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The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1918 PDF

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Preview The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1918

THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK 1918 FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL PUBLICATION :>.JACMILLAN AND eo., L•>~rr~<u LO~UON • 1101\IBAY • CALCUTTA • lriADRAS I\IELBOORNE THE l\IACl\liLLAN COMPANY Nk:W YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO DALLAS • SAN l<~RANCISCO THE l\IACl\liLLAN CO. OF CANADA, L"m. TOROXTO THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAl, ANNUAL OF THE STATES" OF THE WORLD FOR THE YEAR EDITED BY Sm JOHN SCOTT KELTIE, LL.D. I<'ORMERLY SKCRE1'ARY TO THE ltOYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY: HONORARY CORRESPONDI:NG liEMBER Oi' THE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETIES OF SCOTLAND, PARIS, PETROORAD, ROllE, LISBON, AMSTERDAM, BRUSSELS, OENKVA, NEUCIIATEL, PBILADELI'HIA, AND OF THE COMMERCIAL GEOORAPIJWAL SOCIETY OF PARIS ASSISTED BY M. EPSTEIN, M.A., PH.D. FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL PUBLICATION. REVISED AFTER OFFICIAL IU~TURNS. MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED, ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON. 1918 Additional material to this book can be downloaded from http:/ /extras.springer.com Mau sagt oft: Zahlcn regieren die Welt. Das al>er ist gewiss, Zahlcn zcigen 1/Jie sie regiert wird. GoETl!E. ISBN 978-0-230-27047-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230270473 COPYBIGHT PREFACE Notwithstanding the continued difficulties which have beset the preparation of the fifty-fifth edition of THE STATEsMAN's YEAR-BooK, we have been able, even in the cn.se of enemy countries, to bring important statistical and other information up to date. For various reasons, information on certain points concerning several of the belligerent countries is either not available or is withheld. Apart from this, the YEAR-BooK contains the latest facts and figures. Russia, as might be expected, has been a serious problem, but, so far as it has been possible, an attempt has been made to give a brief summary of the position as it exists on going to press. Special attention is directed to "Additions and Corrections" in the introductory pages for the latest available information, aml m particular the information relating to the war. As in previous years, l'lfr. A. D. Webb has revised the sections dealing with the British Empire. To him as to the many friends all over the world who have co-operated with us in the preparation of the new edition we have again to express our grateful thanks. J.S. K. M. E. STATESMAN's YEAR-BooK OFFICE, MAcMILLAN & Co., LTD., ST. MARTIN's STREET, LoNDoN, W.C. 2. ]fay 30, 1918. CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY TABLES. I.-THE BRITISH ElfPIRE, 1916-1917. H.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF GOLD. 111.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF COPPER. IV.-WORLD'S PRODUOTfON OF PLATINUM. V.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF COAL. VI.-WORLD'S COAL WEALTH. VII.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM. VIII.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF; RUBBER. IX.-WORLD'S SUPPLY OF RAW SILK. X.-WORLD'S SUGAR STATISTICS. XI.-WHEAT PRICES IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. XII.-WORLD'S WINE PRODUCTION. XIII.-ESTIMATED COTTON PRODUCTION IN NEW FIELDS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. XIV.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF COTTON. XV.-WATER POWER IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. XVI.-RAILWAY MILEAGE OF THE WORLD. XVII.-FINANCE AND COMMERCE OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. XVIII.-WORLD'S SHIPBUILDING. XIX.-WORLD'S SHIPBUILDING YAilDS. XX.-COMPULSORY MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. XXI.-WOJI.IAN SUFFRAGE. XXII.-INTER-ALLY COUNCILS. XXIII.-TREATIES. I. THE CENTRAL POWEIIS AND THE UKRAINE. Il. THE CENTRAl, PoWERS AND RusSIA. Ill. GERMANY AND FINLAND. IV. RussiA AND FINLAND. V. RUSSIA AND RUMANIA. VI. THE CENTRAL POWERS ANn RUMANIA. VII. BoUNDARY TREATY B&TWEEN COLOMBIA AND ECUADOR. XXIV.-THE GREAT WAR, 191<1-18. 1.-TABLE OF CouNTRIES OPPOSED TO GERMANY AND HER AI.LIES. 2.-PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE WAR. 3.-FURTIIER LIST OF BoOKS ON THE \VAR. 4.-l\fisCELLANEOUS WAR FINANCE. I. UNITED STATES LOANS TO ALI.IES. II. GoLD HoLDINGS OF THE PRINCIPAl, EuROPFAN STATE BANKS. UL ToTAL (losT OF TilE WAn. This page intentionally left blank \'lll 'l'HF. S'l'A'l'ESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1918 ADDITIONS AND 'CORRECTIONS. UNITED KINGDOM - Commercial NETHERLANDs-East Indies-ln- Treaties Denounced; Duchy of struction. Lancaster, 1917; Duchy of Corn PANAMA.-New President. wall, 1917 ; War Office ; The Royal Air Force ; Companies PERSIA-Resignation of Cal.Jinet. Registered in 1917. RussrA-(1) FinlanR; (2) Ukrainia; (3) Poland; (4) Lithuania; (5) lNDTA-Finance: Year, 1917 -18, Courland; (6) Livonia: {7) Es Year, 1918-19 ; Agriculture, thonia; (8) Bessarabia ; (9) 1917-18 ;Postal Returns, 1916-17; Siberia; (10) Caucasus; (11) The Post Office Savings Bank. Don Republic; (12) The 'l'artar Bashkir Republic in the territory SouTH AFRICA-Page 209 text, of the Southern Ural and the par. 2; Output of Mines for 1917; Central Zavolzhe; (13) The Re· Railways, 1917. public of White Russia; (14) The WEsT AFI:ICA-Gold Output, 1917. Republic of Turkestan; (15) The Republic of Kazan; (16) The He CANADA-Total of Voluntary Enlist public of Georgia; (17) The Tau ments ; Minerals in 1917 ; Census ride Republic; (18) The Yakutsk of Manufactures, 1916; Finance. Republic. TURKEv-Ambia: (1) The Kingdom AusTRALIAN CoMMONWEALTH - of Hejaz ; (2) The Emirate of Public Debt. Nejd and Hasa; (3) The Emirate NRW ZEALAND-Vital Statistics for of Jebel Shammar; ( 4) The 1917; Export Trade, 1917. Principate of Asir; (5) The Imamate of Yemen ; (6) 'l'he BELGIUM-New Prime Minister. British Protectorate of Aden ; GF.RMANY-The Eighth War Loan; (7) The Sultanate of Oman ; (8) National Debt of Prussia. The Sultanate of Koweit. MAPS. WoRLn's Pr.E-WAR Foon SuPPLY. PLATE. 1. VALUE OF FooD EXPORTS, 1913. 2. V ALlTE OF FOOD IMPORTS, 1913. CON'rENTS lX PART THE FIRST, THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PAGE REIGNI:<IG KING AND EMPEROR 3 I. THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GnEAT Bl\ITAIN AND IRELAND 5 Il. INDIA, THE DOMINIONS, CoLONnJs, l'ROTRCTORATES1 AND DEPENDENCIES 90 PAGE PAGB EUROPE- AFRICA- ISLE OF MAN 83 ST. HELENA 189 CHANNEl, IsLANDs 84 T!USTAN JJ.A CUNHA 190 GIBRALTAR , 90 SEYCHELLES • • , 191 MAI.TA 92 SoMAI,ILANil PHOTECTORATE 192 AsrA- SOUTH AFHICA- AD&RcN. , • l'F.R• IM1 • SOKOTRA 94 BBAESCUI!TUOA.LNAANID.A ND PROTEC· 193 BAR1\F.TN JSLAN1lS 95 TORATE 195 BonNF.O CBnrTrsn) 96 RHODJIJSIA 196 CEYLON 99 SWAZII.AND • • 200 MALDIV~J Isr,ANDs 104 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA , 202 CYPRUS 105 CAPE OF Goon HoPE 214 HoNG KoNG 108 NATAL 219 lN1liA .AND DEPENDF.NCIF.S 112 THE T!\ANSYAAL 222 BALUCHIST.AN , 154 OiiANGll FREE STATE. 225 SIKKIM 157 WEST AFRICA- AND.AMAN IsLANDS 158 NmrmiA . 229 NICOBAR IsLANDs 159 GAMBIA 233 LAcoADIVE IsLANDS 159 THE GOLD COAST 234 KEELING !StANDS , 160 ASIIANTI • . , , 236 KumA MuRIA IsLANDS 160 NoRTHERN TRHRITORIES 236 THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, 160 SIERltA LEONF.. 237 CHRISTMAS Isr.AND • 165 TnE PnoTECTORATK 238 LABUAN • , • , 165 EGYPT 240 FEDERATED MALAY STATES 165 ANGLO·EGYPTIAN SUDAN 257 THE M.UAY STATES NOT AMERICA- INCLUDED IN THE FEmJ. BE!tMUDAS • 264 RATION 169 CANADA 266 WEIHAIWEI 172 CANADIAN l'ROVINCES- AFRIOA- AI.BERTA 288 AsOENSION IsLAND 173 BRITISH COLUMBIA 291 BRITISH EAST AFRICA 174 MANITOBA 294 EAST AFRICAN PROTEC· NEW BRUNSWICK 296 TORATE , , , 174 NovA ScoTrA 298 UGANDA PROTECTORATE 177 ONTARIO , , • 301 ZANZIBAR PROTECTORATE 179 PRINIJE EDWARD IsLAND 304 MAURITIUS , , , , 185 QUEBEC 305 NYASALAND PROTECTORATE 187 SASKATCHEWAN , 307

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