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The Super Flavor Factory 7 0 A. J. Bevana∗ 0 2 aPhysics Department, Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS, UK. n a The main physics goals of a high luminosity e+e− flavor factory are discussed, including the possibilities to J performdetailedstudiesoftheCKMmechanismofquarkmixing,andconstrain virtualHiggsandNon-Standard 3 ModelparticlecontributionstothedynamicsofrareBu,d,s decays. ThelargesamplesofDmesonsandτ leptons 2 producedataflavorfactorywillresultinimprovedsensitivitiesonDmixingandleptonflavorviolation searches, respectively. One can also test fundamental concepts such as lepton universality to much greater precision than 2 existing constraints and improve the precision on tests of CPT from B meson decays. Recent developments v in accelerator physics have demonstrated the feasibility to build an accelerator that can achieve luminosities of 1 O(1036 cm−2s−1). 3 0 1 1 6 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PRECISION CKM METROLOGY 0 / Recent developments in accelerator physics Violationofthecombinedsymmetryofcharge- x e show that it is feasible to construct an e+e− col- conjugation and parity (CP) was first seen in - lider with a luminosity of 1036 cm−2s−1, which the decay of neutral kaons [8]. All CP violation p is a factor of fifty increase relative to the cur- (CPV) in the Standard Model (SM) is the re- e h rent B-factories [1,2]. This paper discusses the sultofasinglecomplexphaseintheCKMquark- : physicspotentialofaSuperFlavorFactory(SFF) mixing matrix. It was shown some time ago that v i associated with such a collider. The physics po- CPV is a necessary but insufficient constraint in X tential of a SFF comes from vast samples of ordertogenerateanetbaryonanti-baryonasym- r B , D mesons and τ leptons that can be pro- metryintheuniverse[9]. Theotherrequirements a u,d,s duced, in addition to the flexibility of operating forthisasymmetryareanon-thermalequilibrium at different center of mass energies (√s). One intheexpansionoftheuniverseandbaryonnum- can study Υ(nS) decays where n = 1,2,3,4,5, berviolation. Intheensuingyearstherehasbeen and perform precision measurements of the ra- a tremendous amount of activity to elucidate the tio R = σ(e+e− hadrons)/σ(e+e− µ+µ−). role of CPV in the SM. All measurements of Detailed reports→have been compiled o→n the po- CPV produced by the BABAR [10] and Belle [11] tential of a SFF [3–5]. experiments are consistent with the CKM de- Theremainderoftheseproceedingsdiscusspre- scription of CPV, and insufficient to explain the cision tests of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. (CKM) quark-mixing matrix [6,7], new physics The SM description of CPV for B decays is u,d constraints from loop-dominated processes, rare manifest in the form of a triangle in a complex charmless B decays, tests of the combined sym- plane. This triangle has three non-trivial angles, metry of charge-conjugation, parity and time re- α, β, and γ, and two non-trivial sides with mag- versal(CPT), charmandτ physicsopportunities nitudes V V∗ /V V∗ and V V∗ /V V∗ , | us ub| | cd cb| | td tb| | cd cb| andthephysicspotentialfromanalysingdataac- where V are elements of the 3 3 CKM ma- ij × cumulated at the Υ(1S,2S,3S,5S) resonances. trix. The limiting factor in the determination of the sides of the triangle are the magnitudes of the CKM matrix elements V and V . The ub td ∗This workis supported by PPARC and the DOE under first step toward understand|ing|any n|ew p|hysics contractDE-AC02-76SF00515. 1 2 weak phase or amplitude contribution to the fla- quired to constrain penguins in b uud transi- → vor sectoris to precisely understandthe SM con- tions will only be accessible to a SFF. tributions. To this end, one has to overconstrain A precision measurement of γ will require the parameters describing the unitarity triangle a systematic study of the many methods pro- before embarking on a quest to find deviations posed in the literature [27]. One of the most from SM behavior. promising channels to extract γ is B DK, → The angle β is determined from a time- where D0 K0π+π−, and the structure of the → s dependent analysis of b ccs decays [12]. This K0π+π− Dalitzplotisusedinthefit[28]. ASFF → s determination is from tree-dominated processes with 50ab−1 should be able to measure γ at the that are theoretically clean and provides a base- level of 2◦ with this method [29]. The precision linetocompareagainsttheresultsfrommeasure- oftheconstraintonγ usingtheAtwood-Dunietz- ments of b s and ccd transitions. The current Soni[30]andGronau-London-Wyler[31]methods → resultsfromtheB-factoriesonthisparameterare isexpectedtobedominatedbyDalitz-plotmodel Refs. [13,14]. As the precision of these measure- uncertainties at a SFF. ments increaseitwillbecomeincreasinglyimpor- A SFF will be able to test the closure of the tanttoimproveourunderstandingofpossibleSM unitarity triangle to a few degrees with a data- pollution [15–17]. Open charm decays such as set of 50ab−1. The projected sensitivities for α, B0 J/ψπ0 [18,19]can be used to estimate this β andγ are2◦,0.2◦ and2◦,respectivelyasshown → SMpollution[17]. ASFFwillbeableto improve in Figure 1. This level of sensitivity is compa- on existing measurements of this angle and pro- rable to the expectations of an upgraded LHCb vide competitive results in the LHC era. experiment [32]. In addition to performing the The measurement of α is more complicated primary measurements of the unitarity triangle than that of β [20,21]. The parameters of the angles, a SFF has the ability to perform mea- time-dependent analysis of b uud transitions surements that will enable better determination → do not provide a clean measurement of α, but of the SM theoreticalpollutionto the angle mea- measureaneffectiveparameterdependentontree surements. This is a critical aspect of searching and loop (penguin) contributions to the over- for manifestations of a NP weak phase. all weak phase. The most stringent method for extracting α currently comes from the study of 3. NEW PHYSICS FROM LOOPS B ρρ decays [22–24]. This result has an 8-fold → ambiguity,withdegeneratesolutions. Thedegen- The Higgs particle and supersymmetry are in- eracy can be resolved using the result of a time- troduced to the SM as the standard way to elu- dependent Dalitz-plot analysis of B0 π+π−π0 cidate the mass generation mechanism [34] and → decays [25,26]. The precision on α measured us- resolve the hierarchy problem [35,36]. The en- ing B ππ decays is limited by the ability to ergy scale of the Higgs and NP contributions are → measure B0 π0π0. A SFF will enable us to widely expected to be introduced below 1TeV. → ∼ perform a precision measurement of this mode. When extending the SM to accommodate new Therewillbesufficientstatisticstomeasuretime- particles at this scale, one introduces couplings dependent asymmetry parameters through π0π0 in the flavor sector that will impinge on low en- decays with photon conversions, and a precision ergy measurements of flavour-changing neutral studyofB0 π0π0 meansthatanisospinanaly- currents (FCNCs) and processes dominated by → sisofB ππ decayswillbecomeanincreasingly penguin amplitudes at a B-factory. Most calcu- → important contribution to the overall constraint lations with a NP contribution to the effective onα. TheconstraintonαobtainedataSFFwill Lagrangian introduce a fine-tuning problem by beacombinationofresultsfromallofthesechan- setting the NP flavor parameters to zero. The nels. The hadronic environment of LHCb results rest of this section highlights a few specific ex- in difficulties in studying channels with neutral amplesofprocessesthatcanbeusedtoconstrain particles in the final state and some channels re- the effects of NP. 3 0.6 0.5 0.4 η 0.3 α 0.2 0.1 γ β 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ρ Figure1. A predictionofthe constraintonthe unitarity triangleobtainedataSFF usinga 50ab−1 data sample. Thecontoursrepresent68.3%confidencelevelintervalsintheρ η plane(the parameterswhich − are defined in the Wolfenstein expansion of the CKM matrix [33]). 3.1. Measurements of ∆S signsofNP[3–5]. Theexpected50ab−1SFFpre- TheB-factorieshaverecentlyobservedCPV in cision on ∆S for K+K−K0, which contains the B η′K0 decays [37,38]. These b s penguin mode φK0, is 0.017. → → ∼ processes are probes of NP, and have the most precisely measured time-dependent CP asymme- 3.2. b → sγ try parameters of all of the penguin modes. Any The b sγ penguin decays provide one of → deviation∆S ofthemeasuredasymmetryparam- the most sensitive constraints on possible NP eter Sη′K0 fromsin2β is anindicationofNP (for (for example, see Ref. [45]). The existing exper- example, see Refs. [3,4]). The anticipated pre- imental measurements and interpretation of re- cision on ∆S for η′K0 is 0.015 with a data sults has been widely debated (for example, see ∼ sample of 50ab−1. In addition to relying on the- Ref. [46]). Of interest are both inclusive and oretical calculations of the SM pollution to these exclusive decays where the rate measurement is decays [39–41], it is possible to experimentally usedto constrainthe massofHiggsparticles(see constrain the SM pollution using SU(3) symme- Refs. [45,46]). However in addition to this, it is try [42]. This requiresprecisionknowledgeof the possible to measure time integratedand time de- branching fractions of the B meson decays to pendent CP asymmetry parameters. These mea- the following pseudo-scalar pseudo-scalar (PP) surements also provide stringent constraints on final states π0π0,π0η,π0η′,ηη,η′η,η′η′ [43,44]. NP models, and the expected precision on the As these PP channels have severalneutral parti- chargeasymmetrywith10ab−1ataSFFis 1%. ∼ cles in eachof their finalstates, they will be very difficult to study in a hadronic collider environ- 3.3. b → sll imcaelnlyt.cTlehane dbecaysBpen→guφinKSc0hiasnnanelotthoesretahrcehorfeotr- sulTthoef FbC→NCssl.l (Tlh=e foer,wµ)arpdr-bocaecskswesaradreastyhmemree-- → 4 try of these FCNC processes are sensitive to NP 4. CPT contributions. Recently the BABAR and Belle ex- The combined symmetry CPT is conserved perimentsstartedtostudytheasymmetry[47,48] in locally gauge invariant quantum field the- and a high statistics evaluation of the forward- ory [58–61]. Itis possible to constructtheoriesof backwardasymmetry is required to elucidate the quantumgravitywhereLorentzsymmetrybreaks nature of any NP contribution to these decays. The SFF will be able to study both e+e− and downandthequantumcoherenceoftheBBstate µ+µ− final states. The physics reach of a SFF produced in Υ(4S) decays is broken (for example see [62,63]). A test of CPT is one of the funda- withthesedecayswillbecompetitivewithanyre- mental tests of nature that should be performed sults from an upgraded LHCb experiment. With 50ab−1 it is expected that the effective parame- to increasingly greater precision. Current exper- tersrelatedtotheWilsoncoefficientsC canbe imental constraints on CPT in correlated P0P0 9,10 measured to 10-15% from the forward backward systemhavebeenperformedforneutralK andB asymmetry in B K∗l+l−. mesons where the most stringent limit on CPT → violation from B decays is discussed in Ref. [64]. 3.4. B → VV decays TheangularanalysisofB VV decays(where 5. CHARM DECAYS → V is a vector meson) provides eleven observables (six amplitudesandfiverelativephases)thatcan Several reviews of charm physics [65] have re- be used to test theoretical calculations [49]. The cently highlighted the motivation to revisit stud- hierarchy of A , A , and A amplitudes ob- ies of charm meson decays at much higher lu- 0 + − tained from a helicity (or A , A , and A in minosities. The proceedings of the talks within 0 k ⊥ the transversitybasis)analysis of such decays al- this conference give an overview of the state of lows one to search for possible right handed cur- the art measurements in charm decays [66]. The rents in any NP contribution to the total ampli- motivation for studying charm decays at a SFF tude. For low statistics studies, a simplified an- includes the continued search for D-mixing and gular analysis is performed where one measures CPV. Oneoftenneglectedfactis thatthe multi- the fractionoflongitudinally polarisedeventsde- tudeofprecisioncharmmeasurementsareinstru- finedasf = A 2/P A 2,wherei= 1,0,+1. mental to honing theoretical calculations used in L 0 i | | | | − Current data for penguin-dominated processes the study of B meson decays. Charm physics is (φK∗(892)[50,51],K∗(892)ρ[52,53])thatareob- an integralpart of the wider programpursued at servedto have non-trivialvalues of f can be ac- a SFF. L commodated in the SM. A SFF with a 10ab−1 data-set would be able to provide sub 1% mea- 6. STUDY OF τ LEPTONS surements of A in φK∗. In addition to this, one i cansearchforT-oddCP violatingasymmetriesin One of the most promising channels to experi- triple products constructedfromthe angular dis- mentally constrain lepton flavor violation (LFV) tributions [54]. It has also been suggested that inτ leptondecayistheprocessτ µγ. Thecur- → non-SM effects could be manifest in a number rent experimental branching ratio limits on this of other observables [55]. The measured rates of process are (10−7) [67,68] using approximately O electroweak penguin-dominated B decays to fi- 1.5 109 τ pairs. An estimated 10 109 τ pairs × × nal states involving a φ meson are also probes of will be produced each year at a SFF. The large NP [56]. The study of B AV decays (where A number of recorded decays would enable one to → is an axial-vector meson) also provides this rich push experimental sensitivities of LFV down to set of observables to study, however current re- the 10−9 to10−10 level. Suchastringentlimiton sults only yield an upper limit on B0 a±ρ∓ LFV would impose serious constraints on many decays [57]. BABAR have recently studied→the1an- models of NP [69]. In addition to LFV, one can gular distribution for B φK∗(1430) [50]. search for CPV in τ decay. → 5 7. Υ DECAYS BELOW THE 4S RESO- 9. ACCELERATOR DESIGNS NANCE The PEP-II and KEK-B asymmetric energy Samples of Υ(1S,2S) decays can be obtained e+e− accelerators have outperformed expecta- by operating a SFF at the Υ(3S) resonance and tionstointegrateacombinedluminosityof1ab−1 tagging the final state π+π−Υ(1S,2S), or via ra- since the B-factory operation started in 1999. diative return from the Υ(4S) resonance. Therearecurrentlytwodesignsbeingentertained The decays Υ(3S) π+π−Υ(1S,2S) with for a 1036 cm−2s−1 collider that would integrate → Υ(1S,2S) l+l− for l = e,µ,τ, have been pro- 50ab−1 of data during their lifetimes. One is → posed for testing lepton universality (LU) at the anupgradedKEK-Baccelerator[1](SuperKEK- percent level using the existing B-factories [70]. B) that benefits from ILC technological devel- TheCLEOcollaborationhaverecentlyperformed opments, and the other is the result of more such measurements for τ and µ dilepton decays recent developments in trying to harness more of Υ(1S,2S,3S) concluding that LU holds within ILC-related technology [2] (low emittance de- the (10%) precision of the measurement [71]. sign). Highlights of the proposed parameter sets O CLEO analysed (1.1fb−1) of data accumulated of these machines are summarised in Table 1. O ateachoftheΥ(1S),Υ(2S)andΥ(3S)resonances. The luminosity of an e+e− collider is propor- L The data currently show a 2.6σ deviation from tional to Ie+/e−ξe+/e−,y/βy∗ where Ie+/e− is the theexpectationofLU.VariousNPscenariosexist beam current,ξe+/e−,y is the beam-beam param- where light CP-odd non-SM Higgs bosons could eter and β∗ is the vertical beta-function ampli- y breakLU[72–74]. AprecisiontestofLUcouldbe tude at the interaction point. In addition to performed at a SFF by operating the accelerator this, there is a luminosity reduction factor, the at √s = 10.355GeV corresponding to the Υ(3S) so-called hourglass effect [79], to consider when resonance. simulating the delivered from a SFF. This re- L Most dark matter scenarios require a SM- duction factor is approximately 6% in the case dark matter coupling, and studies of the decays of PEP-II. The luminosity increase of the Su- Υ(1S) invisiblehavebeenproposedinorderto per KEK-B design is achieved by increasing the → study such couplings [75]. beam-beam term, the beam currents and reduc- ing β∗. In order to reach the predicted luminos- y ity of 0.8 1036 cm−2s−1, the KEK-based de- × sign incorporates a number of upgrades includ- ing the use ofcrabcavities to rotatethe colliding 8. ACCUMULATING DATA AT THE bunches of electrons and positrons. This tech- Υ(5S) RESONANCE nology is expected to reduce the geometric re- duction factor of the luminosity. The “low emit- Recent work has shown that it is possible to studyB decaysproducedattheΥ(5S)resonance tance design” achieves its luminosity increase to s with an asymmetric energy e+e− collider [76]. It 1.0 1036 cm−2s−1throughalowemittanceoper- × ationoftheaccelerator. Whilemostofthestudies will be possible to measure ∆Γ/Γ for the B sys- s tem using B D(∗)D(∗) decays [77], and an forthisdesignarefocussedonapossiblesitenear s s s → Frascati,thisisasite-independentdesign. Anim- e+e− collider provides a clean environment to portant aspect of achieving 1036 cm−2s−1 is the search for NP in the B K∗γ and B φγ s s → → use of so called ‘crabbed waist” scheme [80]. loop processes [78]. One can also constrain NP There are pros and cons for both of the accel- parameter space through measurements of semi- erator concepts under study, however as it is un- leptonic B decays. The large mixing frequency s likely that there will be more than one SFF built of B mesons makes time-dependent CP asym- s intheworld,thenextstepforaSFFistocoalesce metrymeasurementschallenging,andstudies are the best of both designs to a common proposal underwaytoelucidatethe prospectsofsuchmea- on a timescale of the next year or two. Both de- surements with a SFF. 6 Table 1 for CPV in the lepton sector. Parameters of the accelerator configurations un- It is impossible to predict a priori what mea- der consideration. surements are needed to constrain NP contribu- Parameter Super KEK-B low emittance tions, so one has to perform as many different ǫ (nm) 9.0 0.8 x measurements as possible. A SFF would provide ǫ (nm) 0.045 0.002 y a base to perform a wide range of such measure- β∗ (cm) 200.0 20.0 x ments. β∗ (cm) 3.0 0.2 y σ (mm) 3.0 7.0 z REFERENCES I (A) 9.4 2.5 e+ Ie− (A) 4.1 1.4 1. K. Oide. Contribution to the BNM Work- shop, KEK, September 2006. 2. J. 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