The Su per Simp le Prog ram ming Book Learn Ba sic Pro gram ming Con cepts With Python Dr. Ed win R. Torr es 1 Copy right © 2018 Ed win R. Tor res All rights re served. ISBN: 9781718198456 2 DED I CA TION I ded i cate this book to Wendy, Nicole, Ashl ey, and Max. You are the most imp ort ant peop le in my life. I love you. 3 4 CON TENTS Ac knowl edg ments i Pref ace ii 1 Hello World! 1 2 Data 7 3 Op er a tors 19 4 Out put 29 5 In put 35 6 Se lec tion 42 7 Rep e ti tion 49 8 Lists 59 9 Mod u lar Pro gram ming 67 10 Us ing Li braries 79 11 Putting it All To gether 83 12 Fi nal Thoughts 108 About the Au thor 109 5 6 AC KNOWL EDG MENTS I would like to thank my coll eagues Steve Foote and Bren dan Smith for prov idi ng feedb ack on this book and cont in u ing to sup port my ca- reer pur suits. I re ally app rec i ate their help and enc oura ge ment. 7 PREF ACE You can learn pro gramm ing. You re ally can. There is noth ing myst e - rio us about it. There is nothi ng to fear. Any one with a brain can be- come a prog ramm er. If you like to solve probl ems or crea te things, then you will love pro gramm ing. This book will not make you an ex - pert prog ramm er, but it will start you on the right path to be comi ng one. You will not learn eve ry de tail about pro gramm ing; there are other books for that. In stead, you will learn es sen tial pro gramm ing con cepts through sim ple Python prog rams. These fund a ment al con- cepts ap pear in most pro gramm ing lang uages, so it is imp ort ant to learn them. This book will help you learn any pro gramm ing lan- guage. This book is a sup er simp le ap proach to pro gramm ing. You can do this. En joy the ride! 8 9