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THE STRUCTURE AND FORM OF THE FRENCH ENLIGHTENMENT Volume I The Structure and Form of the French Enlightenment VOLUME I: Esprit Philosophique Ira O. Wade PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS !977 Copyright © 1977 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, Guildford, Surrey AU Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data will be found on the last printed page of this book This book has been composed in Linotype Granjon Printed in the United States of America by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey To <Mabel. . . Entre Ie vide et I'Evenement pur, !'attends I'echo de ma grandeur interne, Amere, sombre et sonore citerne, Sonnant dans I'dme un creux toujours jutur! Le Cimetiere Marin Paul Valery CONTENTS VOLUME I: Esprit Philosophique Abbreviations ix Introduction: From Art to the Making of the "Esprit Philosophique" xi Part I. Transition and Change From Philosopher to Philosophe 3 Fontenelle and the Philosophic Spirit 26 The Seventeenth-Century Philosophers as Seen by the Eighteenth Century 35 The Regency 87 The English Influence 120 Part II. Restructuring the Categories of Life Foreword 175 Religion to Holbach and Helvetius 177 Ethics to Rousseau 240 Esthetics to Diderot 279 Politics 3J3 "Moeurs," "Lois," and Economics 435 Science to Buffon 516 Paths to the Self 583 Bibliography 652 Index of Names 671 Index of Ideas 685 VU CONTENTS VOLUME II: Esprit Revolutionnaire Abbreviations ix Part III. The Building of Organic Unity Foreword 3 Organic Unity in Voltaire 7 Organic Unity in Diderot 67 Organic Unity in Rousseau 119 Organic Unity in the Encyclopedic 180 Part IV. From "Esprit Philosophique" to "Esprit Revolutionnaire" Morelly and the Dawn of Totalitarian Democracy 251 Helvetius and Everybody's Secret 262 Holbach, Voltaire, and the Debate on Atheism 298 Raynal 325 Mably 337 The Impact of the American Rebellion 352 Condorcet and Progress 363 The Result 388 Bibliography 417 Index of Names 437 Index of Ideas 451 VlU ABBREVIATIONS The Cabeen Bibliography contains a rather full list of abbrevia­ tions generally used. I have adopted the following: Annales Annales, Economies, Societes, Civilisations Annates JJR Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau APSP American Philosophical Society, Proceedings APSR American Political Science Review Archiv Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und literaturen (Herrig) ASP Annales des sciences politiques AUP Annales de I'Oniversite de Paris B or Best Theodore Besterman, Voltaire's Correspondence, Ge­ neva, 1953-. 108 vols. BM British Museum BN Bibliotheque Nationale CAIEF Cahiers de Γ Association internationale des etudes francaises CDU Centre de documentation universitaire DS Diderot Studies FAR Franco-American Review FQ French Quarterly FR French Review FS French Studies JHl Journal of the History of Ideas JMH Journal of Modern History LC Library of Congress MLN Modern Language Notes MLQ Modern Language Quarterly MLR Modern Language Review MP Modern Philology PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America PSQ Political Science Quarterly PUF Presses universitaires de France RCC Revue des cours et des conferences RDP Revue du droit public IX ABBREVIATIONS RDS Revue du dix-huitieme Steele Rfr Revolution franfaise, revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine RHL Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France RHM Revue d'histoire moderne RHRF Revue historique de la revolution franfaise R. Int. Phil Revue Internationale de philosophte RLC Revue de litterature comparee RMM Revue de metaphysique et de morale RR Romanic Review RSH Revue des sciences humaines SP Studies in Philology Symp Symposium SVEC Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century YR Yale Review YRS Yale Romanic Studies X

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