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Agroforestry Systems ,5 052-912 )7891( © Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht - Printed in the Netherlands 219 The state of the art of agroforestry diagnosis and design JOHN B. RAINTREE* .tcartsbA Seven years ago the International Council for Research in Agroforestry tes out to poleved a methodology for the diagnosis of land management problems and design of agroforestry .smetsys Since then over 06 documents ,selcitra( conference papers and manuals) relating to the D & D methodology have been published by ICRAF and the methodology has been used to develop agroforestry plans and identify research priorities for a wide range of lacigoloce and cultural conditions throughout the tropical regions of Africa, Latin America and Asia. This article sweiver the evolution of the D & D methodology and stseggus directions for its future .tnempoleved .1 noitcudortnI This article is a review of ICRAF's efforts over the past seven years to develop a methodology for the diagnosis of land management problems, the identification of agroforestry potentials and research priorities, and the design of appropriate agroforestry systems. While the article will serve as an introduction to the body of extant literature and practice, it will not in itself constitute an adequate introduction to the diagnosis and design (D & D) methodology as practised in field applications. For this, interested readers are referred to the extensive bibliography at the end of the article, and especially to the more recent manuals and working papers. The main intent of the article is to highlight the D & D concepts, procedures and substantive findings that appear in retrospect to be the most robust and widely applicable and to suggest directions for future develop- ments in the field of agroforestry diagnosis and design. The discussion of key procedural and substantive aspects is preceded by a brief sketch of the historical background of D & D, an overview of the major trends in its development, and a brief comparison with related methodologies. Limita- tions of time and space require that the focus be restricted mainly to ICRAF's own activities in this area, although brief mention will be made of notable contributions to the subject by collaborators outside ICRAF. The roots of D & D A decade ago, in the landmark IDRC publication Trees, Food and People, agroforestry was defined as: ... a sustainable management system for land that increases overall * lacigolocE Anthropologist, ICRAF 220 production, combines agriculture crops, tree crops and forest plants and/or animals simultaneously or sequentially, and applies management practices that are compatible with the cultural patterns of the local population 3. This is a normative definition. It states not merely what agroforestry is, but also what it should be - i.e. a land management system that is, by definition, productive, sustainable and culturally appropriate. Strictly speak- ing, there is no guarantee that every system that meets the minimal definition of agroforestry (i.e. any combination of trees with herbaceous crops and/or livestock) will measure up to the standards implied here. Indeed, it has become clear that these are goals to be achieved by good agroforestry design, and not attributes which can be ascribed automatically to every plant arrangement that qualifies as agroforestry. ICRAF's charter, in 1977, called attention to the inherent complexity of agroforestry and the need for a "systems approach". It was some years, however, before ICRAF developed a strategy that gave explicit priority in the Council's programme of work to the development of a diagnostic approach to agroforestry systems 84, 85, 86, 37: ICRAF's strategy is to develop that analytical approach - the diagnostic- methodology which enables one to analyze the state of the system, to determine the sub-systems that are operative and to identify the restric- tions/constraints and the potentials. From this would then flow the capa- bility to identify existing technology that may be introduced into the system or sub-system and to define the nature of the research problem which must be solved if one is to improve the capacity of the System 84. Once this strategy was in place, it was not long before the first in-house versions of the methodology were taking shape and being published at field sites in Kenya 41, 42. Guidelines in the basic methodology were soon published for trial and comment by potential users outside of ICRAF 63, 43 and missions were undertaken to apply the methodology outside Kenya, initially in Venezuela 87, Peru 30 and the Philippines 90. Numerous applications have taken place since that time at a wide range of sites throughout the tropics (see case studies listed in the bibliographic referen- ces). Trends in the development of D & D When we started out there was a tendency to think of the D & D work as leading toward a single, optimal procedure that we would eventually perfect through trial and user-feedback, but it soon became obvious that different users had different requirements and preferred to use different forms of the 122 same general logic. So the emphasis shifted to clarifying the underlying logic and elaborating procedural variations as and when needed to deal with specific field situations and collaborative activities. Like medical diagnosis and treatment, agroforestry diagnosis and design has grown into a varied body of literature and practice, rather than a fixed set of procedures. 1 The main trends in the development of D & D have been: .1 An overall long term improvement toward conceptual simplicity (with cycles of temporary increasing complexity in dealing with new areas of analysis followed by renewed efforts at simplification); .2 The shift from an original focus on small-scale, household level D & D methods to a variable scale approach (with new methods to handle diagnos- tic and design tasks at local community/watershed and regional/ecozonal levels of spatial and social organization ); and .3 The gradual shift from an early preoccupation with procedural concerns toward more systematic use and development of substantive knowledge, experience and theory in agroforestry diagnosis and design. How does D & D relate to other methodologies? How does D & D compare with other methodologies of a similar nature, such as farming systems research ,1 39, 68, 79, 83, 93, land evaluation methodology 14, 12, and agroecosystems analysis ,9 10? It should be said straight away that, while D & D arose out of the demands of the agrofore- stry situation itself and was not deliberately modelled on any of these other methodologies, it is nevertheless quite consistent with all of them and can be used as an adjunct to any which happen to be already familiar to the user) Unlike most other methodologies, however, D & D does attempt to develop a special focus on agroforestry-related constraints and opportunities within existing land-used systems and to highlight agroforestry potentials that might be overlooked by other methodologies. For example, in ICRAF's experience with FSR-trained collaborators in the field, for most FSR prac- titioners the trees within the farming system tend to be invisible: The D & D methodology may be useful to researchers seeking to go beyond commodity- limited approaches in FSR, since the general logic of the D & D discovery procedure is applicable to virtually any area of rural development, but particularly because the specific procedures used to identify the potential roles of trees within the land-use system cover such a broad range of diagnostic concerns. Recent reviews of a number of FSR and related methodologies have classed D & D among the most significant 39, conceptually mature 1 and concerned with resource poor farmers 7. Although it is difficult to evaluate 222 actual methodological field practices on the basis of extant documentation, in comparison with most farming systems methodologies 64, D & D does seem to be characterized by: - A broader diagnostic scope (dealing with the sole land-use systems and with specific attention to the role of trees within the system); - A more elaborate technology design step (as needed to visualize the more complex landscape interventions typical of agroforestry); - A variable scale of diagnosis and design (see section 3 below); - A more deliberate connection with the objectives of the land user (see 3 below); - Greater emphasis on the iterative nature of the diagnostic and design process (see Figure 1). A detailed comparison of D & D with longer established methods of land evaluation has been made 98. Based upon the analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches, suggestions for incorpora- tion of elements of land evaluation into D & D, and vice versa, were given. The main suggestions for incorporation of elements of land evaluation into D & D procedures have been implemented, together with other changes (see Figure 2), in the latest revision of the guidelines for D & D 55, 58 and are also reflected in ICRAF's newly developed procedures for identification of research priorities in large-scale research networks 88, 89, 80; see also Torres, this volume. Agroecosystems Analysis 9, 01 is a relatively new and distinctive rapid appraisal methodology that has attracted a lot of attention on the interna- tional development scene because of its broad scope, ecological sophistica- tion, and conceptual simplicity. No systematic comparison with D & D has been made, but the two approaches seem to share a common philosophy of research-for-development, certain analytical techniques described in the more detailed D & D resource materials 47, the capability of dealing with different levels in the hierarchy of human ecosystems, and the ability to identify agroforestry potentials. 2. The logical sequence of steps In its most basic and robust form, the logic underlying the D & D methodol- ogy embodies a common-sense problem-solving approach that is applicable not just to agroforestry but to virtually any problem in technology design (see Table .)1 This logical framework is equally applicable to both research and exten- sion activities. If the agroforestry technologies envisaged in the design 223 Table l. The basic logic of agroforestry diagnosis and design Basic questions Key factors to consider Mode of inquiry Prediagnostic stage Definition and selection of the Distinctive combination of Differentiating and focal land-use system (which resources, technology and comparing the ~reffid system to focus on?) land user objectives land-use systems How does the system work? Production objectives and Analyzing and descri (how is it organized, how does it strategies, subsystems and the system function to achieve its objectives?) components Diagnostic stage How well does the system work? Problems in meeting system Diagnostic interview~ (what are its problems, limiting objectives (production short- and direct field constraints, problem-generating falls, sustainability problems) observations syndromes & leverage points?) Casual factors, constraints Troubleshooting the and intervention points (all problem subsystems relevant biophysical and socioeconomic factors) Design and evaluation stage How to improve the system? Specifications for problem- Iterative design and (what is needed to improve solving or performance- evaluation of promis system performance?) enhancing interventions alternatives Planning stage What to do to develop and Research and development Research design and disseminate system needs, extension needs project planning improvements? Implementation stage How to adjust the plan of action Feedback from on-station and Rediagnosis and red~ to new information? on-farm research trials, (the iterative D & D extension trials and special learning process) studies already exist, the design can be used directly as a guide for agroforestry interventions by extension agents and rural development workers. If the envisaged technologies have not yet been developed or are not yet sufficient- ly well understood to warrant extension to farmers, the design then serves as a basis for identifying the research gaps that need to be filled in order to develop the required technologies. What is most significant methodologic- ally is that the practical intent of the research process is enhanced by relating the research objectives to specific development objectives. There are any number of different ways of applying this basic logic. Which of several variations on the specific procedures is used depends upon the purposes and resources of the user, the geographic scale and the time frame 224 of the application, and what is already known about the area. For example, if the user is a national research institution and the purpose is to develop a general plan for agroforestry research within the country as a whole, then a large-scale, broad brush, rapid appraisal approach will be needed initially, followed by smaller scale, more focused, in-depth D & D exercises in representative localities. In this same context, if a "macro" D & D has already been carried out, then most of the prediagostic information for the "micro" D & D will already be known (see 3 below). On the other hand, if the user is an individual or a local organization whose work is already focused within a specific locality, or even on a single farm, then a more complete, intensive and continuous "micro" D & D approach would be appropriate (see discussion of variable-scale methods, below). Due to the nature of the planning process, most D & D applications to date have been carried out within the time constraints of a "rapid appraisal" exercise 6. Specific techniques have been developed to sharpen the accuracy of such time-constrained applications, but there is nothing within the logic of D & D to discourage longer, more leisurely applications, if time and human resources permit. Successful D & D requires intelligent and flexible use and adaptation of the various D & D procedures, optional methods and resource materials to the requirements and resources of the user. The iterative nature of D & D This is one aspect of the methodology that we are inclined to say is not optional. It stands to reason that any rapid appraisal diagnostic and design procedures used to initiate research or development activities must be followed up by continued monitoring and evaluation of the situation as it develops over the course of the project. In the D & D paradigm, this internal monitoring and evaluation process takes the form of a reiteration of the basic diagnostic and design process to refine the original diagnosis based on more in-depth information resulting from continuous exposure to the site and to improve the technology design in the light of new information from on-farm trials with farmers, more complex and rigidly controlled on-station investigations and eventual extension trials in a wider range of potential sites. As suggested by the flowchart in Figure ,1 the iterative D & D process provides a basis for close feedback and complementarity betwen the dif- ferent project components. By adjusting the plan of action to new informa- tion, the D & D learning process becomes continuous and self-corrective. It needn't stop until the design is well optimized and/or further refinements are deemed not worth the additional effort. Until that point is reached, however, 522 i CITSONBAIDE~P NOITPIRCSE~ i o,-,, i CN4A~ NOITATS-NO RESEARCH HCPAES~ SNETXE I StAIRT i Fig. .1 Components of project implementation incorporating the D&D process as part of the internal guidance system of an agroforestry research-for-development project. Note feedback linkages between sources of new information (on-site trials, on-station research, extension trials) and the iterative diagnosis~zlesign-planning process. the D & D learning process can identify opportunities for progressive refinement and adaptation of technologies .26 3. Variable scale diagnostic and design procedures Within the framework of the foregoing procedural logic, D & D methods have been developed and applied at three levels in the hierarchy of land use systems. Table 2 summarizes the focus of D & D applications at these different scales. Some of the most distinctive features of the methods used at each of these different scales of diagnosis and design are reviewed briefly in the following sections. Economic methods have also been developed for or adapted to the D & D framework. In addition to the microeconomic methods discussed in Table 2. Variable scale D & D methods and applications. Scale Focal system or unit Micro Household management unit (e.g. the family farm, household herd, or other elementary land managementunit) Meso Local community or ecosystem (e.g. a neighbourhood, village or small watershed) Macro Region, country, ecozone 226 the review by Hoekstra (this volume), interested readers are also referred to the early work on the use of linear programming as a bioeconomic tool for design of agroforestry cropping systems at the plot level 65, 44, and to the recently developed perspectives on regional economic and policy evaluation .18 Micro-scale: household level D & D This was the first of the three sets of D & D methods to be developed 41, 42, 63. The decision to focus the initial D & D work on the elementary land management unit - in most cases the "household" - was based on the premise that this is where most of the land management decisions relevant to agroforestry are made and that it is primarily these decisions that must be affected if agroforestry is to have an appreciable impact on the landscape of rural development. The most distinctive features of the methods used at this level of analysis are a basic needs approach to the delineation of production subsystems within the management unit, a troubleshooting procedure to identify critical constraints, leverage points and functional specifications for agroforestry interventions, and separate asessment of the sustainability of the land use system. The ICRAF basic needs approach Faced with a diagnostic task of potentially great complexity - which must usually be accomplished within the time constraints of a "rapid appraisal" exercise - a means of gaining rapid entry into the diagnostically relevant aspects of the household system was needed. The method developed to do this takes the farmer's production objectives as the starting point for assess- ing the performance of household subsystems 41, 46. A "production subsystem" in this sense is defined as any and all resources, activities and decisions involved in the production of a desired output. To provide a widely applicable checklist for rapid identification of the relevant subsystems, a "basic needs" approach was adopted. The following needs are considered basic and universal; food, fuel, water, shelter, raw materials for local industry, cash, savings/investment, and social production. The underlying assumption behind this approach is that land use systems - whatever else they might do - are organized so as to satisfy these basic needs. To describe a given system it is merely necessary to identify the locally relevant/forms Of needs satisfaction (e.g. maize and beans rather than sorghum and cowpeas, firewood rather than charcoal, etc.) and to describe the location, technology, resources, and activities involved in the production 227 of the desired outputs. Although this approach does confer on the D & D methodology a special capability to address the needs of resource poor, subsistence oriented farmers, it does not imply an anti - commercial bias. In commercialized farming systems, D & D attention is automatically directed mainly toward improvements in the cash and savings/investment subsystems; while in poorly developed market economies the methodology may suggest ways of satisfying basic household needs more directly, without the media- tion of the marketplace. The basic needs approach provides a quick means of identifying the relevant production subsystems and sets the stage for the problem assess- ment and troubleshooting analysis which follows. Problems are identified in terms of poor performance in meeting the objectives of the land user (usually "supply problems" in the form of seasonal or chronic shortages of desired goods, exorbitant labour demands for firewood or fodder collection, lack of cash income sources, etc.). The D & D team then probes the causes of the identified problems with the farmer, using a troubleshooting logic (what is causing this problem? what is causing that? why is this so? why is that so? and so on until the team feels it has got to the bottom of the problem). - Each of the identified causal links in the etiology of the problem is a potential leverage point for a functionally appropriate agroforestry inter- vention (see Table 4). This approach has the advantage of clearly linking the diagnosis of technical subsystems to the objectives of the producer and of streamlining the enquiry to focus on those subsystems with problems and/or potentials for improvement, thus avoiding a lot of irrelevant information gathering. In practice, of course, the farmer's perceptions of problems, causal factors and potential improvements are supplemented by those of the D & D survey team. Great emphasis is placed on open discussion with household members and neighbours to resolve contradictions and arrive at a common under- standing of the situation. This then provides the basis for a discussion of agroforestry potentials and research needs with the farm household. Limitations of the household focus Although the individual farm or household decision-making unit will almost always be a key focal point for agroforestry diagnosis and design, D & D procedures at this scale may not in themselves provide complete coverage of all the diagnostically relevant factors. The most obvious limitation of the household approach is that the scale is simply not big enough for large-scale agroforestry undertakings, like national or regional agroforestry research and development programmes. Something more is needed than just an aggregation of individual site results; sites must be placed within a regional 228 environmental, economic policy and programme planning context. See discussion of the "macro D & D" methods developed for this purpose, below. A second limitation is that not all the land use problems experienced by people originate within a single farm, nor can they always be solved by action at the individual household level (e.g. the effects of runoff from farms in the upper watershed on erosion problems on farms downslope, overgraz- ing of the commons, land for the landless, etc.). Such problems may require a larger-than-farm approach both to the diagnosis of problem syndromes and to the design of appropriately scaled solutions. An exclusive focus on household level interventions may also forego important opportunities for "socializing"agroforestry development by taking advantage of group learn- ing processes and other dynamics associated with neighbourhood and com- munity level activities. See "meso-scale" methods, below. Finally, it must also be acknowledged that "the household" is not always a homogenous interest group. In Africa and elsewhere, men and women within the same household may have very different production rights and responsibilities, different degrees of access to or control over credit, capital inputs, labour and decision making - and, therefore, very different responses to agroforestry opportunities. This may necessitate a special effort within a variable scale D & D approach to distinguish different types of households (e.g. woman-headed households, households with a high dependency ratio, etc.) and different types of producers within a household - each of which may require specially designed agroforestry options. Adequate attention must also be given to extra-household constraints and opportunities (e.g. land and tree tenure regulations 75, use of off-farm resources and the role of women's self-help groups in providing an alterative focus for agroforestry development activities 72. ".elacs-oseM community/watershed level D & D Methods for this scale of diagnosis and design have been developed and applied at sites in Kenya 76, 69, 70, 72, 73, 78 and India 29, 74. The most distinctive elements of these methods are: Working with larger-than-farm scale units of landscape analysis and - design; Identification ofagroforestry opportunities through analysis of potential - spatial and funtional complementarities within the larger system; - Group process approaches to the organization of agroforestry activities.

constitute an adequate introduction to the diagnosis and design (D & D) production, combines agriculture crops, tree crops and forest plants .. Some of the most distinctive features of the methods used at each of these .. stry Research Network for Africa (AFRENA), the general approach shown.
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