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Preview The Star Formation History of Leo T from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging

Accpeted to ApJ January19,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.2/16/10 THE STAR FORMATION HISTORY OF LEO T FROM HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE IMAGING Daniel R. Weisz1, Daniel B. Zucker2,3, Andrew E. Dolphin4, Nicolas F. Martin5, Jelte T. A. de Jong6, Jon A. Holtzman7, Julianne J. Dalcanton1, Karoline M. Gilbert1,10, Benjamin F. Williams1, Eric F. Bell8, Vasily Belokurov9, N. Wyn Evans9 Accpeted to ApJ January 19, 2012 ABSTRACT 2 We present the star formation history (SFH) of the faintest known star-forming galaxy, Leo T, 1 based on deep imaging taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Planetary Camera 0 2 (WFPC2). The HST/WFPC2 color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of Leo T is exquisitely deep, ex- 2 tending ∼ 2 magnitudes below the oldest main sequence turnoff, permitting excellent constraints on n star formation at all ages. We use a maximum likelihood CMD fitting technique to measure the SFH a of Leo T assuming three different sets of stellar evolution models: Padova (solar-scaled metallicity) J andBaSTI (bothsolar-scaledandα-enhancedmetallicities). The resultingSFHs areremarkablycon- 3 sistent at all ages, indicating that our derived SFH is robust to the choice of stellar evolution model. 2 From the lifetime SFH of Leo T, we find that 50% of the total stellar mass formed prior to z ∼ 1 (7.6 Gyr ago). Subsequent to this epoch, the SFH of Leo T is roughly constant until the most recent ] ∼ 25 Myr, where the SFH shows an abrupt drop. This decrease could be due to a cessation of star O formation or stellar initial mass function sampling effects, but we are unable to distinguish between C the two scenarios. Overall, our measured SFH is consistent with previously derived SFHs of Leo T. . However, the HST-based solution provides improved age resolution and reduced uncertainties at all h epochs. The SFH, baryonic gas fraction, and location of Leo T are unlike any of the other recently p discovered faint dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, and instead bear strong resemblance to gas-rich - o dwarf galaxies (irregular or transition), suggesting that gas-rich dwarf galaxies may share common r modes of star formation over a large range of stellar mass (∼ 105−109 M⊙). t s Subject headings: galaxies: individual (Leo T dIrr); galaxies: stellar content; Local Group a [ 1 1. INTRODUCTION has a baryonic gas fraction (Mgas/(Mstar + Mgas) ∼ 0.8;Ryan-Weber et al2008)comparabletoothernearby v The discovery of dozens of faint dwarf galaxies in the dwarf irregular galaxies (e.g., Weisz et al 2011a). The 9 Local Group has extended our studies of galaxy forma- mixture of these unusual characteristicsprovides a truly 5 tion and evolution to the lowest end of the galaxy lu- 8 minosity function (e.g., Zucker et al 2004; Willman et al extremeandunusualenvironmentinwhichwecanstudy 4 2005; Belokurov et al 2007; Martin et al 2009). With the effects of star formation and stellar feedback in re- 1. extremely low masses and luminosities, the discovery lation to theories of low mass galaxy evolution (e.g., Dekel & Silk 1986; Orban et al 2008; Ricotti 2009). 0 of these galaxies has facilitated new insight into key Inthispaper,wepresentthecolor-magnitudediagram 2 topics such as the nature of dark matter profiles, stel- (CMD) and the star formation history (SFH) of Leo T 1 lar feedback and chemical evolution, and the so-called based on imaging obtained with the Wide Field Plane- : ‘missing satellites’ problem in the framework of CDM v tary Camera 2 (WFPC2; Holtzman et al 1995) aboard cosmologies (e.g., Moore et al 1999; Walker et al 2009; i the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The long integra- X Governato et al 2010; Pen˜arrubia et al 2010). tion times of HST/WFPC2 observations make for an Leo T remains unique among the known extremely r exquisitely deep CMD that extends below the ancient a faint galaxy population. It has a low luminosity (MV ∼ main sequence turnoff (MSTO; & 10 Gyr), allowing for −8;Irwin et al2007;de Jong et al2008b)andhighdark well-constrainedmeasures of star formation at all ages. matter content (M /L ∼ 60-160; Ryan-Weber et al ⊙ ⊙ This paper is organizedas follows. In §2 we detail the 2008; Simon & Geha 2007), yet, unlike other recent WFPC2observationsandphotometricreductionsandwe discoveries, Leo T is located in relative isolation (420 present the resultant CMD in §3. We then describe our kpc from the Milky Way Irwin et al 2007; de Jong et al methodformeasuringtheSFH,includingtheuseofmul- 2008b),exhibitsevidenceformultiplegenerationsofstar tiple stellar evolution models, in §4. Finally, we present formation (Irwin et al 2007; de Jong et al 2008a,b), and and analyze the lifetime cumulative and absolute SFHs ofLeo T in §5. The conversionbetween ageand redshift 1UniversityofWashington; [email protected] used in this paper assume a standard WMAP-7 cosmol- 2MacquarieUniversity 3AustralianAstronomicalObservatory ogy as detailed in Jarosik et al (2011). 4Raytheon 5Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAstronomie 2. OBSERVATIONSANDPHOTOMETRY 6LeidenObservatory Observations of a single central field in Leo T were 7NewMexicoStateUniversity 8UniversityofMichigan taken with WFPC2/HST from 21 October 2007 to 29 9UniversityofCambridge October 2007 as part of HST program GO-11084 (PI: 10HubbleFellow D.Zucker). Thesetofobservationsconsistsof16F606W 2 Weisz et al. (wideV)and26F814W(I)imageswithtotalintegration CMD is the most probable SFH of the observed popu- times of 19200s and 31200s,respectively. The 2.5′× 2.5′ lation. A full description of MATCH can be found in WFPC2 field encloses most of the area defined by the Dolphin (2002). half-light radius (r = 1.5′; Martin et al 2008). To measure the SFH of Leo T, we selected a Kroupa h We performed PSF photometry on each of the images IMF(Kroupa2001)withamassrangeof0.15to120M ⊙ usingHSTPHOT,astellarphotometrypackagedesigned and a binary fraction of 0.35, where the mass of the sec- foruse with WFPC2 (Dolphin 2000). We culledthe cat- ondary is drawn from a uniform mass distribution. We alog of detected objects to only include well-measured selected the solar-scaled metallicity Padova set of stel- stars by applying the following photometric criteria: lar evolution models with updated low mass AGB track SNR > 4 and SNR > 4 and (sharp (e.g., Girardi et al 2010) for our primary SFH measure- F606W F814W F606W + sharp )2 ≤ 0.075, yielding 3847 well-measured ment. WealsosolvedforSFHsofLeoTusingtheBaSTI F814W stars. Definitions ofthe photometric quality metrics can stellar evolution libraries with both solar-scaled and α- be found in Dolphin (2000) and Dalcanton et al (2009). enhancedmodels (Pietrinferni et al2004). These partic- The photometric catalog of well-measured stars is avail- ular models provide age sensitivity from . 25 Myr ago ableasahighlevelscienceproductviatheHSTarchive.1 to 14 Gyr ago, which is needed to accurately model the Tocharacterizecompleteness andobservationaluncer- mixed-agepopulationofLeoT.Withallmodels,wedes- tainties we conducted 500,000 artificial star tests. After ignated a search range of metallicities of [M/H] = −2.3 applying the photometric quality criteria to the recov- to−1.2,withresolutionof0.1dex. Thelowermetallicity ered artificial stars, we measured the 50% completeness limitissetbythe availabilityofthe models. We initially limits to be m = 27.5 and m = 26.9. exploreda higher metallicity upper limit, but found this F606W F814W space to be largely unexplored by the code. 3. THECOLORMAGNITUDEDIAGRAM ForthePadovamodels,wedefined40logarithmictime bins over the range log(t) = 6.6-10.15. The bins were As highlighted in Figure 1, the CMD of Leo T has spacedby 0.05dex for log(t)= 9.0-10.15and0.1 dex for many interesting characteristics that suggest multiple log(t) = 7.4-9.0. Given the lack of extremely luminous episodesofstarformation. First,thereareseveralindica- stars on the MS, we designated a single time bin for the tors of ancient star formation, such as the oldest MSTO youngest ages, log(t) = 6.6-7.4. For solutions using the (F606W-F814W∼ 0.5; F814W ∼ 26), blue and red hor- BaSTI models, we designated 39 identical time bins to izontal branch (HB) populations (defined by the green thePadovascheme,butexcludedthe youngesttime bins box in Figure 1), and the red giant branch (RGB; ex- as the BaSTI models only extend to log(t) = 7.4 and tending vertically between F814W ∼ 19 and 25.5). The 7.45for the solar-scaledand α-enhancedmodels, respec- broadness of this latter sequence suggests the presence tively. We did not attempt solutions using other models of multiple age and/or metallicity populations. Second, such as Dartmouth (Dotter et al 2008) because they do we see a sparse sampling of stars that are fainter than notcoverthefullrangeinagesspannedbystarsinLeoT. the HB (between F814W ∼ 24.5 and 25.3 and F606W- To facilitate comparison between the models and obser- F814W ∼ 0.2 to 0.4). These stars are consistent with vations, the observed CMD and synthetic CMDs were magnitudes and colors of intermediate age (∼ 2-10 Gyr binned with a resolutionof0.1 in magnitude and0.05 in ago)MSTOstars. Third,thepopulationofstarslocated color. near the bright limit of the RGB (F814W ∼ 20) may Well-knowndifferencesbetweenthePadovaandBaSTI be luminous intermediate age asymptotic giant branch HBmodelscanintroducesignificantbiasesintothemea- stars(AGBs). However,giventhelownumberofstarsin suredSFHs(e.g.,Gallart et al2005). Wehavemitigated the CMD, itis difficult to visually discernwhether these these potential biases by placing the HB into a single aretruly AGB starsorareassociatedwith the tip ofthe Hess diagram bin, whose dimensions are indicated by RGB population. Finally, Leo T has a small number of thegreenboxinFigure1. Ineffect,this processrequires luminous MS and blue helium burning stars (F814W ∼ that each model generate a HB, but the precise details 21-22, F606W-F814W ∼ 0-0.3), which both trace star of the HB population (e.g., luminosity and morphology) formation within the most recent ∼ 1 Gyr. The lack of do not strongly affect the measured SFH. The most se- extremely luminous MS stars suggests that Leo T has cure leverage on the ancient SFH comes from the oldest had little or no star formation at very recent times. MSTO. Additionally, to account for intervening Milky Way 4. MEASURINGTHESTARFORMATIONHISTORY foreground populations, we used the ‘foreground’ util- We have measured the SFH of Leo T using the ity included in the MATCH package to construct model CMD fitting package MATCH (Dolphin 2002). Briefly, foregroundCMDsthatwereusedinthederivationofthe MATCH builds sets of synthetic CMDs from user de- SFH.ThisutilityproducesaCMD-basedontheresultsof finedparametersincluding a stellar initialmass function de Jong et al (2010), who measured thick disk and halo (IMF), binary fraction, a searchable range of distance structural parameters using MATCH. The model fore- and extinction values, and fixed bin sizes in age, metal- ground CMDs were made with the Dartmouth stellar licity,colorandmagnitude,andthenconvolvesthemodel evolution models (Dotter et al 2008) that include stars CMD with observational biases as measured from artifi- withmassesaslowas0.1M . Giventhesmallamountof ⊙ cialstar tests. MATCH then employs a maximum likeli- expected foreground contamination in the Leo T CMD, hoodstatistictocomparesyntheticandobservedCMDs. wedonotanticipatethatthe particularchoiceofmodels TheSFHthatcorrespondstothebestmatchedsynthetic willsubstantially influence the measuredSFH. However, the Dartmouth models provide a more complete census 1 http://archive.stsci.edu/hlsp of the intervening low mass Galactic stellar population, 3 (a) AGB (b) Padova 20 Young MS/ BHeB 22 W RGB 4 1 F824 HB MSTO 26 (c) BaSTI (d) Model 20 22 W 4 1 824 F 26 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 F606W-F814W F606W-F814W Figure 1. The deep HST/WFPC2 CMD of Leo T, corrected for foreground reddening using the values from Schlegel et al (1998). Panel (a): The red-dashed line represents the 50% completeness limit and the blue error bars indicate photomet- ric uncertainties, both determined by artificial star tests. We have also highlighted several age sensitive features, including identification of the horizontal branch (green box) and oldest MSTO (magenta). Panel (b): The observed CMD of Leo T with select Padova isochrones of 500 Myr (blue), 2 Gyr (green), 5 Gyr (magenta), and 10 Gyr (red) and a metallicity of Z = 0.0005, the value derived from the SFH measurement. Panel (c): Same as panel (b) only with the BaSTI isochrones, and a metallicity of Z = 0.0003. The slight difference in metallicities is due to available values on the respective web interfaces (Padova: http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/cgi-bin/cmd; BaSTI: http://albione.oa-teramo.inaf.it/). These two panels illustrate some of the metallicity dependent differences in evolved star models, as discussed more extensively in Gallart et al (2005). Panel (d): AmodelCMDfrom themost likely SFHbased onthePadovastellar libraries. Theredpointsareanexampleof thestars used to model theinterveningforeground population. resultinginamoreaccurateaccountingofanyforeground andextinction. For eachofthe three solutions,MATCH contamination. found a best fit extinction corrected distance modu- We quantify uncertainties in the SFHs using a set of lus of 23.05 and foreground extinction of A = 0.20. V Monte Carlo tests. The Monte Carlo tests are designed These values favorably compare with previously derived to account for uncertainties due to the number of stars distances of 23.10±0.2 (Irwin et al 2007; de Jong et al on the CMD (random uncertainties) and biases due to 2008b) and the foreground extinction value of A = 0.1 V uncertaintiesinthestellarmodels(systematicuncertain- fromSchlegel et al(1998). Weshowthe simulatedCMD ties). To quantify the random uncertainties we sample from the best fit SFH from the Padovasolution in panel the best-fit CMD using a Poisson random noise gener- (d) of Figure 1. ator. We then introduce additive errors in M and bol log(Teff) and resolve for the SFH. These additive val- 5. THELIFETIMESTARFORMATIONHISTORYOFLEOT ues serve as a proxy for systematic uncertainties in the In Table 1 and Figure 2, we present the cumulative underlying stellar models by mimicking the scatter in and absolute SFHs of Leo T. The cumulative SFH, i.e., SFH uncertainties obtained by using alternate isochrone the fraction of the total stellar mass formed at a given sets (e.g., BaSTI, Dartmouth; Pietrinferni et al 2004; time, provides a normalized measure of the stellar mass Dotter et al 2008) to fit the data. The SFH of the accumulationinLeoT.ComparedtotheabsoluteSFHs, new CMD is then measured identically to the original cumulative SFHs are less affected by correlated SFRs in solution, constituting a single Monte Carlo realization. adjacent time bins, allowing us to plot the cumulative We found that the uncertainties were stable after 50 SFHs at full time resolution. Regions where the cumu- Monte Carlo tests, and thus conducted 50 realizations. lative SFH exhibits zero growth for extended periods or A more detailed descriptionof this processcan be found has large uncertainties indicate intervals over which our in Weisz et al (2011a). knowledgeoftheshapeoftheabsoluteSFHisuncertain. For each set of models, we allowed MATCH to deter- WethereforeutilizethecumulativeSFHtoinformappro- mine the best combinationof SFR, metallicity, distance, priatetimebinningfortheabsoluteSFH.Foramorede- 4 Weisz et al. absolute SFH derived with the Padova model as pur- ple squares, and have over-plotted the SFH based on imagingtakenwiththeLargeBinocularTelescope(LBT; de Jong et al 2008b) as grey circles. Comparing the two solutions,weseeonlysubtledifferences. First,duetothe significantly deeper observations, the HST-based SFH affords higher time resolution while maintaining SFR uncertainties that are comparable to or smaller in am- plitude than those presented in de Jong et al (2008b). Specifically,wehavebinnedtheHST-basedsolutionwith a time resolution of ∆log(t)= 0.2, compared to a value 0.3 for the LBT solution. Along with the higher time resolution, we also see a decrease in SFR uncertainties. Both of these improvements are particularly evident at epochsmorerecentthanz∼0.5(∼5Gyrago),whereour solutionconfirms that Leo T had a nearly constantSFH toa highdegreeofconfidence. Within the mostrecent1 Gyr,thesmallnumberofluminousMSandbluecorehe- liumburningstarsresultinlargefractionaluncertainties on the SFH, restricting our ability to decipher precise patterns of star formation. Within the past 25 Myr, the precise SFR of Leo T is difficult to quantify. On one hand, there are no lu- minous MS or core helium burning stars, which can be interpreted as a lack of recent star formation. How- ever, the effects of stochastic IMF sampling also pro- videanalternativeexplanation(e.g.,da Silva et al.2011; Fumagalli et al. 2011). In this scenario, it is possible that the recent SFR of Leo T is sufficiently low (. 10−5 M /yr) that star formation is continuous, but no mas- ⊙ sive stars are actually formed. Unfortunately, SFH and Figure 2. Toppanel–ThelifetimecumulativeSFH,i.e.,thefrac- IMF effects are largely degenerate (e.g., Miller & Scalo tion of total stellar mass formedprior to a given epoch, of Leo T 1979; Elmegreen & Scalo 2006), and we are not able to measured using the Padova solar-scaled metallicity stellar evolu- tion models (purple) and the BaSTI models (solar-scaled: green; distinguish between the two scenarios. As a result, we α-enhanced: orange). Thelightlyshadedpurpleregionrepresents canonlyconcludethattheupperlimitontherecentSFR the1-σuncertaintiesontheSFHmeasuredwiththePadovamod- inLeo T is ∼ 10−5 M –aSFR for which stochastic IMF els. Bottom panel – The lifetimeabsolute SFH of Leo T, as mea- ⊙ sampling would not produce any luminous, young stars. sured with the Padova models (purple squares). The plotted un- certainties in the y-direction reflect the 1-σ uncertainties on the Integrated tracers of recent star formation in Leo T re- SFR,whichthoseinthex-directionindicatethewidthofthetime veal only faint GALEX ultra-violet fluxes and no Hα bin. For comparison, we have over-plotted the SFH measured by emission (Lee et al 2011; Kennicutt et al 2008), which deJongetal(2008b)asgreycircles. could be consistent with truncated star formation or a stochastically sampled IMF scenario. taileddiscussionofoptimizing time resolutionfor CMD- For epochs prior to z ∼ 2 (10 Gyr ago), we find based SFHs, see Appendix A in Weisz et al (2011a). marginalimprovementovertheLBTsolution. TheHST- ThebestfitSFHsfromthePadova(purple)andBaSTI based SFH confirms the relatively high SFR at ancient models (α-enhanced: orange; solar-scaled: green) show times seen in the LBT solutions. On the whole, we con- excellent consistency. Specifically, considering the mean cludethattheLBTandHSTSFHsareinexcellentagree- cumulative SFHs for each model, we see that Leo T ment. formed 50% of its total stellar mass prior to z ∼ 1 (7.6 TheCMDfittingprocessadditionallyprovidesarough Gyr ago). For ages younger than this, Leo T exhibits estimate for the metallicity of Leo T. For solutions de- a nearly constant SFH. For times prior to z ∼ 1 (7.6 rivedfromeachstellarlibrary,wefindameanisochronal Gyr ago), the amplitude of the uncertainty envelope in- metallicity of [M/H] ∼ −1.6 – −1.8, which does not ex- dicatesthatwecannotplacetightconstraintsonthepre- hibit significant variance over the lifetime of Leo T. Un- ciseepochsofstarformation(i.e.,wecannotreliablydis- certainties on the mean metallicity are ∼ 0.3 dex. The tinguish between separate bursts or extended constant meanisochronalmetallicitiesareslightlymoremetalrich starformation). ThesimilarityintheSFHsderivedwith thanthemeanspectroscopicvalueof[Fe/H]∼−2.3±0.1, different models suggests that the primary cause of the with a spread of 0.35 dex (Simon & Geha 2007). A large uncertainties is the small number of truly ancient direct comparison between isochronal and spectroscop- stars in the CMD. On the whole, we find that over the ically derived metallicities is challenging due to issues WFPC2 field of view, the total stellar mass formed in such as RGB star selection effects and the conversion LeoTis1.05+0.27×105M . Thisderivedvalueiscompa- from a canonical metallicity, i.e., [M/H], to [Fe/H] (e.g., −0.23 ⊙ rabletothepresentdaystellarmassestimateof1.2×105 Lianou et al. 2011). Due to these uncertainties, we are M derived by Ryan-Weber et al (2008). only able to state that the isochronal metallicities from ⊙ In the bottom panel of Figure 2, we have plotted the the derived SFHs are coarsely comparable to the spec- 5 troscopically determined values. The SFH of Leo T provides additional insight into its true morphological type. Although Leo T has a similar 6. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS stellaranddarkmattermasstootherrecentlydiscovered faint Local Group dwarf galaxies, its SFH, gas content, We present the lifetime SFH of the Local Group and location bear strong resemblance to nearby dwarf gas-rich, faint dwarf galaxy Leo T based on deep irregular galaxies (e.g., Mateo 1998; Dolphin et al 2005; HST/WFPC2 imaging. The HST imaging covers nearly Tolstoy et al 2009; Weisz et al 2011a,b, see Figure 3;). the entire area defined by the half-light radius, and TheaddedinformationfromtheSFHreinforcesprevious the resulting CMD extends ∼ 2 mag below the ancient suggestionsthat Leo T may be a Phoenix-like transition MSTO.UsingtheMATCHCMDfittingroutine,wemea- dwarf galaxy (e.g., Irwin et al 2007; Ryan-Weber et al sured three SFHs of Leo T using the Padova (solar- 2008), i.e., gas-rich with current SF (e.g., Mateo 1998). scaled) and BaSTI (solar-scaledand α-enhanced) stellar However, extensive discussion of transition dwarfs in evolution models. For all models considered, we found Weisz et al(2011a),suggeststhatgalaxieswiththisdes- virtually identical SFHs, confirming the robustness of ignation are actually dwarf irregular galaxies that are measurement. The SFH of Leo T shows that 50% of eitherinbetweenepisodesofstarformationorinthepro- its total stellar mass was formed prior to z ∼ 1 (7.6 Gyr cessofpermanently losinggasdue to anexternaldistur- ago)andthatthe SFH attimes youngerthanthis epoch bance. Coupling this discussion with its empirical char- isapproximatelyconstant. Thesparsesamplingofyoung acteristicsLeoT appearsto bethe lowestmassdwarfir- starsmakestheshapeoftheSFHwithinthemostrecent regulargalaxyknowntodate. Consequently,thisfinding 1Gyruncertain. TheSFHofLeoTinthepast∼25Myr suggests that the gas-rich dwarf galaxies share common is uncertain due to the lack of luminous MS and BHeB star formation processes across the entire known dwarf stars. Their absence could either be due to a trunca- galaxy mass spectrum (∼105−109 M ). tion in star formation or stochastic sampling effects of ⊙ theIMF,butwecannotdistinguishbetweenthetwosce- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS narios. We also found little evolution in the isochronal DRWwouldliketothankJorgePenarrubiaforinsight- metallicitiesofLeoT,suchthatoverthecoarseofitslife- ful discussions on extremely low mass galaxies. NFM time it is consistent with a constant value of [M/H] ∼ acknowledges funding by Sonderforschungsbereich SFB −1.6. 881 ”The Milky Way System” (subproject A3) of the GermanResearchFoundation(DFG).SupportforKMG is provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF-51273.01 awarded by the Space Telescope Sci- ence Institute. This work is based on observationsmade with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Partial support for this work was provided by NASAthroughgrantsGO-11084andAR-10945fromthe Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. This researchhasmade useofthe NASA/IPACExtragalactic Database (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propul- sion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, un- der contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This research has made extensive use ofNASA’s Astrophysics Data System BibliographicSer- vices. REFERENCES Belokurov,V.,Zucker,D.B.,Evans,N.W.,etal.2007,ApJ,654, 897 Dalcanton,J.J.,Williams,B.F.,Seth, A.C.,etal.2009,ApJS, 183,67 deJong,J.T.A.,Yanny,B.,Rix,H.-W.,Dolphin,A.E.,Martin, N.F.,&Beers,T.C.2010,ApJ,714,663 Figure 3. A comparison between the average cumulative SFH deJong,J.T.A.,Rix,H.-W.,Martin,N.F.,etal.2008,AJ,135, of ∼ 30 nearby dwarf irregulargalaxies (blue dashed line) as pre- 1361 sentedinWeiszetal(2011a)andthatofLeoT(solidpurpleline). deJong,J.T.A.,Harris,J.,Coleman,M.G.,etal.2008, ApJ, Thegreyshadedregionistheuncertaintyinthemeancumulative 680,1112 SFHofthelargerdwarfirregularsample. Atnearlyalltimes,the daSilva,R.L.,Fumagalli,M.,&Krumholz,M.2011, SFH of Leo T is in good agreement with that of a typical dIrr. The apparent discrepancy between the two SFHs from ∼ 8 -12 arXiv:1106.3072 Gyr is largely a visual effect. This interval coincides with large Dekel,A.,&Silk,J.1986, ApJ,303,39 uncertainties onthe ancient SFH of Leo T, and the two solutions Dolphin,A.E.2000,PASP,112,1383 areconsistent within both sets of uncertainties. 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Table 1 Youngest BinTime OldestBinTime AbsoluteSFR CumulativeSFFraction log(t) log(t) (10−6 M⊙ yr−1) (1) (2) (3) (4) PadovaModel 6.60 9.00 5.02+−00..890300 1.00+−00..0000 9.00 9.20 5.87+−34..0955 0.95+−00..0011 9.20 9.40 8.85+−33..1363 0.92+−00..0032 9.40 9.60 4.46+−22..2024 0.84+−00..0055 9.60 9.80 5.39+−12..7243 0.78+−00..0066 9.80 10.00 8.83+−44..9687 0.66+−00..0096 10.00 10.15 9.15+−66..3977 0.36+−00..2230 BaSTISolar-Scaled 7.40 9.00 2.38+−11..9886 1.00+−00..0000 9.00 9.20 12.7+−54..0016 0.98+−00..0023 9.20 9.40 3.07+−22..3374 0.90+−00..0057 9.40 9.60 7.40+−21..3883 0.87+−00..0069 9.60 9.80 3.76+−53..7706 0.75+−00..0191 9.80 10.00 10.1+−23..5066 0.66+−00..1148 10.00 10.15 5.51+−95..2541 0.24+−00..3119 BaSTIα-enhanced 7.45 9.00 2.51+−11..4502 1.00+−00..0000 9.00 9.20 11.2+−44..0007 0.97+−00..0011 9.20 9.40 4.62+−22..3653 0.90+−00..0045 9.40 9.60 6.56+−11..7940 0.85+−00..0055 9.60 9.80 3.09+−63..3059 0.75+−00..0066 9.80 10.00 10.1+−32..1870 0.67+−00..1113 10.00 10.15 5.68+−65..8668 0.25+−00..2274 Note. — Theabsoluteand cumulativeSFHsof LeoTas derivedwith thePadovaandBaSTI stellarevolutionmodels. Columns(1) and (2) indicatetheyoungestandoldestagesoftherespectivetimebins. TheabsoluteSFRincolumn(3)reflectstheSFRoverthedurationofthetimebin. ThecumulativeSFvalueisthefractionoftotalstellarmassformedpriortothetimeindicatedincolumn(1). Thelisteduncertaintiesrepresentthe 16thand84thpercentilesmeasuredfromthesetofMonteCarlorealizations(§4). ByconstructionthecumulativeSFHiszeroatlog(t)=10.15. 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