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The Star Almanac[A5] PDF

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The Star Almanac for Land Surveyors Her Majesty’s Almanac Office NP321 - 2017 electronic edition Aboute-SA Bookmarks PageFinder StarsbyConstellations THE STAR ALMANAC — ELECTRONIC EDITION ABOUT the e-SA 2017 ThiselectroniceditionofTheStarAlmanacforLandSurveyors (e-SA)isthepapereditioninelectronicformwhichis producedbyH.M.NauticalAlmanacOfficepartoftheUKHydrographicOffice. The e-SA is the SA with bookmarks and extra“pages”that provide links that allows easy navigation to all the tables, examplesandsectionsoftheexplanation. Thepagesaremostusefullyviewedasfacingpagessobothleft-handandright-handpagesarevisibleatthesametime. Iftheoption‘Returntothepreviouspageviewed’isreadilyavailable,thenthiswillmakereturningtothepreviouspagee.g.the BookmarkpagesthatlistsallthesectionsandtablesorthePageFinder,whichgiveslinkstoallthetabularmaterial,easy. ThelistofstarsbyconstellationswithBayerletterandstarnumbergiveslinksfornavigatingtothecorrectleft-handpagethat liststherightascensions.Thisstarfinderislistedovertwopages.Therearealsonavigationboxestotheseinitialpagesatthe bottomofeachpage.Pagesmayalsobenavigatedtofromthebookmark-sidebar. H.M.NauticalAlmanacOffice UnitedKingdomHydrographicOffice UNITEDKINGDOM HMNauticalAlmanacOffice—http://astro.ukho.gov.uk (cid:13)c CrownCopyright2016 Thispublicationisprotectedbyinternationalcopyrightlaw.Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispubli- cationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewithoutthepriorwrittenpermission ofUKHydrographicOffice,AdmiraltyWay,Taunton,Somerset,TA12DN,UnitedKingdom. e-SACover Bookmarks PageFinder StarsbyConstellation THE STAR ALMANAC 2017 — BOOKMARKS DESCRIPTIONOFCONTENTS PrefaceandCopyright EphemerisoftheSunandInterpolationTable Introduction PolynomialCoefficientsforRandSun Time&HourAngle GHAAriesR,GHASunE&InterpolationTableforR CriticalTables ConversionofGSTtoUT1 PlanetandEclipseNotes ApparentPlacesofStarsandCircumpolarStars InterpolationTableforStars EXAMPLES PolarisTable Findthetimesofsunrise&sunset StarChartsandIndextoPlacesofStars FindlatitudeusingSun,astarorPolaris RadioTimeSignals GHA&DecofSun: tabular,monthlycoefficients RefractionTables Transittime(UT1)forastar NaturalSecants GHA,RAandDecof2stars ConversiontoDegreesandDays RAandDecofPolaris TableforCircum-MeridianObservations UT1ofuppertransitofacircumpolarstar ConversionofTimetoArc ConversionofGSTtoUT1 IndextoPlacesofStars TABLES&CHARTS R&SUN STARS TabularandCoefficientsPageFinder ApparentPlacesbynumberPageFinder InterpolationTableforR:0h-2h,2h-4h,4h-6h Constellations,Names&DaylightStarsPageFinder InterpolationTablefortheSun Northern&SouthernCircumpolarStars PolarisTable,LST:0h-6h,6h-12h,12h-18h,18h-24h CORRECTION&CONVERSIONTABLES Charts: Northern,Southern Circum-meridianobservationscorrectingfactor EquatorialRA0h-12h,RA12h-24h, Conversiondecimalsofdegreeandofaday InterpolationTableforStars Conversiontimetoarc NaturalSecants Refraction: altitudes0◦-90◦;correctionsfor pressure1080-850&840-610mb&temperature e-SACover Aboute-SA PageFinder StarsbyConstellation THE STAR ALMANAC 2017 — PAGE FINDER JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC R&SunDeclination,E,SD&RiseandSetTimes 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Rise Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Rise PhasesoftheMoon 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 17-31 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC StarNos. Coordinate BrighterandDaylight(d)Stars 1– 50 RA Dec Name Number Name Number Name Number 51–100 RA Dec AchernarαEri 32d CanopusαCar 179d PolluxβGem 216d 101–150 RA Dec AldebaranαTau 116d CapellaαAur 136d ProcyonαCMi 212d 151–200 RA Dec Algol 70 Castor 210 AltairαAql 548d RegulusαLeo 273d 201–250 RA Dec AntaresαSco 441d DenebαCygni 571d RigelβOri 135d 251–300 RA Dec ArcturusαBoo 369d Denebola 316 301–350 RA Dec Dubhe 298 SiriusαCMa 185d 351–400 RA Dec Bellatrix 140 SpicaαVir 353d 401–450 RA Dec BetelgeuseαOri 162d FomalhautαPsA 632d 451–500 RA Dec VegaαLyrae 514d αCrucis 328d Polaris NP 501–550 RA Dec αCentauri 379d PolarisTable 551–600 RA Dec βCentauri 364d σOctantis SP 601–650 RA Dec >650 RA Dec NorthernCircumpolar SouthernCircumpolar e-SACover Aboute-SA Bookmarks StarsbyConstellation THE STAR ALMANAC 2017 — STAR PAGE FINDER (A-G) Andromedae Aurigae Capricorni Cephei Corvi Equulei α 1 β 24 α136 β 166 α2561 β 562 α587 β 592 β 335 γ 324 α 584 γ 45 δ 12 δ165 (cid:15) 127 γ 595 δ 601 γ 647 δ 616 δ 330 (cid:15) 321 ζ 15 ι 646 ζ 128 η 131 ζ 591 θ 581 ζ 610 η 574 CoronaeAust. κ 649 λ 645 θ167 ι 126 ι 588 ψ 573 θ566 ι 628 α 532 Eridani α 32 β 132 µ 19 ν 17 κ172 ν 159 ω 577 κ557 µ 597 Crateris γ 96 δ 84 o 634 υ 30 ν 600 π 669 α 296 γ 308 Carinae (cid:15) 80 η 64  31 Bootis BS NP δ 305 α369 β 392 α 179 β 253 BS653 θ 65 ι 56 α 2AA84pnotldiaies γ(cid:15)ηλ333378677511 δζθµ 333498706044 Iχι(cid:15) 222282522058 aωυθ 222257692581 BBBBSSSS66NN55PP45 αγ(cid:15) 333C232817rucβδis334202 κµoτ511158202113 λνττ36 1168317938 α 386 β 683 ρ376 l 267 u 295 BS668 Cygni υ2 117 υ4 109 γ 443 δ1682 BS 243 α 571 β 542 φ 48 χ 40 η 679 R 681 BS 279 Ceti γ 563 δ 544  73 112 Cαam12e4lopβard12a9lis BS 286 α 66 β 14 (cid:15) 575 ζ 582 119 Aquarii BS 78 BS 287 γ 57 δ 54 η 552 ι 541 BS 74 α 604 β 593 BS656 BS 299 ζ 35 η 23 κ 536 ν 579 BS 93 γ 613 δ 631 θ 25 ι 5 ξ 580 o1560 (cid:15) 576 ζ 614 BS657 Cassiopeiae µ 60 ξ2 53 π2602 ρ 594 η 619 θ 611 BS658 α 13 β 2 o 50 π 59 σ 585 τ 583 Fornacis ι 605 λ 630 BS661 γ 18 δ 26 τ 34 υ 42 υ 586 559 α 72 τ 627 φ 639 BS662 (cid:15) 37 ζ 11 565 Chamaeleontis 637 642 η 16 κ 10 α673 β 325 Delphini α 5A4q8uilβae551 αδ2243C47ancβιri222349 64541 652 γ(cid:15) 627869 δζ2667754 α(cid:15) 557607 β 569 αγG21e18m01inoβδru22m1064 γ 545 δ 540 Centauri θ227 κ 677 Doradus (cid:15) 183 ζ 194 α 379 β 364 α 115 β 146 (cid:15) 526 ζ 529 CanisMajoris Circini η 171 θ 189 η 549 θ 558 α185 β 177 γ 337 δ 320 α382 β 397 γ 108 ι 206 κ 215 λ 530 γ 195 δ 196 (cid:15) 356 ζ 362 Columbae Draconis λ 202 µ 176 (cid:15) 191 ζ 174 η 378 θ 367 α152 β 160 α 365 β 478 ν 180 ξ 184 Arae η205 θ 190 ι 351 κ 391 γ 164 δ 175 γ 494 δ 534 ρ 208 υ 211 α 479 β 470 κ187 o2193 λ 311 µ 360 (cid:15) 143 η 168 (cid:15) 547 ζ 463  169 γ 471 δ 475 σ192 ω 200 ν 359 ξ2347 η 440 θ 429 (cid:15)1 461 ζ 460 π 307 σ 329 ComaeBer. ι 405 κ 333 η 452 θ 499 CanisMinoris ψ 373 d 354 β349 λ 309 ξ 492 Gruis α212 β 207 v 372  357 CoronaeBor. χ 508 665 α 607 β 622 Arietis BS 315 α410 β 406 666 667 γ 603 δ1615 α 46 β 39 CanumVenat. BS 341 γ 415 (cid:15) 425 BS 659 (cid:15) 626 ζ 633  61 α344 β 334 BS 384 θ407 BS 660 ι 638 e-SACover Aboute-SA Bookmarks PageFinder Continued... THE STAR ALMANAC 2017—STAR PAGE FINDER (H-Z) Herculis Leporis Octantis Persei Pyxidis Tauri UrsaeMinoris α 466 β 442 α 145 β 142 α 684 β 624 α 75 β 70 α 236 γ 241 α 116 β 141 α NP β 389 γ 439 δ 467 γ 154 δ 161 δ 680 (cid:15) 685 γ 68 δ 83 γ 110 δ 111 γ 402 δ NP Reticuli (cid:15) 462 ζ 449 (cid:15) 130 ζ 155 ζ SP θ 670 (cid:15) 95 ζ 94 α 106 β 88 (cid:15) 113 ζ 150 (cid:15) 453 ζ 417 η 450 θ 493 Leporis ι SP ν 596 η 62 θ 58 δ 98 η 90 θ2114 η 664  663 ι 484 λ 477 σ SP τ SP ι 71 λ 101 λ 99 µ 107  375 η 163 λ 138 µ 488 ξ 495 χ SP µ 104 ν 87 Sagittae ν 100 ξ 77 µ 134 o 501 π 468 ξ 97 o 85 β 543 γ 553 o 76 τ 120 σ 446 τ 437 Librae Ophiuchi ρ 69 τ 63 δ 546  79  82 φ 432 510 α2388 β 398 γα 449801 δβ 443863 φ 33 102 Sagittarii  86  92 Velorum 517 519 γ 411 σ 393 (cid:15) 435 ζ 448 α 539 β1538 γ2 223 δ 238 τ 414 υ 413 Horologii η 464 θ 469 Phoenicis γ 498 δ 505 Telescopii κ 258 λ 251 α 105 Lupi ι 458 κ 459 α 9 β 22 (cid:15) 509 ζ 527 α 511 µ 292 o 234 α 381 β 390 λ 444 ν 496 γ 27 δ 29 η 503 θ1555 φ 271 ψ261 Hydrae γ 408 δ 400 σ 473 472 (cid:15) 3 κ 8 ι 550 λ 512 N 262 α 259 γ 350 (cid:15) 403 ζ 395 474 497 ψ 38 µ 502 ξ2524 Trianguli BS 233 δ 232 (cid:15) 240 η 427 θ 431 500 o 528 π 533 α 36 β 47 BS 235 ζ 242 θ 254 κ1394 φ1401 ρ 537 σ 522 γ 49 BS 247 ι 264 λ 274 χ 421 Orionis Pictoris τ 531 φ 516 BS 250 µ 283 ν 293 α 162 β 135 α 86 β 57 BS 276 ξ 310 π 366 Lyncis γ 140 δ 144 γ 58 Scorpii Triang. Aust. BS 229 α 257  173 (cid:15) 149 ζ1153 α 441 β 430 α 451 β 423 BS 290 226 256 η 139 ι 148 δ 428 (cid:15) 454 γ 399 δ 434 αγ 49H11ydβδri 517 BSLyrae246 νκ 117506 πλ3112472 α(cid:15)P66is32c20isAβιu65s19t.79 θζ2445872 ηι1 446859 (cid:15) 412 (cid:15) 55 ν 671 α 514 β 520 π4123 π5125 κµ1448555 λµ2445860 Tucanae α V3i5r3ginβis317 γ 525 θ 535 σ 151 τ 137 α 612 γ 641 Indi Piscium π 426 σ 438 γ 338 δ 343 α 568 β 578 κ 504 R 523 Pavonis α 43 γ 640 τ 447 υ 476 ζ 6 (cid:15) 346 ζ 355 Mensae α 564 β 572 (cid:15) 21 η 28 G 491 N 445 η 326 θ 348 Lacertae α 672 γ 590 δ 556 θ 643 ι 648 ι 370 κ 368 α 6L18eonis αMo21n3oceδro1ti9s8 η(cid:15) 458574 λζ 552115 ω650 αSc2u0lptβori6s44 αγUrs23a91e88Mβδajo23r92is73 µo 338139 ντ 331633 αγ1 228703 βδ 331061 (cid:15) 178 ξ 507 Puppis α 51S3cuβti 518 (cid:15) 342 ζ 352 387 Pegasi ζ 221 ν 182 η 358 θ 263 (cid:15) 266 ζ 277 Muscae α 636 β 635 ξ 218 π 201 Serpentis ι 245 κ 248 η 272 θ 302 α 336 β 339 γ 4 (cid:15) 598 ρ 222 σ 209 α 416 β 418 λ 278 µ 281 µ 270 o 265 γ 332 δ 345 ρ 288 σ 306 ι1 678 λ 312 ζ 621 η 623 τ 188 I 199 γ 424 δ 409 ν 304 ξ 303 Volantis θ 609 ι 606 c 217 (cid:15) 422 η 506 o 231 υ 269 α 249 β 230 LeonisMin. Normae λ 625 µ 629 BS 219 κ 419 µ 420 χ 314 ψ 300 γ2 197 δ 203 β 285  294 γ2 436 π 608  589 BS 225 ξ 483 260 ζ 214 e-SACover Aboute-SA Bookmarks PageFinder StarsbyConstellation CalculatedbyHMNAOandTypesetusingTEX The STAR Almanac for land surveyors FOR THE YEAR 2017 Preparedby HM Nautical Almanac Office UNITED KINGDOM HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (cid:13)c BritishCrownCopyright This publication is protected by international copyright law. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinare- trievalsystemortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,elec- tronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewith- outthepriorwrittenpermissionoftheUKHydrographicOffice, AdmiraltyWay,Taunton,TA12DN,UnitedKingdom. ISSN− ISBN--- CONTENTS Pages Preface ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii Planetnotes,Eclipses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  EphemerisoftheSun(R,Dec,E),sunrise,sunset,Moon’sphases ... ... ... ... – ApparentPlacesofstars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – ApparentPlacesofsupplementarystars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – ApparentPlacesofcircumpolarstars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – PolarisTable ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – RadioTimeSignals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – RefractionTables ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – AuxiliaryTables Naturalsecants ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  Conversionofminutes,secondstodecimalsofadegree ... ... ... ... ...  Conversionofhours,minutes,secondstodecimalsofaday ... ... ... ... ...  Tableforcircum-meridianobservations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  Conversionoftimetoarc ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  InterpolationTableforR,mutualconversionofintervalsofsolar andsiderealtime ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – InterpolationTablesforSunandstars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  PolynomialcoefficientsforRandSun ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – Starcharts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – Indexofstarnamesandnumbers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – GREEKALPHABET α alpha (cid:15) epsilon ι iota ν nu ρ rho φ phi β beta ζ zeta κ kappa ξ xi σ sigma χ chi γ gamma η eta λ lambda o omicron τ tau ψ psi δ delta θ theta µ mu π pi υ upsilon ω omega

produced by H.M.Nautical Almanac Office part of the UK Hydrographic Office. The e-SA . THE STAR ALMANAC 2017 — STAR PAGE FINDER (A-G).
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