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The Structure of a Modern Economy: The United States, 1929-89 PDF

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THE STRUCfURE OF A MODERN ECONOMY Also by Kenneth E. Boulding BEASTS, BALLADS AND BOULDINGISMS BEYOND ECONOMICS COLLECTED PAPERS: VOLUMES I-VI CONFLICT AND DEFENSE DISARMAMENT AND THE ECONOMY (edited with Emile Benoit) ECODYNAMICS ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM (edited with Tapan Mukerjee) ECONOMICS AS A SCIENCE *THE ECONOMICS OF HUMAN BETTERMENT (editor) THE ECONOMICS OF PEACE THE ECONOMY OF LOVE AND FEAR EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS HUMAN BETTERMENT THE IMAGE THE IMPACT OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND THE THEORY OF THE FIRM (edited with W. Allen Spivey) THE MEANING OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE (edited with Lawrence Senesh) THE ORGANIZATIONAL REVOLUTION PEACE AND THE WAR INDUSTRY (editor) A PREFACE TO GRANTS ECONOMICS A PRIMER ON SOCIAL DYNAMICS PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMIC POLICY THE PROSPERING OF TRUTH READINGS IN PRICE THEORY: VOLUME VI (edited with George J. Stigler) A RECONSTRUCTION OF ECONOMICS REDISTRIBUTION THROUGH THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM (edited with Thomas F. Wilson) REDISTRIBUTION TO THE RICH AND THE POOR (edited with Martin Pfaff) THE SKILLS OF THE ECONOMIST THE SOCIAL SYSTEM OF THE PLANET EARTH (with Elise Boulding and Guy M. Burgess) STABLE PEACE THREEFACESOFPOWER TOWARDS A NEW ECONOMICS TRANSFERS IN AN URBANIZED ECONOMY (edited with Martin and Anita Pfaff) THE WORLD AS A TOTAL SYSTEM *Also published by Macmillan The Structure of a Modern Economy The United States, 1929-89 Kenneth E. Boulding sometime Distinguished Professor of Economics, Emeritus University of Colorado at Boulder with the assistance of Meng Chi !50th YEAR M MACMILLAN © the estate of the late Kenneth E. Boulding 1993 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1993 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1993 by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-1-349-12945-4 ISBN 978-1-349-12943-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-12943-0 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Contents List of Figures and Tables vi Abbreviations ix Preface X 1 The Structure of an Economy 1 2 Human Capital 14 3 Sizes and Proportional Structures of Total Output and Income 25 4 Money and Prices 40 5 Capital Structures 53 6 The Role of Government 70 7 The World Economic Environment 84 8 Towards Understanding and Control 96 9 What of the Future? 111 Notes and References 126 Appendix: Data Tables 129 Index 210 v List of Figures and Tables Unless stated otherwise, all figures are for the United States and all dates are for 1929-89. Figures 2.1 Total population 15 2.2 Live births and deaths, 1910-88 15 2.3 Total annual increase in population 16 2.4 Population by age group, 1929-87 17 2.5 Labour force and population of labour force age, 1929-87 18 2.6 Population in non-labour force, labour force and employment 18 2.7 Employment by sector (percentages) 19 2.8 Employment by sector (thousands) 23 3.1 Per capita national account index 26 3.2 Per capita real net product of the civilian labour force 28 3.3 Major components of the gross capacity product (in constant 1982 dollars) 29 3.4 Major components of the gross capacity product (as a percentage of GCP) 30 3.5 National income by type of income 33 3.6 Average gross weekly earnings and real compensation, 1947-89 35 3.7 Percentage share of aggregate income, 1947-87 36 3.8 Families, distribution by total income, 1947-88 37 4.1 Implicit price deflator (1) (gross national product) 41 4.2 Implicit price deflators (2) (personal consumption expenditure, gross private domestic investment) 41 4.3 Implicit price deflators (3) (exports, imports, government purchases of goods and services) 42 4.4 Federal government deficit or surplus vs consumer price index, 1929-89 44 4.5 Purchasing power of the various forms of liquid assets, 1959-89 46 vi List of Figures and Tables vii 4.6 Average currency held per capita 46 4.7 Per capita currency plus demand deposits, and GNP deflators 47 4.8 Components of Ml 48 4.9 Consumer price indexes: all items, rent and residential, 1913-89 49 4.10 Consumer price indexes: food, clothing and upkeep, 1913-89 50 4.11 Consumer price indexes: commodities, durables and non-durables, 1935-88 50 4.12 Consumer price indexes: transportation and medical care, 1935-89 51 4.13 Common stock price indexes, 1929-86 52 5.1 Balance sheets for the US economy: non-financial corporate business, 1945-88 54 5.2 Balance sheets of the household sector, 1945-88 55 5.3 Consumer credit outstanding 56 5.4 Mortgage debt outstanding as percentage of GCP, 1939-89 57 5.5 Mortgage debt outstanding by type of property, 1939-89 57 5.6 Mortgage debt outstanding by holder, 1939-89 58 5.7 Private domestic investment 59 5.8 Capital consumption 60 5.9 Real net private domestic investment 61 5.10 Increase in real capital 61 5.11 Interest rate vs interest as percentage of national income 64 5.12 Real rate of return and interest rate 65 5.13 Components of manufacturers' inventories by stage of process, 1953-89 66 5.14 Components of manufacturers' inventories by durability of goods, 1953-89 67 5.15 Inventories of manufacturing and trade, 1948-89 68 5.16 Sales by manufacturing and trade, 1948-89 68 5.17 Gross private domestic investment 69 6.1 Government expenditure 71 6.2 Federal outlays, fiscal years 1940-91 72 6.3 Federal receipts, fiscal years 1940-91 74 6.4 Government budget surplus/deficit (in current dollars) 75 viii List of Figures and Tables 6.5 Government budget surplus/deficit (in constant 1982 dollars) 75 6.6 State and local government revenue by source, fiscal years 1927-88 76 6.7 State and local government expenditure by function, fiscal years 1927-88 77 6.8 Tariff indexes, 1929-87 80 7.1 Trade per capita vs GNP per capita for 114 countries, 1985 86 7.2 Relative shares of world trade: average of exports and imports, 1960-86 87 7.3 Relative shares of world trade: exports by major regions, 1960-86 88 7.4 Relative shares of world trade: imports by major regions, 1960-86 89 7.5 World trade total, 1865-1987 91 7.6 Exports and imports 92 7.7 Foreign exchange rates of US dollars, 1967-89 93 7.8 World petroleum wholesale price, 1960-87 94 7.9 Crude oil and petroleum product imports, 1973-89 94 8.1 Federal Reserve discount rates vs prime rates, 1939-89 100 8.2 Corporate profit/(profit + interest) vs unemployment rate, 1929--44 105 8.3 Corporate profit/(profit + interest) vs unemployment rate, 1944-61 106 8.4 Corporate profit/(profit + interest) vs unemployment rate, 1961-87 107 8.5 Business inventories vs the unemployment rate, 1929-51 108 8.6 Business inventories vs the unemployment rate, 1951--68 108 8.7 Business inventories vs the unemployment rate, 1968-87 109 Tables 3.1 Income distribution by population fifths, families, 1988 39 4.1 Price deflators in the Great Depression, 1929-33 42 4.2 Liquid assets, 1959 and 1989 45 Abbreviations COMER Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform GAIT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GCP Gross Capacity Product GNP Gross National Product GPDI Gross Private Domestic Investment ISEW Index of Substainable Economic Welfare MMMF Money Market Mutual Fund NCP Net Capacity Product NNP Net National Product NPDI Net Private Domestic Investment OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries PCE Personal Consumption Expenditures PIG Profit and Interest Gap ix

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