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The Strategy Alignment Model: Defining Real Estate Strategies in PDF

162 Pages·2008·5.55 MB·English
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TThhee SSttrraatteeggyy AAlliiggnnmmeenntt MMooddeell:: DDeeffiinniinngg RReeaall EEssttaattee SSttrraatteeggiieess iinn tthhee CCoonntteexxtt ooff OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall OOuuttccoommeess RRoobbeerrtt TT.. OOssggoooodd,, JJrr.. CCoorreeNNeett GGlloobbaall 22000088 ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION Section 1: Overview of Applied Research Section 2: Strategy Alignment Map (Content) Section 3: SA Map & Content Case Studies Break Section 4: Change Management Process Section 5: Best Practices Benchmarking Questions throughout the Session Robert Osgood SECTION ONE 11 Overview of Applied Research The purpose is to describe the key content and process factors critical to directly aligning place strategy with core business strategy and measuring success in the context of organizational outcomes. CCoorree CCoorree BBuussiinneessss BBuussiinneessss EEnnaabblleerrss SSttrraatteeggyy ww//PPllaaccee Robert Osgood THE STRATEGY ALIGNMENT FRAMEWOK Mission People & Vision CCoorree BBuussiinneessss SSttrraatteeggyy CCoorree BBuussiinneessss Customers Products EEnnaabblleerrss & Markets & Services Technology Place Values & Culture Strategy Alignment Robert Osgood FOCUS & BOTTOM LINE VALUE TThhee ggrreeaatteesstt ooppppoorrttuunniittyy iiss…… People 7700--8800%% ooff Cost CCoossttss Savings Tech Place Revenue 2200--3300%% 1100--2200%% Growth ooff ooff CCoossttss CCoossttss Efficiency & Effectiveness ……SSttrraatteeggyy tthhaatt ddrriivveess oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall oouuttccoommeess Robert Osgood STRATEGY ALIGNMENT AT ALL LEVELS CCoorree BBuussiinneessss CCoorree BBuussiinneessss SSttrraatteeggyy EEnnaabblleerrss Organizational Level Portfolio Level Consistent Group Level Site & Facility Level with CoRE 2010… Individual Level Workplace Level Strategy Alignment Robert Osgood METHODOLOGY • Analysis of 150 company websites and annual reports… • Literature review of more than 40 business books and related journal articles… • 2001, 2004 & 2007 Surveys and focus groups with 250+ Fortune 1000 companies, and interviews (separate from projects) with 25 CEO’s and other C – Suite members… 112 of our projects with Fortune 1000 clients and other high performing organizations, comparing differences in… PPrree cchhaannggee mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt ......PPoosstt cchhaannggee mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss ooff CCBBSS && CCBBEE ssttrraatteeggyy…… ooff CCBBSS && CCBBEE ssttrraatteeggyy Robert Osgood FOUR FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS & THREE MEASURES CCoorree BBuussiinneessss LLeevveell ooff SSttrraatteeggyy CCBBSS -- CCBBEE SSuucccceessssffuull PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee AAlliiggnnmmeenntt PPrroojjeeccttss -- -- Q1 -- -- Content Q2 -- -- -- -- Process -- -- -- -- Q3 Benchmarking -- -- -- -- Q4 Robert Osgood OVERALL RESULTS CCoorree BBuussiinneessss LLeevveell ooff SSttrraatteeggyy CCBBSS -- CCBBEE SSuucccceessssffuull PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee AAlliiggnnmmeenntt PPrroojjeeccttss -- -- ++ 1155 -- 1188%% -- -- Content ++ 22 -- 2255%% -- -- -- -- (+3 – 9% norm) Process -- -- -- -- ++ 2200%% Benchmarking -- -- -- -- ++ 1144%% Robert Osgood THE 3 INTERRELATED DRIVERS OF PERFORMANCE CCoorree BBuussiinneessss SSttrraatteeggyy PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee 11.. CCoosstt SSaavviinnggss Content && RReevveennuuee ((CCBBSS ++ 22 -- 2255%%)) GGrroowwtthh BBaallaannccee 33.. FFuunnccttiioonnaall GGrroouupp PPaatttteerrnnss 22.. PPrriinncciippaall DDrriivveerrss,, VVaalluuee CChhaaiinn && GGrroouuppss Robert Osgood

The Strategy Alignment Model: Defining Real Estate Strategies Estate. Business First. FMJ. Corporate Real Estate Leader. Site Selection. McMorrow Report. 3 new
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