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The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilised World for the Year 1887 PDF

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Preview The Statesman’s Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilised World for the Year 1887

THE YEAR-BOOK STATESMAN'S STATISTICAL AND HIS1'ORICAL .A.NNUAL OF THE ST_A.TES OF THE CIVILISED 'VO£,LD FOR THE YEAR J. SCOTT KELTIE LIDHAltIAN TO THE ROYAL GEOGUAPHICAL SOCIE'l'Y TWENTY"FOURTH ANNUAL PUBLICATION REVISED AFTER OFPICIAL RETUR.V•S JLonl:ron l\fACl\.fILLAN AND CO. Ag D }J"E\V YaItK 1887 C\lct!J occ1gl uft: Zahlen rcgrer<·n die IVelr. Dn.s a1Jet' J,.,f g('wi~t::, Znhl~?n Zi'igen 1l.:ie !:'it~ l'(~gi.t~tt wird. GOJ'TJIE. ISBN 978-0-230-25316-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230253162 PREFACE. 'I'nrrut IS AGAIN, this year, a considerable increase in the size of the YEAR-BoOK. This is mainly due to the additional space which has been devoted to the smaller British Colonies. Detailed notices of these have been appended to Great Britain. It will also be found that much new information has been introduced on the various systems of land-tenure in India, and a now section of .A.gricultural Statistics added. vVhile Upper BUl'rllal1 has been incorporated in India, Corea has been detached from China and allotted a separate place. The results of the recent colcniul enterprises of Germany and France, as \vell as of the new censuses of these t\VO countries, have been ornhodied: and throughout it will be founel that there are nlany important additions and modifications, while every effort has been made to bring the statisticsup to the latest date. POl' the liberal assistance I have received frorn aU quarters from foreign representatives in England, from the Government officials both ofour own and of foreign countries, from British re presentatives abroad, and f1'o111 nlany private individuals-c-I beg to return J1.1ywarmest acknowIedgments. J. S. ](, 'STA'fES)TAK'S X"EAR-BooK.' OI<'FICE, 2,9 & 30BEDFORD STHEET, STRAND)IJoNDON,1V.C. February 15, 1887. OONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. C0 1'1P ..A.l~,.A.T IVETA BLE S. l'j.G~ I. DensityofPopulationof the PrincipalStatesof Europe xv II. ThoExportMarketsoftho UnitedKingdomin 18S;) and 188G xvi TIL TheImportMarketsof the UnitedKingdomin 1885 and 1886 XY'JI lV. l\Iileage of Railway Lines open in the Principal States of tho World(1885-86) . . xviii V. i\Jilcageof Telegraph Lines in operation in the PrincipalStates ofthe 'Vodd (1885-86) . xix 'TIIEST'.A.rr1~S 0 11' E UR 0 P E. AUSTHIANHUNGAllY:~ Pc\l;i: RELG-IUl\I:~ PAGrt: ReigningEmperorandIGng 3 ReigningI{ing 84 Constitution, Government (j Constitution. Government . ;35 - - of Austria, (j Churchand Education ;37 - - ofHungary U RevenueandExpenditure 38 ChurchandEducation 11 Army 4G Revenue and Expenditure 14 AreaandPopulation. 41 - - of Austria 14 TradeandIndustry 43 _. - of Hungary 17 Railwavs . 41, Army 19 FastOffice 4-G Navy 20 Telegraphs 4-G Armour-clad8hips 2,1 :1)1plornaticRepresentatiyes 46 AreaandPopulation. 22 Money. \Veights and1Ylea- TradeandIndustry 26 surcs ~G Railways 213 Books ofReference 47 PostOfficeand Telegraphs 2,9 DiplomaticRepresentatives 31 DEN~IARK:- Money, Weights and ~Iea,- sures 31 ReigningKing 4-9 BooksofReference 32 Constitution, Government i)1 v PAC;F S'I':\'I'J::-; (IF UhUI\I.\::\Y ':Edneaticill Exp'.n.Iitnr.: . 1. P!;'U,~SIA:._~ ~~::::~"WIPnl'Ulal;"!l BeigningICing Coustitujio». Governnu-nt. . Churchand Education 1'1.'" LH1usti'y . TIl-venu« andE:xrendituN' I'o~ts, ;lthlTc~\.·· ArYlIY f;O ..1\r('a~'and Population , G] Trud-- H1Hl.lndustrv II11\.:''!.nat;cHeprei::i{'nt;lt'v1'8 Gl 1{,aihrays . ,,' .;\T':'!'~y~ ',V':~;ght~ ('It·:J 2\1\.·(\- ~-; 2. JJAY/'lR1A:- Rf>1g-nlng KJu;; . Constitution. Govi-rnmr-nt . l'~RA]\"Ct~ Church and Education Coust.itution, Government . .Hen-nuerJ,lldExpenditure, ChurchandEdneatioll Army RevenueandExpt'nditure . .Art',itandPOPU1:1JitHi At'l:~'l ~aY> ;L 'Vi~RTE7\IPEi;f; AT'il~onl'-('la\.l S11ips R(·jgning IGng. A:'.';~il,lHI Popul..t:un0 Cow~tltnt:ion, Governm«nt Tradeand lndustrv Church alldEfluc-ation .:\-]erc.uttiloNaY\, ,; }{,('nmue:HHI EXPP1Hlitllre" R~I;lw~vls. ~' ,~~:lt1.1:;',~~:;~.:n'.'; Area and.POI;u1:\tlUU , Z:;;r:,,;,', ,'8 4, ~A:\.nX\ Diplomut.ic 1\(,Pl'(,S(,llt:1tin~H HciiJ,'njll:l'.King . Money, 'Vdght." alia ~ft'a- Con'stitl~t·ion, li0vr-rnrnellt Church .u.dEducation Hefcrclw,-' . Ii--venur-and Expenditur» " Art-a andPopulation. H,·ign.ir:,.;'EmpcrorandI{i~;g 100 ' 5. It\.DF:'::- Cr.\1"....ritution, Governme-nt ]01 e Reigning'Grund Duki Chr.rr-h and Educatioll 104 .H..i1V1,11nt' and :Expl'nl:'!1l.~]'e", IOf) ACorrn»sta.intudtiPooupuawlaltiRo,n(:'\'U1UC Army !07 FortressSystem 109 6. 1Ic'cklpuburg-Srh\n'rin Itj:j ~n\'Y ]10 I t, H't,,~s(' 1[·(; .vrmonr-clad Rhips 111 8. 01(1I-n1)11rg IDf; Arei',;\11(1 Popnlation. ]I:'} 9. J-{rlln~wi('k IG! Tr:Hk and Commerce laO 10. 8a};p-\Vf'imiu' l();'; IEclustl'v . IH:3 11. J\Ieeklenlml'g-PiT('litz, IG,) l\'Terean'tile Nay)' 19G 12. Snx(·-1\TI'in-ingl'll IGti Pu~!~ .m.' Tl~'\'- 13. A.nhalt IGK 1~)7 14. Saxl'-Ciolmrg-GotlJa, 170 F'Jl'c.:gnIh:p('mlen(']I',c' IU7 Jr,.Saxl.,-Altcnburg. IT2 .D1plomatieRepresentatives 19t'l 1G.'Vahkek " 17·'! 3ron(~y,'\Vf'jght~and l\Ira- Ii, Lipp« . . . 17[; SUl'E',s 19K 18. Seh\v:lrzbul'g-Budolstaut 17e. BIOif}!(Sof Hefn'cnce ~ 1~)H 19" 8(·lrw:irzburg-SoudcrshunSI'Ii 177 CON'rENTS.. VIi PAGE PACE STAT.ES OF GERMANY;- GREECE:- 2O. Reuss-Schleis . 178 Reigningl{ing. . • ~j08, 21. Schaumburg-I....ippp 179 Constitutiou and Govern.. 22. Renss-Greiz 181 mrnt . 321 23. ITarnbnl'g 182 ChurchandEducation :122 24. 1...1.1.beck 185 Revenue andExpenditure" 323 25.TIr(\1l1Pl1 186 APurmblyicaDndebNtavy 332264 Population 327 AIJSACE-LoHUAI~E: TradeandIndustry . 329, Constitution,Revenue 188 MercantileNavy . 330 AreaandPopulation 189 DiplomaticRepresentatives 331 Money,'Veights and3Iea- sures 331 Glt.EATBRITAINAND IRE Booksof Reference 332 L_AND:- ITALY:----· Heig111ng QUPCll and En1- pr(\SH • 202 ReigningKing . 334 Constitution and Govern- Constitution and Govern- ment 205 ment 336 Cabinet 213 Seeand Churchof Rome . 338 Clmreh . 217 Supreme Pontiff 338 Education. . . . 220 Listof Pontiffs 339 Revenue andExpenditure . 224 Listof Cardinals . 341 Taxation. . . . 228 ChurchandEducation . 34l) NationalDebt . 232 Revenue andExpenditure. 347 Army 235 PublicDebt 351 Ni1VY . 240 ArTIlY 351 Armour-cladShips 243 Navy . . a53 Armour-cladShips 355 Areuand Population- AreaandPopulation. 356 UnitedKingdom. . 246 Tradeand Industry . 360 Number of Landowners 248 MercantileNavy 363 Englandand'Vales 240 Railways . ::'63 Scotland 254 Post andTelegraphs . 363 Ireland. 268 DiplomaticBepresentatives 364 Islands in the British .Monoy,Weights andMea- Soas . ~62 sures 364 Emigration 262 BooksofReference 365 .l\tIONTENEGRO:- CommerceandIndustry- ImportsandExports . 264 ReigningPrince Shipping 270 GovernmentandPopulation Agriculture . 273 Booksof Reference Fisheries . . 275 J\1incralsandJHetaI.s 27f> NETI-IERLANDS:- rrextile Industry 278 ReigningKing. 370 Railways. . 281 Constitution and Gove-rn- Postand Telegraphs . 283 ment 371 ColonialPossessions 286 ChurchandEducation 373 BooksofRcference- Revenue andExpcndit.nr« . 374 OfficialPublications . 303 PublicDebt 376 Non-offlcialPublications . 306 Army andNavy 376 THE STATESl\IAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1887. PAGE SETrrERLANDS:.- RrSSTA: Al't.=mund T'opulatiou . Jtailw:.v:;f~ . 447 Tradeand.Iudustry . Postm;'dToJegr;'~phs. 44R }lrTe(Lntil(~ ~aYy DipIomatieRf'In'C'sentntiveR 4·19 R"rilwrl"vs,Po<;;t, and 'I'cle- Ivloucy,\Vr'ights and :l\ll':l- grapi~s . :184 8U1'('6 449 Colonies 384 Booksof Rc'fnrl'lJi'(' 4/jO ,DiplomaticReprsentat.ives 386 SERVIA:- Money, 'YejghL~ andMea-- sure,s ;i86 'ReigningJGng . 453 Books of Fi.\·fcl'C'llCC 387 Constitution and Goyern- ment 4[,:) POHTGGAL:-_. Church and Educat.il)J1 454 Heigning:h::ing 389 Rovenucand. Armv . 45[) COllstitnl,inn and Govern- Population and C::m1merce 456 m.-ut 301 Diplomut.icRcpresentntives 467 Chnrchand Education :392 J~TOn(lY, \-Yejghts and Afea- ]{eV('l1U\'~,1lHlExpenditure. :.'H'}3 suros Armv.uid.Na.vv ~395 Hooks ofRnff~rpn('e Arpa~and Population . 39G SPAIN:---··_, TJ{r,a:rdiJewaaynsd.Industry~ . ;430919 Queen Regent 4[>!} Governmentand Con-titu- Post al~dTel(\gl'aphs. ,t01 tion 4110 Coloui-s 401 Churchand Education 46:3 Diplomat.icRepresentutives 403 l-?'p\'pnne andExpendir.nr». 4G4 :\10noy.'Yfllgllf:s and Mon- NationalDebt 466 <..:.llfC'S Armv 467 Bonks ill'Hcferenee NaY\~ <168 :R.OUl\lANJ",A.; Arc:;'andPopulation . 'lG9 TradeandIndustry 471 .Heigning 'King Mercantile Navy ,17;~ Constitution and Govern- Jlailways . 474 rnent 405 ~P08t and Telegraphs. 474 11,cvenueand Army . 406 ('\J}OlllCS ·174 Area, and Population ·109 DiplomatieRepresentatives 47G Trade and Commerce 410 Money, '\7eights andMea- Vip10mat.icIiepresentatives 4]1 sim-s 476 Money, \Veights and l\Tea- BooksofR,(',f(~rt'nef' 477 sures 411 l:ooksof Reference 412 S\VEDEN.AND NOH\VA'Y: }i-nignillgKing. 4,79 R1TBSTA:--- DvnasticITnion 4-80 R,plgningEmperor 418 Constitution, Government 481 Constitution. Government . 415 Church andEducation 420 S'YRDBN:-· llpyel1tH'andExpenditure 4·23 Churchand Education .J83 NationalDeht 425 Revenue andExpenditure . 483 Army 428 Army and Navy ,t,85 Nasy. 432 AreaandPopulation. -188 Armour-elndShips 433 TradeandIndustry 490 Areaand Population. 4:.)7 .MercantileNavy " 492 Commerce 442 Railways. 492 .MorcantileNavy 446 Postand Telegraphs. 492 CONTENTS. IX NOlnVAY:- PAn-X PAGE Constitution, Governrncnt . 492 TUl{J{~EYANI) TRIBUTARY Churchand Education 4Do STATES:- Revenue andExpenditure. 495 ReigningSultan 51R Army and Navy • 496 Constitution and Govern.. .AreaandPopulation . 497 nlcnt. . 520 Trade andIndlLstry. . 4H9 R,eligion andEducation ;)2] DiplomaticRepresentatives 500 Revenue andExpenditure. .1)22 Money,'\1eIghts andMea- PublicDebt 522 sures 501 Army ;')26 Books of Reference 501 ~avy 528 SVvITZERLAND:~ AreaandPopulation . 530 Tradeand Commerce !132 Constitution, Govermnent. 504 Mcrcnntile Navy 534 ChurchandEducation 506 Railwavs . 535 H,PY()llUeandExpenditure , 507 Posta~dTelegraphs 53;') ArTIlY • 509 DiplomaticRepresentatives 542, AreaandPopulation. 611 l\rfoney,'"C'ights and Mea- Trade and Industry . 513 sun-s . /542 l{ailways. .. 515 Books ofReference 543 Postand Telegrnphs. . 515 DiplomaticRepresentatives 516 'Money,",Veights andJ\-Iea- Slues. . 516 :EASTEHN RauMEI,IA. ;;:38 J300ksofReference . 616 PART THE SECOND. TI-IE PI{INCIP.A.L S'rA1'ES OF A1\IElilCA, .Alj'RICA, ASIA, AUSTR,.A..I.Jl\.SIA, AND OCEANIA. 1. AMERICA. PAGE PAGE AHGENTINE REPUBLIC:- BOI.IY1A:- Constitution, Government . 549 DiplomaticRepresentatives [)6~ Church andEducation 550 Money, Weights andl\lea- Revenue andPublic Debts 551 sures 562 Army andNavy 552 Booksof Reference 562 AreaandPopulation. 6;')3 TradeandIndustry 554 RR-AZIL:~ Railways, Posts and Tele- ReigningEmperor 664 graphs 556 Constitution, Government 565 DiplomaticRepresentatiYes 556 ChurchandEducation 566 Money, \Vejghts andIVrea- RevenueandExpenditure . 668 Slues 556 PublicDebt 568 Books ofReference 557 ArmyandNavy 570 Area andPopulation. 572 130LfVIA:- TradeandCommerce. 574 Constitution, Government. 559 RailwaysandTelegraphs 576 Revenue, PublicDebt,and DiplomaticRepresentatives 577 .,A.TIny 559 Money, Weights and~I8a.. Population, Trade,and In- sures 577 dustry 560 Books ofReference 578 x THE STATESl\IAN'S YEAH-BOOK, 1887. I'AUE 1'.<\(:1' CA.KADA:- G1TATEl\IALlt:-- Couxtitntion, Gov.rnruent . 580 C\HL-::t.ituLiOl1 0on~l'nm(nt G20 J Chun-I: a!'f1Ji>lueatioll 583 H()n:,mllc~, Populutiou, ilnd Hn-('llll!'awl Expenditur« ;)85 Trade (;20 PnlJlic1)lht ;')R7 I ,Diplomatii..'HC'pl'csr'lltall\"CS G2~ Arrnv ;jH7 l\JO!H~Y. \\'-c:i!!1Ih ;llld ':\len .A.l'(;a~'and.POpttl'ltion ,")88 i::'Ul'(';~ TJ'iide and Judust.rv . 600 Booksof HefuI'Clh'C Ii.a:lwaY~..p{)st al~ld Tr-Ie- gI'apLs . i)~)3 i HAITI:-- 'l\l(lrli')', \V'(·'ig]ll~ and 1\1l';1. Con.-t.itut.iou. Gon:l'llnlcnt. . ~~Ul'(,:::; 594 J{,C\'ClJUU, l)~l})ulation, <Utd Rouks of Ht\fl'l'l:ll('I' fJ95 Trade Diplomaticl{c'pl'{\,-\cntalin.'S CHILI .J](lncy~ \\"eights al1(lJlv:i- Constitution. (}u\,('rnnH'ut . ;")98 SUl't\S n('\'('lHH~ <tndExp-ndit.urc. 59H B()oksqf Ikfcl'Olh'c i\rlilYun.lSa\')' GOO '~l'I;iaud i'up\!ltd[Ull. . GU1 I-I()~rntTn.A.S '(I',H!('and.ln.lustrv Gn2 Constitutiou, Govornmcut. G~8 IJil~Iomatie l\('ln·(':-;~'\ntatiy'c.s 604· li..e,~ernw, Populatiou, and .:U()lHY, \\,"(·igll1,'i and l\-lea- Tr,Mlc I-.Ill'(~:-; fHH· ! DiplornaticRep1'8~C'nLilJiYes Bon].;:...:of]{I,fC'1'(-11CC (jOt :)1011(','1', '\\~cight.'-i ;l1ld')Tt'<t"· SIIl'I',"; COI.O?,I1·jIA : Books of HefoJ·('lll'.C Const.itutiou. C1o\'('l'nntellt" G06 Ri-Y(\lIw'..PuhJj(, JJeJJt,and l\IEXICO:~-. Al'l1lY (iOT Con-titurion. Govcrnmeur ...:\1';:a .:L~HI :Por!ulation (Wi) .HJ'Y(·lll1(" .Exp('IHlitlll'f', a.rul fJ'r;jd~·and (';)Jllllwt'ee (iOS .vrmv Dil.llom;\Liel\t~pri-_H)llt'Lti\~('S GIO IluhIil.~D('bt l\1!iIH'y,\Yeighl:-- ;'lJd.}lea- Al'f-'H andPopul.uiuu . ,--:irc:=-: (qO I Trad«.m.1IndlU:;/.ry , GIO 1)iplomatic Hupl'e~~·nl;\tivcs ..i\-IOIlcy,\Veights and 1\-'[1:((- COSTA HICiA:-· surcs G--11 COll~l'ijlltifHl. C;IjYl'j\lllllPnt • Gl~ Ilook- ofI{c!i'l'C'nc(' G41 B('\'l'lJIlI', Pop1!btioll) i.Jlld Trilll" GI'2 ~IC.L\.nAGl.~A:- DiplomaticEq)l'ps('ufn.li\"(;,..; Glt Constitution. GOYC'rllITwl;: • 1\JOllC,'(, \Yc'ights and J\f('a 1{l'vonuo, Population, ;1J)',t ~llJ\:S (;1·1 Trade G4;; 11{)okNof Hef·\}'cnci' 014 DiplomaticReprcsvnt.ni\T8:-: 645 ~\JoIl('YJ "\YeighJs ;1n<1 PJea· SLife" Con-titntion, HU\'(\elH1J('Ut, • liln Book~of Hefl.'ycJl('(', H('\"'llIH~, 'Population) and Tcadv 017 _PABJiUr:A1~:--" DiplomatieHeJ)]'(lsor'tatjyE'f'; GI8 Constitut.ion, G-tn"c\l'nmf'nt . 617 i\lonuy, Y/C'ii;lJ;.c.; ;11u1 l\ien Ii,('H\llll('. PU)llie IJel)t, aud sur.s (i18 Arrnv G·Jk Booksof Hcf(\n'll(,f~ GIH Al'I':Ll;upulation.;iuclTrade Cln

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