Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.akjappsen-v3 February2,2008 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) The stellar mass spectrum from non-isothermal gravoturbulent fragmentation Anne-Katharina Jappsen1,RalfS.Klessen1,RichardB.Larson2,YuexingLi3,4,andMordecai-Mark MacLow3,4 1 AstrophysikalischesInstitutPotsdam,AnderSternwarte16,D-14482Potsdam,Germany 5 2 DepartmentofAstronomy,YaleUniversity,NewHaven,CT06520-8101,USA 0 3 DepartmentofAstrophysics,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory,79thStreetatCentralParkWest,NewYork,NY10024- 0 5192,USA 2 4 DepartmentofAstronomy,ColumbiaUniversity,NewYork,NY10027,USA n a Received<date>/Accepted<date> J 1 Abstract. Identifyingtheprocessesthatdeterminetheinitialmassfunctionofstars(IMF)isafundamentalprobleminstar 1 formation theory. One of themajor uncertainties istheexact chemical stateof thestar forming gasand itsinfluence onthe 2 dynamicalevolution.Mostsimulationsofstarformingclustersuseanisothermalequationofstate(EOS).However,thismight v beanoversimplificationgiventhecomplexinterplaybetweenheatingandcoolingprocessesinmolecularclouds.Theoretical 1 predictionsandobservationssuggestthattheeffectivepolytropicexponentγintheEOSvarieswithdensity.Weaddressthese 5 issues and study the effect of a piecewise polytropic EOS on the formation of stellar clusters in turbulent, self-gravitating 3 molecularcloudsusingthree-dimensional,smoothedparticlehydrodynamicssimulations.Inthesesimulationsstarsformviaa 0 processwecallgravoturbulentfragmentation,i.e.,gravitationalfragmentationofturbulentgas.Toapproximatetheresultsof 1 publishedpredictionsofthethermalbehaviorofcollapsingclouds,weincreasethepolytropicexponentγfrom0.7to1.1ata 4 criticaldensityn ,whichweestimatedtobe2.5×105cm−3.Thechangeofthermodynamicstateatn selectsacharacteristic 0 c c mass scale for fragmentation M , which we relate to the peak of the observed IMF. A simple scaling argument based on / ch h the Jeans mass M at the critical density n leads to M ∝ n−0.95. We perform simulations with 4.3×104cm−3 < n < J c ch c c p 4.3×107cm−3totestthisscalingargument.Oursimulationsqualitativelysupportthishypothesis,butwefindaweakerdensity - dependenceofM ∝n−0.5±0.1.WealsoinvestigatetheinfluenceofadditionalenvironmentalparametersontheIMF.Weconsider o ch c variationsintheturbulentdrivingscheme,andconsistentlyfindM isdecreasingwithincreasingn .Ourinvestigationgenerally r J c t supportstheideathatthedistributionofstellarmassesdependsmainlyonthethermodynamicstateofthestar-forminggas.The s a thermodynamic state of interstellar gas is a result of the balance between heating and cooling processes, which in turn are : determinedbyfundamentalatomicandmolecularphysicsandbychemicalabundances.Giventheabundances,thederivation v ofacharacteristicstellarmasscanthusbebasedonuniversalquantitiesandconstants. i X r Keywords.stars:formation–methods:numerical–hydrodynamics–turbulence–equationofstate–ISM:clouds a 1. Introduction conditions,therewouldthusbenoreasonforittobeuniversal. Thereforeaderivationofthecharacteristicstellarmassthatis Oneofthefundamentalunsolvedproblemsinastronomyisthe basedonfundamentalatomicandmolecularphysicswouldbe origin of the stellar mass spectrum, the so-called initial mass moreconsistent. function (IMF). Observations suggest that there is a charac- teristic mass for stars in the solar vicinity. The IMF peaks at There have been analytical models (Jeans 1902; Larson this characteristic mass which is typically a few tenths of a 1969; Penston 1969; Low&Lynden-Bell 1976; Shu 1977; solar mass. The IMF has a nearly power-law form for larger Whitworth&Summers 1985) and numerical investigations masses and declines rapidly towards smaller masses (Scalo of the effects of various physical processes on collapse 1998;Kroupa2002;Chabrier2003). and fragmentation. These processes include, for exam- AlthoughtheIMFhasbeenderivedfromvastlydifferentre- ple, magnetic fields (Basu&Mouschovias 1995; Tomisaka gions,fromthesolarvicinitytodenseclustersofnewlyformed 1996; Gallietal. 2001), feedback from the stars them- stars,thebasicfeaturesseemtobestrikinglyuniversaltoallde- selves(Silk1995;Nakanoetal.1995;Adams&Fatuzzo1996) terminations(Kroupa2001). Initialconditionsin star forming and competitive coagulation or accretion (Silk&Takahashi regionscanvaryconsiderably.IftheIMFdependsontheinitial 1979; Lejeune&Bastien 1986; Price&Podsiadlowski 1995; Murray&Lin 1996; Bonnelletal. 2001a,b; Durisenetal. Sendoffprintrequeststo:A.-K.Jappsen,e-mail:[email protected] 2001). In another group of models, initial and environmental 2 A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation conditions, like the structural properties of molecular clouds InSect.2wereviewwhatiscurrentlyknownaboutthether- determine the IMF (Elmegreen&Mathieu 1983; Elmegreen mal properties of interstellar gas. In Sect. 3 we approach the 1997a,b,1999,2000b,a,2002).Larson(1973a)andZinnecker fragmentationproblemanalytically,whileinSect. 4weintro- (1984, 1990) argued in a more statistical approach that the duce our computationalmethod. In Sect. 5 we discuss gravo- central-limit theorem naturally leads to a log-normal stellar turbulent fragmentation in non-isothermal gas. In Sect. 6 we massspectrum.Moreover,therearemodelsthatconnectturbu- analyzetheresultingmassdistribution.We furtherinvestigate lentmotionsinmolecularcloudstotheIMF(e.g.Larson1981; the influenceof differentturbulentdrivingfields and different Fleck 1982; Padoan 1995; Padoanetal. 1997; Klessenetal. scaleofdrivinginSect.7.Finally,inSect.8wesummarize. 1998,2000;Klessen2001;Padoan&Nordlund2002).Thein- terplaybetweenturbulentmotionandself-gravityofthecloud 2. ThermalPropertiesofStar-FormingClouds leads to a process we call gravoturbulent fragmentation. The supersonicturbulenceubiquitouslyobservedin moleculargas Gravity in galactic molecular clouds is initially expected to generates strong density fluctuations with gravity taking over be opposed mainly by a combination of supersonic turbu- inthedensestandmostmassiveregions.Oncegasclumpsbe- lenceandmagneticfields(MacLow&Klessen2004).Theve- comegravitationallyunstable,collapsesetsin.Thecentralden- locity structure in the clouds is always observed to be dom- sityincreasesuntilaprotostellarobjectsformandgrowinmass inated by large-scale modes (MacLow&Ossenkopf 2000; viaaccretionfromtheinfallingenvelope.Formoredetailedre- Ossenkopfetal.2001;Ossenkopf&MacLow2002).Inorder viewsseeLarson(2003)andMacLow&Klessen(2004). to maintain turbulence for some global dynamical timescales However,currentresultsaregenerallybasedonmodelsthat andtocompensateforgravitationalcontractionofthecloudas do not treat thermal physics in detail. Typically, they use a awhole,kineticenergyinputfromexternalsourcesseemstobe simple equation of state (EOS) which is isothermal with the required.Starformationthentakesplaceinmolecularcloudre- polytropic exponent γ = 1. The true nature of the EOS re- gionswhicharecharacterizedbylocaldissipationofturbulence mains a major theoretical problem in understanding the frag- andlossofmagneticflux,eventuallyleavingthermalpressure mentation properties of molecular clouds. Some calculations asthemainforceresistinggravityinthesmalldenseprestellar invoke cooling during the collapse (Monaghan&Lattanzio cloudcoresthatactuallybuildupthestars(Klessenetal.2004; 1991; Turneretal. 1995; Whitworthetal. 1995). Others in- Vázquez-Semadenietal.2005).Inagreementwiththisexpec- clude radiation transport to account for the heating that oc- tation, observed prestellar cores typically show a rough bal- curs once the cloud reaches densities of n(H ) ≥ 1010cm−3 ance between gravity and thermal pressure (Benson&Myers 2 (Myhill&Kaula1992;Boss1993),orsimplyassumeanadia- 1989; Myersetal. 1991). Therefore the thermal properties of batic equation of state once that density is exceeded(Bonnell the dense star-formingregionsof molecularcloudsmust play 1994;Bateetal. 1995).Spaans&Silk (2000) showedthatra- animportantroleindetermininghowthesecloudscollapseand diatively cooling gas can be described by a piecewise poly- fragmentintostars. tropic EOS, in which the polytropicexponentγ changeswith Early studies of the balance between heating and cooling gas density ρ. Considering a polytropic EOS is still a rather processes in collapsing clouds predicted temperatures of the crude approximation. In practice the behaviour of γ may be order of 10K to 20K, tending to be lower at the higher den- morecomplicatedandimportanteffectslikethetemperatureof sities (e.g., Hayashi&Nakano 1965; Hayashi 1966; Larson the dust, line-trappingand feedbackfrom newly-formedstars 1969, 1973b). In their dynamical collapse calculations, these shouldbe takeninto account(Scaloetal. 1998). Nevertheless and other authors approximated this somewhat varying tem- apolytropicEOSgivesaninsightinthedifferencesthata de- peraturebya simple constantvalue,usuallytakento be10K. parturefromisothermalityevokes. Nearly all subsequent studies of cloud collapse and fragmen- Recently Lietal. (2003) conducted a systematic study of tationhaveusedasimilarisothermalapproximation.However, the effects of a varying polytropic exponent γ on gravotur- thisapproximationisactuallyonlyasomewhatcrudeone,valid bulent fragmentation. Their results showed that γ determines onlytoafactorof2,sincethetemperatureispredictedtovary how strongly self-gravitating gas fragments. They found that by this much above and below the usually assumed constant the degree of fragmentation decreases with increasing poly- value of 10K. Given the strong sensitivity of the results of tropicexponentγintherange0.2<γ <1.4althoughthetotal fragmentationsimulations like those of Lietal. (2003) to the amountof mass in collapsedcores appearsto remainroughly assumedequationofstateofthegas,temperaturevariationsof consistent through this range. These findings suggest that the thismagnitudemaybeimportantforquantitativepredictionsof IMF might be quite sensitive to the thermal physics. Earlier, stellarmassesandtheIMF. one-dimensional simulations by Passot&Vázquez-Semadeni As can be seen in Fig. 2 of Larson (1985), observa- (1998)alreadyshowedthatthedensityprobabilitydistribution tionaland theoreticalstudiesof the thermalpropertiesof col- ofsupersonicturbulentgasdisplaysadependenceonthepoly- lapsing clouds both indicate that at densities below about tropic exponentγ. However in both computations, γ was left 10−18gcm−3, roughly corresponding to a number density of strictlyconstantineachcase.Inthisstudyweextendprevious n = 2.5×105cm−3, the temperaturegenerallydecreaseswith workbyusingapiecewisepolytropicequationofstatechang- increasing density. In this low-density regime, clouds are ex- ing γ at some chosendensity. We investigateif a changein γ ternally heated by cosmic rays or photoelectric heating, and determinesthe characteristic mass of the gasclump spectrum they are cooled mainly by the collisional excitation of low- andthus,possibly,theturn-overmassoftheIMF. lying levels of C+ ions and O atoms; the strong dependence A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation 3 ofthe coolingrate ondensitythen yieldsan equilibriumtem- 3. AnalyticalApproach perature that decreases with increasing density. The work of Followingtheaboveconsiderations,weuseapolytropicequa- Koyama&Inutsuka(2000), which assumes thatphotoelectric tionofstatetodescribethethermalstateofthegasinourmod- heatingdominates,ratherthancosmicrayheatingashadbeen elswithapolytropicexponentthatchangesatacertaincritical assumed in earlier work, predicts a very similar trend of de- densityρ fromγ toγ : creasing temperature with increasing density at low densi- c 1 2 ties.Theresultingtemperature-densityrelationcanbeapproxi- P = K1ργ1 ρ≤ρc cmoartreedspboynadspotowearplaowlytwroitphicaneqexupatoinoennotfofstaabteouwti−th0.γ27=5,0w.7h2ic5h. P = K2ργ2 ρ>ρc (1) The observationalresults of Myers(1978) shown in Fig. 2 of where K andK areconstants,andP,andρarethermalpres- 1 2 Larson (1985) suggest temperatures rising again toward the sureandgasdensity.Foranidealgas,theequationofstateis: high end of this low-density regime, but those measurements k refermainlytorelativelymassiveandwarmcloudcoresandnot P= B ρT(ρ) (2) µm to the small, dense, cold cores in which low-mass stars form. p AsreviewedbyEvans(1999),thetemperaturesofthesecores where T is the temperature,and k , µ, and m are Boltzmann B p aretypicallyonlyabout8.5Katadensityof10−19gcm−3,con- constant, molecular weight, and protonmass. So the constant sistentwithacontinuationofthedecreasingtrendnotedabove Kcanbewrittenas: andwiththecontinuingvalidityofapolytropicapproximation k withγ≈0.725uptoadensityofatleast10−19gcm−3. K = B ρ1−γT(ρ) (3) µm p SinceKisdefinedasaconstantinρ,itfollowsforT: T1 = a1ργ1−1 ρ≤ρc At densities higherthan this, star-formingcloudcoresbe- T2 = a2ργ2−1 ρ>ρc (4) come opaque to the heating and cooling radiation that de- wherea anda areconstants.Theinitialconditionsdefinea : termines their temperatures at lower densities, and at densi- 1 2 1 ties above 10−18gcm−3 the gas becomes thermally coupled a =T ρ1−γ1 (5) 1 0 0 to the dust grains, which then control the temperature by theirfar-infraredthermalemission.Inthishigh-densityregime, Atρc itholdsthat: dominated thermally by the dust, there are few direct tem- T (ρ )=T (ρ ) (6) 1 c 2 c perature measurements because the molecules normally ob- served freeze out onto the dust grains, but most of the avail- Thus,a canbewrittenintermsofa : 2 1 able theoretical predictions are in good agreement concern- a =a ργ1−γ2 (7) ing the expected thermal behavior of the gas (Larson 1973b; 2 1 c Low&Lynden-Bell 1976; Masunaga&Inutsuka 2000). The According to the analytical work by Jeans (1902) on the balancebetweencompressionalheatingandthermalcoolingby stability of a self-gravitating, isothermal medium the oscilla- dustresultsinatemperaturethatincreasesslowlywithincreas- tionfrequencyωandthewavenumberkofsmallperturbations ingdensity,andtheresultingtemperature-densityrelationcan satisfythedispersionrelation be approximated by a power law with an exponent of about 0.075, which correspondsto γ = 1.075. Taking these values, ω2−c2sk2+4πGρ0 =0 , (8) thetemperatureispredictedtoreachaminimumof5Katthe wherec isthesoundspeed,Gthegravitationalconstant,andρ transitionbetweenthelow-densityandthehigh-densityregime s 0 thegasdensity.Theperturbationisunstableifthewavelengthλ at about 2 × 10−18gcm−3, at which point the Jeans mass is exceedstheJeanslengthλ =2π/k or,equivalently,ifthemass about 0.3M (see also, Larson 2005). The actual minimum J J ⊙ exceedstheJeansmass temperature reached is somewhat uncertain because observa- tionshavenotyetconfirmedthepredictedverylowvalues,but 4π λ 3 π5/2 M = ρ J = G−3/2ρ −1/2c3 . (9) such cold gas would be very difficult to observe; various ef- J 3 0(cid:18) 2(cid:19) 6 0 s fortstomodeltheobservationshavesuggestedcentraltemper- Note thatwe define the Jeans mass M as the mass originally J aturesbetween6Kand10Kforthedensestobservedprestellar containedwithinasphereofdiameterλ . cores, whose peak densities may approach10−17gcm−3 (e.g., J InasystemwithapolytropicEOS,i.e.,P= Kργ,thesound Zucconietal. 2001; Evansetal. 2001; Tafallaetal. 2004). A speedis power-law approximation to the equation of state with γ ≈ 1.075 is expected to remain valid up to a density of about dP 1/2 10−13gcm−3, above which increasing opacity to the thermal cs = dρ! =(Kγ)1/2ρ(γ−1)/2 . (10) emission fromthe dustcausesthe temperatureto beginrising Thus,theJeansmasscanbewrittenas muchmorerapidly,resultinginan"opacitylimit"onfragmen- tation that is somewhat below 0.01M⊙ (Low&Lynden-Bell π5/2 K 3/2 1976;Masunaga&Inutsuka2000). MJ = γ3/2ρ(3/2)γ−2 . (11) 6 (cid:18)G(cid:19) 4 A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation Table1.Sampleparameters,nameoftheenvironmentusedin thetext,drivingscalek,criticaldensityn ,numberofSPHpar- c ticles,numberN ofprotostellarobjects(i.e.,“sinkparticles”in thecentersofprotostellarcores)atfinalstageofthesimulation, percentageofaccretedmassatfinalstageM /M acc tot Name k log n particle N Macc 10 c Mtot cm−3 number [%] Ik2 1..2 h —i 205379 59 56 Ik2b 1..2 — 1000000 73 78 Ik2L 1..2 — 9938375 6 4 R5k2 1..2 4.63 205379 22 73 R5k2b 1..2 4.63 1000000 22 70 R6k2 1..2 5.63 205379 64 93 R6k2b 1..2 5.63 1000000 54 61 R7k2 1..2 6.63 205379 122 84 R7k2b 1..2 6.63 1000000 131 72 R7k2L 1..2 6.63 1953125 143 46 R8k2 1..2 7.63 205379 194 78 R8k2b 1..2 7.63 1000000 234 53 R8k2L 1..2 7.63 5177717 309 29 R5k8 7..8 4.63 205379 1 64 R6k8 7..8 5.63 205379 38 68 Fig.1.LocalJeansmassasafunctionofdensityforfourruns R7k8 7..8 6.63 205379 99 60 with differentcritical densitiesn . For comparisonthe depen- c R8k8 7..8 7.63 205379 118 72 denceisalso shownforthe isothermalcase (dottedline). The R5k2r1 1..2 4.63 205379 16 62 Jeansmasschangesatthecriticaldensity.Theinitialmeanden- R6k2r1 1..2 5.63 205379 34 72 sityandthedensityatwhichsinkparticlesformarerepresented R7k2r1 1..2 6.63 205379 111 68 bytheverticaldashedlines.Thedashed-dottedlinesshowthe R8k2r1 1..2 7.63 205379 149 64 minimalresolvablemass for the runs with the highestresolu- R5k2r2 1..2 4.63 205379 21 72 tion. R6k2r2 1..2 5.63 205379 51 74 R7k2r2 1..2 6.63 205379 119 70 R8k2r2 1..2 7.63 205379 184 70 UsingEqs.3,4,5,7and11onefinds: R5k2r3 1..2 4.63 205379 18 90 R6k2r3 1..2 5.63 205379 52 85 MJ1 = π56/2 kBGTµ0ρm10−γ13/2γ13/2ρ(3/2)γ1−2 ρ≤ρc RR78kk22rr33 11....22 67..6633 220055337799 112936 7761 MJ2 = π56/2 kBGTµ0ρm10p−γ13/2γ23/2ρc(3/2)(γ1−γ2)ρ(3/2)γ2−2 ρ>ρc densWityhaρth?aOpnpeenssugwgheesntioγninisctrheaatsethseaibnocvreeausneitiynγatisthseucffirictiiecnalt p tostronglcyreducefragmentationathigherdensities,introduc- Thesoundspeedchangeswhenthepolytropicindexchangesat ing a characteristic scale into the mass spectrum at the value ρc,soMJ alsovaries(seeFig.1),suchthat: of the Jeans mass at ρc. Then the behavior of the Jeans mass withincreasingcriticaldensitywouldimmediatelyallowusto 3 MJ1 = γ1 2 . (12) derivethescalinglaw MJ2 γ2! M ∝ρ−0.95. (13) ch c Ifweuseγ1=0.7andγ2=1.1asjustifiedinSect.2then MJ1 ∝ This simple analytical consideration would then predict a ρ−0.95. characteristic mass scale which corresponds to a peak of the Duringtheinitialphaseofcollapse,theturbulentflowpro- IMFat 0.35 M for a criticaldensity of ρ = 10−18gcm−3 or ⊙ c ducesstrongrampressuregradientsthatformdensityenhance- equivalently a number density of n = 2.5× 105cm−3 when c ments. Higher density leads to smaller local Jeans masses, so usingameanmolecularweightµ = 2.36appropriateforsolar theseregionsbegintocollapseandfragment.Simulationswith metallicitymolecularcloudsintheMilkyWay.Note,however, an SPH code different from the one used in the present work thatthissimplescalinglawdoesnottakeanyfurtherdynamical show that fragmentation occurs more efficiently for smaller processesintoaccount. values of γ, and less efficiently for γ > 1, cutting off en- tirely at γ > 1.4 (Lietal. 2003; Arcoragietal. 1991). For 4. NumericalMethod filamentary systems, fragmentation already stops for γ > 1 (Kawachi&Hanawa1998).Thispointisdiscussedinmorede- InordertotestthescalingofthecharacteristicmassM given ch tailinSec.5. by Eq. 13, we carry out simulations of regions in turbulent A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation 5 mance. Introducing sink particles allows us to follow the dy- namical evolution of the system over many free-fall times. Once the density contrast in the center of a collapsing cloud coreexceedsavalueof5000,correspondingtoathresholdden- sityofaboutn = 4×108cm−3 (seeFig.1),theentirecentral th regionisreplacedbya“sinkparticle”(Bate,Bonnell,&Price 1995).Itisasingle,non-gaseous,massiveparticlethatonlyin- teractswithnormalSPHparticlesviagravity.Gasparticlesthat comewithinacertainradiusofthesinkparticle,theaccretion radiusr , are accretedif they are boundto the sink particle. acc This allows us to keep track of the total mass, the linear and angularmomentumofthecollapsinggas. Each sink particle defines a control volume with a fixed radius of 310 AU. This radius is chosen such that we always resolve the Jeans scale below the threshold density n , fol- th lowing Bate&Burkert (1997). We cannot resolve the subse- quentevolutioninitsinterior.Combinationwithadetailedone- dimensional implicit radiation hydrodynamic method shows thataprotostarformsintheverycenterabout103yraftersink creation(Wuchterl&Klessen2001).Wesubsequentlycallthe sink protostellar object or simply protostar. Altogether, the Fig.2.Temperatureasafunctionofdensityforfourrunswith sinkparticlerepresentsonlytheinnermost,highest-densitypart different critical densities n . The dotted lines show the ini- c ofalargercollapsingregion.Thetechnicaldetailsontheimple- tialconditions.Thecurvehasadiscontinuousderivativeatthe mentationofsinkparticlesintheparallelSPHcodeGADGET criticaldensity. canbefoundinAppendixA. Protostellar collapse is accompanied by a substantial loss ofspecificangularmomentum,evenintheabsenceofmagnetic molecularcloudsin which we varythe critical densityρ and c fields(Jappsen&Klessen 2004).Still, mostofthematterthat determinetheresultingmassspectraofprotostellarobjects,and fallsinwillassembleinaprotostellardisk.Itisthentransported thus M . Duringgravoturbulentfragmentationitis necessary ch inward by viscous and possibly gravitational torques (e.g., to follow the gas overseveralordersof magnitudein density. Bodenheimer1995;Papaloizou&Lin1995;Lin&Papaloizou Themethodofchoicethereforeissmoothedparticlehydrody- 1996).WithtypicaldisksizesoforderofseveralhundredAU, namics(SPH). Excellentoverviewsof the method,its numer- thecontrolvolumefullyenclosesbothstaranddisk.Iflowan- icalimplementation,andsomeof itsapplicationsare givenin gular momentum material is accreted, the disk is stable and reviewsbyBenz(1990)andMonaghan(1992).Weusethepar- most of the material ends up in the central star. In this case, allelcodeGADGET,designedbySpringeletal.(2001).SPHis the disk simply acts as a buffer and smooths eventual accre- aLagrangianmethod,wherethefluidisrepresentedbyanen- tion spikes. It will not delay or prevent the mass growth of sembleofparticles,andflowquantitiesareobtainedbyaverag- the central star by much. However, if material that falls into ingoveranappropriatesubsetofSPHparticles.Weuseaspher- the control volume carries large specific angular momentum, ically symmetric cubic spline function to define the smooth- then the massload ontothe disk is likely to be faster than in- ing kernel (Monaghan1992). The smoothing length can vary wardtransport.Thediskgrowslargeandmaybecomegravita- in space and time, such that the number of considered neigh- tionallyunstableandfragment.Thismayleadtotheformation borsisalwaysapproximately40.Themethodisabletoresolve ofabinaryorhigher-ordermultiple(Bodenheimeretal.2000; large density contrasts as particles are free to move, and so Fromangetal.2002). naturally the particle concentration increases in high-density regions. We use the Bate&Burkert (1997) criterion to deter- minetheresolutionlimitofourcalculations.Itisadequatefor 4.2.Modelparameters theproblemconsideredhere,wherewefollowtheevolutionof highlynonlineardensityfluctuationscreatedbysupersonictur- We include turbulence in our version of the code that is bulence.Wehaveperformedaresolutionstudywithupto107 drivenuniformlywiththemethoddescribedbyMacLowetal. SPHparticlestoconfirmthisresult. (1998) and MacLow (1999). The observed turbulent veloc- ity field in molecular clouds will decay in a crossing time if not continuously replenished (MacLow&Klessen 2004; 4.1.Sinkparticles Scalo&Elmegreen2004;Elmegreen&Scalo2004).Ifthetur- SPHsimulationsofcollapsingregionsbecomeslowerasmore bulencedecays,thenonlythermalpressurepreventsglobalcol- particlesmovetohigherdensityregionsandhencehavesmall lapse. In our case, we examine regionsglobally supportedby timesteps. Replacing dense cores by one single particle leads the turbulence at the initial time. We choose to model con- to considerable increase of the overall computational perfor- tinuously driven turbulence leading to inefficient star forma- 6 A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation Fig.3. Column density distribution of the gas and location of identified protostellar objects (black circles) using the high- resolutionmodelsR6..8k2batthestagewhereapproximately50%ofthegasisaccreted.Projectionsinthexy-,xz-,andyz-plane areshownforthreedifferentcriticaldensities. tionratherthanagloballycollapsingregionproducingefficient the order of the size of our computational domain, i.e. with star formation (MacLow&Klessen 2004). This is achieved wavenumbersk = 1..2.Intheadoptedintegrationscheme,we here by applying a nonlocal driving scheme that inserts en- add the turbulent energy ∆E = E˙ ∆t to the system at each in in ergy in a limited range of wave numbers k. MacLow (1999) timestep∆twhenevermorethan40%oftheSPHparticlesare showsthathydrodynamicalturbulencedecayswitha constant advanced. energy-dissipationcoefficient. Thus a constant kinetic energy inputrateE˙ isabletomaintaintheobservedturbulenceandto in stabilizethesystemagainstgravitationalcontractiononglobal Inallourmodelsweadoptaninitialtemperatureof11.4K scales.Thedrivingstrengthisadjustedtoyieldaconstanttur- corresponding to a sound speed cs = 0.2kms−1, a molecu- bulentrmsMachnumberM =3.2.Furthermore,itisknown lar weight µ of 2.36 and an initial number density of n = rms thatthevelocitystructureinmolecularcloudsisalwaysdomi- 8.4 × 104cm−3, which is typical for star-forming molecular nated by the largest-scale mode (e.g., MacLow&Ossenkopf cloud regions (e.g., ρ-Ophiuchi, see Motte et al. 1998 or the 2000; Ossenkopfetal. 2001; Ossenkopf&MacLow 2002; central region of the Orion Nebula Cluster, see Hillenbrand Bruntetal.2004),consequentlywe insertenergyonscales of 1997; Hillenbrand & Hartmann 1998). Our simulation cube holds a mass of 120M and has a size of L = 0.29pc. The ⊙ A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation 7 cubeissubjecttoperiodicboundaryconditionsineverydirec- tion.ThemeaninitialJeansmassishM i =0.7M . J i ⊙ WeusetheEOSdescribedinSect.3,andcomputemodels with4.3×104cm−3 ≤n ≤4.3×107cm−3.Note,thatthelowest c and the highest of these critical densities represent rather ex- tremecases.FromFig.2,whereweshowthetemperatureasa functionofnumberdensity,itisevidentthattheyresultintem- peraturesthataretoohighortoolowcomparedtoobservations andtheoreticalpredictions.Nevertheless,includingthesecases clarifiesthe existenceofa realtrendin the dependenceofthe characteristic mass scale on the critical density. Each simula- tionstartswithauniformdensity.Drivingbeginsimmediately, whileself-gravityisturnedonatt = 2.0t ,afterturbulenceis ff fullyestablished.Theglobalfree-falltimescaleist ≈ 105yr. ff Our models are named mnemonically. R5 up to R8 stand for thecriticaldensityn (4.3×104cm−3 ≤ n ≤ 4.3×107cm−3) c c in the equation of state, k2 or k8 stand for the wave numbers (k = 1..2 or k = 7..8) at which the drivingenergy is injected intothesystemandbflagstherunswith1milliongasparticles. TheletterLmarksthehighresolutionrunsforcriticaldensities n =4.3×106cm−3andn =4.3×107cm−3with2millionand c c 5.2millionparticles,respectively.Differentrealizationsofthe turbulentvelocityfieldaredenotedbyr1,r2,r3.Forcompari- sonwealsorunisothermalsimulationsmarkedwiththeletterI thathaveparticlenumbersofapproximately200000,1million and10milliongasparticles. The number of particles determines the minimal resolv- ableJeansmassinourmodels.Figure1showsthedependence of the local Jeans mass on the density for the adopted poly- tropicequationofstate.Atthecriticaldensitythedependency of the Jeans mass on density changes its behavior. The mini- mum Jeans mass M that needs to be resolved occurs at the res densityatwhichsinkparticlesareformed.AlocalJeansmass is considered resolved if it contains at least 2 × N = 80 neigh SPHparticles(Bate&Burkert1997).AscanbeseeninFig.1 Fig.4. Temporal evolution of the number of protostellar ob- weareabletoresolve M with1millionparticlesforcritical jects(upperplot)andoftheratioofaccretedgasmasstototal res densitiesupton = 4.3×105cm−3.Since thisisnotthecase gasmass(lowerplot)formodelsR5..8k2b.Thelegendshows c for n = 4.3×106cm−3 and n = 4.3×107cm−3, we repeat thelogarithmsoftherespectivenumberdensitiesincm−3.The c c these simulationswith 2 million and 5.2 million particles, re- times are given in units of a free-fall time τ . We also show ff spectively. Due to long calculation times we follow the latter the models R7k2L and R8k2L with 2×106 and 5×106 par- onlytothepointintimewhereabout30%ofthegashasbeen ticles, respectively, which are denoted by the letter “L”. For accreted. comparisonthedottedlinesindicatethevaluesfortheisother- Atthedensitywhereγchangesfrombelowunitytoabove malmodelIk2b. unity, the temperature reaches a minimum. This is reflected in the "V"-shape shown in Figure 2. All our simulations start randomnumberstogeneratethefield whilekeepingthe over- with the same initialconditionsin temperatureanddensity as allstatistical propertiesthe same. Thisallowsus toassess the markedbythedottedlines. statistical reliability of our results. These models are labeled In a furtherset ofsimulationswe analyzethe influenceof fromR5..8k2r1toR5..8k2r3.Second,drivingintwo different changingtheturbulentdrivingschemeonfragmentationwhile wavenumberrangesisconsidered.Mostmodelsaredrivenon usingapolytropicequationofstate.Thesemodelscontain2× 105particleseach. largescales(1≤k≤2)butwehaverunasetofmodelsdriven onsmallscales(7≤k≤8)forcomparison. Following Bate&Burkert (1997), these runs are not con- sidered fully resolved for n ≥ 4.3 × 105 at the density of ThemainmodelparametersaresummarizedinTable1. c sink particle creation, since M falls below the critical mass res of 80 SPH particles. We note, however,that the globalaccre- 5. Gravoturbulentfragmentationinpolytropicgas tion history is notstrongly affected. First, we study the effect of different realizationsof the turbulentdriving fields on typ- Turbulence establishes a complex network of interacting ical masses of protostellar objects. We simply select different shocks,whereconvergingflowsandsheargeneratefilamentsof 8 A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation highdensity.The interplaybetweengravityandthermalpres- Thefilamentarystructurethatoccursin oursimulationsis sure determines the further dynamics of the gas. Adopting a visualizedinFig.3.Hereweshowthecolumndensitydistribu- polytropicEOS(Eq.1),thechoiceofthepolytropicexponent tion ofthe gasandthe distributionofprotostellarobjects.We playsan importantrole determiningthe fragmentationbehav- display the results for three different critical densities in xy-, ior.FromEq.11itisevidentthatγ= 4/3constitutesacritical xz- and yz-projection. The volume density is computed from value.AJeansmassanalysisshowsthatforthree-dimensional theSPHkernelin3Dandthenprojectedalongthethreeprin- structures M increases with increasing density if γ is above cipalaxes.Figure3showsforallthreecasesaremarkablyfil- J 4/3. Thus, γ > 4/3 results in the termination of any gravita- amentarystructure.Thesefilamentsdefinethelociwheremost tionalcollapse. protostellarobjectsform. Clearly,thechangeofthepolytropicexponentγatacertain Also, collapse and fragmentation in filaments depend on critical density influences the number of protostellar objects. the equation of state. The equilibrium and stability of fil- If the critical density increases then more protostellar objects amentary structures has been studied extensively, beginning formbutthemeanmassdecreases. with Chandrasekhar&Fermi (1953), and this work has been We show this quantitatively in Fig. 4. In (a) we compare reviewed by Larson (1985, 2003). For many types of col- the number of protostellar objects for different critical densi- lapse problems, insight into the qualitative behavior of a col- tiesn forthemodelsR5...8k2b.Therateatwhichnewproto- lapsing configuration can be gained from similarity solutions c starsformchangeswith differentn . Modelsthatswitch from (Larson2003). For the collapse of cylinderswith an assumed c low γ to high γ at low densities built up protostellar objects polytropic equation of state solutions have been derived by morerarelythanmodelsthatchangeγathigherdensities. Kawachi&Hanawa (1998), and these authors found that the Figure4bshowstheaccretionhistories(thetimeevolution existenceofsuchsolutionsdependsontheassumedvalueofγ: of the combined mass fraction of all protostellar objects) for similarity solutions exist for γ < 1 but not for γ > 1. These the modelsR5..8k2b.Accretion starts for all butone case ap- authorsalsofoundthatforγ <1,thecollapsebecomesslower proximatelyatthesametime.InmodelR5k2b,γ=1.1already and slower as γ approachesunity from below, asymptotically atthemeaninitialdensity,thusγ doesnotchangeduringcol- coming to a halt when γ = 1. This result shows in a particu- lapse.Inthiscaseaccretionstartsatalatertime.Thisconfirms larlyclearwaythatγ = 1is acriticalcase forthe collapseof thefindingbyLietal.(2003)thataccretionisdelayedforlarge filaments. Kawachi&Hanawa (1998) suggestedthat the slow γ. In the other four cases the accretion history is verysimilar collapsethatispredictedtooccurforγapproachingunitywill andtheslopeisapproximatelythesameforallmodels. in reality cause a filament to fragment into clumps, because Inbothplotswealsoshowtheresultsfromourhighresolu- thetimescaleforfragmentationthenbecomesshorterthanthe tionrunsR7k2LandR8k2L.Thesesimulationswith2million timescaleforcollapsetowardtheaxisofanidealfilament.Ifthe and 5.2 million particles, respectively, have an accretion his- effectivevalueofγincreaseswithincreasingdensityasthecol- torysimilartothetimeevolutionoftheaccretedmassfraction lapse proceeds, as is expectedfrom the predicted thermal be- intherunswith1millionparticles.Thenumberofprotostellar haviordiscussedinSect.2,fragmentationmaythenbeparticu- objects,however,is largerfortherunswithincreasedparticle larlyfavoredtooccuratthedensitywhereγapproachesunity. numbers. Combining our results in these two figures we find In their numericalstudy Lietal. (2003) found,for a range of that an environmentwhere γ changes at higher densities pro- assumedpolytropicequationsofstate,thattheamountoffrag- ducesmore,butlessmassiveobjects.Thus,themeanmassof mentation that occurs is indeed very sensitive to the value of protostellarobjectsdoesindeeddependonthecriticaldensity thepolytropicexponentγ,especiallyforvaluesofγnearunity whereγchangesfrom0.7to1.1. (seealso,Arcoragietal.1991). The fact that filamentary structure is so prominent in our 6. Dependenceofthecharacteristicmassonthe results and other simulations of star formation, together with equationofstate the factthatmostof the starsin these simulationsformin fil- aments,suggeststhattheformationandfragmentationoffila- Further insight into how the characteristic stellar mass may mentsmaybeanimportantmodeofstarformationquitegen- depend on the critical density can be gained from the mass erally. This is also supported by the fact that many observed spectra of the protostellar objects, which we show in Fig. 5. star-formingcloudshavefilamentarystructure,andbytheevi- We plot the mass spectra of models R5...6k2b,model R7k2L dencethatmuchofthestarformationinthesecloudsoccursin andmodelR8k2Latdifferenttimes,whenthefractionofmass filaments (Schneider&Elmegreen 1979; Larson 1985; Curry accumulatedinprotostellarobjectshasreachedapproximately 2002; Hartmann2002). As we notein Sects. 2 and3 and fol- 10%,30%and50%.Inthetoprowwealsodisplaytheresults lowing Larson (1973b, 2005), the Jeans mass at the density ofanisothermalrunforcomparison.Weusedthesameinitial where the temperature reaches a minimum (see Fig. 2), and conditions and parameters in all models shown. Dashed lines hence,γapproachesunity,ispredictedtobeabout0.3M ,co- indicatethespecificmassresolutionlimits. ⊙ incidentallyclose to the mass at which the stellar IMF peaks. We find closest correspondence with the observed IMF Thissimilarityisanadditionalhintthatfilamentfragmentation (see, Scalo 1998; Kroupa 2002; Chabrier 2003) for a crit- withavaryingpolytropicexponentmayplayanimportantrole ical density of 4.3 × 106cm−3 and for stages of accretion in the origin of the stellar IMF and the characteristic stellar around 30% and above. At high masses, our distribution fol- mass. lows a Salpeter-like power law. For comparison we indicate A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation 9 Fig.5.MassspectraofprotostellarobjectsformodelsR5..6k2b,modelR7k2LandmodelR8k2Lat10%,30%and50%oftotal mass accreted on these protostellar objects. For comparison we also show in the first row the mass spectra of the isothermal runIk2b.Criticaldensityn ,ratioofaccretedgasmasstototalgasmass M /M andnumberofprotostellarobjectsaregiven c acc tot in the plots. The verticalsolid line showsthe positionof the medianmass. The dottedline hasa slope of -1.3andservesas a referencetotheSalpetervalue(Salpeter1955).Thedashedlineindicatesthemassresolutionlimit. the Salpeter slope x ≈ 1.3 (Salpeter 1955) where the IMF is The model R5k2b where the change in γ occurs below defined by dN/dlogm ∝ m−x. For masses about the median the initial mean density, shows a flat distribution with only massthedistributionexhibitsasmallplateauandthenfallsoff few, but massive protostellar objects. They reach masses up towardssmallermasses. to 10M and the minimal mass is about 0.3M . All other ⊙ ⊙ modelsbuildupapower-lawtailtowardshighmasses.Thisis 10 A.-K.Jappsenetal.:Massspectrumfromnon-isothermalgravoturbulentfragmentation due to protostellaraccretionprocesses, as moreand moregas gets turned into stars (see also, Bonnelletal. 2001b; Klessen 2001; Schmeja&Klessen 2004). The distribution becomes morepeakedforhighern andthereisashifttolowermasses. c Thisisalreadyvisibleinthemassspectrawhentheprotostellar objectshaveonlyaccreted10%ofthetotalmass.ModelR8k2L hasminimalandmaximalmassesof0.013M and1.0M ,re- ⊙ ⊙ spectively.There is a gradualshiftin the medianmass (asin- dicatedbytheverticalline)fromModelR5k2b,with M = med 2.5M at50%,toModelR8k2L,withM =0.05M at50%. ⊙ med ⊙ Asimilartrendisnoticeableduringallphasesofthemodelevo- lution. This change of median mass with critical density n is c depicted in Fig. 6. Again, we consider models R5...6k2b, modelR7k2Land modelR8k2L.Themedianmass decreases clearlywith increasingcriticaldensityas expected.Aswe re- Fig.6.Theplotshowsthemedianmassoftheprotostellarob- solve higher density contrasts the median collapse mass de- jects overcritical density for modelsR5..6k2b,modelR7k2L creases. We fit our data with a straight line. The slope takes andmodelR8k2L.Wedisplayresultsfordifferentratiosofac- valuesbetween−0.4and−0.6.Thesevaluesarelargerthanthe cretedgasmasstototalgasmassM /M .Wefitourdatawith slope−0.95derivedfromthesimplescalinglaw(Eq.13)based acc tot straightlinesfordifferentstagesofaccretion.Theslopeshave oncalculatingtheJeansmassM atthecriticaldensityn J c the following values: −0.43±0.05 (solid line), −0.52±0.06 Onepossiblereasonforthisdeviationisthefactthatmost (dashed-dottedline),−0.60±0.07(dashedline). oftheprotostellarobjectsaremembersoftightgroups.Hence, theyare subjectto mutualinteractionsandcompetitiveaccre- tionthatmaychangetheenvironmentalcontextforindividual natureofturbulentflows.Afurtherdiscussiononthisissuecan protostars.Thisinturninfluencesthemassdistributionandits befoundinKlessenetal.(2000)andHeitschetal.(2001). characteristics(see,e.g., Bonnelletal.2001a,b).Anotherpos- sible reasonis that the mass that goesinto filamentsand then 7.2.Dependenceonthescaleofturbulentdriving intocollapsemaydependonfurtherenvironmentalparameters, someofwhichwediscussinSect.7. Figure7eshowstheresultsformodelswherethedrivingscale has been changed to a lower value (k = 7..8). The overall dependency of M on n is very similar to the cases of 7. Dependenceofthecharacteristicmasson median c large-scale turbulence. However, we note considerably larger environmentalparameters uncertainties in the exact value of the slope. This holds es- pecially for the phases where 30% and 50% of the total gas 7.1.Dependenceonrealizationoftheturbulent masshasbeenconvertedintostars.Oneofthereasonsislower velocityfield statistics, i.e., for the smallest critical density only one pro- Wecomparemodelswithdifferentrealizationsoftheturbulent tostellar object forms. Moreover, it has already been noted driving field in Fig. 7. We fit our data with straight lines for by Lietal. (2003) that driving on small wavelength results each stage of accretion. Figure 7a shows the results of mod- in less fragmentation. The forming small-scale density struc- els R5..8k2 which were calculated with the same parameters ture is not so strongly filamentary, compared to the case of but lower resolution than the models used for Fig. 6. As dis- small-scale driven turbulence. Local differenceshave a larger cussed in Sec. 5, although the number of protostellar objects influence on the results for driving on small wavelengths. changes with the number of particles in the simulation, the Nevertheless,formostofthemodelsthemeanmassdecreases time evolution of the total mass accreted on all protostellar with increasing critical density. Observational evidence sug- objectsremainssimilar.Thus,lowerresolutionmodelsexhibit gests that real molecular clouds are driven from large scales thesamegeneraltrendastheirhigh-resolutioncounterpartsand (e.g.Ossenkopf&MacLow2002;Bruntetal.2004). show thesame globaldependencies.We notice,however,that the slope of the M -n relation typically is shallower in median c 8. Summary the low-resolutionmodels. This can be seen when comparing Fig. 6 and Fig. 7a, where we used identical turbulent driving UsingSPHsimulationsweinvestigatetheinfluenceofapiece- fields. wisepolytropicEOSonfragmentationofmolecularclouds.We For all four different realizations of the turbulent driving study the case where the polytropic index γ changes from a fieldshowninFig.7a-dweseeacleartrendofdecreasingme- valuebelowunitytooneaboveatacriticaldensityn .Wecon- c dianmass M withincreasingn .We concludethat,qual- siderabroadrangeofvaluesofn aroundtherealisticvalueto median c c itatively, the M -n relation is independent of the details determinethedependenceofthemassspectrumonn . median c c of the turbulentdriving field but, quantitatively,there are sig- Observationalevidencepredictsthatdenseprestellarcloud nificant variations. This is not surprising given the stochastic cores show rough balance between gravity and thermal pres-