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The Sunday Times Magazine - 12 June 2022 PDF

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Preview The Sunday Times Magazine - 12 June 2022

June 12 2022 HENRY KISSINGER AT 99 Interview by Niall Ferguson 10 12.06.2022 GES A GETTY IM 7T hMea wtto Rnuddedrs of the world, as Lreuccikpye s&, JMoayr, iWnail lO L’yLoonusg holffine rosn MILY, reviewed on Tripadvisor anything but chardonnay N FA O 8 Relative Values 58 Farmer Clarkson ARRIS Married superchefs Angela A bureaucratic pincer H HE Hartnett and Neil Borthwick movement scuppers plans N, © T at Diddly Squat farm COLLINS / THE SU 1Hs0hoo wGu rltdehn e—f ei nhllfa:e varenn o bin ecveoenus latdivg —oait daieondnd 6Troh6ue At idn Lievif eaerf itTneo rtm hhe iDs DaTloaeykyy oon g ao lndew 42 GE: RAY 2O4li vMiay H liaferr wisoitnh oGne othreg elove HIS PA and loss of a Beatle. By 66 NE. T Christina Patterson GAZI MA 32 COVER: Kissinger at 99 MES Niall Ferguson puts the UNDAY TI wAmoreldri ctoa nri gsthattse wsmithan t he 24 HE S OR T 42 Thrills and spills N BLASK F Jaanmd epsa Mina oyf oen-s tchoeo ptelersasure ©Pu Tbilmishees dN aenwds pliacpeenrsse dLt bdy, 2T0im22e.s 58 UERI Newspapers Ltd, 1 London Bridge COVER: G 4Sk6y Feo Goydn agnedll ‘sd rsiunmkmer S5Li0tvr0eere0pt),o. LoPorl.in nNdtoeotdn t boSy Eb 1Pe 9r isGnooFldv (i 0ss e2Up0Ka 7 rL7at8tde2,l y The Sunday Times Magazine • 5 M A T T R U D D The seven wonders of the ancient world, as rated on Tripadvisor S ome 2,250 years ago, keen Tripadvisor signposting, she would have struggled. It’s not her fault contributors Sandra and Nigel decided to tick — she just isn’t very good with charts. off the seven wonders of the world … Statue of Zeus Lighthouse of Alexandria I note a previous reviewer, the Roman general Aemilius I wouldn’t normally travel any distance to see Paullus, was “moved to the soul, as if he had seen the a lighthouse but everyone kept banging on god in person”, so I just want anyone else travelling to about this one, so Sandra and I decided, what Olympia to manage their expectations. First of all, the the hell? Big mistake. It was closed the chariot transfer from Paos does not take the advertised morning we arrived, so we had to wait almost 55 minutes. It’s closer to 75. You then have to queue for half an hour for the afternoon tour. The guide spoke more than an hour and they only let you have a few only passable Pictish and gave us not nearly enough seconds in front the statue itself. Sadly, that’s more time in the gift agora. More importantly, the light in the than enough time. All the gold and ivory is far too gaudy lighthouse was just some burning logs. Avoid. for my taste. And what they don’t tell you in the guidescrolls is that there is a guy permanently on hand Great Pyramid of Giza to massage olive oil into Zeus’s very unrealistic six-pack. Sandra, in particular, found this upsetting. In If you’re going to call it great, then at least make sure fact, she was speechless. The guy claimed he was doing it’s bigger than Sandra and I expected. Also, no one it to protect the ivory from the sun but his toga was warned us how much sand there would be. Avoid. unnecessarily skimpy and he had no ID. Suspicious. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes When we arrived in Halicarnassus, it was almost This was much more like it. Three times taller than 30C. For some reason they had sealed Mausolus’s gaudy Zeus with his unnecessary masseur, Colossus mausoleum, so Sandra and I were left to wander stands, well, colossal above the harbour in Rhodes. The around outside where there was no shade. Our toilet facilities were adequate and the signage was clear. luggage had gone to Gumusluk, so we had no sun Four stars then, except for what happened next. Sandra cream and no sun hats. Most importantly, we’d paid and I decided to find a taverna in which to edit down for speedy boarding but they only speedy boarded us our self-sketches (Sandra calls them skelfies but that onto the transfer horse. From there to the chariots will never catch on). The drinks were far too strong. it was a free for all. Avoid. I had to return to our inn early and Sandra had no option but to spend the evening stuck talking to some The Temple of Artemis guy who claimed his job was to massage olive oil into statues. Not another one! When she finally returned, Sandra and I are ahead of our time when it comes to she was visibly exhausted from having to listen to the female empowerment — we both believe women are guy drone on about his probably imaginary job. Avoid. almost as good as men — so we were looking forward MY to this one. Sandra, in particular, admires Artemis, Hanging Gardens of Babylon ALA goddess of the hunt, of nature, of the moon and young NE, women. Much more inspiring than Aphrodite, goddess They’re called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon but GAZI of Love Island. And her temple is great. Really clearly they weren’t hanging at all. They were terraced. Now, A DAY TIMES M sfoigrncepdo stote edx. pBluotr eI goont h foeor dow poni. sWonitinhgo uatn tdh Sea cnledarra was Ig dgooainrndg’te aknlnl, tiothw he aawsb atoyou thto ay Mnogue. bsTouhpte oirfte as wommaiase ntooon sneee te eo alfl sht hmanaetg Iin’mg N CLIFT FOR THE SU “BTahbey lHoann wgeinregn G’ta hrdaenngsin ogf —dBwi ansibaotpyhtl p eooovnliiev,n naets eao dtnihl yt eth ohya a rstne htmghoieuno lTgnd esb btrarresaa kctceeae ltwdlse .Gi dSth,aa h.rn Idad dterhn anos wou o gagfshu aty l isto HARLIE at all. They were terraced” w@ams aa gttoroudd tdhing. Hence two stars n C The Sunday Times Magazine • 7 R E L A T I V E V A L U E S Angela Hartnett and Neil Borthwick The married chefs on tardiness, clutter and why cooking together can be a “nightmare” Angela me anything else, I’m not interested if a waiter served Neil and I met years ago when he was a junior chef and the côte de boeuf instead of the rump steak. Go and I was running the kitchen at the Connaught Hotel in talk to someone else about it.” Then the occasional time Mayfair. He was a young pup, he looked about 12, but I do try to offload, he’ll start telling a story and I’ll say to he was always quite confident and chatty. It was my first him, “No, it’s about me this time!” I don’t want us to be proper head chef job and there was a very tight group of that couple that sits and moans about their jobs, though. us who had worked there for a long time. Neil became a There are so many great things about what we do. friend even though I employed him and we always had I’ve got four restaurants in London and three are run lots of fun together. After four years working for me he by female teams. I’m all for bringing everyone into the went to France, but we stayed in touch. industry but I like to think it’s the best person for the Neil was working for the three-Michelin-star chef job. I think there are more female chefs now because Michel Bras, so I went out to visit. He arranged a trip to it’s more accessible and the hours are better. If you Paris, where we stayed in a hotel called Le Petit Palace. It want people to work for you, you’ve got to be flexible. was not a palace, that’s for sure. When we stayed there I didn’t have that when I was coming up, but it didn’t it was so hot and there was no air-con. That’s probably bother me. I was doing the job I really wanted to do and why we ended up getting together. We were in this tiny I was fortunate enough not to experience sexism. lift and the only thing we could do was kiss each other. When we’re cooking at home, Neil and I are big fans We got together in 2009 but didn’t tell anyone for a of the old roast chicken and a load of salads. Nothing while. I suppose we wanted to see how things went, but fancy, who the hell wants to be doing all this work all also he’d worked with me and I’d recommended him to the time? I believe in one-pot wonders. a fellow chef, so I didn’t want it to look like I was helping Eventually Neil and I want to move out of London. my boyfriend. Eventually there was a lot of owning up We’ll find a little seaside restaurant where we don’t to people. Those who knew us well were not surprised. depend on it for a massive income and if we want to We tried for kids and it couldn’t happen, so I did say close for two weeks to go away we can. Something that to Neil, “If this is something you really want, go and feels like coming round to ours for supper. Neil can do meet someone else. Don’t let me hold you back or in ten years’ time tell me you wanted kids.” I didn’t want him to have that regret. Maybe then because of the “We married in the church near our accident [Neil came off his bike in 2012 and was in a house partly because it was the only coma for five days] he thought he could live without kids, I don’t know. You do reassess everything after that. one Angela could make it to on time” We were never bothered about getting married but I said to Neil, “If we are going to do it, I don’t want to be a 50-year-old bride.” I was coming up to my 50th four years ago and that’s when he surprised me and asked. I look at some people my age and I think they have their lives sorted. They know when their bills are being paid, they don’t miss flights. Neil and I are renowned for running across airports screaming “Come on!” I’m probably the worse timekeeper, but Neil will leave a trail of destruction in his wake. If he needs a screwdriver he’ll empty a cupboard, leave it all out and not think to put anything back. That drives me doolally. But he’s so Main: Neil, 42, honest, which is a lovely thing. So if he does screw up Angela, 53, and because he has been disorganised, he always admits it. Betty the dog at We’ve worked at making time for each other. I think home in east we’re lucky because I’m my own boss and Neil’s London. Inset: at restaurant, the French House, is always closed on their restaurant Saturday and Sunday, which makes it easy for us to have Merchants Tavern a weekend. I can come home and easily switch off from in 2015 — it closed work, whereas Neil likes to offload and often repeats in 2020 due to the himself, so I’ll be quite rude and say to him, “Do not tell pandemic 8 • The Sunday Times Magazine P O R T R A I T B Y P A U L S T U A R T the cooking. I wouldn’t work in the kitchen, it would be S T R A N G E church a few minutes from the house, partly because it a nightmare. We’re not good at working together. It was the only church Angela would make it to on time. H A B I T S annoys me when he gets messy. If I’m honest Neil is Angela could not have been more supportive or caring the better chef. Why not use your talent? when I had a bad bike accident nine years ago. I’ll take Angela on Neil antiepileptic medication probably for the rest of my Neil Neil gets life, but all in all, considering how close it was to being People talk about Fergie time in football but we live by distracted easily the end, I’ve been very lucky. But I can’t be afraid to get Angela Hartnett time. She tends to be running late a lot and I’m impatient back on the bike. The main thing for me is to get out, but she always makes it just in time. A few years ago we so we wind each get the heart pumping and unwind from work stress. were invited to Buckingham Palace and we only made it other up. When I’ve only worked in one kitchen that wasn’t a happy in just before the Queen. Angela said to me, “If you tell he says “patience, one. The owner was just a very angry man. In my own anyone about this we’re finished.” babe” or “chill kitchen I make sure I support everyone. One of the first When we met at the Connaught 21 years ago, it was out” it drives me chefs I worked for told me, “If your staff are happy, your my first time in London and I remember Angela being bloody insane customers are happy.” And he’s absolutely right. full of energy when she was showing me round the Pasta is the nicest thing to have cooked for you and kitchen. She probably thought, “Who’s this cocky little Neil on Angela Angela does make a fantastic bowl of it. We both like to Scotsman? Let’s knock him down a peg or two.” Angela loves a cook at home, but if I start taking the initiative it’s no We’re good together in a lot of ways. I always made binge watch. good. I do as I’m told to avoid a domestic. Angela laugh and she’s full of personality. Annoyingly It’s her way of London is great but it’d be nice to move to the she’s pretty much always right. She’s a sharp cookie and relaxing and she countryside one day. I think we’d be OK working she definitely has her father’s strong Irish character. always has a new together again. We make a good team n She’s always juggling 101 balls at one time. series on the go. U H HARLOTTE tpolu Ascpnkeg nuepdla tt’shh aeen cr eaosbutsr ooafglu yeto aeun srdw l iaefseek tw.h Wietaher tsg oaomnt dme woanrhreei eyndo y uion hu t awhveae n tto It’hde r actyhcelirn wg atch ITHnhateert rWnveeietetwk iess n pbduy Cb Hloiasonhkne: adGh ob Soywd B eFlorolooinmdg sf.obru Rrye aAl bLsifoel ubtye A ant g£e2l6a C The Sunday Times Magazine • 9 “ MUMMY, COME GET ME. COME GET ME” Five years ago this week 72 people, including 18 children, died in the Grenfell fire. This is the definitive and shocking account of the mistakes and corporate cover-ups that led to the disaster. Martina Lees By 10 • The Sunday Times Magazine

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