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THE SUSTAINABILITY GAP: A CASE STUDY OF OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA AND BEIJING, CHINA by ANDREA BLASER A THESIS Presented to the Interdisciplinary Studies Program: HistoricPreservation and the Graduate School ofthe University ofOregon in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of MasterofScience September2008 11 "The Sustainability Gap: A Case Study ofOlympic Development in Sydney, Australia and Beijing, China," athesis preparedbyAndrea Blaser inpartial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the Master ofScience degree in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program: Historic Preservation. Thisthesis has been approvedandaccepted by: Mark Gillem, Chair ofthe Examining Committee Date Committee in Charge: Mark Gillem, Chair Deborah Hurtt Liz Carter Accepted by: Deanofthe Graduate School 111 © 2008 AndreaBlaser iv An Abstract ofthe Thesis of Andrea Blaser for the degree of Master ofScience inthe Interdisciplinary Studies Program: Historic Preservation to be taken September2008 Title: THE SUSTAINABILITY GAP: A CASE STUDY OF OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA AND BEIJING, CHINA Approved: _ Mark Gillem Amedia uproar occurred in2006 after a wrecking ball flattened an Imperial-era hutong neighborhood inBeijing. While this kind ofnews storywould oftenbe ignored as justanother example ofthe Chinese government destroying cultural history inthe name ofprogress, the story ofQianmen had anewtwist. Notonlywas Qianmen aprotected heritage area under a2002 Beijing Municipal Government ConservationPlan, butthe destruction was saidto have happened because ofthe upcoming 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Was the development ofQianmen in step with Olympic ideals and sustainable development? This thesis explores the sustainable development agendaofthe International Olympic Committee, Agenda21, in orderto analyze the agenda, its impactindriving development policies inhost cities Sydney, Australiaand Beijing, China, and to what v extentplanners incorporated historic preservationinto Olympic developmentpolicies in bothcities. -- ------------------ VI CURRICULUMVITAE NAME OF AUTHOR: Andrea Blaser PLACE OF BIRTH: Eugene, Oregon DATE OF BIRTH: October 30, 1983 GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS ATTENDED: University ofOregon, Eugene, Oregon DEGREES AWARDED: Master ofScience, September2008, University ofOregon BachelorofArts, Art History, June 2006, University ofOregon AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Architectural History Cultural Resource Management PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Architectural Historian, Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc., 2008-Present GRANTS, AWARDS AND HONORS: School ofArchitecture andAlliedArts Dean's Graduate Fellowship, University ofOregon, 2008 Dean's List Scholar, University ofOregon, 2003 Staton Opportunity Scholar, University ofOregon, 2002 VB ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wouldliketo express deep thanks to mythesis committee for theirpatience throughthese lasttwo years, and give special thanksto mycommittee chair, Mark Gillem. They have all playedanintegral role indeveloping this thesis, andhave continuallypushed me to achieve mybest. I wouldalso like to thankmy family, who has stoodproudlybymy sidethroughout my academic career, as theyhave inall aspects oflife. Their supportand love give me the energyand drive necessaryto accomplishthe daring, explorethe new, and smile throughoutthe process. Finally, I couldnothave completedthis thesis withoutthe love and supportofmy bestfriend and fellow adventurer, TedNiedermeyer. Wo ai ni. V111 ForMartinand Lisa. IX TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 The Olympic Games, Prestige, and Development 5 Preface on Sustainability and the Importance ofHistoric Preservation 8 Methods and Reasoning 13 II. THE IOC AND AGENDA 21 : 17 What Is the IOC and the Olympic Movement? 17 Agenda 21 and the Olympic Movement 21 III. CASE STUDY: SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK . 29 Introduction to Sydney Olympic Park . 29 History ofHomebushBay . 33 Sustainabilityat Sydney Olympic Park .. 44 The Local Preservation Context . 51 IV. CASE STUDY: BEIJING'S OLYMPIC AMBITION . 58 Introductionto Beijing's Olympic Development .. 58 Bel·J..lng andQ'lanmen HI'stOry . 66 Sustainabi1ityin Beijing .. 76 The Local Preservation Context .. 83 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. 100 Sydney and Beijing: A Contrast inApproaches to Sustainabi1ity .. 100 Recommendations for Further Research andAction .. 104 Limitations ofthis Study . 111 APPENDIX: CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE .. 113 BIBLIOGRAPHY .. 118 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. A sketch map ofvenue andheritage precinct locations 30 2. Building C ofthe AbbatoirHeritage Precinct 33 3. BuildingA oftheAbbatoirHeritage Precinct 36 4. BuildingNo. 20 at the Newington Armory 39 5. The Ring Walk, hovering above the BrickPit 43 6. Aftera large-scale clean-up ofdioxin inHomebush Bay............................. 45 7. In the spirit ofre-use 50 8. Highlighting the cultural historyofHomebush Bay..................................... 52 9. The Bird's Nest 64 10. The newNational Theater 65 11. A sketch drawing ofa Beijing siheyuan 68 12. A sketch map ofthe Qianmen area................................................................ 69 13. Billboards hide construction from view........................................................ 71 14. Yu Yuan Gardens in Shanghai 73 15. An overviewofForestPark 78 16. Siheyuan in the Xisi conservation district 81 17. Xianyukou DaJie, in the Xianyukouconservation district... 85 18. Olympic logos on ZhushikoudongDaJie 88 19. Visitors crowdQianmen DaJie 115

before work could commence as part ofthe Sydney ammunition pipeline either new ammunition or existing stock that was deemed safe to use was
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