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The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1995–1996 PDF

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THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK 1995-96 Man hat behauptet, die Welt werde durch Zahlen regiert: das aber weiss ich, dass die Zahlen uns belehren. ob sie gut oder schlecht regiert werde. GOETHE Editors Frederick Martin 1864-1883 Sir John Scott-Keltie 1883-1926 Mortimer Epstein 1911/27-1946 S. H. Steinberg 1946-1969 John Paxton 1963/69-1990 Brian Hunter 1990- THE STATESMAN' S YEAR-BOOK STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ANNUAL OF THE STATES OF THE WORLD FOR THE YEAR 1995-1996 EDITED BY BRIAN HUNTER ~ MACMlUAN © The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1995 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 132nd edition 1995 978-0-333-62074-8 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licencing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WlP 9HE (as amended). Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages .. Published annually since 1864 132nd edition first published 1995 by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LT O London and Basingstoke Associated companies in Auc:kland, Delhi, Dublin, Gaborone, Hamburg, Harare, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Lagos, Manzini, Melbourne, Mexico City, Nairobi, New York, Singapore, Tokyo British Library Cataloguin~: in Publication Data Statesman's year-book.-1995-1996 1. Social conditions-Serial's 909.82'8'05 HN1 ISSN 0081-4601 ISBN 978-1-349-39297-1 ISBN 978-0-230-27124-1 (eBook) DOl 10.1057/9780230271241 Typeset in Great Britain by A. 1. LATHAM LIMITED Dunstab1e, Bedfordshire PREFACE The loeation maps introdueed in our last edition for each sovereign state have been favourably received; this year some final adjustments have been made and omis sions remedied. Only one new map has been needed for a newly sovereign state: The Pacific island republic of Palau, a former US trust territory which achieved independence in October 1994. However, Bosnia-Hercegovina has acquired a map in its move to 'B' in the alphabetical sequence. Another move is that of Western Sahara from 'Spain' to follow 'Morocco', pending the much-deferred UN referen dum on a constitutional future more likely to be associated with Moroccan affairs than Spanish. Compared to some recent years, the past twelve months have been a little less tur bulent, and it is particularly gratifying to be able to record the new joint UK-Irish proposals for a settlement in No rthern Ireland, and the 'complete cessation of mili tary operations' announced by the major factional groups involved. A new indicator, the Human Development Index (HDl) , has been added to the masthead of each country. The HDI has been devised by the UN Development Pro gramme as a socio-economic measure of national progress. It combines the factors of longevity (based on expectation of life), knowledge (based on adult literacy and mean years of schooling) and standard of living (based on real GDP per capita adjusted for local cost of living), and is expressed as a 3-figure decimal on ascale descending from I to O. The index provides the possibility both of a synchronie comparison between countries (the 'world rank' order is also given) and eventually of a diachronie record of the development of individual countries. As we have already noted, figures for UK trade with EU countries are now based on V AT returns instead of customs receipts, and only the 1993 figures were avail able in time for publication; 1994 figures are given for the rest of the world. There have been a number of elections held and new governments formed since our main text went to press, and the reader is referred to the Addenda for these and similar 'stop press' items. The editor would like to express his warrnest thanks to colleagues and the many correspondents, both institutional and personal, who have contributed to the thoroughgoing updating of the Year-Book's text for 1995-96. Correspondents should note that after 30 years at Little Essex Street, the STATESMAN'S YEAR-BoOK OFFICE has changed its address as indicated below. THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BoOK OFFICE, B.H. THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD, 4-6 CRINAN STREET, LONDoN NI 9SQ v WEIGHTS AND MEASURES On I Jan. 1960 following an agreement betwccn the standards laboratories of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA, an inter national yard and an international pound (avoirdupois) came into existence. I yard = 91·44 centimetres; Ilb. = 453·59237 grammes. The abbreviation 'm.' signifies 'million(s)' and tunnes implies metric tons. LENGTH DRYMEASURE Centimetre 0·394 inch Litre 0·91 quart Metre 1·094 yards Hectolitre 2·75 bushels Kilometre 0·621 mile WEIGHT- A VOIRDUPOIS LIQuID MEASURE Litre 1·75 pints Grammc 15-42 grains Hectolitre 22 gallons Kilogramme 2·205 pounds Quintal (= 100 kg) 220-46 pounds Tonne(= 0·984 long ton 1,000 kg) 1·102 short tons SURFACE MEASURE WEIGHT-TROY Square metre 10·76 sq. feet Gramme 15·43 grains Hectare 2-47 acres 132.15 ounces Square kilometre 0·386 sq. mile Kilogramme 2.68 pounds BRITISH WEIGHTS AN!> MEASURES LENGTH WEIGHT I foot 0·305 metre I ounce (= I yard 0·914 metre 437·2 grains) 28·350 grammes 1 mile (= 11b. (= 7,000 1,760 yds) 1·609 kilometres grains) 453·6 grammes I cwt. (= 112 Ib.) 50·802 kilo- grammes I long ton (= 2,240Ib.) 1·016 tonnes I shorl ton (= 2,000Ib.) 0·907 tonne SURFACE MEASURE LIQuID MEASURE I sq. foot 9·290 sq. decimetres I sq. yard 0·836 sq. metre I pint 0·568 Iitre 1 acre 0-405 hectare I gallon 4· 546 litres I sq. mile 2·590 sq. kilometres I quarter 2·909 hectolitres vi vii CONVERSION OF UNITS To convertfrom Ta Mulriplyby acre hectare 0·4047 barrel (oil) cu. metre 0·159 bushel (imperial) 1itre 36·37 bushel (US) litre 35·24 carat gramme 0·2 cu. foot cu. metre 0·028317 cu. metre cu. foot 35·315 foot metre 0·3048 gigawatt-hour kilowatt-hour 1,000,000 heetare acre 2-471 hundredweight (long) kilogramme 50·802 hundredweight (shoIi) lcilogramme 45·359 inch millimetre 25-4 kilogramme pound 2·2046 kilometre mile (statute) 0·62137 megawatt kilowatt 1,000 metre foot 3·2808 mile (nautieal) kilometre 1·852 mile (statute) kilometre 1·6093 millimetre inch 0·03937 ounce (troy) gramme 31·103 pound kilogramme 0-45359 register ton cu. metre 2·832 sq. kilometre sq. mile 0·3861 sq. mile sq. kilometre 2·590 per sq. mile per sq. kilometre 0·3861 ton (Iong) tonne (metric) 1·016 ton (shOIi) tonne (metrie) 0·9072 tonne barrel (oil) 7·33 viii ABBREVIA TIONS Abbreviations of the names ofo rganizations also appear in the index. The three-Ietter groups in parentheses after the names of currencies are the codes of the International Standardization Organization (ISO). ACP African Caribbean Pacific Adm. Admiral b. born bbls. barrels bd board Brig. Brigadier bu. bushel Cdr Commander CFA Communaute Financiere Africaine CFP Communaute Financiere Pacifique c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight C.-in-C. Commander- in-Chief CIS Commonwealth oflndependent States cu. cubic CUP Cambridge University Press cwt hundredweight D. Democratic Party DWT dead weight tonnes ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EEA European Economic Area EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EMS European Monetary System ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism f.o.b. free on board ft foot/feet G7 Group Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA GDP gross domestic product Gen. General GNP gross national product GRT gross registered tonnes ha hectare(s) HDI Human Development Index ind independent(s) K kindergarten kg kilogramme(s) kl kilolitre(s) km kilometre( s) kw kilowatt kwh kilowatt hours Ib(s) pound(s) (weight) Lieut. Lieutenant ix ABBREVIA TIONS-contd. m. million Maj. Major mw megawatt NRT net registered tonnes OUP Oxford University Press oz. ounce(s) PAYE Pay-As-You-Earn R. Republican Party SADC Southern African Development Community SDR Special Drawing Rights sq. square SSI Supplemental Security Income TAFE technical and further education TBVC Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei TV television Univ. University VAT Value-added tax vfd value for duty

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