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The SuperCollider Help Book - Andrea Valle PDF

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the SuperCollider \Help "Book" s e l i f p l e h e h t m o r f t e s e p y t / / TheBeaverbroughtpaper,portfolio,pens, Andinkinanunfailingsupplies: Whilestrangecreepycreaturescameoutoftheirdens Andwatchedthemwithwonderingeyes. (L.Carroll,TheHuntingoftheSnark,FittheFifth,TheBeaver’sLesson) ThisbookisacollectionofalltheSuperColliderhelpfilesavailableinthestandarddistribution. Ithasbeentypesetwith CONTEXT, a TEX-based typesetting system for document preparation which allows high-quality automated typesetting withnativePDFoutput. TheCONTEXTcodehasbeengeneratedbyTheCollidingChampollion,aPythonmodulewhich analysesandtranslatestheSuperColliderhtmlhelpfiles. AsTheCollidingChampollionisinitsfirstversion,itisstill veryexperimental: inparticular, syntaxcolorizingpresentssomebugsandsomefeaturesarelacking(e.g. sometimes colorsaremisplacedandindentationismissing). Thesituationpartlydependsalsoonsources: thehtmlfilesreproduces alltheerrorsofthertffilesfromwhichtheyaregenerated,andthesearereproducedagainintheCONTEXTfiles. More, the original rtf documentation lacks structure and an explicit markup would be needed to achieve better results (the bestexampleisThreadhelpfile). ThebooktriestoreproducetheoriginalhierarchyoftheHelpfolder. Asdepthin theHelpsubfoldersischanging,thebookstructureisabitmessy. Ageneralcriteriumisthatiffilesareatthesame leveloffolderstheyarealllistedbeforethefolders. Notethat: 1. ineachdocumenttheoriginalpathisindicatedintheheader 2. eachdocumenthasauniqueID Other Meta-data and stylistic improvements are on the ToDo list. Japanese tutorial is missing. This work has been possiblethankstothreeopen-sourceprojects. • SuperCollider: http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/ • CONTEXT:http://www.pragma-ADE.com/ • Python: http://www.python.org Pleasereportbugs,suggestions,cries&whispersto: [email protected] CompiledonJanuary16,2007. AndreaValle http://www.semiotiche.it/andrea/ 1 1 3vs2 5 2 BinaryOps 27 3 Collections 69 4 Control 174 5 Core 238 5.1 Kernel 239 5.2 Miscellanea 276 6 Crucial 300 6.1 Constraints 301 6.2 Control 313 6.3 Editors 316 6.4 Gui 327 6.5 Instr 362 6.6 Introspection 406 6.7 Miscellanea 409 6.8 Patching 415 6.9 Players 421 1 Miscellanea 422 2 SFP 423 6.10 Sample 424 6.11 Scheduling 438 6.12 Sequencers 459 6.13 ServerTools 477 6.14 UncoupledUsefulThings 479 7 Files 517 8 Geometry 534 9 Getting-Started 543 10 GUI 608 11 Help-scripts 740 2 12 JITLib 755 12.1 Environments 756 12.2 Extras 765 12.3 Miscellanea 773 12.4 Networking 783 12.5 Nodeproxy 802 12.6 Patterns 834 12.7 Tutorials 889 12.8 Ugens 970 13 Language 974 14 Linux 1059 15 Mark_Polishook_tutorial 1066 15.1 Debugging 1067 15.2 First_steps 1079 15.3 Miscellanea 1090 15.4 Synthesis 1093 16 Math 1159 17 Miscellanea 1197 18 Networking 1300 19 OSX 1303 19.1 Miscellanea 1304 19.2 Objc 1316 20 Other_Topics 1321 21 Quarks 1364 22 Scheduling 1369 23 ServerArchitecture 1385 24 Streams 1500 3 25 UGens 1728 25.1 Analysis 1729 25.2 Chaos 1741 25.3 Control 1771 25.4 Controls 1811 25.5 Delays 1824 25.6 Envelopes 1862 25.7 FFT 1881 25.8 Filters 1944 25.9 InfoUGens 2003 25.10 InOut 2015 25.11 Miscellanea 2047 25.12 Noise 2117 25.13 Oscillators 2166 25.14 Panners 2227 25.15 PhysicalModels 2246 25.16 SynthControl 2254 25.17 Triggers 2258 26 UnaryOps 2289 4 1 3vs2 5 Where: Help→3vs2→Backwards-Compatibility ID: 1 Backwards Compatibility There are a number of classes and methods that have been added to allow for backwards compatibility with SC2 code. The most notable of these is Synth.play, which is basically a wrapper for Function.play. { SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.5) }.play; // creates an arbitrarily named SynthDef and a Synth to play it Synth.play({ SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.5) }); // in SC3 just a wrapper for Function.play with fewer args Both of these will create synth nodes on the default server. Note that neither requires the use of an Out.ar ugen; they simply output to the first audio bus. One can however add an Out to Function.play in order to specify. Synth.play({ Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.5)) }); In general, one should be aware of this distinction when using this code. When copying such code for reuse with other SC3 classes (for example in a reusable SynthDef), it will usually be necessary to add an Out.ar. Although useful for quick testing these methods are generally inferior to SynthDef.play, as the latter is more direct, requires no modifi- cations for general reuse, has greater general flexibility and has slightly less overhead. (Although this is insignificant in most cases, it could be relevant when large numbers of defs or nodes are being created.) Like SynthDef.play, Function.play returns a Synth object which can then be messaged, etc. However, since Function.play creates an arbitrarily named SynthDef, one cannot reuse the resulting def, at least not without reading its name from the post window, or getting it from the Synth object. //The following examples are functionally equivalent x = { arg freq = 440; Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.5)) }.play(fadeTime: 0); x.set(\freq, 880); // you can set arguments y = Synth.new(x.defName); // get the arbitrary defname from x x.free; y.free; x = SynthDef("backcompat-sine", { arg freq = 440; Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.5)) }).play; x.set(\freq, 880); y = Synth.new("backcompat-sine"); 6 Where: Help→3vs2→Backwards-Compatibility x.free; y.free; Function.play is in general superior to both its SC2 equivalent and Synth.play. It has a number of significant features such as the ability to specify the output bus and fade times as arguments. See the Function helpfile for a more in-depth discussion. A number of other classes and methods have also been added to improve compatibility. These are listed below. In general there are equivalent or better ways of doing the same things in SC3. Synth *play use Function.play or SynthDef.play GetFileDialog use CocoaDialog GetStringDialog Synth *stop use Server.freeAll Synth *isPlaying Server.numSynths (this will include non-running nodes) Mix *ar *arFill use Mix *new and *fill SimpleNumber.rgb Rawarray.write 7 Where: Help→3vs2→ClientVsServer ID: 2 Client versus Server Operations Unlike in SC2 where language and synthesis were unified in a single application, SC3 divides its operations between a language application (the SuperCollider app on which you double-clicked to startup SC) and a synthesis-server application (a UNIX command- line application called scsynth, which is started when you press the boot button on the ’local’ server window that is created by default at startup, or when you boot a Server from code). The two applications communicate between each other through UDP or TCP using a subset of CNMAT’s Open Sound Control. This is a radical departure from the previous architecture (a more detailed discussion of this and other matters can be found in the file sc3 intro 2 in the Examples folder) and yields several important advantages: The server can be controlled by programs other than the language app. The language app can crash and synthesis will not stop. The server can crash and the language will not. The language and server apps can be running on different machines, even in different parts of the world. This allows for efficient ’division of labour’ and network interactivity. There is one notable drawback: The messaging process introduces a small amount of latency. This should not be confused with audio latency which can be quite low. It only means that there is a small, usually insignificant delay between the one side sending a message and the other receiving it and acting upon it. (This can be minimized by using the ’internal’ server. See Server for more detail.) What is crucial to understand is the distinct functions of each side. The server app is a lean and efficient program dedicated to audio functions. It knows nothing about SC code, objects, OOP, or anything else to do with the SC language. It has (at least for the moment) little programmatic ability. When one creates a Synth object in the language app, that object is only the clientside representation of a node on the server. The language app provides you with convienent OOP functionality to keep track of and manipulate things on the server. All of this functionality is possible to do ’by hand’ using the sendMsg method of Server, and other similar messages. For instance: s = Server.default; 8 Where: Help→3vs2→ClientVsServer s.boot; // this n = s.nextNodeID; s.sendMsg("/s_new", "default", n); // use the SynthDef "default" s.sendMsg("/n_free", n); // is equivalent to x = Synth("default"); // create a synth on the default server (s) and allocate an ID for it x.free; // free the synth, its ID and resources The latter method gives you certain functionality. It gets a node ID for you automati- cally, it allows you to control the Synth in syntactically elegant and efficient ways (see the Synth and Node helpfiles), and to access all the advantages of object oriented programming while doing so. Encapsulating the complexities and bookeeping greatly reduces the chance of bugs in your own code. It also has a small amount of overhead. It requires clientside CPU cycles and memory to create and manipulate an object. Normally this is not significant, but there may be times when you would prefer to use the less elegant, and less expensive first method, for instance when creating large numbers of grains which will simply play and then deallo- cate themselves. Thus it is possible to create synth nodes on the server without actually creating Synth objects, providing you are willing to do the required housekeeping yourself. The same is true of group nodes, buffers, and buses. A more detailed discussion of these concepts can be found in the NodeMessaging helpfile. In conclusion, the crucial thing to remember is the distinction between things like nodes, busses, buffers, and servers and the objects that represent them in the language app (i.e. instances of Node, Bus, Buffer, and Server). Keeping these conceptually distinct will help avoid much confusion. 9

This book is a collection of all the SuperCollider help files available in the standard the Help subfolders is changing, the book structure is a bit messy.
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