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July & August 2016 The St. Athanasius the Great Parish of Arlington Welcomes our new assistant priest Fr. Aaron Walker and his family, to our Community! 4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ church 781.646.0705 Fr. Kastanas Emergency Voicemail Pager 781.673.2002 ■ fax 781.641.4700 ■ www.saint athana sius.org Office E-Mail Address: [email protected] Parish Council Officers “ASKISIS” Dean Ioakimidis -----------------------------------------President OFFICIAL Publication of the Saint Athanasius the Great B ill Karras ------------------------------------ 1st Vice President Greek Orthodox Church Paul Tsitsopoulos ---------------------------- 2nd Vice President 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476 S. Nicholas Kriketos ------------------------------------Secretary Sunday Worship Schedule Maria Tsaousidis -----------------------Associate Secretary #1 Winter: Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM Stefanos Bouboulis--------------------------------------Treasurer Summer: Orthros 8:00 AM Divine Liturgy 9:15 AM Nikitas Splagounias---------------------Associate Treasurer #1 Emmanuel Meimaris------------------- Associate Treasurer #2 Vassilios Pantazopoulos--------------- Associate Treasurer #3 Rev. Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas Parish Council Members Publication is the first of each month. Twelve issues are published David Bowling, Antonios Dakopoulos, George Katsarakes, yearly. Deadline for notices is the 15th of the prior month. Peter Ladas, Charles Pappas, Eleanor Profis, Ted Speros, Mark Ypsilantis Saint Athanasius the Great is a parish under the spiritual and ecclesial oversight of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of the Parish Ministries and Organizations Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America under the jurisdiction of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Altar Boys (Acolytes):-----------------------Fr. Nicholas Kastanas Constantinople. Parish Council: Stewardship Chair--------------Maria Tsaousidis Philoptochos: President-----------------------------Irene Kalogeris Choir Director:-----------------------------------------Stella Pathiakis Cantors:---------------------------------Dimitrios Manolakis, Spyros Prois, The St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church in Arlington, Vasilios Meimaris, Dimitrios Loucagos Massachusetts strives to be a living witness of our Lord and Saviour Sunday School Directors------------------ Ioannis Moutstatsos & Jesus Christ. Our mission as a Parish is to "Practice Hospitality" Cassandra Chamallas (Associate) (Romans 12:13), as St. Paul so exhorts...... Thus, it is our rich Sunday School Teachers----Charles Chamallas, Pat Magoufis, Loula blessing to strive and bring the Light of Christ to all of God's people, Boretos, Despina Bouboulis, Eleni Terzakis, Marianna Terzakis, Popi through Orthodox Christian tradition, education, and philanthropy. Moustakas, Eleftheria Horiatis, Alex Athanasiou, Mary Kandaras, We seek to serve the spiritual needs of our faithful parishioners Ioannis Moutsatsos, Harry Kandaras, Maria Anamateros, Valerie through the sacramental life of the Church. By means of outreach Relias, Mary Tsihlis, Cassandra Chamallas, Demi Tsitsopoulos, Nick and faith in God, we continue our growth as a living Church by Pantazopoulos, Philip Halikias, Katerina Ioakimidis, George Makredes, inviting others into the Orthodox faith through Baptism and/or Annalise Paganis Chrismation, and educating them through the establishment of our Greek School Director-------------------Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas Christian ministries, programs, schools, and philanthropic activities. Greek School Teachers --- Popi Moustakas, Vaia Palla-Siarkos, Eleni Kosmidis, Evi Sotiropoulos Church Directory Little Halos Day School Director------------Kaiti Galanopoulos Parish Office Summer Hours: Little Halos Day School Teachers-------Argiro Nikoletos, Eleni Malliou- Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Trihakis, Despina Bouboulis, Alexandra Gerouki, Vaia Palla-Siarkos, Evi Sotiropoulos, Nektaria Boustris, Ronni Olitsky, Stelios Karaminas, Voula Manousos Little Halos Day School Parent/Teacher Consultant-----------Dr. Parish Administrative Assistant …... Stella Kazantzas Anastasia Galanopoulos Parish Office……..................................781-646-0705 Greek School PTO---Doxy Stefanidis, Betty Dakopoulos, Tanya Fax:........................................................781-641-4700 Stamoulis, Tina Christodouleas [email protected] G.O.Y.A.: President-------------------------------Demi Tsitsopoulos J.O.Y. & H.O.P.E: --------------------Athina Reisopoulos & Sophia Loyack Website:................................www.saintathanasius.org Young Adults---------------------------------------Dimitrios Loucagos Fifties Plus: Committee-------------------------------Tina Caramanis, Fr. Nick Kastanas (Emergency Pager).781-673-2002 Aphrodite Darris, Katina Ioakimidis, Irene Paleologos, Dorothy Metropolis of Boston...........................617-277-4742 Zevitas, Katherine Zevitas, Crystal Roussos, Elaine Dalaklis Metropolis Website..............www.boston.goarch.org Pine Street Inn---Randy Fassas, Merope Kapetanakis, Irene Paleologos Archdiocese Website........................www.goarch.org Gardening Ministry ----------------------------- S. Nicholas Kriketos 1 June 29, 2016 The Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! (Psalm 118 {Septuagint 117} verse 26) Dearest Faithful Parishioners, It is a rich blessing for us to welcome Father Aaron Walker and his beautiful family, Presvytera Amelia and their sweet children Lukas, Genevieve, Maria, and Nektarios to our Parish family as our Assistant Priest, commencing on August First, 2016, with the blessing of Metropolitan Methodios, who has assigned Father Aaron to our Community. This new chapter in the 52 year history of our Arlington Church solidifies the holy perspective of God's Providence guiding the footsteps of HIS Church. Glory to God in and for all things! “Great are You O Lord and Wonderful are Your Works, and no words will suffice to Hymn Your Wonders!” (Psalm 92:5) As we ask for the blessing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, let us move forward as a family of God, united in one mind, and in one body to celebrate the pastorate of Father Aaron's priesthood. Let us work together with him, inspired by God's Grace to continue moving forward with the Lord's Peace and Perseverance. “So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:5) Let us always be grateful to the Lord for his bountiful blessings remembering that it is love that conquers all... “Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends...”Make love your aim (1 Corinthians 13:5-9, 14:1) With Christ's agape, Father Nicholas M. Kastanas Constandinos Ioakimidis Parish Priest President of the Parish Council Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas – Parish Priest Parish Office: 781-646-0705 | Fax: 781-641-4700 | Fr. Nick Voicemail: 781-673-2002 email: [email protected] | web: www.saintathanasius.org | Fr. Nick email: [email protected] 2                                    <<Ἡ ἀγάπη μακροθυμεῖ, χρηστεύεται ἡ ἀγάπη, οὐ ζηλοῖ, ἡ ἀγάπη οὐ περπερεύεται, οὐ φυσιοῦται, οὐκ ἀσχημονεῖ, οὐ ζητεῖ τὰ ἑαυτῆς, οὐ παροξύνεται, οὐ λογίζεται τὸ κακόν, οὐ χαίρει ἐπὶ τῇ ἀδικίᾳ, συνχαίρει δὲ τῇ ἀληθείᾳ· πάντα στέγει, πάντα πιστεύει, πάντα ἐλπίζει, πάντα ὑπομένει.>>             Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas – Parish Priest Parish Office: 781-646-0705 | Fax: 781-641-4700 | Fr. Nick Voicemail: 781-673-2002 email: [email protected] | web: www.saintathanasius.org | Fr. Nick email: [email protected] 3 4 Warmest Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ to the Whole St. Athanasius Church Family! What a blessing to be welcomed as the assistant priest of St. Athanasius. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios we are joined together to serve the Lord as members of Christ’s very Body the Holy Orthodox Church Η Αγία Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. This is a joyful privilege and serious responsibility. As we read in Matthew's Gospel, Jesus encountered Peter and his brother Andrew while they we were about their daily work, “...casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.” Like the first Apostles, we all have opportunities to encounter Christ in our daily lives, as we exercise the talents and gifts he has given us professionally, socially, and in our families. As we learn to use these gifts to glorify Him, He takes our gifts to another level. Follow me, He says, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). They were simple fishermen, but God had further plans for them: to become His messengers, to experience and share His love and grace with the rest of the world. It all began with these humble fishermen trusting God, offering what they had, and following Christ. Likewise, my family and I look forward to offering what we have been given in service to the community of St. Athanasius. Pres. Amelia has been a certified nurse midwife at Massachusetts General Hospital for ten years and is a wonderful mommy for our four children, Lukas, Genevieve, Maria, and Nektarios. I have experience serving in the altar and working with the youth, as a lay person in the Greek Orthodox Church. Prior to seminary I worked in construction, both in the field as a residential carpenter, and as a commercial construction project manager and estimator. After seminary I taught high school, as well as teaching literacy and math to kindergarteners. Now, for more than five years I have been a hospice chaplain, doing pastoral visitation and grief counseling for hospice patients and their families. I was ordained to the priesthood on November 9, 2016, on the feast of St. Nectarios, at St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church in Roslindale, which has been our parish home for the last six years. I ask your prayers that I may honorably assist Fr. Nick as we strive to answer Christ’s invitation, to follow Him and lead people to His Kingdom. May we all follow Christ with everything that we have been given, as individuals and families and as a parish! I am looking forward to serving each and every one of you and getting to know you as God blesses, in the months and years to come. Yours Faithfully in Christ, +Fr. Aaron 5 Catechetical Sunday School News Summer has arrived and apparently this year, the summer solstice on June 20th coincided with a full moon rise (strawberry moon). This rare astronomical event was celebrated across the world as many turned their eyes towards the summer skies to observe it. I hope you have a chance to celebrate many rare and beautiful moments with your children over the next couple of months as you relax and enjoy the summer holidays. I still remember climbing on the flat roof of my house on the island of Chios at night, lying on my back and enjoying a spectacular celestial show of the many falling stars during the months of July and August. This was probably the same amazement that led King David to write the magnificent 104th Psalm which we read at each vesper service, “O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all.” Now it is our turn to enjoy the quietness of nature (even in our backyards) and look at the moon, the stars, the sea, the rivers, the mountains and the beautiful sandy beaches. Let us allow our hearts to discover the wonders of our Creator. Let us give Him glory for creating a beautiful world out of His love for humankind so that we may enjoy, refresh and gladden our hearts every day of our lives. Icon Credit: Monastery of St. John, Makrinos, Greece Catechetical Sunday School will resume on Sunday September 18th, the first Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Online registration is at: http://tinyurl.com/cssreg2017. Till then, on behalf of our entire teaching staff, I wish you a safe, relaxing and spiritual time whether you visit the beach, the mountains or just the back yard! Dear GOYAns! We would like to start off by thanking everyone who helped at our annual Greek Festival! It was a huge success and we are very fortunate to have such a wonderful community. This month we went to Six Flags! Over 25 GOYAns attended and we had lots of fun. Thank you to the chaperones! We also had an end-of-the-year pool party/ slip and slide party! Thank you to the Delegas family for hosting! This has been a wonderful year and such a great experience. We were fortunate enough to gain so many new members. We truly bonded as a GOYA through numerous events such as our Blacklight Dance, Ski Trip, Philoxenia House Visit, Spy Pond Cleanup, Lock-In, Bowling, Movies, and so much more. We would like to thank all of our advisors for the tremendous help. We could not have gone through this year without you! Reminder that GOYA elections take place in September on the first day of Sunday School. You MUST be present to run for an officer position. Have a nice summer and until next year, Mary Kandaras GOYA Secretary GOYA End of Year Trip to Six Flags 7 Philoptochos News Festival 2016 Congratulations to all of you who helped in making this year’s festival a huge success! It truly takes a large family to accomplish all that you did. From the organizing to the purchasing of the ingredients, to the preparation leading up to the cooking workshops, and then ultimately coming together as one loving family to prepare the pastry/pita of the day. Wow!! You did it!! May we all be blessed to do it all again next year! To date the Philoptochos has met all of our National and Metropolis obligations. Recently donated: $300 to the St. Athanasius Homeless and Needy Fund (Note that this donation is made 3 times each year) $25 to the 75th Anniversary Founders Fund (National obligation) $25 to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (National obligation) $675 to the Philoxenia House (Metropolis obligation) $375 membership dues to the Metropolis of Boston $1,125 membership dues to National (75 philoptochos members) Thank you for supporting the Philoptochos. Together we are able to reach out and help many individuals with a multitude of different needs. We wish all of you a healthy and fun filled summer! Please consider joining us for next Philoptochos General Assembly in September. 8 An Update on the Iconography & Beautification Project for our Parish June 30, 2016 Members of the Iconography committee are: Rev. Father Nicholas Kastanas, Nick Meimaris, Paul Athanasiadis, Kim Edmonds, Dean Ioakimidis, Costa Kapetanakis, Eleanor Profis, Paul Tsitsopoulos, George Delyannis, Billy Tsiaras. Committee Chairman Nick Meimaris, has presented the committee with the iconography samples he received from the following iconographers: 1. George Papastamatiou 2. George Kordis 3. Efhimios Stoja 4. Elias Damianakis 5. Dimitrios Mourlas Each member of the committee has been reviewing the materials which have been received. The committee will begin scheduling interviews with the five iconographers in consideration throughout the summer. During that time, the committee will also schedule special field trips for parishioners, that will take them to locations that display works of some of these iconographers. The committee also intends to display the iconography samples provided by each candidate in the church social hall, the church website and other social media outlets. This will give the General Assembly and parishioners the opportunity to provide commentary by answering a survey that will be provided. Following the committee’s interview of the five iconographers, we will reduce consideration to three iconographers When the top three iconographers are selected by the committee, Nick Meimaris, Dean Ioakimidis and Father Kastanas will go and present the list of those three iconographers to the Metropolis for protocol approval and blessing. Upon receiving approval of the three iconographers, the committee intends to meet with the parish council and discuss these final candidates. We will then announce at the Fall General Assembly our progress, and a date for a special Iconography meeting where we will announce the final Iconographer chosen and the process to get phase one started by 2017. Regards, Nick Meimaris 9

Boretos, Despina Bouboulis, Eleni Terzakis, Marianna Terzakis, Popi Joseph & Potoula Angelakis Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Thespena Devito.
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