OXFORD LOGIC GUIDES Series Editors D.M. GABBAY A.J. MACINTYRE D. SCOTT OXFORD LOGIC GUIDES Available books in the series: 10. Michael Hallett: Cantorian set theory and limitation of size 17. Stewart Shapiro: Foundations without foundationalism 18. John P. Cleave: A study of logics 21. C. McLarty: Elementary categories, elementary toposes 22. R.M. Smullyan: Recursion theory for metamathematics 23. Peter Clote and Jan Kraj´ıcek: Arithmetic, proof theory, and computational complexity 24. A. Tarski: Introduction to logic and to the methodology of deductive sciences 25. G. Malinowski: Many valued logics 26. Alexandre Borovik and Ali Nesin: Groups of finite Morley rank 27. R.M. Smullyan: Diagonalization and self-reference 28. DovM.Gabbay,IanHodkinson,andMarkReynolds:Temporallogic:Mathematical foundations and computational aspects, volume 1 29. Saharon Shelah: Cardinal arithmetic 30. Erik Sandewall: Features and fluents: Volume I: A systematic approach to the representation of knowledge about dynamical systems 31. T.E.Forster:Settheorywithauniversalset:Exploringanuntypeduniverse,second edition 32. Anand Pillay: Geometric stability theory 33. Dov M. Gabbay: Labelled deductive systems 35. Alexander Chagrov and Michael Zakharyaschev: Modal logic 36. G.SambinandJ.Smith:Twenty-fiveyearsofMartin-L¨ofconstructivetypetheory 37. Mar´ıa Manzano: Model theory 38. Dov M. Gabbay: Fibring Logics 39. Michael Dummett: Elements of intuitionism, second edition 40. D.M. Gabbay, M.A. Reynolds and M. Finger: Temporal Logic: Mathematical foundations and computational aspects, volume 2 41. J.M. Dunn and G. Hardegree: Algebraic methods in philosophical logic 42. H.Rott:Change, choiceandinference: Astudyofbeliefrevisionandnonmonotoic reasoning 43. Johnstone: Sketches of an elephant: A topos theory compendium, volume 1 44. Johnstone: Sketches of an elephant: A topos theory compendium, volume 2 45. David J. Pym and Eike Ritter: Reductive logic and proof search: Proof theory, semantics and control 46. D.M. Gabbay and L. Maksimova: Interpolation and definability: Modal and intuitionistic logics 47. John L. Bell: Set Theory: Boolean-valued models and independence proofs, third edition 48. Laura Crosilla and Peter Schuster: From sets and types to topology and analysis: Towards practicable foundations for constructive mathematics 49. Steve Awodey: Category theory 50. Roman Kossak and James Schmerl: The structure of models of Peano Arithmetic The Structure of Models of Peano Arithmetic ROMAN KOSSAK City University of New York JAMES H. SCHMERL University of Connecticut, Storrs CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD 2006 3 GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress intheUKandincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStates byOxfordUniversityPressInc.,NewYork (cid:1)c OxfordUniversityPress,2006 Themoralrightsoftheauthorshavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) Firstpublished2006 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress, orasexpresslypermittedbylaw,orundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethesameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Dataavailable TypesetbyNewgenImagingSystems(P)Ltd.,Chennai,India PrintedinGreatBritain onacid-freepaperby BiddlesLtd.,King’sLynn,Norfolk ISBN 0–19–856827–4 978–0–19–856827–8 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 PREFACE In the 1930’s, nonstandard models of arithmetic were introduced into mathematics by Thoralf Skolem in two papers [188] and [189]. Even though the logic community was slow in recognizing the importance of Skolem’s contri- bution of the method of definable ultrapowers (see [207]), it now seems almost obligatory to include nonstandard models in introductory courses on mathem- atical logic. The point that they help to emphasize is the limited expressive power of first order logic: there are mathematical structures (one of them being themostclassicalofmathematicalstructures—thestandardmodelofarithmetic) whichareindistinguishablewithrespecttotheirfirst-orderpropertiesbutwhose isomorphism types are dramatically different. The drama is personified by non- standard elements. However, the discussion at the introductory level usually ends here, leaving out the complex picture obtained by a closer scrutiny of the spectrumofisomorphismtypesofnonstandardmodels.Onceweknowthatnon- standard models exist, it is very natural to ask how different they are from the standard one and also from each other. In other words, we would like to know to what extent the first-order theory of a model of arithmetic determines prop- erties that are not first-order expressible. A priori, there is no guarantee that the possible answers would be relevant to other developments in model theory. Even a quick initial glance at a nonstandard model reveals a very rich struc- ture. It could be that the diversity among nonstandard models is so vast that no coherent picture in the form of a relative classification can emerge. In fact, this might be the the state of affairs for the spectrum of all nonstandard mod- els. Fortunately, when we consider some well defined and important subclasses of nonstandard models, a more attractive picture can be painted. This is the subject of this book. TherewaslittleprogressinthemodeltheoryofarithmeticbetweenSkolem’s discovery and two important developments that took place at the end of 1950’s. Inthefirstofthese, StanleyTennenbaumprovedinafamousunpublishedpaper [205] that in no nonstandard model can either addition or multiplication have a recursivepresentation. Thisresultpointedtoanessentialdifficultyinconstruct- ing nonstandard models (there are no such objects in the world of constructive mathematics!). The second of these was the fundamental theorem of Robert MacDowell & Ernst Specker [123]. Skolem had proved that the standard model has an elementary end extension. The MacDowell–Specker Theorem involves a refinement of Skolem’s method to show that every model of Peano Arithmetic (PA) has an elementary end extension. Refining this further, Haim Gaifman (in several papers, but most importantly in [45]) developed a technology of iter- ating elementary end extensions along linear orders to obtain models having vi PREFACE additional interesting features. Thus, Tennenbaum says: there are no effective constructions; buttheresponsefromMacDowell, Specker, andGaifmanis: some interesting set-theoretic constructions are easily available. A very important concept that emerged from the proof of Tennenbaum’s theorem is that of the standard system of a nonstandard model. This is the col- lectionofsetsofnaturalnumberscodedinthemodel. Thestandardsystemsare preciselytheω-modelsofthefragmentsecond-orderarithmeticknownasWKL . 0 Having been studied by Dana Scott [180] such models are also called Scott sets. Thereare2ℵ0 countableScottsets, andeachofthemisthestandardsystemofa model of PA. Under the Continuum Hypothesis, every Scott set is the standard system of a model of PA. Every countable nonstandard model has 2ℵ0 distinct initial segments which are themselves models of PA. The standard system of the model puts some restrictions on the possible complete theories of these initial segments (including a restriction on their theories). Still, each countable Scott set X is the standard system of 2ℵ0 elementarily inequivalent models of PA, and also for each model M having a standard system of X, there are 2ℵ0 pairwise nonisomorphiccountablemodelselementarilyequivalenttoM havingXastheir standardsystems.Consideringthecomplexityofbothclassesofobjectsinvolved, this is a mess! However, for us this is only a point of departure. Suppose the completetheoryofamodelanditsstandardsystemaregiven. Whatelsecanbe said about the model? The theorem of MacDowell and Specker suggests that it might be fruitful to consider elementary submodels. For any model M, the fam- ily of elementary submodels of M forms a lattice Lt(M), with naturally defined operations ∧ and ∨. What are the lattices which can be represented as Lt(M) for some model of arithmetic M? This is one of the main questions we will con- sider. Some answers are given in Chapter 3 and much of the material from the previous chapters, especially from Chapter 3 on types, is developed with an eye on applications to the lattice problem. While, all distributive lattices satisfying an obvious necessary condition (they must be algebraic) can be represented as Lt(M), many questions concerning nondistributive lattices are open. In partic- ular, we do not know if there is a finite lattice which cannot be represented as Lt(M). The MacDowell–Specker Theorem has an interesting feature. It is almost independent of the language in which arithmetic is formalized. Let L be any countable language extending the language of PA, and let T be a theory in L thatextendsPAprovestheschemeofinductionforallformulasofL.Itturnsout that most arguments concerning models of PA apply without modifications to models of T. We address this by formulating our results forPA∗ rather than PA, where PA∗ is any T as above. Actually, many results carry over to uncountable languagesaswell,withonenotableexception,theMacDowell–SpeckerTheorem. There are models of PA∗ in a language of cardinality ℵ with no elementary end 1 extensions. This result is due to George Mills, and it uses forcing in models of arithmetic. The purpose Chapter 6 is to give a proof of Mills’ theorem and to show how forcing can be applied to construct interesting models of PA∗. PREFACE vii Whilewedonotknowexactlywhichlatticescanberepresentedbylatticesof elementary submodels of models of PA, the analogous question concerning auto- morphism groups has a complete answer, which we give in Chapter 5. For every infinite linearly ordered structure (A,<,...), there is a model M of PA such that the automorphism groups of (A,<,...) and M are isomorphic. Moreover, one can obtain such an M as an elementary end extension of any model of PA. Conclusion: nothing special here about arithmetic (but, it should be noted that the proof uses the full power of arithmetic and involves a formalized Ramsey style theorem of Neˇsetˇril and Ro¨dl). So we learn that in general there is no connection between the standard system of a model or its theory and its auto- morphism group. But this is not the end of the story. In Chapters 8 and 9, we discuss countable recursively saturated models of PA and show that something special is happening in this class of models. Most of the results there are for- mulated in terms of automorphisms and automorphism groups. In particular, many properties characterizing the important class of arithmetically saturated models involve automorphisms; for example, a countable recursively saturated model M of PA is arithmetically saturated iff it has an automorphism moving all undefinable elements, and this happens iff the automorphism group of M has uncountable cofinality. The automorphism group of a countable arithmetic- ally saturated model, considered as an abstract group, determines the standard system of the model. SomeimportantresultsonautomorphismgroupsofmodelsofPAareincluded inKayeandMacpherson’svolumeonautomorphismsoffirst-orderstructures[77]. Here we concentrate on the results obtained after the volume was published, although we do include the complete proof of the theorem of Daniel Lascar on the small index property of countable arithmetically saturated models of PA. The aim of Chapter 10 is to present some exotic species of models with propertiesdramaticallycontrastingthoseofthecountableones. Inparticularwe construct a recursively saturated rather classless model using ♦ (a result due to MattKaufmann[67])andthenagainusingweak♦.Wedoitdespitethefactthat SaharonShelahhasalreadyprovedthattheexistenceofsuchmodelsisatheorem ofZFC(andweexplainwhy).Othertopicsinthischapterincludenonisomorphic, but still very similar, models. Previous constructions of such models used extra set-theoretic assumptions. Here it is done in ZFC. Rigid recursively saturated modelsarealsoconstructedinthischapterandasaremodelsofPeanoArithmetic in the language with Ramsey quantifier and with the stationary quantifier. One of the topics we neglect in this book is reducts. Any classification of modelsofPAmustincludesubclassificationsoftheirnaturalreducts.Foramodel M, let (M,+), (M,×), and (M,<) denote, respectively, the reducts of M to, respectively,+,×,and<.Itturnsoutthatinthecountablecaseallthesereducts are nicely classifiable. All nonstandard countable models share the same order type (ω∗+ω)ρ, where ρ is the order type of the rationals. For every countable the isomorphism type if its reducts to + and × is determined uniquely by the standard system of M. Consequently, for any countable models M and N of viii PREFACE PA, (M,+) ∼= (N,+) iff (M,×) ∼= (N,×). In Chapter 10 we prove that this is not the case for models of cardinality ℵ . Very little is known about order types 1 of uncountable models. We honor this important and rather unexplored topic in Chapter 11 where we give proofs of two striking theorems concerning order types, oneduetoJean-Franc¸oisPabion[142]onκ-saturatedreducts(M,<)and one due to Shelah [185] on the existence of (κ,κ)-gaps. There is extensive literature on models of PA, but essentially there are only two books: Kaye’s [71] and Ha´jek & Pudla´k’s [50]. It has been often noted that bookwriting in this area is not easy. Here is what Laurie Kirby wrote in his review of Kaye’s book [82] Our vocabulary lacks a term to denote a person whose calling is the study of mod- els of arithmetic. Model theorists, topologists, even functional analysts can identify themselves succinctly, but we have to resort to such locutions as “I’m in models of arithmetic.” And the name of the field itself—“models of arithmetic”—also seems to bespeakaninsecurityaboutwhetheritisafieldatall: theobjectsofstudyarebaldly named without any pretensions to a grand theory or -ology. Models of arithmetic cer- tainlyisabonafidefield.Ithasitsownmeetings,folklore,andstars.Ithasbuiltupa coherent body of knowledge relevant to some of the central problems of modern logic. But it has never sat comfortably within the traditional fourfold division of logic, it is sparsely populated and has been known to lie dormant for decades, and it has never had a “bible.” Access to this difficult terrain has been daunting to outsiders. These remarks were appropriate in 1992 and are still appropriate today. Kaye’s book is still the “bible,” while Ha´jek and Pudla´k’s book has become a standard reference in the model theory of fragments of arithmetic. Before 1991, the only, and not easily available, source was the excellent notes of Craig Smoryn´ski [191] from his lectures on nonstandard models at the University of Utrechtin1978.Thenoteswereaninspirationformanyofuswhostudiedmodels of PA in the 1980s. While writing this book we assumed that the reader is familiar with Kaye’s book,andwetriedtoavoidrepetitions.ThereissomeoverlapintheChapter7on cuts. In this chapter we discuss strong cuts and their various characterizations. Strong cuts play an important role in arithmetic saturation—one of the main themes in this book. Mostoftheresultspresentedherehavebeenpreviouslypublished, butmany oftheproofsarenew.Someproofsaresimpler,oratleastmuchshorter,thanthe original ones. This is a great advantage of having the whole range of techniques presented in a unified way in one place. Some results appear here for the first time.IntheRemarksandReferenceswemadeanefforttoincludeaccuratecred- its and references. Anyone who has worked in this or any area understands well that this was not an easy job, and certainly there will be errors and omissions. Exercises are an integral part of the book. To measure the difficulty of exer- cises, we have designed a suitable ranking system. Exercises marked with ♣ are theeasiest. Thesearetraditionalexercisesforpractice. Usuallytheyjustinvolve PREFACE ix going through the definitions of the concepts involved. The highest rank is ♠. We have used it sparingly, as it is reserved for those exercises we could not do. Exercisesmarkedwith♦and♥areinbetween. Includedinthe♦and♥categor- ies are many lemmas, propositions, and theorems we took from the literature. Werecommendthatthereaderatleastreadthem, astheyhelptoprovidearel- atively complete account of what is known about the subject. One should note thattherankingsofalltheseexercisesisquitesubjective; othersmayrankthem differently, and we probably would too if we were to do it again. The rankings are also relative, as they are based on the material developed in the book. As stand alone exercises, many would have to be ranked higher. Throughout the book, the reader will find numerous instances of the (Do it!)command.Asinmostmathematicaltexts,itisassumedthatthereaderwill fill in the more routine parts of the arguments. There will be many statements starting with “Clearly, ...,” or “One can verify ...,” or “A similar argument shows....”Thesearetreacherouspoints.Itisalwaysgoodforthereadertopause for a moment and to verify whether she or he really believes the author(s). The role of the (Do it!)’s is to provide alert stopmarks. They remind you not to read too fast.