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The Status of the Companions in Islaam – Sh. Rabee’ al-Madkhali PDF

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Preview The Status of the Companions in Islaam – Sh. Rabee’ al-Madkhali

THE STATUS OF THE COMPANIONS IN ISLAAM jabee bin Hadi Omair Al-Madkhali’ o_o. The Status of the Companions in Islaar or Rg gE TF By | ‘The Emigent Shaykh, the Mubaddith Dr, Rabie’ bin Hadi alMadkhali 2011 G15 /1492 AT. Minaath Publications All righes reserved No parr of his publication may be reproached, seored in a conieval system or wanstriced in any forra oF by any coeans, electrome, znechanical, photovopying, ceeutding or odherwise wiliuul ube expeess pemistion vf the copy owner nu Hina: 2012 €. /1433 AL ‘Translated Be Pulls Minuith Publicetivns Jesldah IKimgdoar of Saul Aeabia weuvitofraubpublreations.ne: “Vabaraks Wia Tala —the Blensed anid Vxalted - Slob May Albus Praise and Peace be upon itn - Atialle May Stiaah send peace upon them ¢dyade May Ath be pleased eth hint + Radbislanha Anhu - axl “May Alka be plerned wid: her - Radia ‘nha Yet May Alluh Le pleated with dhcm —Redhidllau Anh - Paige Shy lan be pased with them bot -RadhiA laos Anan -eeaig May Aaah kame mercy on him —RabimAllaah all, EO CONTENTS a 1 broxnthe virtues of the Catopaniuns of she Prophetmentioned in the Book of Allnah | 2 the wictus ofthe Companions of the Peophor ast appears Vx hie Susash 3. “Yhsits and glad tiding fos the ten Companions pr 4 Virus of the People of Hade ancl the People uf the Pledge of Allegiance pisdlg 5 From rhe virtues of Abu Bakr AsSiddig ent 6 From tho virtues of Umar bo Al Kat seditgs 7) Alf proferonce For.Ahu Baler and Umar pig 8 eon the vues of Lthman eel & Trom the virmes oF Al aaah 10 Quests 8 Ansoers oe EEO gL glaysones lS (pty ANS, elle tl ca aba wees ll op pony. ae im the Name af Allaah ‘The Most Kind The Mint, Meavitil A powide bolomge to Allaah che Bard of ll une works nna se peace he pon the mare nohie of the Proyene anni Mrswongers, nw Broyhe ‘Mubum=d. upon bre fully and has Companions. Te peoueal I hue gives pormisicn to Blasts al-Anbigch Publicarions which isovortally 8 Zeid All Bagins any ila gove ie saeee lu publi and priat my bucks: which are crunalae inte she Engrish ara th ange, deve are praed by Liar al-Miraach an-Nenawe foe puicacoe apd dvtributen {ase Atos Tye 9 nike the heli May Alb Di ly sel iy Corp ans, i vad pense sad peace upun cur Prophet Michatamad, ad pes writen bp Mabie fon Hac a6 Aub uvareee # bs Seen a she Comrie ue Cte The Book 4 a (eile? In the Name of Alleah the Most Beneficent, the Most Megreifal [es all the praise i foc Alin, We praise Him and we seri is assistance sad we sch Fis forgiveness. Al wr sesk regs in Alla from the ei of our souls an fiom the evi of our actions nisguided there i870 guide for hi, U bear wrnese that aething has the right m se worshipped exeept tor Allauhalune wiout ater: and | hear were thet Mubannd 49 His slave and His Messenger Amat Parsi (Oh you who beliovel Fear Allaah as He shanld be feared, und die not except in a suite of Islaam. Fe Sa. (© rumtcindl Fear your Guuedian-Loed, who created r z AA Ten, 12 pe Sus of the Companions i oom yon from a single person, created, af like nanate, hig mate, and from them ewe scatiered (like seeds) countless men and women; fear Allaah, theough Whom you demand your nmmal (rights). and i (reverence) the wombs (hat bore you): for Allaah i fever watches aver youu! Ob you who betievel Hear Allush, und {ulways) word divceved ta that whiel is coxrect That “He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive yon your gins: he that obeys Allaah and i His Messcager have already attained the highest Achievement? 4 to whet fowat veuly the most euch! specch is the Boole nf Allah, s4d'she hest guilance is che gnidarce oF Aidaussiad Ati al the moncesil of afk are nett imeem | mrs and every newelr invcntex] mattey an uanovatio antl every inuuvation is astray and straying ini che fre, | 2 pan Stem: 3 [atabeab 70-71) av wena BE fi ul Welcome to the brothers and the beloveil ac chis good gathesing, ‘which we hope Allaah -the Tlessed and Fxalted and T besoech Hira thar le benefits ns and you byway oF what we say and whan hear, And that IJ makes us éorn those wha hear the speech and flew the best of i, The epic of che lecmzc is cxwemely imporraar and ‘The Status of the Companions of Muhammad Apa.” Verity hepa. ileal, lagreatsostion with Allaah lhe Bleswel wna xsl, aud wis His Messenger agian wilt tie true believers, Aud che (Qur'aan iy filled with nddresses rowurdn theme tarendation uf ther ack: menrion of ther with beutiful atvAhutes, Thus le desert thenr as thiase who pusnen Thwea anel Ve describes thera us doets of good wad an thuse wl are patil, saad tose wlan are fan and dhase who ase devout all of this is i dh Queaan, Aad the Sua is (ed with a clas of the aokte Companions, may Allaah bec pleased with them, ‘Ths tion of this 6 people of knowledge have callected prnphatic narrations connected te their irene and their supesinieg; collected in rhe rathenric hooks Bich are specilically concerning theic vir-ues. And il is “eorh the sight and cullections of the Islaicoie mutations: snd in the books Of rhe Companions upon us une we sludy that which is especially eumngeteay bo tine vin Fie Quitaan, ane whe. af connected ee ne Silt the Companions CP ibaa ‘them in the Sunnal iva ike fashions And dat we cahaust for Drom four wealth and oursclees and thae we defend their kunor fivin Lie misguided attacks irom the ovienralism, Raatidah, Basdniye zd ‘other than chem Gzorn dhe mispriced sects, Its obligarory upun ro defend them mare than we defend our parenls, ous childsen andl ‘ovurselven, may: Altus be pleased witls them. | nage cottecred in theme pages, verses and cartutions hat ate conneered to chor, Se Hill provics seme oftheir virtues Ly way ‘af some Qoraanie verses and | will connect w Hat some aurmions that come co mind ard | yall reter you to the xoutees tet 1 have mentioned in the inrroduction from the autheucie bouks and collections & 2 othr rhan that Grom the specifi howks autluuted 0 clarify their vine oe

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