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The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud Vol. V (1900-1901), The interpretation of dreams (second part) and on dreams. PDF

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Preview The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud Vol. V (1900-1901), The interpretation of dreams (second part) and on dreams.

THE STANDARD EDITION OF THE CO MPLETE PSYCHO LOGICAL WORK S OF SIGMUND FREUD Transflraottmeh Gdee rmuanndt ehrGe e neErdailt oojr ship JAM ES STRACHEY InC ollabwoirtaht ion ANN A FREUD Assisbyt ed ALIX STRACHEY and ALAN TYSON VOLUME V (1900)- 1901 TheI nterpretoaftD iroena ms (SECONPDA RT) and On Dreams LONDON T H E HO GA RT H PRE SS AND THE INSTITUTEO F PSYCHO-ANALYSIS PUBLISHED BY THE HOGARTH PRE SS LIMITED ' ' THE INTERPRETATION OF DREA MS IS INCLUDED BY ARR ANGEME NT WITH GEORGE AL LEN AND UNWIN LTD. LONDON * CLARKE , IRWI N AND CO. LTD. TO RONTO ThEidsi fitriPusobtnl iisn1h 9e5d3 RepriTiUwdi Ctohrre ctions 1958 ISBN0 701200677 Allr ighrtess ervNeod .p arotf t hipsu blica­ tiomna yb er eproducsetdo,r eidna retrieval systeomr, t ransmititnea dn,y f ormo,r b y any meanse,l ectromneicch,a nicpahlo,t o­ copyinrge,c ordoirno gt herwiwsiet,h outth e priopre rmissoifoT nh eH ogartPhr essL td. TRANSLAT ION AND EDITORIAL MATTER © THE INSTITUTE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS AND ANGELA RICHARDS 1953 PRINTED AND BOUND IN GREAT BRITAIN BY BUTLER AND TANNER LTD, FROME CONTENTS VOLUME FIVE THE INTERPRETATIOOFN D REAMS (1900) Chapter Page VI THE DREAM-WORK (continued) (D) 339 ConsideratoifRo enpsr esentability (E) Representabtyi Soynm bolisn D reams-Some 350 FurthTeyrp icDarle ams (F)S omeE xamples-CalculaantdiS opnese chiens 405 Dreams 426 (0)A bsurDdr eams-nItellecAtcutailv iintD yr eams (HA)ff ectisnD reams %0 (I) 488 SecondaRreyv ision VII THEP SYCHOLOGY OF THE DR EAM- 509 PROCESSES ( ) 512 ATheF orgettoifnD gr eams ) 533 (BRegression (c) 550 Wish-uFlfilmen. (D) ArousbaylD reamsT-heF unctioofnD reams- 573 ADlciety-Dreams (E) TheP rimarya ndS econdaPrryo cess-sReepres- 588 sion (p) 610 TheU nconsciaonudsC onsciousness-Reality 623 A P PEN D XI A AP remonitDorreya mF ulfilled A PP EN D XI B List ofW ritingbsy Freudd ealing 626 predominaonrtl layr gewliyt Dhr eams v vi CONTENTS ON DREAMS (1901) 631 EDITOR'NSO TE page ON DREAMS 633 (A) 687 BIBILOGRAPHY LisotfW orks Quaontde d AuthIonrd ex 708 (BL)i sotf W orkosn D reams 1900 Publibsehfeodr e 714 ADDITIONALN OTES (A) 715 INDEX OF DREAMS FreuOdw'nsD reams 717 (BO)t her People's Dreams GENERAL INDEX 723 CHAPTER VI (continued) (D) CONSIDERATIOOFN RSE PRESENTABILITY WE haveb eeno ccupiseodf awri tih nvestigtahtemi enagn sb y whichd reamsr epresetnhter elatiboentsw eetnh ed ream­ thoughItnst .h ec oursoeft hiisn vestigahtoiwoenv,ew re,h ave moret hano ncet oucheudp ont hef urthteorp iocft heg eneral naturoeft hem odificatwihoincsht hem aterioaftl h ed ream­ thoughutnsd ergofeostr h ep urpoosfet hef ormatoifoa n d ream. We havel eartnhta t tmhaatte risatlr,i ppteoad l argeex teonft itrse latiiosns su,b mittteoad p roceosfsc ompresswihoinl,ae t thes amet imed isplacemoefni tnst ensbiettyw eeint esl ements necessarbirliyn g abao upts ychictarla nsvaluaotfi tohne materiTahle.d isplacemweenh tasv eh itherto considered turned outt oc onsiisntt her eplacoifns go meo nep articuildaerba y anothienrs omew ay cloassesloyc iawtietdhi ta,n dt heyw ere usedt of acilictoantdee nsatiinos nof ara s,by themiera ns, insteoaftd weol emenat ssi,n gcloem mone lemeinntt ermediate betweetnh emf ounidt wsa yi nttoh ed reamW.e haven oty et referrteoad n yo thesro rotf d isplacemAennatl.y ssehso wu s, howevetrh,a atn othseorr etx isatnsd t haitt r eveailtss eilnaf changient hev erebxaplr eofst sheti hoonu ghctosn cernIendb .o th casetsh eriesa displacemaelnotn gc haa ionf a ssociatbiuotn s; a proceosfss u cah kindc ano ccuirn v a�iopussy chiscpahle res, andt heo utcomoeft hed isplacemmeanyti no nec asbee t hat onee lemenist r eplacbeyd a nothewrh,i lteh eo utcomien anothecra smea y bet haat singellee menhta si tvs erfboarlm replacbeyda nother. Thiss econsdp ecioefds i splacemwehnitco hc curisnd ream­ formatiiosnn o to nlyo fg reatth eoretiinctaelr beustti sa lso speciawlellycl a lculattoee xdp latihnea ppearanocffe a ntastic absurdiintwy h ichd reamasr ed isguisTehded. i recttiaokne n byt hed isplacemuesnuta lrleys ulitnas c olouralnedsa sb stract expressiihto hned ream-thobuegihnteg x changfeodar p ictorial andc oncreotneeT .h ea dvantaagned,a ccordintghlepy u rpose, ofs ucha changjeu mpst ot hee yesA. t hintgh aits p ictoriisa,l 339 340 VI.T HE DREAM-WORK fromt hep oinotfv ieowf a dreama, t hintgh aitsc apaofb bleei ng represietc natnb eed i:n troduciendt oa situatiino wnh ich abstraecxtp ressoiffoenrts h es amek indo fd ifficulttiore esp re­ sentatiinod nr eamass a politilceaald ianrgt iicnlae n ewspaper woulod ffert oa ni llustrBauttno ort.o nlrye presentabbuitl ity, thei ntereosfct osn densaatnidot nh ec ensorsahswi epl lc,a nb e theg ainefrrso mt hiesx changAe d.r eam-thouigsuh ntu sabsloe longa si ti se xpressienad n a bstrafcotr mb;u tw heno ncei t has beterna nsforimnetdpo i ctorliaanlg uagceo,n traasntds ideQtificaotfit ohneks i ndw hicthh ed ream-worrekq uiraensd, whichi tc reatiefts h eayr en ota lreapdrye sencta,nb ee stab­ lishmeodr ee asitlhya nb efobreet weetnh en ewf ormo fe xpres­ sioann dt her emaindoefrt hem ateriuanld erlytihnedg r eam. Thisi ss ob ecausiene verlya nguacgoen cretteer msi,nc on­ sequenocfet heh istoorfyt heidre velopmeanrte,r icheirn associattihoacnnos n ceptounaelsW .e mays uppotshea at g ood parotf t hei ntermedwioartked one durtihnefg o rmatioofan dreamw,h icshe ektsor educteh ed isperdsreeda m-thoutgoh ts them osts uccianncdtu nifieedx presspioosns ibplreo,c eeadlso ng thel inoef fi ndinagp proprivaetreb atlr ansformaftoirto hnes individtuhaolu ghAntys.o net houghwth,o sfeo rmo fe xpression may happetno b efi xedf oro therre asonwsi,lo lp eraitnea determinaanndts electmiavnen ero n thep ossibfloer mosf expressailolno ttteotd h eo thetrh oughtasn,di tm ay dos o, perhapfsr,o mt hev ersyt art-iasts h ec asien w ritian pgo em. Ifa poemi st ob e writtiennr hymest,h es econldi noef a couplieslt i mitbeydt woc onditiiotnm su:s te xpreasnsa ppro­ priamteea ninagn,d t hee xpressoifto hna mte aninmgu str hyme witthh efi rslti nNeo. d oubtth eb espto emw ilble o nei nw hich we faitlon otitchee i ntentoifofi nn dinag r hymea,n di nw hich thet wot houghhtsa veb,y m utuailn fluencceh,o sefnr omt he verys tarat v erbaelx presswihoinc hw ilall loaw rhymet o emergwei th only ssulbisgehqtua ednjtu stment. Ina fewi nstancaes c hangoef e xpressoifthiso n kinda ssists dream-condensaetvieonmn o red irectblyyfi ,n dinag f ormo f wordwsh icohw intgo i tasm biguiitsay b lteo g iveex presstioo n moret han oonfet hed ream-thougIhntt hs.i s wtahyew hole domaionf v erbawli ti sp uta tt hed isposoaftl h ed ream-work. Theries n on eedt ob ea stonisahtet dh ep arptl ayebdy w ords ind ream-formaWtoirodns.s, i ncteh eayr et hen odaplo inotfs numerouisd eamsa,y b er egardaesdp redestitnoae mdb iguity; D. CONSIDERATIONSO F REPRESENTABILITY 341 andt hen euros(ees. ign.f ramionbgs essiaonndps h obi,an so) lestsh andr eammsa,k eu nashamuesde o ft hea dvantatgheuss offerebdy w ordfso pru rposeosfc ondensaatnidod ni sguiIste .1 is eastyo s howt hadtr eam-disttoorotp iroonfif trso md isplace­ mento fe xpressIifoo nn.ea mbiguowuosr di su sedi nsteoafd twou nambiguoounse st her esuilstm isleadianngd;i fo ur everydsaoyb,e mre thoodf e xpressiisro enp lacbeyda pictorial oneo,u ru nderstanidsbi rnogu gthota halpt,a rticulsairnlcye a dreanme vetre lulssw hethietres l emenatrset ob ei nterpreted literoarli lnay figuratsievnes oerw hethtehre ayr et ob ec on­ nectewdi tht hem aterioaflt hed ream-thoudgihrtesc otrl y throutghhe i ntermedoifas ormye interppohlraatseedo lIong y.2 interpreatniydn rge am-eleimtei nsit ng enerdaolu btful (aw)h etheirtis tob et akeinn a positoirvn ee gatisveen se (aasn a ntithreetliact ,i on) (bw)h etheirti st ob ei nterprheitsetdo ri(caasal lrye col­ lecotni,) (c)w hetheirti st ob ei nterprseytmebdo licoarl ly, (dw)h etheirti sn terpretiastt oid oenp enodn itwso rding. Yet,i ns pitoefa llt hiasm biguiittyi ,sf aitro s ayt hatth e productiooftn hsed ream-wowrhki,c hi,tm ustb er emembered, aren omta dwei tthhi en teofn bteiiounnng d erpsrteoseonndotg , r eater difficulttiote hse itrr anslatthoardnso t hea nciehnite roglyphic scritpotst hosweh os eetko r eatdh em. I havea lreagdiyv esne vereaxla mploefsr epresentiant ions dreamwsh icahr eo nlhye ltdo gethbeytr h ea mbiguiotfty h eir wordin(gF.o irn stan'cShee,o penehde rm outphr operilnty h'e dreaomf lrmai'nsj ect[ipo1on1 1a]n d' Ic oulndo tg oa ftaelrl ' int hed reawmh icIhl asqtu ote[dp 3o3 6f .]I.� )i lnlo wr ecoar d dreami nw hicah c onsiderpaabrlwtea sp layebdyt het urning ofa bstratchto ughitn tpoi cturTehse. d istincbteitowne en dream-interproeftt haitksii onnad n di nterpretbaytm ieoann s ofs ymbolicsamns tibleld rawnq uitseh arplIynt. h ec asoef symboldirce am-interprtehteka etyit ootn h es ymbolizaitsi on 1 [Footanodted1 e9d0 9S:ee]m y volumoen j okes( 190[5escp)e cially thel atpearr otfC haptVeIr] a ndt heu seo f' verbbarli dgiesn't hes olu­ tioonfn eurostyimcp toms[.S eee,. gt.h,es ynthesoifDs o rafi'rss dtr eam att hee ndo fS ectiIoIon f F reud1,9 0(5weh erteh et er'ms witch-words' isa lsuos eda)n,d t hseo lutiooftn h e' RaMta n'sr'a t-obsesisnSi eocnti on I(Go)f F reu,d1 909d.] I [The remaionfthisd epra ragrawpash a ddeasd af ootniont1 e9 09 and inicnlth uetd exetid n 1 914.] 342 VI.T HE DREAM-WORK arbitracrhiolsyeb ny thei nterprewtheerr;e aisno urc aseosf verbadli sgutihseek eyasr eg eneraklnloyw na ndl aiddo wnb y firmleys tablilsihnegdu iusstaigceI .fo neh ast her ight aitd ea one'dsi sposaattl h er ighmto mento,n ec ans olvder eams of thiksi ndw holloyr i np aretv eni ndependeonfti lnyf ormation fromt hed reamer. A ladoyf m y acquaintahnacdte h ef ollowdirnega mS:h wea s att hOep eAr aW.a gnoeprew raabs e ipnegrf oramnehdda ,ld a sttieldl aq uarttoeei rgi hntt hm eo rniTnhge.wr eert ea bsleoetusi t nt hset alls, atw hipceho wpelreeea tainnddgr inHkeicnrog u.sw ihnhoa, jd u sgtot bafcrko hmih so neymwoaossni ,t attoi nnofeg t hfea bwliethshi y so ung wifea,n adn a ristwoascsir tabttei sntighd eeHm e.cr o uswiifnes',ois t appeared, hhiabmda cwbkir thoheuf rgr hottmh heo neymoon, quite opejnulysa,ts o nmei ght bbarcaikh n agIt n.t hmei ddofl tehs et alls thewraeash igtho wwehri,hc ahad p laifoonrt moof p i stu rrobuyn ded ani rorna ilHiingguh.p a tt hteo wpa st hceo nduwchtoho artd,h e featofu HraensRs i chHteek re.pr tun nrionugtn hdre a ilainnwdga ,s perspirinagn fdvr iootmlh eapntot slyihjte iw oansc ondutchtei ng orchewshtiwrcaahgs, r ouapbeodtu htbe a sofe t hteo wSehrhe.e rself wass ittiinan bgo wxi tah w omafnr ie(wnhdo mI knew)H.e r ),ousnigswetaren rtt eohd a nhdeu rpa l arlguemof p c oaltfhrseot ma, l ls ont hger outnhsdah the a ndo ktn oiwwtno ublesd o l onagn,md u sbte simfprlye ebzyni onwg(. At sh otuhgbeho xreesq utibor ehe eda dtuerdi ng thleo npge rformance.) Event hougthh ed reamw asw elflo cusoenda singsliet uation, yeti no therre speictwt ass s ufficienstelnys eltehsets o:w eirn t he middloeft hes talflosri, n stanwciet,ht hec onductdoirr ecting theo rchesftrroamt het opo fi tA!n da bovael tlh ec oatlh ahte r sister huapnt doeh de rI!d eliberarteeflrya ifnreodma skifnogr ana nalyosfit sh ed reamB.u ts incIeh ads omek nowledogfte h e dreamerp'esr sonraell atiIo nwsa,sa blet oi nterpcreertt ain piecoefsi ti ndependeonfth leyr I. k news heh adh ada great deaolf s ympathfyo ra musiciwahno sec areehra db een pre­ maturecluyts horbty i nsaniStoyI .d ecidteodt akteh et ower int hes talmlest aphoricIatlt lhye.ne mergetdh att hem an whom sheh adw antetdo s eei nH ansR ichteprl'asc teo wered higahb otvheeo t hemre mberosf t heo rchestTrhaet. o wemri ght bed escriabsea d c omposiptiec tufroer mebdy a ppositTihoen . lowepra rto fi tsst ructruerper esenttheemd a n'sg reatness; ther ailianttg h et op,be hinwdh ichh e wasr unninrgo und D. CONSIDERATIONSO F REPRESENTABILITY 343 likae p risonoerar n a nimailn a cage-thwiass a na llustioo n theu nhappmya n'nsa meI -represehnitsue ldmt iatef atTehe. twoi deamsi ghth aveb eenb roughtto gethienrt hew ord 'Narrenturm'.1 Havintgh udsi scovetrheemd o deo fr epresentaadtoipotne d byt hed reamw,e m ighatt temtpotu set hes amek eyf osro lving itss econadp parenatb surdity-ctohaelh andedu p tot he dreamebry h ers ist'eCro.a mlu's tm ean' secrleotv e': KeiFne uekr,e iKnaeh le kanbnr ensneohn e iss alwsi hee imlLiicehbee , vodne nri emannidc whetiss s.3 Sheh ersealnfd h erw omanf rienhda db eenl efutn married [Germa'n sitgzeebnl ileibteerna''ll,lesy fi tt tinHge'r]y .o unger sistwehro,s tihlald p rospeocftm sa rriaghea,n dehde ru pt he coa'lb ecaussheeh adn otk nowni wto ublesd ol onTgh'ed .r eam didn ots peciwfyh awto uldb es ol ongI.f i tw erea storwye, shoulsda y' thpee rformanbcuets' i;n cieti sa dreamw,e may taket hep hrasase an independeenntti tdye,c idteh aitt w as useda mbiguouasnldya ddt hew ord'sb efosrheeg otm arried.' Ouri nterpretoaft' isoenc rleotv ei'sf urthseurp portbeydt he mentioonf t hed reamerc'osu sisni ttiwnigt hh isw ifien t he stalalnsd,b yt heo pelonv e-affaatitrr ibuttote hde:; l atteThre. dream wdaosm inatbeydt hea ntithbeestiwse en saencdro epte n lovaen db etweetnh ed reamer's firoewa nn dt hec oldneosfs they oungw ifeI.n b othc asemso,r eovetrh,e rwea ss omeone 'highly-placteedr'ma- pap lyienqgu altloyt hea ristoacnrda t tot hem usicioannw homs uchhi ghh opehsa db eenp inned.' Thef oregodiinsgc usshiaosln e dus atl asttot hed iscovoefr y a thirfda ctowrhSo se shiantr heet ransformoaftt ihoedn r eam- [Footandode1ted2 9 5H:u]g Woo lf. 1 [Lite'rFaolollys ' Toolwtdee rrf'mo- aarnn i nsaansey lum.] S [Nofinroec ,o al 8 Soh otgllyo ws As secrleotv e Ofw hincoho nken ows. GermVaonl kslied.] ,[ Theel emoefna tb suridnti htdiyrs e aimsc ommenutpeodon n p.453.] [Thtew por evoinoesub se icnogn densaantddii osnp lacement.] 6 344 VI.TH E DREAM-WORK thoughitnst oth ed ream-contiesnn ott t ob e underrated: namelyc,o nsideofr raetpiroensse inntt ahpbeei cluipltysyi cahri cal mateofr iwahlid crhe ammasku es e-fotrh em ostp artt,h aits , representaibniv liistuyia mla geOsf. thev ariosuusb sidiary thoughattst achteotd h ee ssendtrieaalm -thoutghhotswsei, l ble preferwrheidc ahd miotfv isuraelp resentaantdit ohned; r eam­ workd oenso ts hrifnrko mt hee fforotf r ecastuinnagd aptable thoughitnsta o n ewv erbfaolr m-eveinn tao l esuss uaoln e­ providtehda tth aptr ocefsasc ilirteaptreess entaantdis oorn e ­ lievtehsep sycholopgriecsaslu craeu sebdy c onstritchtiendk ­ ingT.h ipso urionfgt hec onteonfatt hougihntt aon othmeoru ld may att hes amet imes ervteh ep urposoefst hea ctivoift y condensatainodmn a y creatceo nnectiwohnisc,hm ighnto t otherwhiasvee b eenp resewnitt,hs omeo thetrh oughwth;i le thisse contdh oughitt semlafy alreahdayv eh adi tosr iginal formo fe xpresscihoann gewdi,t ha viewt om eetintgh efi rst oneh alf-way. HerberSti lber(e1r9 019 h)a sp ointoeudt a goodw ayo f direcotblsye rvtihnegt ransformoaftt ihoonu ghitnstp oi ctures int hep roceosfsf ormidnrge amasn ds oo fs tudyitnhgio sn e factoofrt hed ream-woirnki solatIifow,nh .e nh ew asi na fatiguaendds leecpoyn ditihoesn e,ht i mseslofm ei ntellectual tashke,f ountdh aitto ftehna ppentehda tth et hougehstc aped hima ndt haitn i tpsl acae p ictuarpep earewdh,i chhe w as theanb lteo r ecognaisza e s ubstiftoutrth eet houghSti.l berer descritbheess seu bstitbuytt ehsen otv erya ppropritaetrem of' auto-symbIo wliilchl'e .r eq uotae fewe xamplferso m Silberpearp'es[r i bi5d1.9,- 22a]n,dI shalhla veo ccasioonn , accouonftc ertacihna racteroifts htepi hcesn omecnoan cerned, tor eturtnot heml ate[rSe.e p .5 03fr .] 'Exam1p.l-t1eh ougohfth avintgor eviasneu nevepna ssage ina ne ssay. 'Symboslaw.m -ysIe pllfa nian pgi ecoefw ood.' 'Exam5p.-l1ee n deavoutrobe rdi nhgo met om ysetlhfea im ofc ertamient aphyssitcuadliw ehsi cIhw asp ropostionm ga ke. Theiari mI, r eflectweads,t ow orko ne'wsa yt hroutgohe ver .h ighefro rmosf c onsciouasnndel sasy eorfse xisteinnco en,e 's searfcohtr h eb aseosfe xistence. [Thipsa ragarnatdph hse u bseqquueontta tiSoinl bfwereroremer 1 addine d1 194.J

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