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The Supercontinuum Laser Source: The Ultimate White Light PDF

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Robert R. Alfano The Supercontinuum Laser Source The Ultimate White Light Third Edition The Supercontinuum Laser Source Robert R. Alfano The Supercontinuum Laser Source The Ultimate White Light Third Edition With 259 Illustrations RobertR.Alfano DepartmentofPhysics NewYork,NY,USA ISBN978-1-4939-3324-2 ISBN978-1-4939-3326-6 (eBook) DOI10.1007/978-1-4939-3326-6 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2015961027 SpringerNewYorkHeidelbergDordrechtLondon ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork1989,2006,2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthis book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper Springer Science+Business Media LLC New York is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Preface to the Third Edition The “white-light continuum” called “Supercontinuum” (SC) is generated using ultrafast laser pulses propagating in solids, liquids, gases, and various designs of opticalfibers(singlemode,multimode,microstructured,etc.).TheSClightsource has become the ultimate white-light source, spread worldwide, and has advanced ultrafast laser spectroscopy, condensed matter, biology, physics, and chemistry. Specificapplicationsincludehigh-precisionopticalfrequencyandtimemetrology (developmentofextremelyaccurateclocksandfrequencysynthesis),high-capacity encoding anddecodingofinformationtoterabits/seccommunication (wavelength divisionmultiplexing), imaging (optical coherence tomography), light pulse com- pression, ultrafast laser pulse generation (attosecond pulses), and extremely accu- rateclockdevelopment.Ithasalsobeentheenablingtechnologyintheresearchthat ledtotwoNobelprizes. SC generation starts with a physical effect known as self-phase modulation (SPM).SPMisanonlinearopticaleffectwherethelasermodulatesitsownphase as light propagates through the material. Afterwards, a number of other nonlinear and linear effects further broaden the spectra often extending over hundreds of nanometers.TheSClightsourcesarereadilyavailableandhavebeencommercial- izedbymajoropticscompanies. The SC has become one of the important light sources used for research in optical and photonic sciences. This third edition of The Supercontinuum Laser Source book reviews the progress achieved on the experimental and theoretical understanding of the ultrafast nonlinear and linear processes responsible for the supercontinuum generation andrelated applicationsoccurringover 46 years since itsdiscoverybyRobertR.AlfanoandStanleyShapiroin1969. Thereisgreatneedforasequelparttothesecondeditionofthebookcovering therecentworldsurgeofresearchactivityonthesupercontinuumphenomenaand the numerous technological applications that have occurred over the past 8 years. Since the time the second edition was printed in 2006, over 2,860 articles were published in scientific magazines out of over 3,580 published since the SC discovery. See the dynamics of SC publications by year in the Figure below v vi PrefacetotheThirdEdition (2015—January to June). These publications were cited over 69,000 times. This testifiesenormousinterestSCexperiencesinrecentyears. 400 300 s n o ti a c 200 bli u p C S 100 0 1985 1995 2005 2015 Year Thevoidafterthesecondeditionwillpartlybecoveredinthisnewrejuvenated edition, keeping key articles from the first and second editions and covering new breakthroughs to understand the supercontinuum and its new diverse applications includingSCgenerationandpropagationinall-normaldispersionfibers,attosecond lightpulsegeneration,anddeepUVgeneration. The supercontinuum is the generation of intense ultrafast broadband “white- light”pulseswithspectra spanningfromtheultraviolettothenear-infraredwave- lengthsthatarisesfromthenonlinearinteractionandpropagationofultrafastpulses focused into a transparent material. The supercontinuum can be generated in different states of matter—condensed matter (liquids and solid), gases, and struc- turedmedia.Thesupercontinuumisoneofthemostdramaticandeleganteffectsin opticalphysics.Theconversionofonecolortowhitelightisastartlingresult.This isamulticoloredlightwithmanyofthesamedesirablepropertiesasconventional laser light: intense, collimated, and coherent. The supercontinuum has a beam divergence as good as of the input laser pulse. Moreover, the coherence lengthof the supercontinuum is comparable with that of an incoherent white-light source fromalightbulb.Theinterferencepatternmeasuredforthesupercontinuumfroma pair of filaments in water shows a constant phase relationship between the supercontinuumproducedbyeachfilament.Thereisaconstantphaserelationship between the pump laser pulse and its supercontinuum. The white-light supercontinuum is an ideal tunable ultrafast white-light laser source. Supercontinuumhasovertakenthestudyofothernonlinearopticaleffectssuchas secondharmonicgeneration(SHG)andtwo-photonabsorptionforusefulnessina numberofdiverseapplications.Thesupercontinuumfieldismoreactivethanever in46yearsandisfindingtodaynewandnoveluses. PrefacetotheThirdEdition vii Variousprocessesareinvolvedinthesupercontinuumgeneration.Wheneveran intenseultrashortlaserpulsepropagatesthroughamedium,itchangestherefractive indexfromthedistortionoftheatomicandmolecularconfiguration,whichinturn changesthephase,amplitude,andfrequencyoftheincidentpulse.Thephase and amplitudechangecancauseafrequencysweepofthecarrierwavewithinthepulse envelope andcanaltertheenvelopeandspatialdistribution(self-focusing).There arevariousmechanismsresponsiblefortheindexofrefractionchangewithinten- sity in material. The frequency broadening mechanisms are electronic cloud dis- tortion, reorientation, librations, vibrational and molecular redistribution, to name themajorones.Theoperationofthesemechanismsdependsonitsrelaxationtime relevanttothelaserpulseduration.Therelaxationtimesassociatedwithelectronic distributionisoftheorderofBohrorbittime~150as;reorientationtimeis~1ps; rocking and libration response about the field is ~1 ps; vibrational dephasing is ~0.1ps;andmolecularmotionis~1ps.Mostofthesemechanismsareinvolvedin thesupercontinuumgenerationwith100fstopslaserpulses. Soonafterthesupercontinuumdiscoveryin1969,initiallyitfoundapplications in time-resolved pump-supercontinuum probe absorption and excitation spectros- copy to study the fundamental picosecond (10(cid:1)12 s) and femtosecond (10(cid:1)15 s) processes that occur in biology, chemistry, and solid-state physics. Briefly, in biology, the primaryevents inphotosynthesis andvision were explored;inchem- istry,abetterunderstandingofthebasicchemicaldynamicalstepsinreactionsand nonradiative processes in photoexcited chemical was achieved; and in solid-state physics, the underlying kinetics of how elementary excitations behave and relax, suchasopticalphonons,polaritons,excitons,carriers(electronsandholes)dynam- ics among the intervalleys and intravalleys of semiconductors as well as spin dynamics,wereunraveled. With the advent of microstructure fibers, there has been a rebirth of the supercontinuumfield inthe typeofapplications inwhich thesupercontinuumcan playadecisiverole.Theseapplicationsincludefrequencyclocks,phase stabiliza- tion and control, timing, optical coherence tomography (OCT), ultrashort pulse compression, optical communication, broad-spectrum LIDAR, atmospheric sci- ence,UVpulsegeneration,lightingcontrol,attosecond(10(cid:1)18s)pulsegeneration, andcoherencecontrol.MostrecentlySCwasusedinsuper-resolutionmicroscopy and has entered biomedical optics field. Most recently, the Supercontinuum was coupledasalightsourceformicroscopes. Over the past several years, supercontinuum generation in microstructure pho- tonic crystal fibers by ultrashort pulse propagation has become a subject of great interest worldwide. The main reasons are the low pulse energies required to generate the supercontinuum; its coherences and high brightness makes the con- tinuumanidealwhite-lightsourcefordiverseapplications;andtheeffectsofzero dispersion and anomalous dispersion regions have resulted in higher-order solu- tions generation, pulse compression, and an ultrabroadband continuum exceeding 1,000 nm and extending from the ultraviolet to the infrared spectral regions. The development of all-normal dispersion fibers leads to the cleaner single supercontinuumpulsegenerationforpump-probestudies. viii PrefacetotheThirdEdition In microstructural fibers, when pump wavelength lies in an anomalous disper- sion region, it is the solitons that initiate the formation of the continuum. In a normal dispersion region, self-phase modulation is the process that initiates the continuumgeneration.Thecombinationoffour-wavemixingandRamanprocesses extendsthespectralwidthofthecontinuum.Inthatregard,thepulsedurationofan ultrafast laser determines the operational mechanisms—for 10 fs to 1,000 fs laser pulses, self-phase modulation (SPM) and soliton generation dominate; and for pulses >30 ps, stimulated Raman and four-wave mixing play a major role in extending the spectra. Of course, the pump wavelength location relative to the zerodispersionwavelengthandtheanomalousdispersionregionplaysaroleinthe activemechanismandcoherenceregionofthesupercontinuum.Amajoradvancein thesupercontinuumpulsegenerationoccurswithall-normaldispersionmicrostruc- turalfibersviaSPM.Thesupercontinuumspectracanspanmorethanatwo-optical octavebandwidthspreadfrom380nmto1,600nmusing200fspulseswithenergy in the tens of nanojoules. The shorter wavelength UV generation is limited by multiphoton absorption. SC generation with deeper UV spectra component up to 200 nm can be achieved with tapered fibers. The deep UV supercontinuum will becomeusefulforproteinandgeneresearch. Thespanoveranoctave(i.e.,450–900nm)isimportantincontrollingthephase of the carrier wave inside the pulse envelope of a mode-locked pulse train. Using thefand2fwavesinthesupercontinuum,thecarrier-envelopeoffset(CEO)phase can be detected using heterodyne beating between the high-frequency end of the supercontinuum and the double low end frequency of the supercontinuum in an interferometer. These phase-controlling effects are important for maintaining the accuracyoffrequencycombsforclockingandtiminginmetrology,high-intensity atomicstudies,andattosecondpulsegeneration. The increasing worldwide demand for large-capacity optical communication systems needs to incorporate both the wavelength and the time. The ultrabroad bandwidth andultrashort pulsesof the supercontinuummay be the enabling tech- nology to produce a cost-effective superdense wavelength division multiplexing (>1,000 λ) and time multiplexing for the future Terabits/s to Pentabits/s commu- nication systems and networks. The supercontinuum is an effective way to obtain numerouswavelengthchannelsbecauseiteasilygeneratesmorethan1,000optical longitudinal modes while maintaining their coherency. Next advance of SC is in superresolutionmicroscopy. Thisthirdeditionconsistsofkeychaptersfromsecondedition,revisedchapters, andnewchapters.Themajorportionofthebookwillbefromthepasteditions.These chapterslaydowntheunderstandingandfoundationofthebirthandevolutionofthe supercontinuumfield.Theygooversalientexperimentalandtheoreticalconceptsof theresearchworksuptodate. SpecialthankstoDr.KestutisSutkusforhisassistanceintheproductionofthe thirdedition. NewYork,NY,USA RobertR.Alfano Preface to the Second Edition The“supercontinuum”(SC)hasbecomeoneofthehottesttopicstostudyinoptical and photonic sciences since the first book on the supercontinuum was published, entitled The Supercontinuum Laser Source, by Springer in 1989. That book, now becoming Part I in this second edition, reviewed the progress achieved on the experimental and theoretical understanding of the ultrafast nonlinear and linear processes responsible for the supercontinuum generation and related applications occurring over 20 years since its discovery by Robert R. Alfano and Stanley Shapiroin1969. There is a great need for a sequel part covering the recent worldwide surge of researchactivityonthesupercontinuumphenomenaandthenumeroustechnolog- icalapplicationsthathaveoccurredoverthepast15years.Thisvoidwillpartlybe coveredinthisnewrejuvenatedsecondedition,calledPartII,byanoverviewofthe recent advanceswith anupdated compendiumofreferencesonthe various break- throughstounderstandthesupercontinuumanditsnewdiverseapplications. The supercontinuum is the generation of intense ultrafast broadband “white- light” pulses spanning the ultraviolet to the near infrared that arises from the nonlinearinteractionandpropagationofultrafastpulsesfocusedintoatransparent material. The supercontinuum can be generated in different states of matter— condensed media (liquids and solids) and gases. The supercontinuum is one of the most dramatic and elegant effects in optical physics. The conversion of one colortowhite-lightisastartlingresult.Thisismulticoloredlightwithmanyofthe same desirable properties as conventional laser light: intense, collimated, and coherent.Thesupercontinuumhasabeamdivergence asgoodasthatoftheinput pump laser pulse. Moreover, the coherence length of the supercontinuum is com- parable with that of an incoherent white-light source from a light bulb. The interference pattern measured for the supercontinuum from a pair of filaments inwatershowsaconstantphaserelationshipbetweenthesupercontinuumproduced by each filament. There is a constant phase relationship between the pump laser pulse and its supercontinuum. The white-light supercontinuum is an ideal tunableultrafastwhite-lightlasersource.Supercontinuumhasovertakenthestudy ix

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