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The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1923 PDF

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Preview The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1923

THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK 1923 SIXTIETH ANNUAL PUBLICATION P~. ~_/X/:\._'-\{. J) • 1\IACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED LONOO:'f • EOl\lBAY • CALCUTTA • MADRAS MELBOUI~NE THE '•L\C:\l!LLAN COl\!PANY I\E\\" Y'-•l·:K • BOSTON , CHICAGO !J \LLt\S • ;.ii\N FRANCISCO THE MAC:M!LLA); CO. OF CANADA, LTn. TORONTO THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ANNUAL OF THE STATES OF THE \VORLD l!'OB THE YEAR 1923 1923 Sm JOHN SCOTT KEL'l'lE, LL.V. FORMERLY SECRii.:TARY TO TU!!: ltOYAL CEOOlU.PHICAL SOCJli:'l'\": HONO.H.AH.'i CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF 'riJ]!; GEOGltAl'HlCAL SOCIETH;S OF SCOTL.\ND, PAIUS, MARSEILLE~, PETROORAD, ROME, LIHBON, AMSTERDAM, BRGSSELS, GENI<.:YJ\1 NEUCHATEL, PH1LADELPIIJ.A,1 AND OF Till~ CO)DlEH.ClAL UEOORAl'lllCAL SOCllHY ofi' l'!d{.I~ AND M. EPSTEIN, M.A., PH.D . .FELLOW OF THE RUYAL GEOGH.APH1CAL1 OF 'l'lll; lWY.\L STAT!STIL'.\L~ .\!:\D OF THE ltOYAL ECONOMJC SOCIETl ES SIXTIETH ANNUAL PUBLICATION. REVISED AFTEH OFl<ICIAL RETURNS MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1923 COPYRIGHT Man sagt oft : Zahlen regieren die Welt. Das aber ist gewiss, Zahlen zeigen wie sie regiert wird. GoETHE. ISBN 978-0-230-27052-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/978-0-230-27052-7 PREFACE lN the present, the sixtieth, issue of the YEAR-BooK all the sections have been carefully revised, tl1e Mandated Territories have been placed in their proper positions, ancl the new conditions in Ireland are shown in the two new chapters clevotecl respectively to Northern Irelancl and the Irish Free Rtate (as well tts in one of the maps includetl in this volume). But though tl1ere is no longer a United Kingclom in the olrl sen,qe, certJJ.iu Irish statisties whicl1 relate to the old conrlit.ions have hccn retainecl for the prc~ent under tl1e United Kingdom, from which, of course, they eannot be conveniently separated. As the statistical retlmis for the two political entities in Ireland increase, it will be possible gradually to replace the ol<l Irish statiAtics by new ones. A 1Jeginning lutH already hcen made in this volume. In regard to Turkey, it will hardly be possible to fnrnish up-to-date information until the 'freaty of Peace definitely settles the new Turkish boundaries. The Introductory Tables contain a number of world surveys, including a comparison of the military and naval strengths of the principal countries, and a statement concerning Mandates; while in the 'Additions and Corrections' will be found important information which came to hand too late for inclusion in the text. To our numerous friends all over the world we desire to express our very warm thanks for their mined r.o-operation. J.S. K. M. E. STATBSHAN'S YEAR-BooK OFFICE, MAcHILLAN & Co., LTD., ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LoNDON, W.C. 2. March 28, 1923. METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. :Metric measures most commonly found in otatistical returns, with equi1calents :-- I LENGTH. Snr.FAOE MEASURE. I Centimetre 0·39 inch Square metre 10·26 sq. feet Metre ... 3!1·37 inchc, Hectare 2 ·47 acres Kilometre 0 ·tJ2l mile Square kilometre .. 0 ·386 Rq. mile LIQUID MlllAsn~F. DRY ).fEASURE. Litre .,. 1 .,,,pints I r,itre 0'91 quart llectolitre 22 gallons Hectolitre ... 2 · 7 5 bushels 1 "\VEIGUT--AVOII!DUPOIS. Gramme .. . 15 '42 grains Gran, me 15 '42 grains Kilogramme ,. . . .. 2 ·20fi pounds Kilogranmu' 32 ·15 ounces Quintal 220 · 46 pounds Kilogramme 2'68 pounds Ton ... 2204 ·6 pounds CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY TABLES. I.-THE BRITISH EMPJRg, 1921--1922. II.-FIN ANCE AND C0l\1MERCE OF VARIOUS COUN'l'RIES. III.-THE ARMIES OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES. IV.-THE NAVIES OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRiES. V.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF RAW SILK. VI.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF SUGAR. VII.-COAL RESERVES OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. VIII.-WORLD'S PRODUCTWN AXD CONSL'".\IPTIO:Y OF COTTON. IX.-WORLD'S SHIPBUILDING, X.-ALLIED DEBTS .. (1) ALLIED DEBTS TO THE UNITW STATE·'· (2) ALLIED DEBTS TO THE UNITEll KINGDOM. XI.-COJ\iPARATIVE TAXATION. XII.-BRITISH WAR BURDENS. XIII.-THE TREATY OF LAUSANNE. XIV.-THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. l. MEMBERSHIP. If. CONSPECTUS OF THE ORGANS OF THE LEAGUE. Ill. BUDGET OF THE LEAGUE. IV. PUBLICATIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF 1\ A"I'!ONS. V. THE INTERNATIONAT, LABOUJl OFFICE. VI. MANDATES. viii THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1923 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. UNITED KINGDOM-Civil Rervi<'·' CANAIH-Agriculture; Mining; .Estimates; Naval Estimates ; Commerce ; Ministerial changes . Army Estimates; Revenue, 1922- WEsT lNDIES - Constitution:tl 23. changes. W.F.!ITAIWEI-Arrangement~ to N.\ I'RU IsLA'-'D-N:mru Island rntul'll to China. Agreement Aet. IRAQ-Finance. [hrTJcD ilTATES - Ministerial ··l11nges; 1'elephone statbtics. PAL EST! I"I~-Constitntion. KRNYA-Finance. Alwlc~TINA-Budget for 1923. AllsTI~l A- Trade, 1922. TRIBTAN DA CUNIIA--Popnlation. BELGTUM-Dudgct, 192:3. SoUTIHJRN RrroDESIA-Cons! i In t inn. EGYI'T-N ew Cabinet ; Budget, HECTIUANALAND-New Chief. 1923-24. UNION OF SouTH 1\,FnlCA-Tr:l•k, GrmMANY-The Ruhr. 1922 ; Rndget, 1923-24. ITA LY-Mineral production 19:21. SUDAX-Bttdget, 192:\-24. LITHFAN!A-New elections. TANGANYIKA-Finance; Currency. MEXICO.-Debt. MAl'S. 1. IRELAND. 2. PALESTINE AND T!lANR-JORDAN. ix CONTENTS PART THE FJRST. THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PACJIC REIGNING KING ASO EMPEROR 3 I. GREAT BRITAIN AND NoRTHEitN IRELAND 5 11. INDIA, THE DoMINIONR, CowNIRs, PIWTE~TORATER AND DEPENDENCIES ' 91 EUllOPE- PAOF. AFIUCA- PAGB NoRTHERN IREI.ANo 81 ZANZIBAR 205 IsLE OF MAN 85 MAURITIUS. • • , 211 CHANNEl. IsLANDS 86 NYASALAND PROTEOTORATB 214 IRISII FREE STATR 92 ST. HELENA • 216 GIBRALTAR • 99 TRISTAN DA CUNHA 218 MAI.TA lOO SEYCHELLES • • , 218 SoMALILAND PnoTv.c·ronATE 220 AsiA- SoUTH AFRICA- AD&EcN. , • PKR• IM, • SoKoTRA, 103 BASUTOLAND • 221 BAHREIN ISLANDS 105 BRCHUANALANil PROTEC· BOBRRNIETOIS CHB RNITOIRBTHI)I BOIINEO 110077 RH'lO"ODllEASTIEA 222242 SBARBUANWEAI K 110089 SUWNAIOZNTL AONF DS OUTH• AFRICA • 222380 CEMYLAOLND IVE lsT,ANDS 111160 CNAAPTEA L01 !' G, oon ,H oPE 225417 CHYOPNRGU KS ONG 1l2l0i TOHRAE NTGREA NFSRVEARA SLT AT•E 225548 INBDSIAIKALK UAICMNHD I SDT• EAPNE N,• D ENC• IES 111267582 WEGNSAITGM EABRIFAIRA I.C A 226616 ALNKANrEcDCEoACLBAMIANDA.GRI.NV IEIsIs sLLILsAALANNANDDNDSsDS S • 111177773454 GSANIoSoELRHRDTAR HANCE ToLRAIE.NS OT N TEF,. :RRIT, ORIES• 222266769809 THKEU SRTIRAA MITUS RSIEAT TILSLEAMNEDNST S,, 117755 ANTGHLEO ·EPnGoYTPETCITAONR ASTUED AN 227723 Jlandated Territories Cocos or KRELING IsLANDS 180 FECLDAHEBRRIUASATTENMD A •SM IAsLLAA• NYD S T•• ATES• 111888100 <8TJ0AAUNMTGERAR·NWO YOEINSKT.A ATFERRiItClTAO. RY 222R87196 TOGOLAND 286 THE MALAY STATES NOT INCLUDED IS TilE FEDII· AMERICA RATION 184 BERMUDAS 288 WEIHAIWEI • . • 187 CANADA 290 Jfandated Tcrrilnric~­ CANADIAN PROVINCI!:S- IRAQ 189 AI.BERTA. 316 PAI.ESTINE • 192 Rltl1'1Sll COLUMBIA • 320 TRANS·JOUDAN 198 MANITOBA 323 Al!'RIOA- NEW BRUNSWICK 325 AsoENSION lsLA.ND 199 NovA Sco·rxA • 327 BRITISH EAST AFRICA • 199 ONTARIO. • • 830 KENYA CoLoNY AND PRO· PRINCB EDWARD ISLAND 333 TECTOBATE , • , 199 QUEBEC , , 335 UGANDA PROTECTORATE , 203 SASKATCHEWAN 337

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