2016 THE STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE CONTRIBUTING TO FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION FOR ALL Recommended citation: FAO. 2016. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016. Contributing to food security and nutrition for all. Rome. 200 pp. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. ISBN 978-92-5-109185-2 FAO encourages the use, reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product. Except where otherwise indicated, material may be copied, downloaded and printed for private study, research and teaching purposes, or for use in non-commercial products or services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright holder is given and that FAO’s endorsement of users’ views, products or services is not implied in any way. All requests for translation and adaptation rights, and for resale and other commercial use rights should be made via www.fao.org/contact-us/licence-request or addressed to [email protected]. FAO information products are available on the FAO website (www.fao.org/publications) and can be purchased through [email protected]. © FAO 2016 COVER PHOTOGRAPH ©FAO/Pham Cu HAI TIEN VILLAGE, VIET NAM. A beneficiary of an FAO TeleFood project that uses fish cages. 9 8 4 5 0- 2 0 1 N S S I 2016 THE STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE CONTRIBUTING TO FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION FOR ALL Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2016 FOREWORD Fisheries and aquaculture remain important Second, on 25 September 2015, Member States of sources of food, nutrition, income and livelihoods the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for for hundreds of millions of people around the Sustainable Development and the Sustainable world. World per capita fish supply reached a new Development Goals (SDGs), a set of record high of 20 kg in 2014, thanks to vigorous 17 aspirational objectives with 169 targets growth in aquaculture, which now provides half of expected to guide actions of governments, all fish for human consumption, and to a slight international agencies, civil society and other improvement in the state of certain fish stocks due institutions over the next 15 years (2016–2030). to improved fisheries management. Moreover, fish The SDGs are the first global development push in continues to be one of the most-traded food history led by the Member States. They set out commodities worldwide with more than half of fish specific objectives for countries, developed and exports by value originating in developing developing, to meet within a given time frame, countries. Recent reports by high-level experts, with achievements monitored periodically to international organizations, industry and civil measure progress and ensure that no one is left society representatives all highlight the behind. Several SDGs are directly relevant to tremendous potential of the oceans and inland fisheries and aquaculture and to the sustainable waters now, and even more so in the future, to development of the sector, and one goal expressly contribute significantly to food security and focuses on the oceans (SDG 14 Conserve and adequate nutrition for a global population expected sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. resources for sustainable development). To achieve the global transition to sustainable development, It is in this context and with this high expectation countries are now establishing an enabling that the 2016 edition of The State of World Fisheries environment of policies, institutions and and Aquaculture is being launched. Several recent governance – grounded in a sound evidence-based major international developments will further approach that takes into account the three strengthen its key function as a provider of dimensions of sustainability (economic, social and informed, balanced and comprehensive analysis environmental) – with closely interwoven targets. of global fisheries and aquaculture data and FAO and The State of World Fisheries and related issues. Aquaculture will play a frontline role in monitoring and reporting on specific targets relevant to FAO’s First, the Second International Conference on mandate under SDGs 2 and 14. Nutrition (ICN2), held in Rome in November 2014, adopted the Rome Declaration and the Framework Third, on 8–9 October 2015, 600 delegates for Action, whereby world leaders renewed their representing 70 Members of FAO, the private commitments to establish and implement policies sector, non-governmental organizations and aimed at eradicating malnutrition and transforming civil society organizations met in Vigo, Spain, to food systems to make nutritious diets available to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the all. The conference confirmed the importance of adoption of the Code of Conduct for Responsible fish and seafood as a source of nutrition and health Fisheries (the Code), and to take stock of its for many coastal communities that depend on their achievements and the obstacles encountered in proteins and essential micronutrients, in particular its implementation. The meeting confirmed both for women of child-bearing age and young the central role of the Code for the sustainable children. It stressed the unique window of management of living aquatic resources, and the opportunity that fisheries and aquaculture can need to accelerate its implementation to meet the provide for ICN2 follow-up towards achieving relevant SDG targets, in particular those of healthy diets. With this greater awareness of the SDG 14. The move from commitment to action sector’s important role in nutrition comes greater to implement the Code entails an upscaled responsibility for how resources are managed in responsibility for analysis, monitoring and order to ensure nutritious and healthy diets for all reporting for FAO and The State of World the world’s citizens. Fisheries and Aquaculture. | ii | Fourth, the twenty-first session of the Conference Finally, following the adoption in July 2014 of of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Framework Convention on Climate Change was Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context held in Paris, France, in December 2015. It of Food Security and Poverty Eradication, an witnessed an unprecedented international umbrella programme has been launched to agreement, the Paris Agreement. Its aim is to support governments and non-state actors in strengthen the global response to the threat of their implementation of initiatives to strengthen climate change, in the context of sustainable small-scale fisheries communities, their food development and efforts to eradicate poverty, security, and their resilience. Small-scale including by holding the increase in the global fisheries provide work to 90 percent of the average temperature to well below 2° C above people employed in capture fisheries. Now, their pre-industrial levels, increasing the ability to adapt voices will be increasingly heard, their rights to the adverse impacts of climate change, and respected and their livelihoods safeguarded. fostering climate resilience in a manner that does More broadly, decent work in fisheries and not threaten food production. COP21 prominently aquaculture is an important part of FAO’s featured the role of oceans, inland waters and strategic approach to the sector. aquatic ecosystems for temperature regulation and carbon sequestration, and highlighted the urgency FAO has taken into account the above of reversing the current trend of overexploitation developments within the framework of its own and pollution to restore aquatic ecosystem services Blue Growth Initiative to accelerate its work in and the productive capacity of the oceans. Current support of sustainable management of living and future editions of The State of World Fisheries aquatic resources, balancing their use and and Aquaculture will be a key source of information conservation in an economically, socially and on progress in implementing the Paris Agreement environmentally responsible manner. and its pertinence to oceans and inland waters. Awareness of the vital part that oceans and Fifth, FAO’s efforts to address illegal, inland waters must play in providing food, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing have nutrition and employment to current and future yielded real results. The 2009 Agreement on Port generations and in meeting commitments under State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and the Paris Agreement re-focuses the role of (PSMA) entered into force on 5 June 2016. This is this publication as a unique source of global a milestone and will prove a key driver in the analysis and information on fisheries and international community’s fight against the aquaculture development. It is my sincere hope scourge of IUU fishing. Illicit fishing may that The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture account for up to 26 million tonnes of fish a year, 2016 will make a valuable contribution to meeting or more than 15 percent of the world’s total the challenges ahead and advance understanding annual capture fisheries output. Besides of the drivers shaping the fisheries and economic damage, such practices can threaten aquaculture sector, aquatic ecosystems and their local biodiversity and food security in many contribution to meeting the related SDG targets. countries. The PSMA, which creates binding obligations, sets standards for the inspection of foreign vessels that seek to enter the port of another State. Importantly, the measures allow a country to block ships it suspects of having engaged in illicit fishing and thereby prevent José Graziano da Silva illegal catches from entering local and international markets. This will be a turning FAO Director-General point in the long struggle against illegality in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. | iii | CONTENTS FOREWORD ii Promoting decent work in fisheries ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii and aquaculture 126 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS viii Aquaculture and climate change: from vulnerability to adaptation 132 Notes 137 PART 1 WORLD REVIEW 1 PART 3 Overview 2 HIGHLIGHTS OF SPECIAL STUDIES 141 Capture fisheries production 10 Aquaculture production 18 Aquatic invasive alien species in Europe and Fishers and fish farmers 32 proposed management solutions 142 The status of the fishing fleet 35 Ten steps to responsible inland fisheries – The status of fishery resources 38 outcomes from a global conference 147 Fish utilization and processing 45 Nutrition: from commitments to action – Fish trade and commodities 51 the role of fish and fisheries 151 Fish consumption 70 Building resilience in fisheries and aquaculture Governance and policy 80 through disaster risk management 155 Notes 102 Governance, tenure and user rights: a global forum on rights-based approaches for fisheries 159 PART 2 Notes 165 SELECTED ISSUES 107 Data needs for blue growth 108 Improving the valuation of inland fisheries: PART 4 advances in empirical yield modelling 114 OUTLOOK 169 Cutting bycatch and discards in trawl Aligning the future of fisheries and aquaculture fisheries to slash food loss and boost sustainability 118 with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 170 Sustaining fisheries through fisherfolk organizations and collective action 122 Notes 189 | iv | NOTES BORIA VOLOREIUM, SIT AUT QUIS DOLORITI CONECTUS, SEQUE TABLES, FIGURES & BOXES The proportion of undernourished people in the total population is the indicator known as prevalence of undernourishment (PoU). See Annexes 2 and 3 of this report for further details. Ecullentem facerrum quam, quatet occus acepro modit quibus autat laut omnihitias sitat. TABLES 14. Numbers and proportion in FIGURES terms of length of motorized vessels 1. World fisheries and aquaculture 1. World capture fisheries and in fishing fleets from selected production and utilization 4 aquaculture production 3 regions, countries and territories 37 2. Marine capture production: 2. World fish utilization and supply 3 15. Top ten exporters and importers major producers 11 of fish and fishery products 53 3. Trends in global marine catches, 3. Marine capture production: 16. Shares of main groups of separated data for anchoveta 13 major species and genera 14 species in world trade, 2013 67 4. Catch trends of Atlantic herring 4. Marine capture production: 17. Total and per capita food fish and Atlantic mackerel 13 FAO major fishing areas 15 supply by continent and economic 5. Catch trends of cephalopod 5. Inland waters capture production: grouping in 2013 77 species groups 15 major producer countries 17 18. History of forms of fishworker 6. World aquaculture production 6. Production of main species organizations and collective action volume and value of aquatic groups of fish for human consumption in developing countries 125 from inland aquaculture and marine animals and plants (1995–2014) 19 19. Average scores in the 2015 and coastal aquaculture in 2014 23 7. Share of aquaculture in total Code questionnaire on aquaculture 7. Production of farmed aquatic on the presence of measures production of aquatic animals 20 plants in the world 24 for reducing vulnerability to 8. World aquaculture production 8. Aquaculture production by climate change 131 of fed and non-fed species region and selected regional major 20. “Top 20” invasive alien (1995–2014) 24 producers: quantity and percentage species (IAS) issues in Europe 145 9. Per capita production of of world total production 27 21. The Rome Declaration aquaculture (excluding 9. Top 25 producers and main on Responsible Inland Fisheries: aquatic plants) 30 groups of farmed species in 2014 29 ten steps to responsible 10. Proportion of marine fishing 10. World fishers and fish inland fisheries 149 vessels with and without engine farmers by region 33 22. Main results of the fish model: by region in 2014 36 11. Number of fishers and fish comparison 2025 vs 2013–15: 11. Distribution of motorized farmers in selected countries production (live weight equivalent) 173 fishing vessels by region in 2014 36 and territories 34 23. Main results of the fish model: 12. Gender-disaggregated comparison 2025 vs 2013–15: food 12. Size distribution of motorized engagement in selected countries 35 fish supply (live weight equivalent) 177 fishing vessels by region in 2014 37 13. Total of fishing fleets by region, 24. Main results of the fish model: 13. Global trends in the state 2014 (powered and non-powered comparison 2025 vs 2013–15: trade of world marine fish stocks vessels combined) 36 (live weight equivalent) 181 since 1974 39 | v | TABLES, FIGURES & BOXES 14. Utilization of world fisheries 28. Fish as food: per capita 2. Fisheries sustainability and production (breakdown by quantity), supply (average 2011–2013) 74 seafood guides 40 1962–2014 47 29. Relative contribution of 3. Improvement of international 15. Utilization of world fisheries aquaculture and capture fisheries classifications on fishery production (breakdown by to fish for human consumption 77 commodities 66 quantity), 2014 47 30. Evolution from conventional 4. Blue growth: targeting multiple 16. World fisheries production fisheries and aquaculture benefits and goals – overcoming and quantities destined for export 53 management to cross-sectoral complex challenges 81 integrated approaches 85 17. Trade flows by continent (share 5. Petroleum and fisheries 87 31. Model of integrated ocean of total imports in value), 2014 56 governance that recognizes the 6. Implementing FAO concepts for 18. Imports and exports of fish and need for integration across sectors responsible management in the fishery products for different regions, while maintaining sectoral identity 85 Mediterranean and the Black Sea 89 indicating net deficit or surplus 58 32. Predictors of inland fish yield 117 7. Aquaponics – integrating 19. Trade of fish and fishery aquaculture and hydroponics 101 33. Average annual inland products 60 fishery yields by waterbody type 8. Aquaculture mapping 20. Net exports of selected and continent 117 and monitoring 111 agricultural commodities by 34. Global capture fisheries and 9. Lessons learned in the developing countries 61 aquaculture production to 2025 175 REBYC-II CTI project 121 21. FAO Fish Price Index 61 35. Global fish prices in nominal 10. How much fish is 22. Shrimp prices in Japan 67 and real terms to 2025 175 discarded worldwide? 121 23. Groundfish prices in the 36. Additional fish consumed 11. Costa Rica – strengthening United States of America 68 in 2025 179 fishers organizations to scale up 24. Skipjack tuna prices in Africa 37. Share of fishmeal used as and implement marine areas for and Thailand 68 feed in aquaculture production of responsible fisheries 123 salmon and shrimp 179 25. Fishmeal and soybean meal 12. Supporting dialogue, prices in Germany and the 38. Relative shares of aquaculture partnership and organizational Netherlands 69 and capture fisheries in production strengthening among fisherfolk and consumption 179 organizations 125 26. Fish oil and soybean oil prices in the Netherlands 69 13. How FAO defines decent BOXES rural employment 131 27. Contribution of fish to animal protein supply 1. Feed production and management 14. Key points from the forum (average 2011–2013) 72 practices in aquaculture 26 Tenure and Fishing Rights 2015 161 | vi | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016 was prepared by staff of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. General direction was provided by the Department’s Information Management and Communications Committee in close consultation with senior management and under the overall supervision of L. Ababouch, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division. Part 1, World review, includes contributions from L. Ababouch, J. Alder, A. Anganuzzi, U. Barg, D. Bartley (retired), M. Bernal, G. Bianchi, M. Boccia, M. Camilleri, V. Chomo, T. Farmer, N. Franz, C. Fuentevilla, S. Funge-Smith, L. Garibaldi, J. Gee, M. Hasan, R. Hilborn, N. Hishamunda, G. Laurenti, A. Lem, A. Lovatelli, P. Mannini, R. Metzner, J. Sanders, D. Soto, A. Stankus, P. Suuronen, M. Torrie, J. Turner, S. Vannuccini, Y. Ye and X. Zhou. Most of the figures and tables were prepared by S. Montanaro and contributors of selected sections. Main contributors to Part 2, Selected issues, were: M. Taconet, S. Tsuji and J. Aguilar-Manjarrez (data needs for blue growth); C. Reidy Liermann, D. Lymer, E. Fluet-Chouinard, P. McIntyre and D. Bartley (improving the valuation of inland fisheries); D. Kalikoski, P. Suuronen and S. Siar (cutting bycatch and discards in trawl fisheries; and sustaining fisheries through fisherfolk organizations and collective action); N. Franz, U. Barg, F. Marttin and M.E. D’Andrea (promoting decent work); and D. Soto and P. Bueno (aquaculture and climate change). For Part 3, Highlights of special studies, contributors included: G. Marmulla, J. Caffrey, J. Dick, C. Gallagher and F. Lucy (aquatic invasive alien species); D. Bartley (ten steps to responsible inland fisheries); J. Toppe (nutrition: from commitments to action); F. Poulain (building resilience in fisheries and aquaculture); and R. Metzner (governance of tenure and user rights). Part 4, Outlook, was prepared by U. Barg, T. Farmer and S. Vannuccini. Translation and printing services were delivered by the Meeting Programming and Documentation Service of the FAO Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division. The Publishing Group in FAO’s Office for Corporate Communication provided editorial support, design and layout for all six official languages. | vii | ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABNJ EPA areas beyond national jurisdiction eicosapentaenoic acid ALDFG EU abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear European Union (Member Organization) AR5 GAAP Fifth Assessment Report (Intergovernmental Panel on Global Aquaculture Advancement Partnership Climate Change) GEF BGI Global Environment Facility Blue Growth Initiative (FAO) GFCM BMP General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean better management practice GHG CCAMLR greenhouse gas Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine GIS Living Resources geographic information systems CODE GLOBAL RECORD Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Comprehensive Global Record of Fishing Vessels, COFI Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels FAO Committee on Fisheries HS COP21 Harmonized System twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties HUFA COREP highly unsaturated fatty acid Regional Fisheries Committee for the Gulf of Guinea IAS CSO invasive alien species civil society organization ICN2 DHA Second International Conference on Nutrition docosahexaenoic acid ILO EAA International Labour Organization ecosystem approach to aquaculture IMO EAF International Maritime Organization ecosystem approach to fisheries IOTC EBM Indian Ocean Tuna Commission ecosystem-based management IPOA EEZ international plan of action exclusive economic zone | viii |