s Ambassador in Rome; Arrest and Death of Don Carlos; Pius Continues to Urge Catholic Unity; Further Concessions to the Spanish King 6. Rebellion in the Lowlands . . . . Seeds of Dissension Planted at Louvain: Baianism; Pius’ Cross: The Gueux; Pius’ Pleadings With Philip II; Alba Is Sent to Quell the Revolt; Wil­ liam of Orange’s Allies: Lutherans, Huguenots, Calvinists; Alba’s Victory Over William of Orange and Louis of Nassau; The Bishops’ Plea for Leni­ ency; The Papal Dilemma 7. Pius V Wrestles With Recalcitrant France The Huguenot Intrigue; The Tumult of Amboise; The Edict of Toleration; The Huguenot Move­ ment Is Political; The Pope Sends Della Torre to the French Court; Pius’ Letters to Catherine, Charles, and the Bishops; The Huguenots Turn to England and the Prince of Orange; The Peace of Longjumeau; Catherine and Charles Shift Their Al­ legiance; The Religious War Is Renewed With Fury; The Victory of Jarnac; Pius Urges Charles Not to Lose the Fruits of Victory; The “Shameful” Peace of St. Germain; Dynastic Ambitions Con­ tinue to Guide French Royal Policy; The Catholics of France Are Aroused; The Mighty Labor of French Jesuits; The Catholic Revival in France 8. Pius V Examines A postate England and Calvinist Sc o t l a n d .................................................. Brief Review of Catholic England; Results of Henry VIII’s Divorce From Katherine; Edward’s Brief Reign Under Lord Seymour’s Regency; Mary Tudor’s Succession; The Restoration of Catholic Worship; Results of Mary’s Marriage to Philip II; Mary’s Death and Elizabeth’s Accession; Elizabeth Shows Her True Colors to the Pope; The Thistle of Scotland: Mary Stuart; Her Defiance of the “Treaty of Edinburgh”; Mary Stuart and Tudor CONTENTS IX Elizabeth; Mary’s Checkered Career; Pius V Ap­ peals to the Scottish Queen; Mary’s Catholic Loyalty Under Persecution; Elizabeth’s Treachery and Mary’s Ruin; Catholic Persecution; Papal Con­ fidence in Mary Restored; The Northern Uprising; Pius V Excommunicates the Queen of England; Effects of His Bull: Regnans in Excelsis 9. Pius V’s Policies in Poland . . . -215 Condition of Poland in the Sixteenth Century; The Diet of Lubin; Labors of the Dominicans and Jesuits in Poland; Cardinal Hosius’s Untiring Catholic Efforts; Commendone Is Sent to Poland by Pius V; The Queen’s Death Settles the King's Divorce; Poland’s Refusal to Join the League Against the Turks; The Death of Sigismund Augustus 10. Pius V’s Missionary Labors . . . .226 Pius V’s Practical Grasp of the Missionary Field; The Jesuits Are Sent to South America; Azavedo’s Report to Francis Borgia Concerning Brazil; Pius V Anticipates Pius XI; Cooperation of Sebastian and of Philip in the New World; Pius V’s Careful Instructions to the Missioners; His Exhortation to the Spanish and Portuguese Rulers; Jesuit Achieve­ ments in the New World; Pius V Institutes the First Propagation of the Faith 11. Pius V As Crusader A gainst the Infidels . 240 The Moors in Spain; Christian Slaves; The Island of Malta: Outpost of Catholic Europe; Philip II Grooms Don Juan for the Christian Crusade; The Papal Task in Urging the Rulers to Join the League; The Turks Raze Chios and Murder Its In­ habitants; Suleyman’s Death and the Accession of Selim II; Pius Answers Venice’s Appeal for Help; The Pope Sends de Torres to Madrid; The Ter­ rible Fate of Cyprus and Its Cities; The Cause of the Failure of the Initial Crusade; The Valiant Pope Fights On! 12. Victory and De a t h ................................................261 The Battle of Lepanto; Preparation for the Battle; Pius Sends Granvelle to Present the Papal Banner;

ican Influence; Sword of Saint Michael: Dominican. Inquisitor; Consistent . Archangel Saint Michael, leader of the hosts of heaven and defender of Christ's
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