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Mi'^m PATERSON, SONS, & Co., AND MUSIC SALOONS, 152 BUCHANAN STREET,^ASGOW. THE LARGEST CHOICE OE IlfSTMMEITS 11 SCOTLAND FOE SALE OR HIRE, AND ON THEIR SPECIAL THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. Second-Hand Instruments, in Great Variety, always in Stock, at Greatly Reduced Prices. Collard's New Overstrung Short Grands, Full Trichord, 7 Octaves, from 100 Guineas. Sole Agents for Estey's Unrivalled American Organs, from 15 Guineas, Paterson, Sons, & Co.'s experienced Tuners visit all parts of Scotland periodically, and thus all parties purchasing their Instruments can rely on having them regularly and carefully tuned by competent Tuners. All kinds of Repairs on Pianos, American Organs and Harmoniums executed by carefully trained workmen, SOLE AGENTS IN SCOTLAND FOR STBINVv^AVS (New York) Grand and Cottage Pianos. BECHSTEIN'S (Berlin) Grand and Cottage Pianos. SCHIEDMAVER'S (Stuttgart) Grand and Cottage Pianos. NEUMEYER'S (Berlin) Overstrung Iron Franiie Pianos. JF.. EDSOTRENYER<& &CO.S'OSN.A'mSerGircaannd OarngdanCso.ttage Pianos. BB.RSOQOUKILRYEN& SON'S Iron Frame Pianofortes. CO.'S Pianofortes. yust Published, New Edition of THE VOCAL MELODIES OF SCOTLAND. By FiNLAY Dun and John Thomson. Re-edited and Arranged by E. Rimbault Dibdin. With the addition ofallthe best recent Scotch Songs. Completein OneVolume, full-sizeMusic Plates,handsomelybound,giltedged,&c.,price 21s. net extrabinding, 25s.; moroccoelegant, 42s., assupplied to HerMajestytheQueen. Popular Edition in One Volume, Handsome Cloth 13s. PUBLISHERS OF ALLJhTjIsT^ SCOTCH MUSIC. PATERiONrSONSr& Co., . 152 BUGHANAS^ ST„ GLASGOW; 27 GEOBGE ST., EDINBURGH; Founded 1805. The Oldest Scottish Insurance Institution . Head Office-19 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. Li/e Asstirance on itntisuallyfavottrable terms. CLASS A I. Moderate Premiums, with Early Bonuses, which may be applied either to increase the sum assured or to make the Policypayable during life. CLASSES A 2 and B. Lowest Premiums, with special Bonus advantages to persons attaining old age. NEW AND SELF-ACTING NON-FORFEITABLE SYSTEM. Under thisSystem theSurrenderValueisapplied to pay overdue premiums, thus preventing tlieaccidental forfeiture ofanyvaluablepolicy. Although this plan is new in Great Britain, a similar plan has for some years been carried on with much success in the Australian Colonies. The Australasian Insurance—and Banking Recordconcludesanarticleon the Non-forfeitable System in thefollovi^ing terms: "Itis to thecreditoftheCALEDONIAN thatitshould be the first to introduce this liberal featureintopractice in Great Britain. As the precursor of anew and betterstate ofthings in the Insurance world there, it deserves, as we trust it will find, its rewardin a largeaccession ofbusiness." New Life Assurances in 7 years ending^j^stpfe®.^1874, ;i^856,399 3m New Life Assurances in 7 years^ing iec. 1881, £1,780,930 The FIRE and LIFE CLAIMS Ph^f^^ee^d TWO MILLIONS Sterling. ^CHAR, Manager andActuary. ESTABLISHED .1870. LONDON & STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). LONDON: 123 BISHOPSGATE STREET, WITHIN. HANLEY: VICTORIA SQUARE. Registered Capital, £2,000,000 Subscribed Capital, 1,000,000 Paid-up Capital, 100,000 Capital at Call, 900,000 Income, 1880, 115,000 SHAREHOLDERS EXCEED 700. This Company accepts Fire Insurances of almost every description, and is prepared to survey risks and quote specially low rates, free of expense, for any Insurances now current or to be effected. Applications for Agencies are invited from influential gentlemen, who will be liberally treated in the matter ofCommission. Chief Office for Scotland-104 WEST GEORGE ST., GLASGOW. R. G, CAMPBELL, Resident Secretary. Wotk& Clje StitUtta ©flitta^e (ESTABLISHED 1805), AND CARRIAGE SHOW ROOMS. Estimates Carriages AND Let on Hire, WITH FOR ALL Option of Purchase. Kinds of Carriages Harness °Vr-. OF A LARGE Stock of New % Every Descrrption. AND Second-Hand Estimates FOR ALWAYS ON HAND. irs. HOMSON, RXXXRQt STIRLING. : s^ 1- THE RLI STI D R E C T O E Y I INC'LUDIJtG BRIDGE OF ALLAN, BANNOCKBURN, CALLANDER, CAMBUSBARRON DOUNE, DUNBLANE, ST NINIANS, AND WHINS OF MILTON. S T^j^^^a-N G ALEXANDER MILLER, PORT STREET. J Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/stirlingdirector188182dir PREFATORY NOT In publishing a work such as tliis for the first time, some allowance ought to be made for errors and omissions. The plan adopted to collect the names was considered to be the best to obtain a full and accurate list, while special advertisements appeared in tlie local papers asking all who Avere omitted, or who intended to cliange their address, to give notice of such, and attention would be paid to them. Still, it must be considered that this being the first arrangement, and although every precaution has been used to make it as complete and perfect as possible, and if in City Directories; where men are trained to the work, errors do occur, it is hoped any appearing here will meet with forbearance. Several complaints have been made at tlie time it has taken, but to those acquainted with the nature of the work it will not appear too long. I have to thank my Subscribers and Advertisers, without whose assistance I would not have ventured on the undertaking. THE PUBLISHEE. May 1882. . INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. STIELING. PAGH pAaa Alloa, &c.,.Coal.Co.mpa.ny . 132 Foster & Walls, Plasterers . 151 Andkrsok, Robert, Builder and Frater, Robert, Plumber . . 140 Joiner 131 Anderson, William, Coal and Gardner,Henry, CoalMerchant 140 Lime Merchant 148 Gavin, Hugh, Draper . . 139 Gillespie, Alex., Tailor and Bauchojp, Ed.war.d, B.oot.make.r 150 Clothier 140 BeNNIGAN & FOTHERINGHAM,. Gillespie, John, Grocer . . 137 Builders 138 Gillespie & Sharp, Builders . 154 Blackie & Son, Publishera, Glas- Golden Lion Hotel—R. Stuart 132 gow 115 Gray, James, Seedsman . . 132 Bon Aocord Loan Office 128 Gray & Co., Publishers, Edin- . BoswELL, William, Bootmaker 137 burgh 163 Buchanan & Dowell, Painters . 127 ..... Hardik, John, Plumber . . 145 CaledonianInsurance Co.,Edin- Headridge, a. & J., Builders . 154 burgh front Henderson,.Gil.bert., Pa.inte.r . 154 Cakmichael, Peter, Temper- Henderson, Thomas, Cabinet- ance Hotel .136 maker 129 Cakson&Son, Wi.l.lia.m.,P.ai.n.ters 138 Hepburn, Mrs, Baby Linen, &c. 133 Chalmers & Son, George A., Hunter, J. &. L., Cabinetmakers 143 Builders 152 Christie & Cowie, Joiners 152 Keith & Ralston, Confectioners 141 CowBRouGii &Mercer, Grocers . 124 Kinross & Sons, Wm., Coach . Craig, John, Seedsman 127 Builders 130 . . Cribbes, John, Grocer 152 . . Crowe & Rodgers, Photographers 128 Laidlaw, Thomas, Refreshment Currie, Robert, Joiner 150 Rooms, Oban,Stirling, andAlloa 153 Lennox, & Co. John, Grocers 130 , . Dowell, Willam,.Ta.ilor.. . 143 Liddel, Rob&eMrt, Grocer . . 126 Drummond & Sons, William, LocKHart 'Nab, Smiths . 134 Seedsmen 123 London and Staffordshire In- DuNCANSoN, William, Chemist 122 surance Co., Glasgow . . front Duncan's Glass and China Ware- house 132 Malloch, Michie, & Crockart, .... ., .. .. Gunsmiths and Fishing-Tackle Eggo, W. F., Poultry and Game Makers 151 Dealer 151 MacewenBrothers, Grocers . 136 English and Scottish Law As- Macewen, &Co., D. &J., Grocers 121 surance Association 120 Macilvean, J., Bootmaker . 138 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGK PAGK Millar, Jas., TailorandClothier 146 Robertson, Wm., Hatter . . 125 Millar & Sons, James, Bakers 148 Ronald, Jame—s, Builder . . 144 Millar & Sons, James, Grocers 134 Royal Hotel A. C—ampbMell . 139 Miller, Alexr., Bookseller, &c 142 RoyalRestaurant P. 'Alpine 134 Miller, Robert, Smith 129 Menzies & Co., Thomas, Drapers 144 Salmond, p..S.,.Dra.pers.. .. 154 Merrilees, John, Plumber 133 Sangster, Alex. S., China Mer- Moore, W. J., Chemist 129 chant 133 MORRISON & Son, John,Joiners 131 ScottishProvidentInstitution 119 Muir, Thomas, Coal Merchant 135 Scottish Widows' Fund & Life .117 Murray, John, Joiner 151 Assurance Co. . . M'Callum, James, Bottler . 142 Smart, George, Photographer . 143 M'CoRKLE, Bev. B. 125 Smith, James, Tobacconist 139 . M'Kerracher,D.,CoalMerchant 143 Smyth, J. S., Dentist. . . 150 M'KiNLAY, J.,Tailor & Clothier 141 SoWDAN, W.,—Piano Warehouseman 152 M'Nab, Thomas, Joiner 142 Star Hotel J—ames Lennox 144 M'NicoL, Jn., Druggist 138 Station Hotel E. Hendry 135 Stoddart, Miss, Boot Shop 146 Nicholson, P., Valuator . 154 NNoorrtthherBnriAtsisshura&ncMeerCcoa.ntile: 116 TThhoommssoonn,, G.J., CoG.a,.chBBe.urillid.nerW.ofaocling title Insurance Co. 118 Repository 120 Owen, George, Smith 139 Virtue, George, Ironmonger 149 . Paterson, Sons, & Co., Piano Walker(lateKirkwood),Chemist 142 Warehousemen, Glasgow front Whitehead'sTemperanceHotel 150 Pollock, George, Seedsman, 131 WoTHERSPooN, J., Hatter . . 128 Wilson Brothers, Drapers 147 . Robertson, Robert, Coal Mer- Wright, P., Coach Builder . 152 chant 13C . . . . BEIDGE OF ALLAN, &c. Anderson, A., Queen's Hotel . 158 Miller, George, Draper . . 160 Carmichael, John, Temperance MMorrison, Alex., Plumber, . 161 Hotel 160 'Cowan, William, Tailor and . . . Cramb, John, Joiner 160 Clothier . . . . 160 Drysdale, Alex., Joiner, 161 M'Kay, Robert, Plumber . 161 DFarryised,alGbi,lbJearmte,s,PhBaarkmearci.st 115575 MM''IInstayarce,&JoChon.,, GJroohcne,r .Wine. 156 Keenan, James, Baker 162 Merchants . . . . 157 Hydropathic Establishment 159 Paton, Fredk., Watchmaker, Macara, D., Rumbling Bridge Dunblane . . . . 162 Hotel 162 Philp's Royal Hotel . . 158 Malcom, a., Ballindalloch Inn, Robertson, Henry, Plumber . 161 Balfron. . . . . 162 Shaw & Co., R., Fish and Marshall, H., Stirling Arms PoultryDealer . . . 161 Hotel 162 Watson Thos. Baker,Dunblane 162 Martin, J.ohn,.Drape.r . . 156 Westert,on Ar,ms Hotel . . 159

Sole Agents for Estey's Unrivalled American Organs, from 15 Guineas,. Paterson, Sons, & Co. extra binding, 25s.; morocco elegant, 42s., as supplied to Her Majesty the Queen. Popular Edition in One .. 55, Ravenscroft place— ?'
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