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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. pn˙matter˙rev February 5, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) ⋆ The structure of Planetary Nebulae: theory vs. practice. 1 1 2 3 1 F. Sabbadin , M. Turatto , R. Ragazzoni , E. Cappellaro , and S. Benetti 1 INAF- Astronomical Observatory of Padua, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padua, Italy 2 INAF- Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125, Italy 3 INAF- Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Via Moiariello 11, I-80131 Naples, Italy 6 0 Received November21, 2005; accepted January 17, 2010 0 2 Abstract. This paper - the first of a short series dedicated to the long-standing astronomical problem of de- n projecting the bi-dimensional apparent morphology of a three-dimensional mass of gas - focuses on the density a J distribution inrealPlanetary Nebulae(andall typesof expandingnebulae).Weintroducesomebasictheoretical notions,discusstheobservationalmethodology anddevelopetheaccurateprocedureforthedeterminationofthe 3 1 matter radial profile within the sharp portion of nebula in the plane of the sky identified by the zero-velocity- pixel-column (zvpc) of high-resolution spectral images. Moreover, a series of evolutive snapshots is presented, 1 combiningillustrativeexamplesofmodel-andtrue-PlanetaryNebulae.Last,thegeneralandspecificapplications v of themethod (and some caveats) are discussed. 3 8 Key words.planetary nebulae: general– ISM:kinematics and dynamics– ISM: structure 2 1 0 1. Introduction Recently,Sabbadinetal.(2005andreferencestherein) 6 0 have suggested that the dynamical properties of the ion- The spatial distribution of gas constitutes the most im- / ized gas represent the key for overcoming the stumbling h portant observational parameter for Planetary Nebulae p block of de-projection in PNe and other types of expand- (PNe): when combined with gas dynamics, it supplies - ing nebulae, like Nova and Supernova Remnants, shells o fundamental information on the mechanisms and physi- aroundPopulationI Wolf-Rayetstars,nebulae ejected by r calprocessesdrivingnebular evolution(mass-losshistory, t Symbiotic Stars, bubbles surrounding early spectral-type s wind interaction, ionization, magnetic fields, binarity of a Main Sequence stars etc.. : the central star etc.) and allows us a direct comparison Historically,thegeneralkinematicalruleforthebright v of each real object with theoretical evolutionary models, i main shell of PNe goes back to Wilson (1950), based on X hydro-dynamicalsimulations and photo-ionization codes. Coud´e spectra - no image-derotator - of 26 targets: the r In spite ofthis, the whole astronomicalliterature ded- high-excitation zones expand more slowly than the low- a icated to PNe contains only a handful of papers dealing excitation ones, and there is a direct correlation between withthetruespatialstructure,whichisgenerallyobtained the expansionvelocity and the size ofthe monochromatic by deconvolution of volume emissivity from the appar- image. entimageusingAbel’sintegrationequationforspherically Weedman (1968) secured Coud´e spectra (+ image- symmetric systems and “ad-hoc” algorithms for inclined derotator) of a sub-set of Wilson’s list (10 PNe), covered axi-symmetricalnebulae(Wilson&Aller1951,Lucy1974, along the apparent major axis. Assuming “a priori” the Sokeretal.1992,Volk&Leahy1993,Bremer1995).These prolate spheroid hypothesis with a/b=1.5, Weedman de- rare - quite rough and controversial - results stress the rived a typical expansion law of the type V =s(R-R ), exp 0 huge difficulties so far encountered in de-projecting the where s is the (positive) slope of the expansion velocity bi-dimensional appearance of a three-dimensional struc- gradientandR theradiusatwhichV =0.Inmostcases 0 exp ture (Aller 1994). R ≃0 or R <<R (i.e. the outflow is nearly ballistic, 0 0 neb Hubble-type). ⋆ Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at The classical papers by Wilson (1950) and Weedman the La Silla Observatories (program ID 65.I-0524), and (1968) belong to the heroic age of photographic plates. TNG (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) at La Palma, Canary Later on, the introduction of linear 2-D detectors at high Islands(programAOT10-10).Weextensivelyapplythephoto– ionization code CLOUDY, developed at the Institute of efficiency(CCDs)greatlyenhancedfluxaccuracyinawide Astronomyof theCambridgeUniversity(Ferland et al. 1998). spectral range, and the use of echelle spectrographs al- Send offprint requests to: F. Sabbadin, [email protected] lowed the observers to extend the analysis to large, faint 2 F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice objects. Even so, a odd dichotomy marks out the whole (a) at adequate “relative” spatial (SS) and spec- astronomicalliterature:high-resolutionspectraofPNeare tral (RR) resolutions (SS=R/∆r, R=apparent radius, usedtoobtaineitherthedetailedkinematicsinafewions ∆r=seeing+guiding; RR=V /∆V, ∆V=instrumental exp (generally,[OIII],HIand[NII])orthe“average”nebular spectral resolution), fluxes. (b) in a wide spectral range containing emissions at In the former case (i. e. kinematics), long-slitobserva- low, medium and high ionization and tions are performed through an interference filter to iso- (c) at several slit positions over the nebula, lateasingleordercontainingoneortwonebularemissions. to be combined with a straightforward and versatile Valuable examples concern the kinematics of: 15 multiple method of analysis. shellPNe(Guerreroetal.1998;singlepositionangle(PA), To this end, in 2000 we started a multi-PA spectro- instrumental spectral resolution ∆V=6.5 km s−1), NGC scopic survey of bright PNe in both hemispheres, ob- 2438 (Corradi et al. 2000; single PA, ∆V=4.3 km s−1) served with ESO NTT+EMMI (80 echelle orders cover- and MZ 3 (a symbiotic-star nebula), covered at various ing the spectral range λλ3900-8000 ˚A with ∆V=5.0 km PA by Santander-Garcia et al. (2004, ∆V=6.0 km s−1) s−1)andTelescopioNazionaleGalileo(TNG)+SARG (54 andGuerreroetal.(2004,∆V=8.0kms−1).Wemustno- orders,spectralrangeλλ4600-8000˚A,∆V=2.63kms−1). tice, however, that the standard observational procedure The pixel-to-pixel analysis of flux and velocity in a large - strongly reducing the useful spectral range by means of number of emissions gives the bi-dimensional ionic struc- an interference filter - represents an excessive precaution ture(tomography)ofeachnebularsliceinterceptedbythe in most cases, since the PN is an emission line object. As spectrographslitanda3-Drenderingprogram,assembling shownbyBenettietal.(2003)andSabbadinetal.(2004), alltomographicmaps,providestheaccuratespatialdistri- a PN larger(even much larger)than the order separation bution of the kinematics, physicalconditions (Te and Ne) of the echellogramscanbe coveredwith a single exposure and ionic and chemical abundances within the nebula. in the whole spectral range, the only limit (variable from Besidesthe-infieri-detailedspatio-kinematicalstudy one instrumentto another)being the effective superposi- of individual PNe (Ragazzoni et al. 2001, Turatto et al. tion of spectral images belonging to different orders (and 2002, Benetti et al. 2003, Sabbadin et al. 2004, 2005), we not the mere order separation). decided to deepen a general, long-lasting open problem: inferring the radial density profile in expanding nebulae. In the latter dichotomous case (average fluxes from Thisintroductory,didacticpapercontainsthedetailed high-dispersion spectroscopy), line intensities are inte- procedure for the determination ofthe gas distribution in grated over the entire slit (whose length is smaller than real PNe and is structured as follows: Sect. 2 gives some orderseparation)andprovide“mean”physicalconditions basic theoretical notions, Sect. 3 describes the practical andionic andchemicalabundanceswithin the whole slice application to high-dispersion spectra, Sect. 4 presents a ofnebulacoveredbythe spectrograph,thuslosingthe de- series of evolutionarysnapshots for model- and true-PNe, tailed (i. e. pixel-to-pixel) information on kinematics and Sect. 5 contains the general discussion and Sect. 6 draws flux.RepresentativeexamplesaregivenbyHyung&Aller the conclusions. (1998) and Hyung et al. (2001). In a future, applicatory paper we will compare the A courageous effort for overcoming the foregoing im- density profiles observed in a representative sample of passe has been performed by Gesicki & Zijlstra (2000) targets with the expectations coming from recent hydro- and Gesicki et al. (2003 and references therein): they dynamical simulations and theoretical models, in order secured high-resolution spectra of a number of compact to disentangle the evolutive phenomenology and physical PNe (including Galactic Bulgeobjects andnebulae inthe processes responsible for PNe shape and shaping. Sagittarius Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds) and combined integrated emission profiles of forbidden and 2. Theory recombination lines with the photo-ionization code of a spherical nebula (Torum model), inferring that accelera- Following Aller (1984), Pottasch (1984) and Osterbrock tion is a quite common property in the PNe innermost (1989), the absolute flux emitted in the line λ by the ele- layers(i. e. “U”-shapedexpansionprofile), due to the dy- mentary volume of a steady-state nebula is given by: namical contribution by the shocked, hot wind from the central star. F(Xm,λ)=NeN(Xn)f(Xm,λ,Ne,Te)ǫl, (1) Unfortunately, a detailed comparative analysis where T is the electron temperature, N the elec- e e (Sabbadin et al. 2005) proves that the “U”-shaped tron density, Xn the ion involved in the transition, expansion profile is a spurious, incorrect result caused by f(Xm,λ,N ,T ) the emissivity function for the line (Xm,λ) e e a combinationof unsuitedassumptions,spatialresolution and ǫ the local filling factor (fractional volume actually l and diagnostic choice. filled by matter with electron density N ). e All this confirms that, due to the nebular complexity Theemissivityfunctionf(Xm,λ,N ,T )dependsonthe e e and large stratification of the radiation and kinematics, excitation mechanism. Recombination through the cap- the recoveryofthe spatio-kinematicalstructureneeds ob- ture of an electron (followed by a cascade to lower lev- servations: els) and collisional excitation by an electron (followed by F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice 3 spontaneous radiation) are the main excitation processes nebulashowninthe left-mostpanelofFig.1,whosehigh- in PNe. 1 resolutionspectralimage indifferent ions- also presented For recombination lines (n=m+1 in Eq. (1)) in Fig. 1 - enhances (a) the large stratification of the ra- diation and kinematics, and (b) the blurred appearance f(Xm,λ ,N ,T )= hcα (λ ), (2) of H I, He I and He II recombination lines, due to a mix ij e e λ eff ij of thermal motions, fine-structure and expansion velocity ij gradient across the nebula (more details are in Sabbadin where αeff(λij) is the effective line recombination coeffi- et al. 2005 and Sect. 4.1).2 cient (a weak function of Ne) given by Moreover,Fig. 1 contains: αeff(λij)=B(λij)αeff(Xmi ) (3) - the central-star-pixel-line (cspl), common to all PA, representing the matter projected at the apparentpo- and B(λ ), the branching ratio, by ij sitionofthecentralstar,whosemotionispurelyradial; A - azero-velocity-pixel-column(zvpc,superimposedto B(λij)= ij , (4) the[OI]spectralimageatλ6300˚A),givingthespatial A Pk<i ik profile of the tangentially moving gas at the systemic with A =probabilities for spontaneous radiative decay. radial velocity. ik The emissivity function for collisionally excited lines (low-density case; n=m in Eq. (1)) is Hereafter we will focus on the zvpc: as clearly shown in the left-most panel of Fig. 1, it provides the ionic dis- f(Xm,λ,T )= hcq (λ) (5) tribution within a sharp, central, well-defined portion of e λ coll the radialslice of nebula selected by the spectrographslit (strictly speaking, the zvpc is marginally affected by the and q (λ), the collisional excitation rate, coll adjacentlayersofthenebularslice-and,atthesametime, qcoll(λ)=8.63×10−6(ωΩ)T−e0.5e−kT∆eE, (6) tjahceeznvtplcaymerasrg-insainllcyectohnetriinbsuttreusmteontthael espmeicstsrioanl roefstohluetaiodn- 1 is not infinite). whereΩ=collisionstrengthofthetransitionaveragedover According to Eq. (1), the absolute flux emitted in the the Maxwell distribution, ω =statistical weight of the 1 line λ by the nebular volume sampled by a single pixel of lower level of the transition, ∆E=excitation potential of the zvpc is given by the upper level. In general, αeff(λ) has a weak, inverse dependence E(Xm,λ) =F(Xm,λ) ×V , (7) zvpc zvpc zvpc on T , whereas q (λ), according to Eq. (6), is a strong, e coll direct function of Te. where V (in cm3) is represented by the parallelepiped zvpc Eq. (1) - relating the local electron density with an observable quantity (i. e. the local flux) - represents the V =s×w×d (8) zvpc starting point for the practical determination of the ra- dial matter profile in real-PNe (after de-projection of the with s, pixel size along the slit, given by apparent bi-dimensional morphology, as discussed in the D(cm) next section). s(cm)=pixelheight(arcsec)× , (9) 206265 w, pixel size perpendicular to the slit, by 3. Practice D(cm) Let us consider an optically thick, regularly expanding w(cm)=slitwidth(arcsec)× (10) 206265 nebulaatadistance D,poweredbyaluminouspost-AGB star at high temperature. A spectrograph long-slit cen- and d, depth of the zvpc along the radial direction, in tered on the exciting star intercepts the radial slice of general by 1 Weoverlookotherpossibleexcitationmechanisms,namely R(λ)(arcsec) D(cm) (a)Bowenresonancefluorescence(aphotonemittedbyoneion d(cm)=δV(kms−1)× × (11) V (λ)(kms−1) 206265 exp is absorbed by another and degraded in a cascade of emission linesviaintermediatelevels),(b)starlightand/ornebularcon- and, for V =A×R”, by exp tinuum fluorescence (a strong local UV radiation field pumps an ion into an excited state), (c) dielectronic recombinations δV(kms−1) D(cm) (a core electron is excited by capture of a free electron) and d(cm)= × , (12) A(kms−1arcsec−1) 206265 (d)charge-exchangereactions(anelectronisexchangedduring thecollisionofaionwithHorHe,themostabundantspecies). δV(km s−1) being the pixel spectral resolution. Their possible role into a specific application (i. e. abundance dichotomyfromopticalrecombinationandcollisionallyexcited 2 Thetwelvespectral images in Fig. 1refer toNGC6741 at lines) will be introduced in Sect.5. PA=15◦ (ESO NTT+EMMI). 4 F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice Fig.1. Nebular slice intercepted by a spectrograph slit passing through the central star (left-most panel) and the related high-resolution spectral image (flux in arbitrary scale) in 12 ionic species arranged (left to right) in order of increasing ionization potential (IP; approximative range). The cspl is also indicated, as well as a zvpc (superimposed tothe [OI]λ6300˚Aspectralimage)withthe correspondingpartofrealnebula(the rectanglecenteredonthe nebular slice). The corresponding flux received by an observer is or I(Xm,λ)obs = 1I0(X[c(mH,βλ)×)cf(oλrr)] (13) N2eǫl ∝[Iα(HI(,H48I,6418)6co1r)r × 4h86c1] (19) eff with or using any other H I Balmer recombination line. E(Xm,λ) I(Xm,λ) = zvpc (14) For helium, the contribution of both ionization stages corr 4πD(cm)2 must be considered where c(Hβ) is the logarithmic extinction at Hβ and f(λ) N(H) the extinction coefficient given by Seaton (1979). N2eǫl ∝[C(He+)+C(He++)]× N(He) (20) In the ionized nebula being N(H) ≃N(H+) and Ne ≃1.15N(H+), Eq. (7) can be written in the form 3 with N2eǫl ∝[f(XI(mX,mλ,,λN)ec,orTre)]× NN((XH)) ×icf(Xn) (15) C(He+)=[Iα(Heffe(IH,5eI8,7568)7co6r)r × 5h87c6] (21) where icf(Xn)= NN((XXn)) is the ionization correcting factor. and Recalling that I(HeII,4686) 4686 1 C(He++)=[ corr × ] (22) X =1 (16) αeff(HeII,4686) hc icf(Xi) i≤z or using any other pair of He I and He II recombination (z=atomic number of the element X), at last we obtain lines. the general expression For heavier elements, we are forced to select collision- N(H) I(Xi,λ) ally excited emissions of suitable ionic sequences, due to N2eǫl ∝ N(X) ×Xf(Xi,λ,Nc,orTr ) (17) theweaknessofrecombinationlines,largestratificationof e e i≤z the radiation and incomplete ionic coverage of the echel- lograms.Astracers,weadoptO0+O++O++fortheexter- providingN ǫ1/2inthezvpcfromobservablequantities(i. e l nal, low-to-medium ionization layers (IP range from 0 to e. the pixel-to-pixel flux in one line for each ionic species 55 eV) and Ar+++Ar3++Ar4+ for the internal, medium- of a given element). to-high ionization ones (IP range from 28 to 75 eV). 4 In practice, for hydrogen - which has a single ionized From oxygen state - Eq. (17) becomes N2eǫl ∝[Iα(HI(,H65I,6635)6co3r)r × 6h56c3] (18) N2eǫl ∝[C(O0)+C(O+)+C(O++)]× NN((OH)) (23) eff 3 In this and the following equations, the proportion- 4 Note,however,that ionicspecies higherthanAr4+ areex- ality constant is [4π(206265)3×A(km s−1 arcsec−1)] pected in the innermost layers of a PN powered by a central / [1.15×δV(km s−1)× s(arcsec)× w(arcsec) ×D(cm)] star with T∗ ≥100000 K. In this case, λ7005 ˚A and/or λ6435 for V =A×R” and [4π(206265)3×V (λ)(km s−1] / ˚A of Ar4+ become poor density diagnostics for the internal, exp exp [1.15×δV(km s−1)×R(λ)(arcsec)× s(arcsec)× w(arcsec) highest-excitation regions (λ3425 ˚A of [Ne V], IP range 97 to ×D(cm)]for V 6= A×R′′. 126 eV, should be preferable). exp F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice 5 with - to check the general validity and applicability of our N reconstruction method for different physical and evo- I(OI,6300) 6300 e C(O0)=[ corr × ], (24) lutionary conditions of the ionized gas and q (OI,6300) hc coll - to tackle the various “practical”problems connected I(OII,7320) 7320 with the observations of a true-PN (e. g. finite spatial C(O+)=[ corr × ] (25) and spectral resolutions and incomplete ionic coverage of q (OII,7320) hc coll the echellograms, thermal motions, turbulence and fine- (7320 corresponding to λ7320.121 ˚A, the strongest com- structure of recombination lines), ponent of the [O II] red quartet) and in the next section we a) will expose an arbitrary and imaginary model neb- C(O++)=[I(OIII,5007)corr × 5007)]. (26) ula to a series of UV stellar fluxes and q (OIII,5007) hc b) will analyse in detail the zvpc-flux profile in a few, coll representative true-PNe. From argon N(H) N2ǫ ∝[C(Ar++)+C(Ar3+)+C(Ar4+)]× (27) 4. Theory vs. practice e l N(Ar) According to the most recent theoretical evolutionary with models and radiation-hydrodynamics simulations, a PN I(ArIII,7135) 7135 is the result of the synergistic effects of ionization and C(Ar++)=[ corr × ], (28) q (ArIII,7135) hc fast wind on the gas ejected during the superwind phase coll of an AGB-star (Bl¨ocker & Scho¨nberner 1990; Vassiliadis C(Ar3+)=[I(ArIV,4740)corr × 4740] (29) &Wood1994;Blo¨cker1995;Marigoetal.2001;Perinotto q (ArIV,4740) hc et al. 2004b). coll By combining the large variation of post-AGB stel- and lar characteristics (temperature and luminosity) with the I(ArV,7005) 7005 gradual nebular dilution due to expansion, we can sketch C(Ar4+)=[ corr × ]. (30) q (ArV,7005) hc the evolution of a “normal” PN as follows: in the early coll phasesthenebulaisopticallythicktotheUVstellarradi- Besides Eqs. (17) to (30), the Ne profile in the zvpc ation, then the gas graduallybecomes optically thin until is also given by line intensity ratios of ions in p3 configu- the quick luminosity decline of the hot star at the end of ration, like λ6717 ˚A/λ6731 ˚A of [S II] for low-ionization the hydrogen-shell nuclear burning, leading to a recom- regions and λ4711 ˚A/λ4740 ˚A of [Ar IV] for the high- bination of the external nebular layers; later on, the PN ionization ones. However, these diagnostics are generally entersinafinalre-ionizationphase,becauseoftheslowing weak in PNe and Ne[S II] and Ne[Ar IV] can be derived down in the stellar luminosity decline. only at (or close to) the corresponding intensity peak. Therecombinationandre-ionizationphasesareabsent Summing up: in the most favourable case (i. e. long- in a low-mass PN ionized by a low-mass, slowly evolv- slit, wide spectral range, absolute flux calibrated echel- ing centralstar,whereasmassivePNe poweredby ahigh- lograms of a PN at known distance), we infer both mass,fastevolvingpost-AGBstarneverbecomeoptically Ne(zvpc)andǫl(zvpc)bycombiningEqs.(17)to(30)with thin to the UV stellar radiation. Ne[S II] and Ne[Ar IV] (since (a) chemical abundances AfurthercomplicationisrepresentedbyapossiblePN come from line fluxes integrated over the whole spatial “rejuvenation”:thehydrogen-deficientpost-AGBstarcan and spectral profile, Alexander & Balick 1997, Perinotto suffer a late thermal pulse during the motion towards the et al. 1998, and (b) the Te(zvpc) distribution comes from white-dwarf region, mixing and burning hydrogen on a diagnosticsof ions in p2 andp4 configurations,likeλ6584 convective turn-over time scale and producing a “born- ˚A/λ5755 ˚A of [N II] for low-ionization regions and λ5007 again” PN (Bl¨ocker 1995, 2001; Herwig et al. 1999). ˚A/λ4363˚Aof[OIII]forthehigh-ionizationones,Turatto Of course, all this represents an over-simplification, et al. 2002, Benetti et al. 2003). each real PN being an extremely complex and inhomo- Ontheotherhand,inthemostunfavourablecase(i.e. geneousstructure:itcanbe opticallythick atsomeradial flux un-calibrated spectra of a PN at un-known distance) directions (e.g. along and close to the dense equatorial Eqs. (17) to (30) provide the “relative” N ǫ1/2 profile in regions) and thin at other directions (e. g. along the low- e l the zvpc. 5 density polar caps). In order Forillustrativepurposes,wewillexposeasingle,“stan- dard”radialmatter profile(representingthe gasdistribu- 5 Moreover, (a) the combination of Eqs. (15) and (17) gives tionofanideal,average,sphericallysymmetricnebula)to the radial ionization structure of each element (more details a series of UV stellar fluxes mimicing the evolution of a are in Sect. 4.1) and (b) the accurate He/H, O/H and Ar/H radial chemical profiles can be obtained by assembling Eqs. post-AGB star.The resulting ionizationstructure of each (18), (19), (20), (23) and (27); we will deepen this topic in a “model-PN” snapshot, provided by the photo-ionization future, dedicated paper. code CLOUDY (Ferland et al. 1998), will be analysed in 6 F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice Table 1. Input parameters for the adopted, spherically the model-PN is nearly optically thin to the UV stellar symmetric model nebula (CLOUDY) radiation. T is high (>10000 K) in the innermost, tenuous lay- e ers, rapidly decreases to ≃8000 K in the densest regions, Gas density profile The same, standard and arbitrary slightly increases further (≃9500 K) and definitively falls double-peak+halo distribution at in the outermost, partially neutral strata. all thefour evolutionary steps The bottom panel of Fig. 2 shows the N ǫ1/2 pro- (see Figs. 2, 4, 5 and 6; cfr. Sect. 4) e l file obtained from H+, He++He++, O0+O++O++ and Chemical abundances He=-0.958, C=-3.30, N=-3.75, Ar+++Ar3++Ar4+ (through Eqs. (17) to (30) and as- log[N(X)/N(H)] O=-3.30, F=-6.522, Ne=-3.90, suming T =8000 K for all ions, except in the innermost e Na=-5.52, Mg=-5.30, Al=-6.568, nebular regions, where T (He++)=T (Ar4+)=13000 K). e e Si=-5.00, P=-6.70, S=-5.10, Please note the satisfactory agreement with the input ra- Cl=-6.66, Ar=-5.60, K=-7.11, dial density distribution (top panel of Fig. 2), confirming Ca=-6.64, Fe=-6.30, the general validity (and applicability) of the procedure other elements= CLOUDYdefault developed in Sect. 3. 6 Fromtheorytopractice:NGC6572(PNG034.6+11.8, Dust CLOUDY default Acker et al. 1992) is a representative example of PN in a Local filling factor 1.0 quite early evolutionaryphase.It consists of a bright (log F(Hβ)=-9.82 ergcm−2 s−1), moderate excitation(excita- tion class 5, Hyung et al. 1994), high-density (logN =3.7 e to 4.4, Hyung et al. 1994, Liu et al. 2004) irregular disk detail and coupled with the zvpc-flux profiles observedin (d≃5.0′′)embeddedinafaintenvelope(10.0′′x16.0′′)elon- a true-PN at a comparable evolutionary phase. gated in PA≃0◦. The input parameters for the model nebula are sum- Wilson (1950) measured V ([O I])=16.0 km s−1, exp marized in Table 1, whereas Table 2 contains the in- V ([O II])=16.85 km s−1, V ([S II])=15.5 km s−1 and exp exp tegrated flux in the main optical emissions (relative to V ([NII])=14.75kms−1,Weedman(1968)gavethegen- exp I(Hβ)=100), the absolute Hβ flux and the resulting ion- eralexpansionlawV (kms−1)=3.4×R′′ andMirandaet exp ized mass at four representative evolutionary steps. al. (1999, Hα+[N II] echellograms at 3 PA; ∆V=8.0 km Letusstartwitha“quiteyoung”PNclosetothethick- s−1) evidenced the presence of a collimated bipolar out- thin transition, ionized by a luminous post-AGB star of flow alongand closeto the apparentmajoraxis andofan 0.605M⊙ atamoderatetemperature(T∗=50000K),thus equatorialdensityenhancementoftoroidalstructurewith postponing to Sect. 4.4 the special case combining proto- V (Hα)=14.0 km s−1 and V ([N II])=18.0 km s−1. exp exp PNe and low-excitation “born again” PNe. TheexcitingstarofNGC6572hasm ≃13.0,spectral B type Of/WR (Acker et al. 1992), log(T H I)≃log(T He Z Z 4.1. Early PN evolution (Column 4 of Table 2) II)≃4.83 (Phillips 2003 and references therein) and log L /L =3.50(±0.20)(for an assumed distance of 1200 pc, ∗ ⊙ In this first evolutionary snapshot the ionizing engine Hajian et al. 1995, Kawamura & Masson 1996, Miranda of the adopted, spherically symmetric matter distribu- et al. 1999, and c(Hβ)≃0.45, Hyung et al. 1994, Liu et tion (Table 1) is a hydrogen-burning post-AGB star of al. 2004). It is losing mass at a large, although uncer- 0.605M⊙ withT∗=50000K,L∗/L⊙=6500andtSW=time tain, rate (1.0×10−9 M⊙ yr−1, 6.3×10−9 M⊙ yr−1 and elapsed from the end of the superwind≃3000 yr (Bl¨ocker 3.0×10−8 M yr−1 accordingtoCerruti-Sola&Perinotto ⊙ 1995 and references therein). 1985, Hutsemekers & Surdej 1989 and Modigliani et al. Theresultsforthemodelnebula(summarizedinTable 1993, respectively) and a terminal wind velocity of 1800 2, Column 4) are graphically shown in Fig. 2, where km s−1. The closeness of H I and He II Zanstra temperature top panel: standard radial matter profile and resulting of the star and the enhancement of low ionization species trend for the physical conditions, ([O I], [O II] etc.) at the nebular edge suggest that NGC next to top panel: radial ionization structure of the gas, 6572 is still optically thick to the UV stellar radiation. next to bottom panel: absolute flux in the main emis- We have observed the nebula at six equally spaced sions, bottom panel: N ǫ1/2 distribution given by Eqs. (17) to PA with the high-resolution cross dispersed echelle spec- e l trograph SARG (Gratton et al. 2001) mounted at TNG (30). In our case N ǫ1/2=N , since we have assumed e l e (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo), under non-photometric ǫ =1 (see Table 1 ). l 6 Although the adopted matter distribution of the model High ionization emissions, like He II and Ar V, are very nebula is open to criticisms (it is arbitrary, schematic, static weak or absent in Fig. 2 (as expected from the “moder- etc.),weunderlinethatthechoiceofmoresophisticatedand/or ate” star temperature), whereas the enhancement of [O timedependentdensityprofilesdoesnotmodifythegeneralre- I] and [O II] at the extreme nebular edge indicates that sults illustrated hereand in the following sub-sections. F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice 7 Table 2. Four-step model-PN evolution. Integrated intensity of representative nebular emissions (relative to I(Hβ)=100), absolute Hβ flux and ionized mass for the adopted, spherically symmetric nebula (Table 1) powered by a hydrogen-burning post-AGB star of 0.605 M . ⊙ λ (˚A) Ion I(λ) Sect. 4.4 Sect. 4.1 Sect. 4.2 Sect. 4.3 proto-PN + early-PN intermediate-PN late-PN “born-again” low-exc.-PN (verythick) (nearly thin) (thin) (recombining) T∗=25000 K T∗=50000 K T∗=100000 K T∗=150000 K L∗/L⊙=6500 L∗/L⊙=6500 L∗/L⊙=6500 L∗/L⊙=1000 3425 [Ne V] 0.0 0.0 4.1 14.7 3726+29 [O II] 133.3 231.2 73.8 587.5 3968 [NeIII] 0.02 15.2 49.8 64.9 4686 HeII 0.0 0.25 19.0 42.2 4740 [ArIV] 0.0 0.22 3.4 2.9 4861 H I 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5007 [O III] 5.5 490.0 1510.0 1312.2 5876 HeI 3.11 15.5 12.6 10.5 6300 [O I] 1.3 2.5 0.1 26.3 6563 H I 297.2 291.7 285.7 288.4 6584 [N II] 265.5 169.0 37.3 434.5 6717+31 [S II] 43.1 24.4 12.4 107.3 7005 [Ar V] 0.0 0.0 0.77 1.05 7135 [ArIII] 1.6 17.4 21.0 30.7 7320 [O II] 0.8 2.2 1.0 9.8 log E(Hβ) (erg s−1) 34.549 35.057 35.019 34.321 Mion (M⊙) 0.10 0.38 0.40 0.07(∗) (*) excludingtheionized mass of therecombining halo sky conditions and seeing ranging between 0.50′′and the de-projection criteria introduced by Sabbadin et al. 0.70′′. The spectrograph slit (0.40′′wide and 26.7′′long) (2005), R (apparent minor axis)≃ R . zvpc cspl was centered on the exciting star. The echellograms (ex- The cspl vs. zvpc relation for NGC 6572 at PA=102◦ posuretime360s)coverthespectralrangeλλ4600–8000˚A - based on ten ionic species, i.e. H+, He+, O0, O+, O++, withinstrumentalresolution∆V≃ 114000(2.63kms−1), N+, S+, S++, Ar++ and Ar+3 - gives the expansion law pixelspectralscaleδV=1.20kms−1andpixelspatialscale V (km s−1)=8.0(±1)×R′′, whose slope is much larger exp s=0.167arcsec.Thespectrawerereprocessedaccordingto than Weedman’s (1968) report. 8 This implies that the the straightforwardprocedure described by Turatto et al. dynamical age of the nebula is about 750 yr and the true (2002), including bias, zero–orderflat field and distortion age 1200-1400yr. correctionsandwavelengthandrelativeflux7calibrations. Due to the nebular compactness and low expansion Let us select the spectrum at PA=102◦, i. e. close to velocity (SS≃RR≃5, see Sect. 1), the spectral images the apparentminor axisof NGC 6572,since,accordingto must be carefully de-blurred. To this end we apply the Richardson-Lucyalgorithm(Richardson1972,Lucy1974) 7 Only“relative” fluxesareconsideredhere,sincetheobser- with point-spread function given by a bi-dimensional vations have been secured in non-photometric sky conditions. Gaussian profile characterized by Wseeing and W(vel)tot, Note,however,thatanabsolutecalibrationcanbeobtainedby where: means of the Hβ, Hα and [O III] HST imagery of NGC 6572; in fact, the absolute flux within the 0.40′′×26.7′′ rectangle of HST image intercepted by the spectrograph slit matches the 8 Weedman obtained V (km s−1)=3.4×R′′ assuming exp integrated fluxof thecorresponding spectral emission. R (apparent major axis) ≃ R . zvpc cspl 8 F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice Fig.2. Early model-PN evolution (Column 4 of Table 2). General properties of the standard, spherically symmetric model nebula (Table 1) powered by a central star with T =50000 K and L /L =6500. Top panel: adopted radial ∗ ∗ ⊙ matterprofileandresultingtrendforthe physicalconditions.Nextto toppanel:radialionizationstructureofthe gas. Next to bottom panel: absolute flux in the main emissions. Bottom panel: N ǫ1/2 distribution given by Eqs. (17) to e l (30), assuming T =8000 K for all ions, except in the innermost nebular regions, where T (He++)=T (Ar4+)=13000 e e e K. N ǫ1/2 can be directly compared with the electron density profile shown in the top panel, since we have adopted e l ǫ (model nebula)=1. l W - FWHM of the instrumental profile along the W = thermal motions = 21.6×10−2×T 0.5× m−0.5 seeing thermal e spatial axis of the echellograms- correspondsto 0.52′′ kms−1 (m=atomic weightofthe element); we assume (3.11 pixels), T =11000 K, e W(vel) - FWHM of the broadening function along the W = random, small-scale motions = 5.0 km s−1 tot turb. velocity axis of the echellograms - is given by (adopted value), W =fine-structureofrecombinationlines=7.7km fine−s. W(vel) =[W2 +W2 +W2 +W2 ]1/2(31) s−1 for Hβ and Hα and 5.0 km s−1 for λ4686 ˚A of He tot SARG thermal turb. fine−s. II(aftersuppressionofthe20kms−1 blue-shiftedtail; with for details, see Sabbadin et al. 2005) and λ5876 ˚A of He I. W = instrumental resolution = ∆V =2.63 km s−1, SARG F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice 9 Fig.3.Earlyevolutionofa true-PN.Generalpropertiesin the zvpcofNGC 6572atPA=102◦ (apparentminoraxis). Toppanel:fluxdistributionofthemainnebularemissionsacrossthewholenebula(inarbitraryscaleandcorrectedfor c(Hβ)=0.45). Middle panel: T ([N II]) (circles) and N ([S II]) (squares) at the corresponding line peak and ionization e e structure of oxygen (from Eq. (32) and assuming T = 11000 K all across the nebula). Bottom panel: relative N ǫ1/2 e e l profile from λ6563 ˚A (H+), λ5876 ˚A (He+), λ6300 ˚A (O0) + λ7320 ˚A (O+) + λ5007 ˚A (O++) and λ7135 ˚A (Ar++) + λ4740 ˚A (Ar3+) (through Eqs. (17) to (30)). To be noticed: the zvpc crosses the entire true-PN and provides the gascharacteristicsattwooppositeradialdirectionsintheplane ofthe sky.The centralstarpositionisatr=0.0arcsec and the slit orientation is shown in the top panel. W(vel) amountsto≃23kms−1 (≃19pixels)forHβ arbitraryscaleandcorrectedforc(Hβ)=0.45)ofthe main tot and Hα, ≃13 km s−1 (≃11 pixels) for λ5876 ˚A of He I nebularemissions.Note the absence ofthe highestioniza- and λ4686 ˚A of He II, and ≃7 to 8 km s−1 (6 to 7 pixels) for the forbidden lines of heavier elements (N, O, S, Ar site directions (in Fig. 3 the central star position is at r=0.0 etc.). The detailed results for the zvpc of NGC 6572 at arcsec and the slit orientation is indicated in the top panel). PA=102◦ are illustrated in Fig. 3, whose top panel con- Of course, the two zvpc gas distributions should coincide for tains the flux distribution across the whole nebula 9 (in aspherically symmetricnebula(asinthecase ofthestandard model-PN adopted in this paper; that’s why Fig. 2 and the 9 AccordingtoFig.1,thezvpcofatrue-PNcrossestheentire next figures concerning themodel-PN show theradial density object and providestwo independentdensity profiles at oppo- profile at a single direction). 10 F. Sabbadin et al.: Planetary Nebulae:theory vs.practice tion lines: λ6435 ˚A and λ7005 ˚A of [Ar V] and λ6560 ˚A III] and [N II] (at high, medium and low flux cuts) for a of He II are below the detection limit, whereas λ4686 ˚A rotation around the East-West axis, of He II lies at the extreme blue edge of the frame and is (b)furtherexamplesof“quiteyoung”PNeionizedbya too noisy. luminousstaratmoderatetemperature,closetothethick- The middle panel of Fig. 3 shows: thin transition are NGC 6210, NGC 6567, NGC 6803, (a) T ([N II]) (circles) and N ([S II]) (squares) at the NGC 6826 and NGC 6891. e e corresponding line peak. Both diagnostics are uncertain, since the [N II] auroral line is quite faint and the λ6717 4.2. Intermediate PN evolution (Column 5 of Table 2) ˚A/λ6731 ˚A intensity ratio close to the high-density limit, wherecollisionalde-excitationsdominateandthediagnos- In this second evolutionary snapshot the usual, standard, tic is a weak function of Ne; double-peak+halo radial matter profile of the spherically (b) the radial ionization structure of oxygen. symmetric model nebula (Table 1) is ionized by a 0.605 According to Eqs. (15) and (17), it is given by M hydrogen-burningpost-AGBstarwithT =100000K, ⊙ ∗ L /L =6500 and t ≃4900 yr (Bl¨ocker 1995). N(Xi) = 1 = f(IX(Xi,λi,,λN)eco,Trre) (32) ∗ C⊙olumn 5 of TSabWle 2 gives the overall properties of N(X) icf(Xi) I(Xi,λ)corr the model nebula, whereas the detailed radial character- Pi f(Xi,λ,Ne,Te) istics (adopted density profile, physical conditions, ion- withi=0,1 and2 (moreover,we takeT = 11000Kinthe ization structure and electron density profile obtained by e whole nebula). Although Eq. (32) is stricty valid in the Eqs.(17)to (30))areshownin Fig.4.The strengthofHe portion of zvpc containing the emission of all the three IIand[ArV]emissions,theabsenceof[OI]andweakness ionic species, we can assume N(O0)=0 for I(O0,6300)=0, of [O II] indicate that this high-excitation model-PN is N(O) decidedly thin to the UV stellar flux. T exceeds 20000K I(O+,7320)>0 and I(O++,5007)>0. 10 e in the innermost, low-density layers, gradually decreases Fig.3(bottompanel)showstherelativeN ǫ1/2 profile e l to≃10000Kinthemainregionsandincreasesto≃11000 from H+, He+, O0+O++O++ and Ar+++Ar3+ (through K further. Eqs.(17)to(30)andassumingT =11000Kallacrossthe e GoingtothebottompanelofFig.4,theHαflux,com- nebula). As expected, the ionic sequence of argon under- binedwiththeassumptionT (H+)=10000Kallacrossthe eMstoirmeoavteesr,NNeeǫǫ1l1l//22ignivtehnebeyxtheryndarlo,gleonwisiowniezaakteionnedrebgyiotnhse. ntheebruliam,pgriovveesdaasdaotipstfiancgtodryisetNinecǫt1l/T2epvroafilulee;siftorcatnhebeinfnuerr- complexde-blurringprocedureandoxygenslightlyunder- and the outer layers. estimates Neǫ1l/2 in the innermost, highest ionization lay- The same consideration applies to helium lines (for ers (the same is valid for helium and argon, due to the T (He++)=15000 K and T (He+)=10000 K). e e absence of He II and Ar V emissions in the spectrum). The ionic sequence of oxygen essentially reduces to Despitetheseminordiscrepancies,thebottompanelof O++ (with a minor contribution of O+) and closely re- Fig.3accuratelyreconstructsthebroadandasymmetrical produces the external, medium excitation regions of the “relative”N ǫ1/2profilealongtheentiretrueminoraxisof model nebula, but strongly underestimates the internal, e l NGC6572;whencombinedwithN ([SII])(middlepanel), high-excitation ones (adopting T (O+)=T (O++)=10000 e e e it provides N (top)≃21000 cm−3 (for ǫ =1). K). e l The matter distribution at the other PA confirms the Argon provides a satisfactory matter distribution inhomogeneous and elongated structure of NGC 6572, across the whole nebula, except in the innermost regions, consisting of a dense equatorial torus and two extended where Ar5+ and even higher ionization species prevail (in and fast polar caps at lower density, embedded in a ten- Fig. 4, bottom panel, we have used T (Ar4+)=15000 K, e uous, ellipsoidal, low-excitation cocoon. The nebula is T (Ar3+)=12000 K and T (Ar++)=10000 K). e e optically thick to the stellar radiation and the ionized From theory to practice: NGC 7009 at PA=169◦ (ap- mass, given by the observed Ne spatial distribution, the parent minor axis) is the representative example of an Hβ flux, and the radio flux (Aller 1984, Pottasch 1984, optically thin PN powered by a luminous post-AGB star Osterbrock 1989, and Turatto et al. 2002), amounts to at high temperature, as shown in the extensive study by Mion≃0.08(±0.02)M⊙. Sabbadin et al. (2004), based on the absolute flux cali- We end recalling that brated ESO NTT+EMMI echellograms at 12 PA. We re- (a) the overall spatial structure of NGC 6572 is avail- fer the reader to this paper for a practical application ableathttp://web.pd.astro.it/sabbadin,showingthe of the model-nebula discussed in this section (as well for multi-color appearance and opaque reconstruction in [O a detailed reconstruction of the intriguing 3-D ionization structure of the Saturn Nebula). 10 Please note that the radial ionization structure given by More examples of optically thin, intermediate evolu- Eq.(32) isindependentonthenebularspatio-kinematics (i.e. expansion velocity field and matter distribution), since both tion PNe excited by a luminous star at high temperature thenumeratorand denumerator refer tothesame pixel of the are: NGC 2022, NGC 4361, NGC 6058, NGC 6804, NGC zvpc. 7094 and NGC 7662.

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