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The Status of the Name Carex sikokiana Franch. & Sav. and a New Variety, C. alterniflora var. rubrovaginata (Cyperaceae) PDF

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Preview The Status of the Name Carex sikokiana Franch. & Sav. and a New Variety, C. alterniflora var. rubrovaginata (Cyperaceae)

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346m756S Acta Pbytotax.Geobot.60(3)l:51-158(2010) The Status of the Name Carex sikokiana Franch & Sav. . and a New VarietM C aiteflnij7ora van rubrovaginata (Cyperaceae) J I m o O D AA*ND HIDETOSHI NAGAMASU 7:he 1<Foto Uhiversi4J Mitseum, K)vo t60o6-850i ,,]lzpan.'ocloj@gaia,eonet. niec,iupthor feoorrerspendencel The name Carex sikokiana Franch. & Sav. has long been applied te a taxon known in Japan as `Beni-ito- suge', a species with reddish leaf sheaths und closely reiated to C. alternij7bra Franch. Examination ofthe type specimen, however, reyealed that C sikokiana has bcen misapplied and is synonymous with C mul- tijloli aOhwi var. siolonij2rra Ohwi (jcrpan enasmce `Tsuru-miyania-kan-suge'). We also cencluded that C, muitijblia var. stolonlfera should be trcated at specifiu rank, distin cftrom C, multijbiia. The correct name for i tshould therefore be C sikokiana. Since `Beni-ito-suge' has no available scientific name, a new varietal name C, alterntt7ora var, rubrov(rginata J. Oda & Nagam. is proposed .Lectotypes of C. atternijiora var.falva Ohwi and C. pseudostrigos Ha, Lev. & Vaniot are selected. Key words: Carex, Carex atternij7ora, Carex mutt(r?)iia var. stoton4fera, Carex sikokiana, Cyperaceae, new varlety. Carex sikokiana Franch ,& Sav. was pub- (Fran c&h S.av. O)hwi (Ohw i1953), C. pisijbr,nis tishe don the basi sofa single specimen from Shi- Boott var. sikokiana (Franc &h. Sav. )T. Koyama koku, Japan (Franch &et Savatie r1877, 1878). (Koyam a1961), C. pisijbrmis subsp. sikokiana KUkenthal (190 9r)educed C sikokiana to C (Franc &h .Sav. )T. Keyama, nom. nud. (Koyama tenuissima Boott var. sikokiana (Franc h&. Sav) 1964) or C, aiternLi7ora var, sikokiana (Franc &h. KUk. together with C. alternijftJra Franch. and C. Sav. )Katsuy. ,nom, nud. (Katsuya m2a005). pseudostrigosa H. L6v. & Vaniot .Following Figure 2 shows one of the specimens cited by Kttkenthal's (1909 t)reatment, C. sikokina has al- Ohwi (193 11,936) as Carex sikokiana. This spec- ways been treated as clesely related to C. alterni- imen has the current year's sterile shoot thin (1,5- .flbra. 2 mm, Fig. 2A [arrowhe aa])d, the membranous Ohwi (1931 1,936) documented dnrex ,gikoki- front part of the leaf sheath dark reddish brown ana jn detai las a distinc stpecies, giving a re- <Fi g2.B [arrowhe ba]d) and nearly the same as vised descriptio nand citing many specimens the dorsa lpart ,the leaf blades ca, 2 mm wide at from western Japan and Jeju-do ,Korea. He also their widest, the terminal spike linear (Fi g2.A & gave it a new Japanese name `Beni-ito-suge' after C), the sheathing bract with the leafili kbelade it scharacteristic reddish leaf sheaths (Ohwi overtopping the spike (Fi g2.C [arrowhe ac]d), 1936). The circumscription of C, sikokiana has and the discoi dsessile at the apex ofthe achene been accepted by many Japanese autbors, al- (Fi g2.D [arrowhe ad]d) .These characters are though it sstatus was treated variously as C. shared by ali the specimens cited, except tbe type sikokiana (Akiyam a1932, 1955 ,Masaki et aL in Ohwi ( 1936), 2006), C. sackalinensis F. Schmidt var. sikokiana Our examination of the type specimen of C. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 152 Acta Phytotax(Jeobot Vel 60 '' li.l3- ' ''・'.'{is'ill.,f-'Ei ''/L , ' i Ltt '' t tt1 t t}tXCrs:.t iX. f' t tt ;Ltl ' ts es{tl' /rf ' }rs ' d g v-{'A'f $ tl..J, ' .ttt - skgagKII,I ,s.. tt'Lt tk・ ..&, ' t- /f 'ts'・ k" s ' tt ;' 1g x ? Ae ' h- ' e-n nv.v- '' opVA-haik-4Npt-tww"-la '' tttt ' /ny-" fuagx"'iilft・}・1 'tt, ' YSW'':.i v ' V" ijl ahtV t ii 4ah{. sreyf .xX. "; i s e{i pte ,- rr v Zvst ,i sk x ,.za#kR.,.,r・.pt : Xde1・'tt'.ett l.k,,e・ '{"l.{.l9411 E1 f ' x t"t "ttt all{aj/ ,..pa,.etag.e. Mt'y ttltTttt "i $ #H-rf$"gT eessseeee D ・s vv - ii・twmsskMktgi,s:・"ix -.sek Fl(,1 Holntypc e±(arersikokiana Franch S i k o k u , Md y ] g7 5 , R e i n yn (Herb Savati" 7)56)(P) ,X wholcsheet B baHal part ot plant C infioresc en ce D dra" ing ot achenc on paper Lapsuk (arr ehc"ad e m A) A!rowheads (a )sterile tshoot ofcurrent year (b )fionLpdrt ot lca t sh ea th (L )leat bladc (no btract) ,(d )staminate spike, (e )dra" ing ofachene NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics MdlLh2010 ODA & NNGAMAsL-Status ot ( arex stkokiana 153 sikokiana, Rein tn Savaite r3556 (Fi g1) ,at Her- bl ade is ca 4 mm wide at the widest, the terminal bier National de Paris, Museum Natienal spike ts narrowly ell]ptic (Fi gIA [arrowhe da]d d'Histoll Neaturell e(P) r.evealed that it has very & C), the sheathing bract nearly lacks a leafi1ike diffeie nctharacteristics the current year' ssterde blade (Fi gIA & C), and the discoi dof the shoot is th tck (2 5-3 mm, Fig IA [arrowhe aa])d, achenes ig shortly stipitatc (Fi gIA [aTrowh ee]dd the membranous frent part ofthe sheath is trans- & D) These features ofthc type spccimen agree parent to 1igh tbrown <Fi g1B [arrowhe ba]d) and with those of C mtdtijZ)lia Ohwi var stolonV2rra diffi]r efnrtom the reddish dorsa lpart ,the leaf Ohwl x 'nX4 Ts "v 1\' vbet' s}? fs kxx*ts t f s?s ' enz x L% k itaj1 x g R x," XigN X'ki"e Ys, ig ;, xv /f \ ss/ G tL;tw. k; IStikes "z, tt { hS Ftt - - XVVy'"tXIL"x t-1 A AgVft su".,' "`)- .t. te - t .tgtr N . . R" 6 "k t hr f .f e')l PIc ]2 Holotypeol LaJex alternv7oraFranLh Lar rubrovagznata T Oda&Nagam ,29Apnl 1928,Z 7Lrhhiro hn (KYO) Thig speumen wag Lited as CJ ykokiana by Oh"i (193 11,936) A whole sheet B bdsal leafsheath C upper paiL ot inflorcs- Lcncc D achenc Arrowheads (a )Lurrent vear's sterile shoot, Cb )tront part oflearsheath, (c )brdct longe rthecn pitstillate spike, (d )dbcoid tscssile at apex ot achene NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics t54 A c t a P hvJtotax.Geebet. Vol.60 Carex mtiltiplia var. stolondera is also sto- conspecific. loniferou sh,as the current year' ssterile shoot Carex mttttiplia is a variable species consist- thick (Fi g3.C [arrowhe ca])d, the membranous ing of several varieties (e, gO.hwi 1930, 1931, front part ofthe shcath transparent to ligh tbrown Katsuyama 2005). Carex multijZ)lia var. stoloni- and differen ftrom thc reddish dorsa lpart ,the .12ir daeviate sfrom other varieties as suggested by stuminate spike narrowly elliptic (Fi g3.B [arrow-Katsuyama (2005 W)e. also reported the branch- head a]), and the sheathing bract snearly lacking ing pattern of C. muttijblia var. stolondera to be the leafili kbelade (Fi g3.B [arrowhe ba]d) .Al- diff lrent from the other varieties in having the though the type specimen of C sikokiana is flower bearing stem always central (Oda & Na- smaller than plant sthat have been called C. mul- gamasu 2007). Wc therefbre concluded that it is tijbti vaar. stolonijbra, we concluded that they are more properl ytreated at specific rank as C. ge・ ee a i・・lr,ttt}I'1 . ・ttx l ! i l,i l[lg/gv.sI-・1 ,, /i.・.・;w:wwSff.IT"""iv ' , st 't g. . . ' 1t Nt FTG. 3, HoLotypc of Carex mullbetia Ohwll,ar. sioionijkir" Oh"i }I Doki s,n. (KYO). A: "・hule sheet. B: sal part .ArrDwhcads: (a )sLaminate spike. (b )bruct sherter than pistilla tspeikc, (c )basal sheath.infiorescence.C:ba- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics March2010 ODA & NAGAMAsu-Status ef Carex sikokiana 155 sikokiana distinc ftror nC muitijbiia. in the color of the basal sheath and scales of the Plant sof Carex sikokiana sensu Ohwi exclud- spike, We therefore treat this taxon as a new vari- ing the type, are similar to C. aiternCfiora (Fi g4,). etM C. alternLflt)ra var. rzahrovaginctta J. Oda & Such importan tcharacteristics shared between C. Nagam. sikokiana sensu Ohwi and C, altemij7ora are the stoloniferous habit (Fi g4C. [arrowhe ba]d) ,thin Taxonomy basal bracts leaelike sheaths, sheathing with blades overtopping the spike (Fi g4.B [arrowhead Carex sikokiana Franch.& Sav, aj) l,inea rstaminate spikes, and glabrous perigy- C, sikokiana Franch ,& Sav. ,Enum. Pl. Jap .2(1) :146 nia with a bidentat beeak. The characteristic fea- (187 7&) 2(2): 573 (1878 )-,C. Ienuissima Beott var. ture of the former is the reddish basal sheath and sikokiana (Franc &h .Sav, )KUk,, Pfianzcnr. (Engler) of both the staminate and pistillat escales. It is IVL 20 (Hef t38): 475 (1909 )-.C. sachatinensis Boott (Franc&h,Sav.)Ohwi,Bull,Natl,Sci. known, however, that C, atterntt7ora is variable var. sikokiana i,,・l・li','l'i'".・',i"//,'{'・1'/iil'; Llzzxee'.1"//lii' '1asew・ tt t.t. t.,t ,t.. tt ,, ee tttt" ttt/t ttt /t atd- tt ttt t ' # ,t t/tit. t'N!'.tx, ti,t ,, ,x, , {t xa2tsj .eslept"・ 't"ltt/t,/- g ttt f t z・1,;''・s''tE"'ts・fg'-l'F,-,/i,,・l ・ l , ・ipi"Ie.i;"i " ,・ ss ・ .・ t.t tttt /ttt.tt/. -- eetgtet.-.. ,lj "rtt s:i ', '. ,.. ,・ ttt:ttt.thttt ##.gg#" k.e";'er.'tt"t tt・t .gtt{,,i'11.・ IiI':t;tltt.titt,tI;tlLi/t';/lrl: ・esthtwtwpt・ijttw FiG ,4. Holotyp eof Carex alternij?ora Franch. ,el fuurie 453 (P) A.: whole sheet. B: upper part of inflorcsccnce. C: basal part. Arrowheadsi (a )leafiiik belade of bract ,(b )stolon, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 156 ActaPhytotax.Geobot. Vol.60 Mus,, Tokyo 33: 67 (1953 -)C,. pis(formis Boott var. LJniv .S,er .5, Bot. i(2) :58 (1931 -)7.){pe. JA EIAN. Ta- sikokiana (Franc h&. Sav.) T. Koyama, Bet, Mag. Tb- jimaha rparo,v. Musashi, S. Aklyama .s. n(.SAPSI). kyo 74: 329 "961) ,--?]tp eJ.A PAN. Sikok ,Rein in Sa- C. sachatinensis F. Schrnid vtar. musashiensis Hiyama, J. vatier 3556 (Pl) Jap ,Bot. 29: 160 (1954 -)C., pisijbmni, yBoott f, C. mutltij?)lia Oh"'i var. ,stolonijl Oehrwai, Mem. (loL lS.ci. musa,s'hiensis (Hiyam aTj. Koyama, Bet. Mag. (To- Kyoto Imp. Univ. Ser. B, Biol. 6: 258 (1931 )-.7:/ve. kyo) 74[ 329 (1961 -)7.)tpe. JAPAN, in regione mon- JAPAN. Seburiyama, Kiushiu, M Doki s.n, (KYO!) tana Kurasawa ('Kurasowa 'Ni)p,para-mura ,prov. Jopanesename. Tsuru-miyama-kansuge Musashi, 30 May 1948, K. Hb,ama s.n. (TNS ,photo!). Nbte. M Doi was cited as the collector of the lapanese name. Shiro-ito-suge. type specimen in the original descriptio nb,ut the Nbte. (]Zirexpseudost"igosa H. Lev, & Vaniot collector is probably M Doki, because that is the was published on the basi sof two specimens, name on the labe lofthe specimen. Ftiuri e2805 from Yokosuka, and ,Ftiurie 4414 from Kyushu. The latte rspecimen has been re- Carex alterniflora Franch. ferred to a diEferen stpecies, C. tenuinervis Ohwi, .Idepanese name. Oh-ito-suge. which Iacks a creeping rhizome (Ohwi 1936, Aki- yama 1955) .Since the original des¢ription clearly Key to the yarieties of Clire xalternit7bra mentioned `Tadice repente', thurie 2805 (P )with 1 .Basal sheaths pale to light bro wn stolons was selected as the lectotype. 2. Stanii aitie and pistiLla stceales yellowish brown -...-.....,..................".....H..-..-.,...,,-...,.,.,vur..fittva 23. . SBteaamki enta'tp eearnidgy npiiast ilL,l2a-t se1c.a m[7mes p lao]ne gt,o .l v.ia.rg.h tbelronogawinuta var. arimaensis Ohwi 3.Beak ufperigynia O.3-1 . lmm long Cl alternL17ora Franch. var. ai'imaensis Ohwi, Mem. Coll. 4. Staminate spikes 2-3.5 cm long ;beak of perigynia Sci ,Kyoto Imp. Univ. ,Ser .B. Biol .6(5) :259 (,1931), O.6-1.1 mm long.,...-....,,...",.,,,., a.t,t,e."n,i"jvVaorra. -C .sachalinensis E Schmidt var. arimaensis (Oh",i) 4.Staminate spjkcs 1-2 cm long ;beak of perig.vnia Ohwi, Bull. Natl. Sci ,Mus., Tokyo 33, 67 (1953 )-. O.3-O.5 mm long...,...".......,.-..-.. a.r.im,a.en.s.isvar. 7)tpe :JAPAN. Arima in Scttsu ,Z. 11ishit 'os.n. l. BasaL sheaths brown or reddish brown (KYO!). 5, Basal sheaths brown............ v,a.T.. .a,ur.e.ob.r.u.nn.ea 5. Basa] sheaths Teddish brown....... .va.r.. rubrovaginata .Jbipanese name, Arima-ito-suge. var. alterniflora var. aureebrunnea Ohwi C, alternij7ora Franch., Bu]1. Soc. Philom. PaTis s6r. 8, 7: C. alterntt7ora Franch. var. aureobrunnea Ohwi, Mem. 51 (lg95 )& Nouv, Arch. Mus. Paris 3. s6r. 10: 64 Coll. Sci .Kyoto lmp. Univ., Scr. B, Biol. 6<5): 259 (1898 )-.CaJ'ex duvaliana Franch. & Sav. var. aitei'ni- (193i -)C.J .sachtxtinensis F. Schmidt var. aureobrun- .flor a(Franch M.a)tsum., Tnd. Pl. Jap. 2(1): 108 (1905). nea (Ohwi )Ohwi, Bull. Nat) .Sci ,Mus., Tokyo 33: 67 -C. saehatinensis F. Schmidt var. alterniflora (1953 )-.Carex pisiformis Boott var. aureobrunnea (Franeh ,Oh)wi, Bul]. NatL Sci, Mus., Tekyo 33: 67 (Ohwi T). Koyarna, Bot. Mag. (Tt,ky 7o4): 32g (1961). (1953 )-,Carex pisijbrni iBsoott var. aiternLt7ora -CJaFexpisij?]rmisBoottsubsp.aureobrunnea(Ohwi) (Franch .T.) Koyama, Bot Mag. CPokyo )74: 329 T. Koyaina {n Kitam. & al., Coloured Ill .Herb. P], (1961 )-.Carex pisij?)nni sBoott subsp. aliernijlora Jap. 3: 268 (1 964), nom. nud. -7)v)e. JA PAN. Atatnu- (Fra'nPcl h.T.. )Koyama in Kitam. & al. ,Coloured 11t. ra in Hikigori, Satsuma, T N?shikamis.n. (KYO!). Henesrisb. E JSacph. m3i: d2t6 8s u(bs1p9. 64a ln)tome,.rni jn7uod.ra -C(.F rsaachnalcinh- .')[L .h{p)anese name. Cha-ito-suge. Koyama, Fl, Taiwan 5: 336 (,1978 )-.7)pe. JAPA)". Oginohama, FZiurie 4S3 (PT i,so- KYOr) C. pseudi)s'tni,go,ya H. Lev. & Vaniot. Bull. Acad. Tntcrn. var. elongatula Ohwi pkGFsoaeersou uEgdakorssa, tt,B.r1 oAi;tsg.lio:a as1u:a 0r 129i(9 Se<8H0 l (,5L9l(e09vP.1 5! -i)&5,C -s..) -o V.L-aaKtetneYrcinOLetf!lDoor)ta ,yApkhieiy,c aJFdmAreaPa,sAniNc .ghC.na arvYatiro.cu-.s. C . alSt ceCrin..C isK7ao)cr・ahoattie nFlermnaspin.sc hU. n Eivav r.S.c heSlmeoinrgda .tlBul. a vBari.o e}Ol h.o6nwg(iat,5ul) aM:2e6n0i ,(( O1Ch9o"l3']1.D). C , sc(tasbreo anreoisrte at abelo wA )ki.yam a, j. F ac. Sci. Hok kaido lnip. Opihswiij.b rBmuils LB oNoatttl .vSarc.i . eMtounsga.t,u laToky o( O3h3:w 6i8 ) T(. 1K9oy5a3m )-aC,,. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March2010 ODA&NAGAMgxsu---StatusDfCai'exsikokiana 157 Bot. Mag. (Toky e7)4: 328 (1961 -)7.)tpe. JAPAN, nous, smooth. Leaves V-shaped, soft, shorter Motoyama in Mts, Kaju, in Buns,o, Z 7bshiro s.n. than culms at anthesis, as tal las culms Iate rc,a. 2 (KYO!). mm wide; basal sheath blade)ess or shortly phyl- Yapanese name, Koju-suge. loid ,reddish purple brown, lucid ,the membra- nous fron tpart dark reddish brown. fi?) i3k-5e,s var. fulya Ohwi erect; terrninal spike staminate, linear ,2-3 cm C . alKtyeronttfoio rIamp . FUrnainvc., hS .vearn ,.Bf,i iBlivaol O .h1w1i :,36 7M e(i1n.9 3C6o )l-].C. , Sscai-. lfolnogw; elraetd e,rerma ostlpei;kes b rpaicst tshielatlhia ntcgyeli,n darnidca lf,ol lioaoeseeoluys, chaiinensis F. Schmidt var. julv a(Ohwi )Ohwi, Bull. overtopping the spike. Staminate scaies narrowiy Natl .Sci .Mus., Tokyo 33: 68 (1953 -)Ca."expisijbr- obevate, mucronate, at leas tpartl yreddish purple m(sipsT.,o fBkieiyloov ta 7t)(4 O:v ah3r.w2 8i. )f(T.i1 tK9lo 6vy(1aa O-m)aCh,awr iie nxT )Kp. iiKtsoaCyfmao. mr&ma ia,ls .BB, oCooottl. toM suaurbg-e.d b3r. Poiwsnt,i ldloart ssecaa llpeasrt ogbroevaetne,, 4 -cu6s pmimdat el,on pga. lSet barmoewnns M. Herb. Pl. Jap .3: 269 (1964 )no,m. nud. -Lecto- to at leas tpartl yreddish purple brown, dorsal type. JAPAN. Cacumine, Chokaisan in Ugo, S. Mii- part green, 2.5-3. 5mm long, Perigynia obovate, ramatsu s.n. (KYO!) ,hic designatus. 15-20-nerved ,smooth, dull green ,3-3.5 mm Jtrpanese Ki-ito-suge. long ,abruptly tapering to the sometimes sca- name, rvote .Ohwi (1936 )cited three specimens in brous beak; mouth of beak shortly bidentate, the original description .Among tliem, S, Mitra- Achenes obovoid, 1,5-2 mm long ;terminal part matsu s.n. (KYO) from Chokaisan was annotated with sessile discoi dappendage. Stigmas 3, Japanese Beni-ito-suge(Kansai-oh- as `[IYpe' in his own hand and matches the de- name. ito-suge) scription well, Masaki et al. (2006 )cited this Hbbitat.Mesic broad-leaved specimen as the holotype of this variety, but the edges of ever- forests, phrase `designated here 'was not included .Thns green DistributionJ.apan(Honshu[Kinki Chu- the lectotypific aits aichoineved here, and DistrictsSth,ikt]ku Kyushu),Korea(Je- goku and var. rubrovaginata j ,Oda & Nagam. var. nov. ju-do). (Fig2.ArD) Other s7)ecimens examined C. siSkeckiia .naKyet oau ctl.mp .no nUn Firva.n ,cShc.r & ,B ,S aBvi.o: LO h6w(i5,) : M2e5m9. ( 1Co9L3l.1); Ky o tJoA-sPhAiN,.S .H7elnssuhgua.ru dKiyZet7ol :rPkoanhpaesnh-2i4y6a5mPa, (OKhYaOra)n.・o-, Ohwi,Mcm. Coll.Sci,KyotoImp.Univ.,Ser.B,Biol. 11: 36 5 (19 36 )A; kiya ma, C onsp. Cari c. J ap. : 145 OCsKaYkaO:) ;KKaotnsguor-asgain-,sanP, roPvr.ovK. aKia-w'aacchhii,,S .ZS. a7klargsuhcihr ois.3n.3*' (Ma1s9ak3i2 A&)k;i ayLa,m aJ,. Ja pC. aCryipc e,FraorL E1a2s: t.1 2A s(i2a:0 01966) (.1955);((KKYYOO)) .;-MHaykoigoo-:sanY u ,mPersoakv i. -cIhdoz,umiS,h iZk.a ma7-Zgiusnh.ir oZs. n.K*b'i-; C. sachalinensi,s' F. Schmidt var. sikokiana auct. non bcty'a sh1i03Z3(K YO);Seppiko-s anY,umesaki-cho , Shi- (Frane &h .Sav. )Ohwi: Ohwi, Bu]L NatL Sci .Mus., kama-gu n, G. A4urata 22i94 (KYO) ;Kanaji,Kamigo ri- C . pTioskdyeor m3i3s : B6o7o (t1t 9va5r3. )si.kokicma au¢t. non (Franc &h. cIhwoa,h asAhkioui -ngUu gna, shNi,- mKu riai,rosU adak -igju9n3,t 9 Pr(oKv.YOY a) m.a-tNoa,raG:. Sav.) T. Koyama: T. Koyama, Bot. Mag. (Toky o7)4: Mirata & T Shimizu257- B(KYO);S hichi mendani, Go- 329 (1961). jo-shJ i:O, dd 1935(K YO).- Wakayam a: Aritagawa- cho, C. alternLflora Franch .var. sikokiana auct. non CFranch. Arita- gu n,S, )ZJni amoto24 030(KYO); Ko yasan, lto-gun, & Sav.) Katsuy., nom. nud.: Katsuy. Carex Jap.: 217 X OclaI64 2 (KYO)-.Ok ayama: Nitt a,Bizen-sh i,Z iZ)- (2005 )ut d(Franch. & Sav,) Ohwi'. 984 0 (KYO );Nakai-dani , Z[b tsuta-cho,A te tsu- ,shizawa A typo vaginis basilarib urusbro-fuscis et squamis mas- gun, S. 7)gagart {2982 (KYO), -Hireshirna: Akiota-cho, culis seltem partim rubro-fuscis differt. Yamagata-gun, T Hoshino et al. 2i392 (KYO) -.Yama- 7)v?u sJ.APAN. Kongo-san, Prov. Kawachi (Osaka guchi :Chifuku, Abu-gun, K. Oka 19891 (KYO). Shi- PreC), 29 Apr. t92g, Z. Tlrshir os.n. (KYO>. koku. Ehiyne: Omogokei, Kami'ukena-gun, Prov .Iyo ,J. PFUdu s.n.'" (KYO)l Shiraitog eP,rov .Iyo ,S. I21g is.n.* Plants ,stoloniferous. Rhizomes loosel ytuft- ((KKYYOO)); ;lNwaamyeatdoekroa-,y aPmrao,v. IPyroo, vS. . Ilysoh,i kSa, wal ssh.ink,a* wa( KsY.nO.'); ed, Culms central, 20-50 cm long ,obtusety trigo- Saragamine, Prov. 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