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The Standard of "Civilization" in International Society PDF

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The Stoafn' dCaiirvzdia ltion' inI nternSaotciyio ental TheS tandaorfd' Civiliza,t ion' inI nternatiSooncaile ty GerrWi.t G ong CLARENDOPNRE SSO XFODR · 1948 OxfrodU niverPsrietsWysa ,l tSotnr eOextf,o OrXd2 6 DP LondonGl asgow YoNreTkwo ronto DelhBio mbayC alcutMtaad rasK aarchi KualLau mpuSri ngoarpHeo nKgo ngT okyo NaibrioD aresS alaCaamep T own MelbouArnuec kland anadss oceiadct opmaniiens BeiruBte rllibna dMaenx iCcioty N iocsia Oxfoirsad t ramdaer okf O xofrUdn iverPsrietys s Pulbiesdhi nt hUen itSetda tes byO xfrodU niverPsrietsNyse ,wY ork © GerritW. G on1g98 4 Alrilg htrse servNeod.p arotft hpis ubliicoamnta y rbpeer oduced. storiendr ea trievalo srty rsamtnitestme,id, na nfyo romr b ya nym eans, electrmoencihcca,an plih, otpoyicnogr,e crdoinogro, ht erwisew,ih tout thperi opre rmissioofOn x frodU niverPsrietsys This booki ss �lsdub jtet cot hceon dititohnai tst hanllo, tb yw ay oft raodreo hterwisbeel, e tn,r e-shoilrd;oe udot r o hterwciiscreu lated witohutt hpeu bilsheprri'soc rons enitna nfyo romf b indoinrcg ov er othtehra tnh aitnw hicihtis p ublisahnedwdi tohuats imicloanirdt ion inclutdhiiscn ogn idtiboeni inmgp osetdh seou nb seqpuuerncth aser BritLiisbhr Caaryt alnoggi unPi ublicDaattiao n GongG, erriW.t Thes tandoaf•r cdi vtiiliozinani" n ternational society 1.C ivizialtion I.T itle 909 CB69 ISB0N- 19-821948-2 LibraoryfC ongreCsasto agliinngP ublicDaattiao n GongG,e rrWi.t Thes tandoaf"r cdi zvaitliiionin n"t ernational society. Biblipohgr:ypa . Includes index. 1.I nternarteiloantailo2 .nI sn.t ernatliaown.a l 3.E urpoe-Civzialti-:-i-o1n9htc entury4..C iviliza- tioMno,d ern-19htc enturyI..T i tle. ]X1733.G169864 32'7.90034 83-71248 ISB0N -198-214982- Set HbopyeS ervicAebisn,dg on anpdr initne dG rBeriatta in at Utnhiev erPsrietsOyxsf ,ro d. For( and Sw.iLGt.. h ) Foreword Thei nternsacotitieywo hnialgc rhe uwpi nE uroanpdet d oay exetndosv etreh whole wwaoserl xdp lilciiimtteulndyt il quirtceene tltyos taotfae p sar ticuclulatrou rcr ilevi iizoant. Ini tfso rmaptreiidvo ein t hsei exntteahn dsv eenetneth ceunirteasis,et m ergferdot mhd ee coafLy a tCihnir stoemn,d internastcoiioenwtaayls r egaradsec dmo prisoinnlgy Chrisrtuilaenrp se poealsnT.dh ewreer, ie itts ur et,h inkers sucash V itoarnidGa r otwihour se cnoiegzda u niveorrs al all-incscloiutesyoi fvi en deenpdepnolti tcimocmauln iiets, ofw hiCchhr isitnitaenrn astoiicoentwalya s o nlpyra tb,u t sucahs coiteyw amsa intlhoyer etoirnc otail olna,an tdh e onlaytc alu internsacotiieoitnnwya h li cChh rissatttieans werien vowlavtseh dwa hti tchhef yom readm ontgh eemlssv.e Int heei ghtaenednn itnhee nttechet nuerisa,sr eligious infleuncoenis n ternpaoltiiictgosan vael tposlc eaucloean r,e s thbele eift hiantt ernastoiiceowtnayads li stinCchitrsitvieanl y wenittn od encelb,iu wta rse plbayct ehbdele itehfia wtta s as ocyi cenotfnietdo s taotfEe usr eoapcnu ltourcr iev iliza­ ti,oi nnclundoiotnn glt yho er igmienmarblsoe fw haBtu rke call'etddh piel otmirace publEiucre o'bpou fat sl oE ureos'p offosohtisnn ortahn ds uothA meircaa,st hebyce ame politiicnadlleeynp deInntt .h ceo urosfte h neni etehe nt cnetu,ra yst hEe uropiemanap cutp oAns iaan dA frica gathde irnfe ocr,ea ndt hlea twteerrbe ru oghtw ithtihne cmopasosft heex npdianEgu ronp-ecareden itnternational systEeumor,p esant ahtaetdso d eftihnceeo intdiuonndse r whitchhew yo uolrdw ounlodat d mniotn -oEpuerpanol iictal communittoim eesme brsohfti hpi en ternsaoitcieytot hnealy fomreda montgeh meslsvT.eh uasrs oet hied tehaia ntd epen­ denptoi lticcoamlum nitwiheisac shp itrome edm ebrsohfi p internsacotiiyeho tantdaom l e east t anodfa' rcdia vtoiinl'i.z Toda,yt hciosn cheapastb andma eI.tw a,sa ftaelprlar t, oft ehr atiownhailctehhE eu orpne sataptreiosdv ewdh,e n thewye raett ehh eigohftt h epiowre arn adu otirhtfyo,r viiFio rweor d denyeiqnugra ilg thot se p tolhitciocmalum niietosfA sia, AfriancdaO ,ce anwihao,s fea tet hiant w aeser iat thoe r bceomceo loonfit ehEseu reonap impeproiewarlos rt ob e asnseiadgs ubordoirsn eactocenl daf sosro mfi ndepnecned.e The iodfae sat andoaf'r cdi avtii'ldo ienznfeidb yE uro­ . peanisnr, e iloatntow hiscuhc anhc iecnutl taustr heosos fe ChniaE,g ytp,o rP resiwae rteo mbeaes udr aendf ound wantiwnagsd, e epilnys ulttori enpgr etsievoneftsn a on­ Euorpne cailviaiitzonastt eht miea,n sdr tikuests do aays arroagnanpdtr emsptuouuTsh.pe r ivillealeg sgteadwt huisc h Eureoapns tatcleasei dfm otrh eslmveesa,sf oerx maple throtuhgsehsy tetmh aetx etmepcdi tiozfeE nusr opean conutrfireoslm o lcc auortasn dc noefrruepdo tnh em the rigohft' erxatterrjiuitrsodiircoitanil'n cecruotnaitierns , intveiadbu seansd l eudn dersttaonc daambplayfi ogirnt ss aboliiotnTh.e s tandoaf'r cdi avitiollnia'zdi odw bny E uro­ paenisn t ehl atnneie tehe annted artlweyn ttihce neturies nowa ppetaoru ssa .sp rata npdr aceolfa nu nujssty stem ofd ominatieoxnp laoniadtg aatiwinhosinttc hhpe e poles ofA siaA farnhidac vare i ghrtelveyod l.t The truitshp, re hpasm,or ec omp.lT ehxeb asiidce a behintdhr eqe uiretmheganottrnv meenatssp itromi emnbge r­ shiopfi nternsacotiieostnhyalo ublead b lteom eestt an­ darodfps re form(asani cnpe r otioeoncfb t sairci gohftt hse ir cietnisszt,a ndoafhr ondesysa tnedf ficiinae dnmciyn istration, cpacaittoya dhetrore lu eosfi nternlaatanwid ot noea nlt er intdoi plormealtnaistcan,i d oa voidoanfc es lavohetrre y and oidoupsr aecsts)ii cmitlota ohrs weh icEhu reoanps attes expecotfee adco hht erre sntoeutdp oind eoafss u perior rigbhutto na neefdo rre ciiptriyon dc ealibntegwse en Euronp aenadn ·Eounor-peanp owe,rw shicthh lea titne r mancya sweesre ei tnhoeatrb loern owti lltiomn ege Itn. thOet tomEanm priei,nC hiannaJd pa na,f oerx maplet,h e Euronpsee nacounptoweerriesndw hoster adiutndieorn­al standing of idnitpelrnonaamtlai-ctolyha iewad netdah at relatsiw ointsohhu itprssic doeubled sbeuadp ornce irpcoal intearnedns otit onesfe qurailg ht nfoo aupc.nleI dn t he prlei-tearnaidtn se o me scatatlseeepssols i tsiocicaelto ife s blaAcfkr icacn ot(rbwayis ttth h sepo hiisctad Itselaomri c Ilsameicdki inzgdotmehsya ·sl om eti nt hacto ntiannedn t, witthh Meu slimH ianndpduol itoifes usot hA sitah)e ForewoIXr d Euronp esatsa etnecounptoweerrewsdi twhh icrhe lation­ s]lisp oft hkei ntdh ehya dw itohn ean ohtewre rneo t remoetlpyos si.b le Thea rorganocfme a nEyu reoanpsi,ne quactiivnigl ization wittheh p articciuvlilairzo afEt uireoon,wp ans ol etshsan thaotft ehC hnie,sn eorw atsh bee loifeE fu reonapst hat therierl iwgaitsoh noe n ter ufea iatnhy letshsoa tftt hhea n Muslpioemp lweist whho mt hecya mien tcoo ntTahcet . standoarfd' ciavitio'lno inzw hicthh Eeu reonapsi snisted diiddn eelde atdou jnusttr eatbmuettnh tde,e anmd of AsiaanndA f ripceaponl ese qfuoarol ifrt iyg ihnti sn ter­ nationwala osln atewh tahtle a tdtiedr p nuoftto r wuanrtdi l thehya fdi rasbstob reidd eoafts h eeuq alr igohfst ts attoe s sover,eo ifpg enpotlyteossl eft-edreamitionannd,o fp ersons ofd ifferraectneoti ndivrighidtuswal,h icbhfe orteh eir cnotawcitt Ehu reop plyaeldi totrnl oep aritnt heeixr­ preinece. Thdei pspareaanicnteeh p renstce entouftre hyd istinction btewefeunal nlpd a rmtieamelbr sohfii npt ernsaotciioentaly , i.oef.t e hd itsicntiboent wteohesnse at etsw hihcahad n d tohsweh ichha dn ot tmhesett andoaf'r cdi avtii'lo,in z wais ndeienpd a rtthr ese uolftas uccuelrs esvtfoo flA sian andA fripceanpo leasg aiEnusrto pdeomani nnaceB.u tit alsroe flecact oendt ipnruoicnweghs istc ehen ddt ol eatdo greahtoemreo ngeoiftpy ol itcimocmalu niieTtsh.fe a tchta t int ehc uoreso ft he itwehce tnenttu,ra yneds piealcliynt he twWoo lrdW ars,t hEeu roppeoeanwr fsaie lds oc onspilcyu ous too bservteeh s tandtaehrypd rslo iacmefdot rh esmesla vned ohtresi nt ehn nieetnetche unrtyd oenso t mtehanat th e satndardtseh mesvlewse rwer onogrt, h atto dwaeyh avneo neeodft e hm. DrG ogn hwarist taep nne ertatsiutndyg otefhs ies sues. Hee xpltoehrm eesa noifntg h ceno cpeto ft ehs tanodfar d 'ciavitiolnai'nz dt hhei osrtoy fi tesm erege.In ndc ealing witihtp sl aicnie n ternaltaihwoe tn raalbc oehtsi trssi eb,y the dfierdcseato ft hcinest u,rt yo stathteuo sfa ne xplicit legpalr ipnlcaein,ad sl oi tssus beuqendte meiH.se p orvides usw itcha ssetd uisoe fC hiJnpaaan, ,a nSdi awmh iecnha ble ust os ee deitnta ehilm eaninogf t hper incfirpotlmhe e presepcitvbeosht o ft hEeu reoanpa nodf t hneo n-rEoeupan pepoliensvv oeld. x Foredw or Hisst duyc opmlemtestn hpei orniewneogr iknt his off ield thlea Ptreeo sfsCo.Hr .Al exnadrozww,ih cialsleoc hallenging somoefh icsno culisnosD.rG onigas b tleo oesxteph seh rot­ coimngosft hEeu reonap assumpotfyi seotnesyr·,wd haile aslom aintaianc ircnialgta t itittuwodared ass sumpotfi oanns oppiotkseni dn,ol efsosu nudpoendj gnoarnanpdcr jeeu dice, whiacrhce o mmopnlatcdoea yH.ei sasl oa btleoe xplionr e, ana rreisntwga ,yt hree latiboewntesehtnih pse t andoafr d 'ciavitiolnii'nzt hoel ,.dE uorpne-adomiinnatteerdn ational ordearnw,dh aotn mei gchattl hle stamnoddaerrndi ty ol whiicnht hnee wg,ol balo rdetro adoy,hf a rse pcleiadtH .i s boko,w hi(cihan w ayt hiaastl lr at)roc eomo bnies saei rous commitmetnoht i sitcoarrle srecwhai tehn quiinrtyto h e probloeftm ehsc ontoermapwroylr dp,l aalcles ustde ntosf internraetliaoitnnhial io dsne s.b t HeldeByu ll BalCliololl,eO gxeofrd

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