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The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1956 PDF

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Preview The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1956

THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK I956 NINETY-THIRD ANNUAL PUBLICATION THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ANNUAL OF THE STATES OF THE WORLD FOR THE YEAR EDITED BY S. H. STEINBERG, PH.D. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOC!Ili'Y NINETY-THIRD ANNUAL PUBLICATION. REVISED AFTER OFFICIAL RETURNS LONDON MACMILLAN & CO LTD NEW YORK • ST MARTIN'S PRESS 1956 Additional material to this book can be downloaded from http://extras.springer.com MACMILLAN AND COJIIPANY LiliiiTED London Bombay Calcutta Madra& Melb~tume THlll liiACliiiLLAN COJIIPA NY OF CANADA LiliiiTliiD T~trtmto ST MARTIN'S PRESS INC New York Thia book is copyright in aU countries which are Bignatorie& to the Berne Convention Man hat behauptet, die Welt werde durch Zahlen regiert; das aber weiss ich, dass die Zahlen uns belehren, ob sie gut oder schlecht regiert werde. GoETHE ISBN 978-1-349-00001-8 ISBN 978-0-230-27085-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230270855 PREFACE IN the present, the 93rd, issue of THE STATESMAN's YEAR-BooK informa tion has again been brought up to the latest available date. Major or minor improvements will, it is hoped, be found in virtually every section. The motto on the back of the title-page, too, has undergone a change-its first since 1864. Inquiries about its source were made independently by members of the Canadian Air Transport Board and the Royal Air Force. At the editor's request, Professor L. W. Forster, of University College, London, has kindly restored the authentic wording from the original source and supplied the following English rendering : It has been said that figures rule the world; may be. I am quite sure, though, that it is figures which show us whether it is being ruled well or badly. Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe, 31 Jan., 1830. Officials, government departments and members of the diplomatic services of almost every country as well as numerous international organizations and individual friends of the YEAR-BOOK all over the world have once more helped the editor in his task. To all of them he wishes to express his sincerest thanks for their generous co-operation. S.H.S. THE STATE&'\IAN'S YEAR-BOOK OFFICE, :tvlAcMILLAN & Co., LTD., ST. MARTIN's STREET, LONDON, W.0.2. 23 April, 1956. IIETBIC WEIGHTS AKD MEASVBES. Metria measurea most commonly found in Btatistioal retlli'Illl, with equivalents :- DBY Mli:A.BUBB. LliNGTH. Litre • 0·91 quart Centimetre • 0·394 inoh Hectolitre 2·75 bushels Metre • • 1-094 yards Kilometre • 0·621 mile WBIGHT-AVOJRDUl'OIB. Gramme • 15·42 grains LIQUID MBABUBB. Kilogramme 2·205 pounds Litre • • 1-76 pints Quintal • 220·48 pounds Heotolitre • 22 gallons Metrio ton { 0·984 long ton 1-102 short tons SUliJI'AOB MBABUBB. WBIGHT-TBOY. Square metre 10·26 sq. feet Gramme • . 15·43 grains Heotare . . 2·47 acres {32·15 ounces Square kilometre . 0·386 sq. mile Kilogramme • 2·68 pounds BRITISH WEIGHTS AKD MEASURES. LENGTH. WBIGIIT. 1 foot 0·3048 metre 1 ounce 28·350 grammes 1 yard 0·91439 metre 1lb. • 0·4535 kilogramme I mile 1·6093 kilometrea 1 cwt. 50·8022 kilogrammes 1long ton • 1•016 metria tons 1 short ton. 0·907 metric ton SuBJI'AOB MBASUBB. 1 sq. foot 9·2903 sq. deoimetres LIQUID Mli:ABUBB. 1 sq. yard 0·836 sq. metre 1 pint 0·568 litre 1 acre 0·40468 hectare 1 gallon • 4·5459 litrea 1 sq. mile 2·589 sq. kilometres 1 quarter • 2·909 heotolitrea CONTENTS ADDENDA xiv COMPARATIVE STATISTICAL TABLES- PAGB PAGB WHEAT XV PoTATOES xxi RYE xvi SuGAR xxii BARLEY xvii CoTTON xxiii OATS xviii PETROLEUM. xxiv M.uzE xix LIFE INSURANCE xxvi RICE XX PART I INTERNATIONAIJ ORGANIZATIONS THE UNITED NATIONS- MEMBERSHIP 3 ORGANS • 3 GENERAL AssEMBLY 3 SEcURITY CouNCIL • • 4 EcoNoMIC AND SoCIAL CouNCIL 4 ThusTJIIESHIP CouNCIL • • • 5 INTBRNATIONAL COURT 01!' JUSTICE 6 HIGH CoMMisSIONER FOR REFUGEES 7 SECRETARIAT 7 s BUDGET • SPECIALIZED AGENCIES- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (I.L.O.) 11 FooD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (F.A.O.) I2 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SciENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION (UNESCO) I3 WoRLD HEALTII ORGANIZATION I3 INTERNATIONAL MoNETARY FuND • • • • • I4 INTERNATIONAL BANK !!'OR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT I6 INTERNATIONAL CiviL AVIATION ORGANIZATION I7 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION • IS INTERNATIONAL TEI,lJ:COMMUNICATION UNION IS WoRLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. I9 SCHEDULE 01!' PAR VALUES 20 OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WoRLD CoUNCIL oil CHURcHES 22 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION ADMINISTRATION 25 O.E.E.C. • • 27 NoRTII ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION 30 WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION • 33 CouNciL Oil EURoPE • • 34 EUROPEAN CoAL AND STliiEL CoMMUNITY 36 CoLOMBO PLAN 37 SouTH-EAST AsiA DEFENcE TREATY 39 ORGANIZATION OP AMERICAN STA.TliiS 40 AR"'B LEA!iUlli 43 vii viii CONTENTS PART II THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND EMPIRE PAQB PAQII H.M. THE QUEEN 47 Asu (cont.)- Former Statu and Agencies 202 THE BRITISH COMMON- Sikkim 202 WEALTH OF NATIONS 48 PAKISTAN 203 Provinces- 208 THB UNITED KINGDOM 51 Federal Capital 209 ENGLAND, WALES AND West Pakistan 209 SCOTLAND 51 East Pakistan 211 NoBTHBBN !BBLA.ND • US ISLll OJ' MAN 12S CEYLON 212 CHANNEL IsLANDS 129 MALDIVE ISLANDS . 220 GIBRALTAR 132 ADEN 220 MALTA 134 BORNEO 224 NoRTH BORNEO 224 Asa 137 BRUNEI 227 INDIA 137 S.t.BAWAX 22S Statu and Territoriu 169 CYPBUS 229 Andhra. 170 Assam 170 HoNG KoNG 234 Bihar 172 FEDERATION OJ' MALAYA 23S Bombay • 174 Madhya. Prndesh 176 8INGAPORB 243 Mad~ 178 OrU&a 180 AlmiOA- Punjab • IS2 UNION OJ' SouTH AF:a.roA 247 Uttar Pradesh 184 CAPE Ol!' Goon HoPE 265 West Bengal 186 NATAL • 267 Hyderaba.d • ISS TRANSVAAL 269 Jammu and Kashmir 1S9 0BANGB FREB BTATB 272 Madhya. Bha.rat. 191 SOUTH-WEST AFRICA 274 Mysore • . . 191 FEDBBATION OJ' RHODESIA Patia.la. and E. Punjab 193 AND NYASALAND 278 Rajasthan . 193 SouTHBBN RHoDBSIA 2S2 Saurashtra.. 194 NORTBBR!II RHODESIA 2S7 Travancore-Cochin 194 NYASALAND 2S9 Ajmer 195 BRITISH SouTH AFRICA 292 Bhopal 196 BASUTOLAND • 292 Coorg 196 BBCHUANALA.ND 294 Delhi 197 SwAZILAND • 297 Himachal Pradesh 198 Kutch 198 BRITISH EAST AlmiCA 300 Manipur 199 HIGH COIIWISSION • 300 Pondicherry • 199 KENYA 303 Tripura . . 199 UGANDA 307 Vindhya Pradeah 200 ZANZIBAR • 311 Andaman a.nd Nicobar 200 'fA NGANYIXA 314 CONTENTS IX PAGE PAGll AFRICA (cont.) AMERICA (cont.) BRITISH WEST AFRICA 318 BRITISH HoNDURAS 417 NIGERIA 319 CAMEROONS 325 WEST INDIES 419 GAMBIA 326 BAHAMAS 420 GoLD CoAST • 328 BARBADOS 422 ToGOLAND. 334 JAMAICA 424 SIERRA LEONE 335 LEEWARD IsLANDS 427 TRINIDAD 431 SoMALILAND 340 \VINDWARD IsLANDS 434 MAURITIUS 342 OcEANIA- SEYCHELLES 345 AusTitALIA 437 ST. HELENA 34 7 AUSTI\ALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 463 NEW SOUTH WALES 464 VICTORIA 474 AMERICA- QUEENSLAND 482 SouTH AusTRALIA • 488 CANADA 349 WESTERN AUSTRALIA 495 TASMANIA 502 Provinces- 375 NORTHERN TERRITORY 507 NEWFOUNIJLAND 376 PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA 510 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND :~81 NOVA SCOTIA :i83 NEW ZEALAND . 515 NEW BRL'NSWICK 386 Trusteeship 'l'erritories- QUEBEC 388 ONTARIO 392 WESTERN SAMOA 537 MANITOBA 395 NAURU. 538 8ASKA'£CHEW AN 398 ALBERTA 4C0 FIJI 540 llRITISII CoLUMBIA 403 YUKON. 406 PM'IFJC HIGH CoM~ussroN. 544 NoRTHWEST TERRITORIES 407 GILBERT AND ELLIC'E BERMUDA 40!) ISLANDS E46 SoLOMON IsLANDS • 548 NEw HEBRIDES CoNDO- FALKLAND IsLANDS 411 MINIUM 54!) ToNGA IsLANDs 550 BRlTISH GuiANA 413 P!TC'AIRN ISLl.ND 552

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