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The Sustainable Museum: How Museums Contribute to the Great Transformation PDF

260 Pages·2022·6.094 MB·English
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The Sustainable Museum The Sustainable Museum is the first book to outline a coherent strategy for the direction of museums, as it relates to sustainability in the museum and heritage sector. Arguing that museums must place sustainability at the centre of all their activities, if they are to become key actors with a clear societal role, Garthe considers the issues that museums will likely face as they take on their new roles. Presenting case studies from a wide range of museums around the world, the book considers different ways of implementing sustainability in different types and sizes of institutions. Whilst the book clearly outlines the need for change, it also provides guidance about how to change. Garthe does this by considering specific concepts and approaches to sustainability in rela- tion to the different aspects of museum operations. The book includes a hands-on manual for implementing sustainability management in a museum, whilst also considering the challenges practitioners will encounter and considering what the future of the sustainable museum might look like. The Sustainable Museum will be essential reading for museum and herit- age professionals around the globe. The book will also be of interest to aca- demics and students engaged in the study of museums, arts and cultural management, business administration, change management or sustainable development. Christopher J. Garthe is creative director and consultant for sustainability in museums and exhibitions. For museums, visitor centres and science centres he develops exhibitions related to sustainable topics and supports them to achieve a sustainable operation. He has studied geography, landscape ecology and regional planning in Hanover, Germany and Grenoble, France, adult education and lifelong learning as well as journalism in Berlin, Germany and received his PhD on education and tourism in protected areas. Since 2009, he has been working at studio klv in Berlin/Freiburg, Germany and is active as a lecturer, author and speaker on sustainability in the cultural sector. Routledge Guides to Practice in Museums, Galleries and Heritage This series provides essential practical guides for those working in museums, galleries, and a variety of other heritage professions around the globe. Including authored and edited volumes, the series will help to enhance practitioners’ and students’ professional knowledge and will also encourage sharing of best practices between different countries, as well as between different types and sizes of organisations. Titles published in the series include: Applying for Jobs and Internships in Museums A Practical Guide Martha Schloetzer Welcoming Young Children into the Museum A Practical Guide Sarah Erdman and Nhi Nguyen with Margaret Middleton Museums and Interactive Virtual Learning Allyson Mitchell, Tami Moehring and Janet Zanetis The Sustainable Museum How Museums Contribute to the Great Transformation Christopher J. Garthe Museums and Well-being Rose Cull and Daniel Cull A Practical Guide to Costumed Interpretation Jacqueline Lee For more information about this series, please visit: https://www.routledge. com/Routledge-Guides-to-Practice-in-Museums-Galleries-and-Heritage/ book-series/RGPMGH This is an extended and supplemented version of the original German version, translated by Ray Cunningham (www.raycunningham.eu) The Sustainable Museum How Museums Contribute to the Great Transformation Christopher J. Garthe Cover image: Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash First published 2023 by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2023 Christopher J. Garthe The right of Christopher J. Garthe to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Garthe, Christopher J., author. Title: The sustainable museum: how museums contribute to the great transformation / Christopher J. Garthe. Description: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, [2023] | Series: Routledge guides to practice in museums, galleries and heritage | “This is an extended and supplemented version of the original German version, translated by Ray Cunningham.”--Title page. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022035263 (print) | LCCN 2022035264 (ebook) | ISBN 9781032049274 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032049267 (paperback) | ISBN 9781003195207 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Museums--Environmental aspects--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Sustainable design--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Museum techniques--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Classification: LCC AM7 .G35 2023 (print) | LCC AM7 (ebook) | DDC 069--dc23/eng/20220728 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022035263 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022035264 ISBN: 978-1-032-04927-4 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-032-04926-7 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-003-19520-7 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003195207 Typeset in Times New Roman by SPi Technologies India Pvt Ltd (Straive) Contents List of figures viii Preface and acknowledgements ix 1 Introduction: sustainability in museums as a search and learning process 1 1.1 The status quo: orientation on unfamiliar terrain 1 1.2 Preparation: exploration, compilation and inspiration 1 1.3 The content: sustainability, the museum and transformation 2 PART I Museums and sustainability 3 2 The museum sector in transition 5 2.1 Global crises as the starting point 5 2.2 The concept of sustainability 8 2.3 Sustainability in the museum: between utopia and banality 13 References 17 3 The vision: The sustainable museum 20 3.1 Sustainability as a guiding principle for museums 20 3.2 Museums and the Great Transformation 28 3.3 Agenda 2030 as a global frame of reference 31 3.4 Participatory science as social context 34 Note 37 References 37 4 Three levers for the transformation 41 4.1 The illusion of neutrality and political activism 41 4.2 Climate protection and decarbonisation 47 4.3 The public as change agent 50 References 59 vi Contents PART II Sustainable museum management 65 5 Transformational leadership and museum governance 67 5.1 Strategic development through impact orientation 67 5.2 Governance, leadership and new work 70 5.3 Human resources policy and the workplace 76 Notes 80 References 80 6 Sustainable management and eco-efficient museum operations 84 6.1 Institutional resilience and a broader approach to accounting 84 6.2 Sustainable procurement 93 6.3 Buildings and resource use 97 Notes 104 References 104 7 Realigning collections and sustainable conservation 108 7.1 The need for a hermeneutic re-vision 108 7.2 Degrowth and deaccessioning 112 7.3 Archives, storage facilities, safeguarding collections and environmentally efficient processes 114 References 121 8 Transdisciplinary research and sustainability science in museums 124 8.1 Sustainability as a scientific field and transdisciplinary research 124 8.2 From the “public understanding of research” to the communication of epistemological practices 127 8.3 Citizen Science and open research labs 132 References 138 9 Collaborative curation and sustainable exhibitions 142 9.1 Sustainable programming and thematic framing 142 9.2 Transformative curating and exhibiting 146 9.3 Sharing and sustainable production 152 9.4 From loans to collaborative collecting 157 References 160 Contents vii 10 Sustainable education and participation in museums 163 10.1 The museum as a place of learning for transformation 163 10.2 Education for sustainable development within museum education 165 10.3 Participation, co-creation and crowdsourcing 170 10.4 From educational programmes to local activism 174 References 178 PART III Putting sustainability into practice 183 11 Sustainability in museums as a process of change 185 11.1 Sustainability management in the museum 185 11.2 Emergent change and participation 193 11.3 Actors, roles and positions 197 11.4 Empowerment and meaningful work 203 Note 207 References 207 12 Sustainability strategy, targets and indicators in museums 210 12.1 Mission statement and launch 210 12.2 Fields of action and goals 212 12.3 Modular indicator system for sustainable museums 216 12.4 Analysis of the status quo and monitoring 222 12.5 Resources and timeframes 225 Notes 226 References 226 13 Implementation and sustainability reporting in museums 228 13.1 The sustainability programme: measures and conflicting goals 228 13.2 Overcoming resistance and taking the first small steps 231 13.3 The sustainability report: design, production and publication 236 13.4 Reporting as an opportunity for the museum sector 243 Notes 245 References 246 Index 248 Figures 2.1 Milestones in the history of the concept of sustainability 9 3.1 Principles of the sustainable museum 21 3.2 Dimensions of sustainability in the museum 24 3.3 Internal and external sustainability 29 4.1 Museums and the Great Transformation 42 4.2 Politicisation and activism in the sustainable museum 46 4.3 Museum communication and sustainable behaviour 55 5.1 Leadership and new work in the sustainable museum 74 6.1 Building blocks of financial resilience 90 6.2 Sustainable procurement in the museum 93 7.1 Collection and sustainability 111 8.1 Participation and Citizen Science in the sustainable museum 133 9.1 Sustainable programming and exhibiting 143 9.2 Ecological-collaborative exhibition production 152 10.1 Education for sustainable development in the museum 167 11.1 Transformation to a sustainable museum 186 11.2 Phases of sustainability management in the museum 190 11.3 Sustainability management in the museum as a circular process 191 13.1 Sustainability management in the museum as a change process 232 Preface and acknowledgements Imagine if museums – one of the most complex organisations in contempo- rary society, as Robert Janes and Richard Sandell correctly point out – were to use their unique potential and their social interconnections to promote climate protection, greater social justice and well-being, in the broadest sense. Museums, as key social actors, would then act as multipliers for sustainability on both a local and a global dimension. This vision has been inspiring me for some time – and is the motivation for this book. I have been encouraged in this by numerous thought leaders in the field of museology as well as by my personal sounding board at the Institute for Ecological Economic Research, which has repeatedly affirmed me in my sense of direction. I have carried out numerous exciting projects for and with museums – but I have never worked in a museum. This book therefore offers an external perspective on museums as an institution – and thus inevitably remains lim- ited. Focusing on the global dimension of the idea of sustainability, the book explicitly does not look at the situation in specific countries. This book was made possible only by the support of numerous people, to whom I am deeply indebted. I thank Nina Schallenberg, Andrea Wieloch and three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, as well as Sarah Sutton, Henry McGhie and Caitlin Southwick for their open and encourag- ing way of pursuing the vision of the sustainable museum. Jan Löken and Bernhard Kehrer made this book possible by providing support and space. Ulrich Petschow and Thomas Korbun have sharpened my thinking with their critical perspectives. For financial support, I would also like to thank the Andrea von Braun Foundation, which is committed to breaking down boundaries between disciplines and promoting collaboration between them.

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