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The Surf Pines Breeze Newsletter; Vol. 7 No. 2: January 2000 PDF

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Preview The Surf Pines Breeze Newsletter; Vol. 7 No. 2: January 2000

OG0BHCOGTIIING PFOJECE page vol. VIl no. 2 ......ovcovvervivsersesierisssirssmsassisssinsssssinasses 1 january2000 A OCIAUB NN S i e e Y, GAIES CSTRUINY i G o i AR Gt pag2e SurfPinesAssociation Newsletter ... forallmembers ProfessionalAdminiSalion 5. -5 vt oo B ei pag4e the Surt Pines Flood Prevention Project installed the third week of December at the south end of Ocean Drive for pump station#1. embers who have given the Ocean sultation with HLB engineers, and the The Bucks M Drivefloodingproblemanythought contractwithHughesExcavationofAstoria at all have surely wondered when work wassignedonDecember15.Workwasto Totalcostofconstruction,excludingengi- weuld start. Asfavorable weather in Au- start immediately andit did. The accom- neering fees and other project related gustandSeptembergavewaytoOctober’s panyingphotoshowsthefirstsumpbeing expenses, is $186,295. Providing power onslaughts of rain, worries built about seeDrainage,page3 wastingvaluabletime.Grumblescouldbe When asumpwas installedon OceanDrive, waterlevelin the area alreadyhadrisen towithinsixfeetofroadgradelevel. heard that the board did not seem to be doinganythingandthatbadweathercould 4 soon make work impossible. woy The Preparations Those of little faith should know that a project of such magnitude is not orga- nized overnight or even in a matter of weeks. It has taken several months to do therequiredsurveying, togetallthepub- lic agency permits and secure easements fromtheownerswhoselandwillcarrythe pipes over the dune to disperse pumped water. Engineers hadto drawup detailed specificationsforeveryphaseofthework and each piece of equipment needed. Bids had to be requested, received and evaluated. Five local contractors submittedbids, the lowestwas chosenbyboardvote in con- fanuary2000 Correction SurfPines rights-of-way into 18" lengths However, if you haven't received your The October Breeze misidentified two anddeliverthewoodtoanyresidentwho copy or wish an extra, get in touch with wantsit—freeofcharge.Ifyoucanusecut Tom Smith, the association’s secretary. boardmembers onthephotos onpage3. Ralph Todd, first on the left of the left logs or knowsomeonewho needsthem, Lanihasonlyonecopy-herown—onhand. Robertwilldelivertheminsteadofhauling photo, was calledBobChopping, whoin them to the burn pile.Just call 325-5564. In case you own bare land in SurfPines factisthemiddlepersonseenintheright and wonder what all this phone book picture. We, the editors, humbly apolo- Phone Directories verbiageisabout, itbearsmentioningthat gize to both gentlemen. In October’s TheBreeze, residentswhose the board consideredhomeowners more FirewoodOffer phone numbers or addresseswere incor- likely to have use for such a list than rect in the newly-updated Surf Pines memberswithunimprovedlots.With the Without doubt the next few months-will Association Phone Directory were plethoraofpaperonereceivesnowadays, take their toll of SurfPinestrees. Robert invited to call or email Lani Johnson theboardsparedlandowners.However,if Stineman of Young’s River ([email protected], 738-9746) you are amember of SurfPines Associa- Treeshasoffered to cut withcorrections.Thatwasfine, asfarasit tion andwish acopy of the directory, let trees blown down on went. Tom Smith know (toms@sunsetbeach- OR.com, 738-7573). Directoriesarenottobeusedforcommer- cial purposes. Lostltem Sought: “The Carpet Map” @II[E II]JUII adecade or Gates and Security more ago there existed aset of large (approximately 24" x 30") platmaps of SurfPines, et weather is having anadverse vicepeople;therehasbeenlessmisusoef - —mounted-on-board-and bound— effect on gate function, as many thegates. Specialcodesforthenextthree togetherwith aprotective cover residents will have noticed. The north months,whicharealsolistedonyourbills, of acarpet sample. The maps gate key pad has deteriorated tosuch an are:January—1709;February—1975;March— were copies of pages from the extent that, especially when it israining, 2091. Remembertopostthemwhereyou assessor’s official maps and are manyofthenumbersdonotfunction.The can find them easilywhen needed. expensive to reproduce. They pad must be replaced. At the same time, areusefully easy toread. Gene Keever has been modifying new Residents seem to have trouble remem- Somehow they have disap- logic boards to replace the increasingly bering how to open the south gate if a peared and are nowhere tobe illogical one atthe south gate. The origi- visitor telephones to request entry from found in the association’s files. If nals are not available any more, so the the gate phone. KenBuckinghamwill be any member has anidea where new ones must be adapted to work in a calling householders over the next few these maps maybefound, the ten-year-old system. It is a painstaking months to go over the system again, so boardwould bevery grateful for job, but Gene hopes ultimatelyto havea that everyone will know what button to information leading totheir supply ofusable boards for both gates. press on their home phones to open the recovery.Just contact any board gate.Hint: 9, and hold it for 2seconds member ifyou have aclue Sincehomeownershavestartedgivingthe where they might be. monthly codes to casualvisitors and ser- = "Surf L ¢ Drainage,frompage1 measuresshouldpreventanyforeseeable Pinesg road or home flooding on OceanDrive, lines for the pumping stations will cost but it will be a race against time and $18,304. Weatherandconditions permit- weather. ting, work should be completed in 60 days. The forecast for clear, dryweather TheboardhasaskedKenWeberasproject fromDecember21fortherestoftheweek manager for roads and grounds to be providedoptimumconditionstostartdig- point man for the association with the ging assoon asthe first materials were contractortoassurethatallgoessmoothly. delivered. The Hassle The Work Professional There may be periods when work will In brief, the project involves placing cul- interrupt traffic flow on Ocean Drive, Administration verts underHorizonandHighSurfandat HorizonandHighSurf.Everyeffortwill be the south end of Ocean to facilitate wet- madethroughsignsatthegatestoinform land drainage. Three pump stations—#1 residentsifanypotionsoftheroadwillbe fter interviewing four candidates for atthebottomofOcean,#2about100yards blocked. Members’ patience and coop- A the position of administrator, the southoftheHighSurfjunctiononOcean, eration will be needed and appreciated. boardhasofferedasix-month contractto and #3on the north side of the Horizon BillBarronsofAstoria.Manyresidentswill right of way east of Ocean—have been Since Hughes' employees will be intent know Mr. Barrons asthe recently-retired created. oncompletingthejobassoonaspossible, county manager who preceded Britt theyasknottobedistractedby conversa- Ferguson.HeservedClatsopCountyasits Eight-inchpipeswill carrythewaterfrom tionwithresidents. If youhaveanyques- firstmanagerafterthe HomeRuleCharter the pumps under the roads across the tions or problems atany time during the was adoptedin 1989andretiredfromthe foredune to be dispersedunderground work,pleasetakethemupwitheitherKen positionaboutthreeyearsago. Hegradu- into the sand. With continued favorable Weber(738-5986)orAlLaakso(861-9396), ated from Michigan State University in weather, the contractor hopes to install who is board chairman for roads and 1958withadegreeinpoliticalscienceand the piping before renewed rains hamper grounds. Please do not take out anyfrus- his careerin cityandcounty government work. The engineers believe that these trationsyou may have on theworkers. spans 32years. photo:tomsmith The contract specifies 20hours of work perweekfortheperiod fromJanuary 1to June30, 2000.Attheendofthefiscalyear, the board will evaluate the position and the association’s needs and make an ap- propriate recommendation to the mem- bers for the next year. Mr. Barrons will work closely with board officers ashe becomes acquaintedwith SurfPines. His duties will include maintainingmember- ship records; overseeingbillingandpay- mentrecords;keepingfilesinorder;track- ing ownership changes; updating and expanding the handbook; organizing work to be carried out on Surf Pines property, such asmowing and road re- pairs; working with contractors to main- tain gates; and other tasks as the board directs. The arrangementisatrialto per- mit both parties to assess current need andfuture administrative requirements. Thepicture aboveshows thefirstsump being loweredintotheground. Placedatthesouth end of Ocean, wheresome oftheworstoflastyear’sflooding occurred, it willcollectgroundwater asthelevel rises. Thepumpassociatedwith it willworkwhen thelevel reachesseveral inches above thesump’s top, but isstill belowthe roadsurface. There must beenough watertokeep thepump working. Undergroundpipeswillcarry the waterout into thesandoftheSforedune. Peering in at the operationfrom the rightofthephoto isAlLaakso. january2000 ..s‘...Q‘......O..............QQC..Q.......Q......OO.Q..Q.Q.Q..Q‘.. f.I.......l........Q...........0.0....Q............‘..........0“5 A R e e Since members of the water board had nothing to report in their Pipeline, they join us in wishing each and all members of both associations a propitious start to year 2000 (on some calendars) and the best of neighbors and community throughout the new millennium. scoo000c00.00e000B00e.‘."‘..'......O.‘........C..Q..QQ.....O....O....Q........“O‘.....'.'.....OQ".'QQ.‘.Q:..IEQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . Q . . . . . . O . . . . ‘ . . . . ©000000000000000000000000006 3 3104MalalkeyLane . ...861-3732 il ................... 33236SilverspotLane..........cccccveveereen.861-9771 ... [email protected] Oy 89867 OCEANIDIIVEw:scmos ssvinssapeiss sneis738-7573, 861-1302 ... [email protected] S e 89607Lakeside CoUrt....ooveveerverveniennene 717-0628 89617LakesideCourt 0226 .............. 90031 ManionDirve.....ccooevvveveennnennn..861-9396 89543 Lakeside COULt......vcvvvevenenennnn.717-0863 the nes SU rf Pi isaquarterlypublicationoftheSurf Pines Association, 2003 Manion Drive,Warrenton, Oregon97146. "™ Members areinvited to contribute articles or comments, letters to the editor, or anythingfittoprint.Don'thesitate— shootthegnu?c! 9t71£6 JO 'UOJuSLID/ BAIIJ UolubW 0€ 02 Jir,, %ngsauw

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