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THE SPLITTING OF REDUCTIONS OF AN ABELIAN VARIETY DAVID ZYWINA Abstract. Consider an absolutely simple abelian variety A defined over a number field K. For most places v of K, we study how the reduction A of A modulo v splits up to isogeny. Assuming v the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A and possibly increasing the field K, we will show that A is v isogenoustothem-thpowerofanabsolutelysimpleabelianvarietyforallplacesv ofK awayfrom asetofdensity0,wheremisanintegerdependingonlyontheendomorphismringEnd(A ). This K proves many cases, and supplies justification, of a conjecture of Murty and Patankar. Under the same assumptions, we will also describe the Galois extension of Q generated by the Weil numbers of A for most v. v 1. Introduction Let A be a non-zero abelian variety defined over a number field K. Let Σ be the set of finite K places of K, and for each place v ∈ Σ let F be the corresponding residue field. The abelian K v variety A has good reduction at all but finitely many places v ∈ Σ . For a place v ∈ Σ for which K K A has good reduction, the reduction A modulo v is an abelian variety A defined over F . We know v v that A is isogenous to a product of simple abelian varieties (all defined over F ). The goal of this v v paper is study how A factors for “almost all” places v, that is, for those v away from a subset of v Σ with (natural) density 0. In particular, we will supply evidence for the following reformulation K of a conjecture of Murty and Patankar [MP08]. Conjecture 1.1 (Murty–Patankar). Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety over a number field K. Let V be the set of finite places v of K for which A has good reduction and A /F is simple. v v Then, after possibly replacing K by a finite extension, the density of V exists and V has density 1 if and only if End(A ) is commutative. K The conjecture in [MP08] is stated without the condition that K possibly needs to be replaced by a finite extension. An extra condition is required since one can find counterexamples to the original conjecture. (For example, let A/Q be the Jacobian of the smooth projective curve defined by the equation y2 = x5 −1. We have End(AQ)⊗Z Q = Q(ζ5), and in particular A is absolutely simple. For each prime p ≡ −1 (mod 5), the abelian variety A has good reduction at p and A is p isogenous to E2, where E is an elliptic curve over F that satisfies |E (F )| = p+1. Conjecture 1.1 p p p p p will hold for A with K = Q(ζ ), equivalently, A is simple for all primes p ≡ 1 (mod 5) away from 5 p a set of density 0.) We shall relate Conjecture 1.1 to the arithmetic of the Mumford–Tate group of A, see §2.5 for a definition of this group and §2.6 for a statement of the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A. In our work, we will first replace K by an explicit finite Galois extension Kconn. The field Kconn is the A A smallest extension of K for which all the (cid:96)-adic monodromy groups associated to A over Kconn are A 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14K15; Secondary 11F80. Key words and phrases. Reductions of abelian varieties, Galois representations. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under agreement No. DMS- 1128155. 1 connected, cf. §2.3. We now give an alternative description of this field due to Larsen and Pink [LP95]. For each prime number (cid:96), let A[(cid:96)∞] be the subgroup of A(K) consisting of those points whose order is some power of (cid:96). Let K(A[(cid:96)∞]) be the smallest extension of K in K over which all the points of A[(cid:96)∞] are defined. We then have (cid:92) Kconn = K(A[(cid:96)∞]). A (cid:96) Theorem 1.2. Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety defined over a number field K such that Kconn = K. Define the integer m = [End(A)⊗ZQ : E]1/2 where E is the center of the division A algebra End(A)⊗ZQ. ((i)) For all v ∈ Σ away from a set of density 0, A is isogenous to Bm for some abelian variety K v B/F . v ((ii)) Suppose that the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A holds. Then for all v ∈ Σ away from a K set of density 0, A is isogenous to Bm for some absolutely simple abelian variety B/F . v v Corollary 1.3. Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety defined over a number field K such that Kconn = K. Let V be the set of finite places v of K for which A has good reduction and A /F A v v is simple. If End(A) is non-commutative, then V has density 0. If End(A) is commutative and the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A holds, then V has density 1. WewillobservelaterthatEnd(A )⊗ZQ = End(A)⊗ZQwhenKconn = K; sotheabovecorollary K A shows that Conjecture 1.1 is a consequence of the Mumford–Tate conjecture. Using Theorem 1.2, we will prove the following general version. Theorem 1.4. Let A be a non-zero abelian variety defined over a number field K such that Kconn = A K. The abelian variety A is isogenous to An11 ×···×Anss, where the abelian varieties Ai/K are simple and pairwise non-isogenous. For 1 ≤ i ≤ s, define the integer mi = [End(Ai)⊗ZQ : Ei]1/2, where Ei is the center of End(Ai)⊗ZQ. Suppose that the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A holds. Then for all places v ∈ Σ away from K a set of density 0, A is isogenous to a product (cid:81)s Bmini, where the B are absolutely simple v i=1 i i abelian varieties over F that are pairwise non-isogenous and satisfy dim(B ) = dim(A )/m . v i i i Observe that the integer s and the pairs (n ,m ) from Theorem 1.4 can be determined from the i i endomorphism ring End(A)⊗ZQ. 1.1. The Galois group of characteristic polynomials. Let A be a non-zero abelian variety over a number field K. Fix a finite place v of K for which A has good reduction. Let π be Av the Frobenius endomorphism of A and let P (x) be the characteristic polynomial of π . The v Av Av polynomial P (x) is monic of degree 2dimA with integral coefficients and can be characterized Av by the property that P (n) is the degree of the isogeny n−π of A for each integer n. Av Av v Let W be the set of roots of P (x) in Q. Honda–Tate theory shows that A is isogenous to Av Av v a power of a simple abelian variety if and only if P (x) is a power of an irreducible polynomial; Av equivalently, if and only if the action of GalQ on WAv is transitive. The following theorem will be important in the proof of Theorem 1.2. Let G be the Mumford– A Tate group of A; it is a reductive group over Q which we will recall in §2.5. Let W(G ) be the A Weyl group of G . We define the splitting field k of G to be the intersection of all the subfields A GA A L ⊆ Q for which the group G is split. A,L Theorem 1.5. Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety over a number field K that satisfies Kconn = K. Assume that the Mumford–Tate conjecture for A holds and let L be a finite extension A of k . Then GA ∼ Gal(L(W )/L) = W(G ). Av A 2 for all places v ∈ Σ away from a set of density 0. K Moreover, we expect the following conjecture to hold. Conjecture 1.6. Let A be a non-zero abelian variety over a number field K that satisfies Kconn = A K. There is a group Π(G ) such that Gal(Q(W )/Q) ∼= Π(G ) for all v ∈ Σ away from a set A Av A K with natural density 0. We shall later on give an explicit candidate for the group Π(G ); it has W(G ) as a normal A A subgroup. We will also prove the conjecture in several cases, cf. §8. 1.2. Some previous results. We briefly recall a few earlier known cases of Theorems 1.2 and 1.5. Let A be an abelian variety over a number field K such that End(A ) = Z and such that K 2dim(A) is not a k-th power and not of the form (cid:0)2k(cid:1) for every odd k > 1. Under these as- k sumptions, Pink has shown that G is isomorphic to GSp and that the Mumford–Tate A 2dim(A),Q conjecture for A holds [Pin98, Theorem 5.14]. We will have Kconn = K, so Theorem 1.2 says that A A /F is absolutely simple for all places v ∈ Σ away from a set of density 0. We have k = Q v v K GA since G is split, so Theorem 1.5 implies that Gal(Q(W )/Q) is isomorphic to the Weyl group A Av ∼ W(GSp2dim(A),Q) = W(Sp2dim(A),Q) = W(Cdim(A)) for all v ∈ ΣK away from a set of density 0. TheseresultsareduetoChavdarov[Cha97, Cor.6.9]inthespecialcasewheredim(A)is2, 6orodd (thesedimensionsareusedtociteatheoremofSerrewhichgivesamod(cid:96)versionofMumford–Tate). Now consider the case whereA is an absolutely simple CM abelian variety defined over a number fieldK;soF := End(A )⊗ZQisanumberfieldthatsatisfies[F : Q] = 2dim(A). AfterreplacingK K by a finite extension, we may assume that F = End(A)⊗ZQ. We have GA ∼= ResF/Q(Gm,F), where Res denotes restriction of scalars from F to Q. The theory of complex multiplication shows F/Q that A satisfies the Mumford–Tate conjecture and hence Theorem 1.2 says that A /F is absolutely v v simple for almost all places v ∈ Σ ; this is also [MP08, Theorem 3.1] where it is proved using L- K functions and Hecke characters. Theorem 1.5 is not so interesting in this case since W(G ) = 1. A SeveralcasesofTheorem1.2wereprovedbyJ.Achter[Ach09,Ach11]; forexample, thoseabelian varieties A/K such that F := End(A )⊗Z Q is a totally real number field and dim(A)/[F : Q] K is odd. A key ingredient is some of the known cases of the Mumford–Tate conjecture from the papers [Vas08], [BGK06] and [BGK10]. Achter’s approach is very similar to this paper and boils down to showing that P (x) is an appropriate power of an irreducible polynomial for almost all Av places v ∈ Σ . In the case where End(A ) is commutative, Achter uses the basic property that if K K P (x) mod (cid:96)isirreducibleinF [x], thenP (x)isirreducibleinZ[x]; unfortunately, thisapproach Av (cid:96) Av will not work for all absolutely simple abelian varieties A/K for which Kconn = K and End(A ) A K is commutative (see §8.1 for an example). Corollary 1.6 in the non-commutative case also follows from [Ach09, Theorem B]. 1.3. Overview. We set some notation. The symbol (cid:96) will always denote a rational prime. If X is a scheme over a ring R and we have a ring homomorphism R → R(cid:48), then we denote by X the R(cid:48) scheme X× SpecR(cid:48) over R(cid:48). The homomorphism is implicit in the notation; it will usually be SpecR a natural inclusion or quotient homomorphism; for example, Q → Q , Z → Q , Z → F , K (cid:44)→ K. (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) For a field K, we will denote by K a fixed algebraic closure and define the absolute Galois group Gal := Gal(K/K). K For a number field K, a topological ring R and a finitely generated R-module M, consider a Ga- lois representation ρ: Gal → Aut (M); our representations will always be continuous (for finite K R R, we always use the discrete topology). If v is a finite place of K for which ρ is unramified, then we denote by ρ(Frob ) the conjugacy class of ρ(Gal ) arising from the Frobenius automorphism v K 3 at v. Let A be a non-zero abelian variety over a number field K that satisfies Kconn = K. Fix an A embedding K ⊆ C. In §2, we review the basics about the (cid:96)-adic representations arising from the action of Gal on the (cid:96)-power torsion points of A. To each prime (cid:96), we will associate an algebraic K group G over Q . Conjecturally, the connected components of the groups G are isomorphic A,(cid:96) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) to the base extension of a certain reductive group G defined over Q; this is the Mumford–Tate A group of A. The group G comes with a faithful action on H (A(C),Q). In §3, we review some A 1 facts about reductive groups and in particular define the group Π(G ) of Conjecture 1.6. A Let us hint at how Theorems 1.2 and 1.5 are connected; further details will be supplied later. For the sake of simplicity, suppose that End(A ) = Z. Fix a maximal torus T of G and a number K A field L for which T is split. Let X(T) be the group of characters of T and let Ω ⊆ X(T) be L Q the set of weights arising from the representation of T ⊆ G on H (A(C),Q). The Weyl group A 1 W(G ,T) has a natural faithful action on the set Ω. A Using the geometry of G and our additional assumption End(A ) = Z, one can show that A K action of W(G ,T) on Ω is transitive. Assuming the Mumford–Tate conjecture, we will show that A for all v ∈ Σ away from a set of density 0 there is a bijection W ↔ Ω such that the action K Av of Gal on W corresponds with the action of some subgroup of W(G ,T) on Ω (this will be L Av A described in §6.2 and it makes vital use of a theorem of Noot described in §4). So for almost all v ∈ Σ , wefindthatGal(L(W )/L)isisomorphictoasubgroupofW(G ,T). IfGal(L(W )/L) K Av A Av is isomorphic to W(G ,T), then we deduce that Gal acts transitively on W and hence P (x) A L Av Av is a power of an irreducible polynomial. The assumption End(A ) = Z also ensures that P (x) K Av is separable for almost all v, and thus we deduce that P (x) is almost always irreducible (and Av hence A is almost always simple). To show that Gal(L(W )/L) is maximal for all v ∈ Σ away v Av K fromasetofdensity0,wewilluseaversionofJordan’slemmawithsomelocalinformationfrom§5. TheproofofTheorem1.4canbefoundin§7; itiseasilyreducedtotheabsolutelysimplecase. In §8 we discuss Conjecture 1.6 further and give an extended example. Finally, we will prove effective versions of Theorems 1.2 and 1.5 in §9. 2. Abelian varieties and Galois representations: background Startingin§2.2,wefixanon-zeroabelianvarietyAdefinedoveranumberfieldK. Inthissection, we review some theory concerning the (cid:96)-adic representations associated to A. In particular, we will definetheMumford–TategroupofAandstatetheMumford–Tateconjecture. Forbasicsonabelian varieties,see[Mil86]. Thepapers[Ser77]and[Ser94]supplyoverviewsofseveralmotivicconjectures for A and how they conjecturally relate with its (cid:96)-adic representations. 2.1. Characteristic polynomials. Fix a finite field F with cardinality q. Let B be a non-zero q abelian variety defined over F and let π be the Frobenius endomorphism of B. The characteristic q B polynomialofB istheuniquepolynomialP (x) ∈ Z[x]forwhichtheisogenyn−π ofB hasdegree B B P (n) for all integers n. The polynomial P (x) is monic of degree 2dimB. We define W to be B B B the set of roots of P (x) in Q. The elements of W are algebraic integers with absolute value q1/2 B B under any embedding Q (cid:44)→ C. We define Φ to be the subgroup of Q× generated by W . B B Thefollowing lemmasays that, undersome additional conditions, thefactorizationofP (x)into B irreducible polynomials corresponds to the factorization of B into simple abelian varieties. Lemma 2.1. Let B be a non-zero abelian variety defined over F , where p is a prime. Assume p that PB(x) is not divisible by x2−p. If PB(x) = (cid:81)si=1Qi(x)mi, where the Qi(x) are distinct monic 4 irreducible polynomials in Z[x], then B is isogenous to (cid:81)s Bmi, where B is a simple abelian i=1 i i variety over F satisfying P (x) = Q (x). p Bi i Proof. This is a basic application of Honda–Tate theory; see [WM71]. We know that B is isoge- nous to (cid:81)t Bni, where the B /F are simple and pairwise non-isogenous. We have P (x) = i=1 i i p B (cid:81)ti=1PBi(x)ni. Honda–Tate theory says that PBi(x) = Qi(x)ei where the Qi(x) are distinct irre- ducible monic polynomials in Z[x] and the e are positive integers. After possibly reordering the i B , we have the factorization of P (x) in the statement of the lemma with m = n e and s = t. It i B i i i thus suffices to show that e = 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ t. i Fix 1 ≤ i ≤ t. Since Bi is simple, the ring E := End(Bi)⊗Z Q is a division algebra with center Φ := Q(π ). By Waterhouse and Milne [WM71, I. Theorem 8], we have e = [E : Φ]1/2. If the Bi i number field Φ has a real place, then π = ±p1/2 since |π | = p1/2. However, if π = ±p1/2, then Bi Bi Bi x2−p divides P (x) ∈ Q[x]. So by our assumption that x2−p does not divide P (x), we conclude Bi B that Φ has no real places. Using that Q(π ) has no real places and F has prime cardinality, Bi p [Wat69, Theorem 6.1] implies that E is commutative and hence e = [E : Φ]1/2 = 1. (cid:3) i 2.2. Galois representations. For each positive integer m, let A[m] be the m-torsion subgroup of A(K); it is a free Z/mZ-module of rank 2dimA. For a fixed rational prime (cid:96), let T (A) be the (cid:96) inverse limit of the groups A[(cid:96)e] where the transition maps are multiplication by (cid:96). We call T (A) (cid:96) the Tate module of A at (cid:96); it is a free Z(cid:96)-module of rank 2dimA. Define V(cid:96)(A) = T(cid:96)(A)⊗Z(cid:96) Q(cid:96). There is a natural action of Gal on the groups A[m], T (A), and V (A). Let K (cid:96) (cid:96) ρA,(cid:96): GalK → AutQ(cid:96)(V(cid:96)(A)). be the Galois representation which describes the Galois action on the Q -vector space V (A). (cid:96) (cid:96) Fix a finite place v of K for which A has good reduction. Denote by A the abelian variety over v F obtained by reducing A modulo v. If v (cid:45) (cid:96), then ρ is unramified at v and satisfies v A,(cid:96) P (x) = det(xI −ρ (Frob )) Av A,(cid:96) v where P (x) ∈ Z[x] is the degree 2dimA monic polynomial of §2.1. Furthermore, ρ (Frob ) is Av A,(cid:96) v the conjugacy class of a semisimple element of AutQ(cid:96)(V(cid:96)(A)) ∼= GL2dimA(Q(cid:96)). 2.3. (cid:96)-adic monodromy groups. Let GL be the algebraic group defined over Q for which V (A) (cid:96) (cid:96) GLV(cid:96)(A)(L) = AutL(L⊗Q(cid:96)V(cid:96)(A))forallfieldextensionsL/Q(cid:96). TheimageofρA,(cid:96)liesinGLV(cid:96)(A)(Q(cid:96)). Let G be the Zariski closure in GL of ρ (Gal ); it is an algebraic subgroup of GL A,(cid:96) V (A) A,(cid:96) K V (A) (cid:96) (cid:96) called the (cid:96)-adic algebraic monodromy group of A. Denote by G◦ the identity component of G . A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) Let Kconn be the fixed field in K of ρ−1(G◦ (Q )); it is a finite Galois extension of K that does A A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) (cid:96) not depend on (cid:96), cf. [Ser00, 133 p.17]. Thus, for any finite extension L of Kconn in K, the group A ρ (Gal(K/L)) is Zariski dense in G◦ (equivalently, G = G◦ ). We have Kconn = K if and A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) AL,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) A only if all the (cid:96)-adic monodromy groups G are connected. A,(cid:96) Proposition 2.2. Assume that Kconn = K. A ((i)) The commutant of GA,(cid:96) in EndQ(cid:96)(V(cid:96)(A)) is naturally isomorphic to End(A)⊗ZQ(cid:96). ((ii)) The group G is reductive. A,(cid:96) ((iii)) We have End(A )⊗ZQ = End(A)⊗ZQ. K Proof. Faltings proved that the representation ρ is semisimple and that the natural homomor- A,(cid:96) phism End(A)⊗ZQ(cid:96) → EndQ(cid:96)[GalK](V(cid:96)(A)) is an isomorphism, cf. [Fal86, Theorems 3–4]. So the commutant of GA,(cid:96) in EndQ(cid:96)(V(cid:96)(A)) equals End(A)⊗ZQ(cid:96). It easily follows that GA,(cid:96) is reductive. 5 Let L be a finite extension of K for which End(A ) = End(A ). Since G = G , we obtain K L AL,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) an isomorphism between their commutants; End(AL) ⊗Z Q(cid:96) = End(A) ⊗Z Q(cid:96). By comparing dimensions, we find that the injective map End(A)⊗ZQ → End(AL)⊗ZQ = End(AK)⊗ZQ is an isomorphism. (cid:3) The following result of Bogomolov [Bog80,Bog81] says that the image of ρ in G is large. A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) Proposition 2.3. The group ρ (Gal ) is an open subgroup of G (Q ) with respect to the (cid:96)-adic A,(cid:96) K A,(cid:96) (cid:96) topology. Using that ρ (Gal ) is an open and compact subgroup of G (Q ), we find that the algebraic A,(cid:96) K A,(cid:96) (cid:96) group G describes the image of ρ up to commensurability. For each place v ∈ Σ for which A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) K A has good reduction, we have a group Φ as defined in §2.1. Av Proposition 2.4. Assume that Kconn = K. A ((i)) The rank of the reductive group G does not depend on (cid:96). A,(cid:96) ((ii)) Let r be the common rank of the groups G . Then the set of v ∈ Σ for which Φ is a A,(cid:96) K Av free abelian group of rank r has density 1. Proof. Fix a prime (cid:96). For a place v where A has good reduction, let T be the Zariski closure in v G of the subgroup generated by a fixed (semisimple) element in the conjugacy class ρ (Frob ). A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) v The set of places v for which T is a maximal torus of G has density 1; this follows from [LP97a, v A,(cid:96) Theorem 1.2]. Observe that T is a maximal torus of G if and only if Φ (the multiplicative v A,(cid:96) Av group generated by the eigenvalues of ρ (Frob )) is a free abelian group whose rank equals the A,(cid:96) v reductive rank of G . Parts (i) and (ii) follow since the rank of Φ does not depend on (cid:96). (cid:3) A,(cid:96) Av 2.4. The set S . WedefineS tobethesetofplacesv ∈ Σ thatsatisfythefollowingconditions: A A K • A has good reduction at v; • F has prime cardinality; v • Φ is a free abelian group whose rank equals the common rank of the groups G . Av A,(cid:96) Using Proposition 2.4(ii), S has density 1 if Kconn = K. Since we are willing to exclude a set of A A places with density 0 from our main theorems, it will suffice to restrict our attention to the places v ∈ S . A 2.5. The Mumford–Tate group. Fix a field embedding Kconn ⊆ C. The homology group V = A H (A(C),Q)isavectorspaceofdimension2dimAoverQ. ItisnaturallyendowedwithaQ-Hodge 1 structure of type {(−1,0),(0,−1)}, and hence a decomposition V ⊗QC = H1(A(C),C) = V−1,0⊕V0,−1 such that V0,−1 = V−1,0. Let µ: Gm,C → GLV⊗QC be the cocharacter such that µ(z) is the automorphism of V ⊗QC which is multiplication by z on V−1,0 and the identity on V0,−1 for each z ∈ C× = G (C). m Definition 2.5. The Mumford–Tate group of A is the smallest algebraic subgroup of GL , defined V over Q, which contains µ(Gm,C). We shall denote it by GA. The endomorphism ring End(AC) acts on V; this action preserves the Hodge decomposition, and hencecommuteswithµandthusalsoGA. Moreover,theringEnd(AC)⊗ZQisnaturallyisomorphic to the commutant of GA in EndQ(V). The group GA/Q is reductive since the Q-Hodge structure for V is pure and polarizable. Using our fixed embedding Kconn ⊆ C and Proposition 2.2(iii), we A have a natural isomorphism End(AC)⊗ZQ = End(AKconn)⊗ZQ. A 6 2.6. The Mumford–Tate conjecture. The comparison isomorphism V(cid:96)(A) ∼= V ⊗QQ(cid:96) induces an isomorphism GLV(cid:96)(A) ∼= GLV,Q(cid:96). The following conjecture says that G◦A,(cid:96) and GA,Q(cid:96) are the same algebraic group when we use the comparison isomorphism as an identification, cf. [Ser77, §3]. Conjecture 2.6 (Mumford–Tate conjecture). For each prime (cid:96), we have G◦A,(cid:96) = GA,Q(cid:96). The Mumford–Tate conjecture is still open, however significant progress has been made in show- ing that several general classes of abelian varieties satisfy the conjecture; we simply refer the reader to[Vas08,§1.4]forapartiallistofreferences. TheMumford–TateconjectureforAholdsifandonly if the common rank of the groups G◦ equals the rank of G [LP95, Theorem 4.3]; in particular, A,(cid:96) A the conjecture holds for one prime (cid:96) if and only if it holds for all (cid:96). The following proposition says that one inclusion of the Mumford–Tate conjecture is known unconditionally, see Deligne’s proof in [DMOS82, I, Prop. 6.2]. Proposition 2.7. For each prime (cid:96), we have G◦A,(cid:96) ⊆ GA,Q(cid:96). Using this proposition, we obtain a well-defined Galois representation ρA,(cid:96): GalKconn → GA(Q(cid:96)) A for each prime (cid:96). 2.7. A conjecture on Frobenius conjugacy classes. Let R be the affine coordinate ring of G . The group G acts on R by composition with inner automorphisms (more precisely, G (k) A A A acts on R⊗Q k for each extension k/Q). We define RGA to be the Q-subalgebra of R consisting of those elements fixed by this G -action; it is the algebra of central functions on G . Define A A Conj(GA) := Spec(RGA); it is a variety over Q which we call the variety of (semi-simple) conjugacy classes of G . We define cl : G → Conj(G ) to be the morphism arising from the inclusion A GA A A RGA (cid:44)→ R of Q-algebras. Let L be an algebraically closed extension of Q. Each g ∈ G (L) can be expressed uniquely in A the form g g with commuting g ,g ∈ G (L) such that g is semisimple and g is unipotent. For s u s u A s u g,h ∈ G (L), we have g = h if and only if cl (g) = cl (h). A s s GA GA Assume that Kconn = K. We can then view ρ as having image in G (Q ). The following A A,(cid:96) A (cid:96) conjecture says that the conjugacy class of G containing ρ (Frob ) does not depend on (cid:96); see A A,(cid:96) v [Ser94, C.3.3] for a more refined version. Conjecture 2.8. Suppose that Kconn = K. Let v be a finite place of K for which A has good A reduction. Then there exists an F ∈ Conj(G )(Q) such that cl (ρ (Frob )) = F for all v A GA A,(cid:96) v v primes (cid:96) satisfying v (cid:45) (cid:96). Remark 2.9. The algebra of class functions of GL is Q[a ,...,a ] where the a are the morphisms V 1 n i of GL that satisfy det(xI −g) = xn+a (g)xn−1+...+a (g)x+a (g) for g ∈ GL (Q). The V 1 n−1 n V inclusion G ⊆ GL induces a morphism f: Conj(G ) → Conj(GL ) := SpecQ[a ,...,a ] ∼= A V A V 1 n An. The morphism f ◦cl can thus be viewed as mapping an element of G to its characteristic Q GA A polynomial. Let v be a finite place of K for which A has good reduction. Conjecture 2.8 implies that for any prime(cid:96)satisfyingv (cid:45) (cid:96),f(cl (ρ (Frob ))) = f(F )belongstoConj(GL )(Q)andisindependent GA A,(cid:96) v v V of (cid:96); this consequence is true, and is just another way of saying that det(xI − ρ (Frob )) has A,(cid:96) v coefficients in Q and is independent of (cid:96). In §4, we will state a theorem of Noot that gives a weakened version of Conjecture 2.8. 2.8. Image modulo (cid:96). Let GL be the group scheme over Z for which GL (R) = T (A) (cid:96) T (A) (cid:96) (cid:96) AutR(R⊗Z(cid:96) T(cid:96)(A)) for all (commutative) Z(cid:96)-algebras R. Note that the generic fiber of GLT(cid:96)(A) is GL and the image of ρ lies in GL (Z ). Let G be the Zariski closure of ρ (Gal ) V (A) A,(cid:96) T (A) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) A,(cid:96) K (cid:96) (cid:96) in GL ; it is a group scheme over Z with generic fiber G . T (A) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) (cid:96) 7 Let ρ : Gal → Aut (A[(cid:96)]) be the representation describing the Galois action on the (cid:96)- A,(cid:96) K Z/(cid:96)Z torsion points of A. Observe that ρ (Gal ) is naturally a subgroup of G (F ); the following A,(cid:96) K A,(cid:96) (cid:96) results show that these groups are almost equal. Proposition 2.10. Suppose that Kconn = K and that A is absolutely simple. A ((i)) For (cid:96) sufficiently large, G is a reductive group over Z . A,(cid:96) (cid:96) ((ii)) There is a constant C such that the inequality [G (F ) : ρ (Gal )] ≤ C holds for all A,(cid:96) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) K primes (cid:96). ((iii)) For (cid:96) sufficiently large, the group ρ (Gal ) contains the commutator subgroup of G (F ). A,(cid:96) K A,(cid:96) (cid:96) Proof. In Serre’s 1985-1986 course at the Coll`ege de France [Ser00, #136], he showed that the groups ρ (Gal ) are essentially the F -points of certain reductive groups. For each prime (cid:96), he A,(cid:96) K (cid:96) ∼ constructs a certain connected algebraic subgroup H(cid:96) of GLT(cid:96)(A),F(cid:96) = GL2dimA,F(cid:96). There exists a finite extension L/K for which the following properties hold for all sufficiently large primes (cid:96): • H is reductive. (cid:96) • ρ (Gal ) is a subgroup of H (F ) and the index [H (F ) : ρ (Gal )] can be bounded A,(cid:96) L (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) L independently of (cid:96). • ρ (Gal ) contains the commutator subgroup of H (F ). A,(cid:96) L (cid:96) (cid:96) Detailed sketches of Serre’s results were supplied in letters that have since been published in his collected papers; see the beginning of [Ser00], in particular the letter to M.-F. Vign´eras [Ser00, #137]. The paper of Wintenberger [Win02] also contains everything we need. In[Win02,§3.4],itisshownthatSerre’sgroupH equalsthespecialfiberofG forallsufficiently (cid:96) A,(cid:96) large (cid:96). Parts (ii) and (iii) then follow from the properties of H . For part (i), see [Win02, §2.1] (cid:96) and [LP95]. (cid:3) 2.9. Independence. Combining all our (cid:96)-adic representations together, we obtain a single Galois representation (cid:89) ρA: GalK → AutQ(cid:96)(V(cid:96)(A)) (cid:96) which describes the Galois action on all the torsion points of A. The following theorem shows that, after possibly replacing K by a finite extension, the Galois representations ρ will be independent. A,(cid:96) Proposition 2.11. (Serre [Ser00, #138]) There is a finite Galois extension K(cid:48) of K in K such (cid:81) that ρ (Gal ) equals ρ (Gal ). A K(cid:48) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) K(cid:48) We will need the following straightforward consequence: Proposition 2.12. Fix an extension K(cid:48)/K as in Proposition 2.11. Let Λ be a finite set of ra- tional primes. For each prime (cid:96) ∈ Λ, fix a subset U of the group ρ (Gal ) that is stable under (cid:96) A,(cid:96) K conjugation. Let S be the set of v ∈ Σ such that ρ (Frob ) ⊆ U for all (cid:96) ∈ Λ. Then S has K A,(cid:96) v (cid:96) density (cid:88) |C| (cid:89) |ρA,(cid:96)(ΓC)∩U(cid:96)| · |Gal(K(cid:48)/K)| |ρ (Γ )| A,(cid:96) C C (cid:96)∈Λ where C varies over the conjugacy classes of Gal(K(cid:48)/K) and Γ is the set of σ ∈ Gal for which C K σ| ∈ C. K(cid:48) (cid:81) (cid:81) Proof. Set m := (cid:96), and define U := U , which we view as a subset of Aut (A[m]). (cid:96)∈Λ m (cid:96)|m (cid:96) Z/mZ Let ρ : Gal → Aut (A[m]) be the homomorphism describing the Galois action on A[m]. A,m K Z/mZ Let µ and µ(cid:48) be the Haar measures on Gal normalized so that µ(Gal ) = 1 and µ(cid:48)(Gal ) = 1. K K K(cid:48) 8 TheChebotarevdensitytheoremsaysthatthedensityδ ofS isdefinedandequalsµ({σ ∈ Gal : K ρ (σ) ∈ U }). Let{σ } beasubsetofGal consistingofrepresentativesofthecosetsofGal A,m m i i∈I K K(cid:48) in Gal . We then have K [K(cid:48) : K]δ = (cid:88)µ(cid:48)({σ ∈ σ Gal : ρ (σ) ∈ U }) = (cid:88) |ρA,m(σiGalK(cid:48))∩Um|. i K(cid:48) A,m m |ρ (σ Gal )| A,m i K(cid:48) i∈I i∈I We have ρ (Gal ) = (cid:81) ρ (Gal ) by our choice of K(cid:48) and hence ρ (σ Gal ) equals A,m K(cid:48) (cid:96)|m A,(cid:96) K(cid:48) A,m i K(cid:48) (cid:81) ρ (σ Gal ) for all i ∈ I. Therefore, (cid:96)|m A,(cid:96) i K(cid:48) [K(cid:48) : K]δ = (cid:88)(cid:89) |ρA,(cid:96)(σiGalK(cid:48))∩U(cid:96)|. |ρ (σ Gal )| A,(cid:96) i K(cid:48) i∈I (cid:96)|m Since U is stable under conjugation, we find that |ρ (σ Gal ) ∩ U |/|ρ (σ Gal )| depends (cid:96) A,(cid:96) i K(cid:48) (cid:96) A,(cid:96) i K(cid:48) onlyontheconjugacyclassC ofGal(K(cid:48)/K)containingσ | andequals|ρ (Γ )∩U |/|ρ (Γ )|. i K(cid:48) A,(cid:96) C (cid:96) A,(cid:96) C Using this and grouping the σ by their conjugacy class when restricted to K(cid:48), we deduce that i [K(cid:48) : K]δ = (cid:88)|C|(cid:89) |ρA,(cid:96)(ΓC)∩U(cid:96)| |ρ (Γ )| A,(cid:96) C C (cid:96)|m where C varies over the conjugacy classes of Gal(K(cid:48)/K). (cid:3) 3. Reductive groups: background Fix a perfect field k and an algebraic closure k. 3.1. Tori. An (algebraic) torus over k is an algebraic group T defined over k for which T is k isomorphic to Gr for some integer r. Fix a torus T over k. Let X(T) be the group of characters m,k T → G ; it is a free abelian group whose rank equals the dimension of T. Let Aut(T ) be the k m,k k groupofautomorphismsofthealgebraicgroupT . Foreachf ∈ Aut(T ), wehaveanisomorphism k k f : X(T) → X(T), α (cid:55)→ α◦f−1; this gives a group isomorphism ∗ ∼ Aut(T ) −→ Aut(X(T)), f (cid:55)→ f k ∗ which we will often use as an identification. There is a natural action of the absolute Galois group Gal on X(T); it satisfies σ(α(t)) = σ(α)(σ(t)) for all σ ∈ Gal , α ∈ X(T) and t ∈ T(k). Let k k ϕ : Gal → Aut(X(T)) be the homomorphism describing this action, that is, ϕ (σ)α = σ(α) T k T for σ ∈ Gal and α ∈ X(T). Note that the torus T, up to isomorphism, can be recovered from k the representation ϕ . We say that the torus T is split if it is isomorphic to Gr ; equivalently, if T m,k ϕ (Gal ) = 1. T k Let G be a reductive group over k. A maximal torus of G is a closed algebraic subgroup that is a torus (also defined over k) and is not contained in any larger such subgroup. If T and T(cid:48) are maximal tori of G, then T and T(cid:48) are maximal tori of G and are conjugate by some element of k k k G(k). The group G has a maximal torus whose dimension is called the rank of G. We say that G is split if it has a maximal torus that is split. 3.2. Weyl group. Let G be a connected reductive group over k. Fix a maximal torus T of G. The (absolute) Weyl group of G with respect to T is the finite group W(G,T) := N (T)(k)/T(k) G where N (T) is the normalizer of T in G. For an element g ∈ N (T)(k), the morphism T → G G k T , t (cid:55)→ gtg−1 is an isomorphism that depends only on the image of g in W(G,T); this induces a k 9 faithful action of W(G,T) on T . So, we can identify W(G,T) with a subgroup of Aut(T ) and k k hence also of Aut(X(T)). There is a natural action of Gal on W(G,T). For σ ∈ Gal and w ∈ W(G,T), we have k k ϕ (σ)◦w◦ϕ (σ)−1 = σ(w). In particular, note that the action of Gal of W(G,T) is trivial if T T T k is split. We define Π(G,T) to be subgroup of Aut(X(T)) generated by W(G,T) and ϕ (Gal ). The T k Weyl group W(G,T) is a normal subgroup of Π(G,T). Up to isomorphism, the groups W(G,T) and Π(G,T) are independent of T (for the group Π(G,T), see Proposition 2.1 of [JKZ11]); we shall denote the abstract groups by W(G) and Π(G), respectively. 3.3. Maximal tori over finite fields. We now assume that k is a finite field F with q elements. q Let G be a connected reductive group defined over F . Assume further that G is split and fix a q splitmaximaltorusT. LetT(cid:48) beanymaximaltorusofG. Thereisanelementg ∈ G(F )suchthat q gT(cid:48) g−1 = T . Since T and T(cid:48) are defined over F , we find that Frob (g)T(cid:48) Frob (g)−1 = T Fq Fq q q Fq q Fq and hence gFrob (g)−1 belongs to N (T)(F ). Let θ (T(cid:48)) be the conjugacy class of W(G,T) q G q GA containing the coset represented by gFrob (g)−1. These conjugacy classes have the following inter- q pretation: Proposition 3.1. The map T(cid:48) (cid:55)→ θ (T(cid:48)) defines a bijection between the maximal tori of G up to G conjugation in G(F ) and the conjugacy classes of W(G,T). q Proof. This is [Car85, Prop. 3.3.3]. Note that the action of Frob on W(G,T) is trivial since T is q split, so the Frob -conjugacy classes of W(G,T) in [Car85] are just the usual conjugacy classes of q W(G,T). (cid:3) Let G(F ) be the set of g ∈ G(F ) that are semisimple and regular in G. Each g ∈ G(F ) is q sr q q sr contained in a unique maximal torus T of G. We define the map g θ : G(F ) → W(G,T)(cid:93), g (cid:55)→ θ (T ) G q sr G g where W(G,T)(cid:93) is the set of conjugacy classes of W(G,T). We will need the following equidistri- bution result later. Lemma 3.2. Let G be a connected and split reductive group over a finite field F , and fix a split q maximal torus T. Let C be a subset of W(G,T) that is stable under conjugation and let κ be a subset of G(F ) that is a union of cosets of the commutator subgroup of G(F ). Then q q |{g ∈ κ∩G(F ) : θ (g) ⊆ C}| |C| q sr G = +O(1/q) |κ| |W(G,T)| where the implicit constant depends only on the type of G (and in particular, not on q, T, C and κ). Proof. We shall reduce to a special case treated in [JKZ11] which deals with semisimple groups. Let Gad be the quotient of G by its center and let ϕ: G → Gad be the quotient homomorphism. Let Tad be the image of T under ϕ; it is a split maximal torus of Gad. The homomorphism ϕ induces a group isomorphism ϕ : W(G,T) −→∼ W(Gad,Tad). An element g ∈ G(F ) is regular and ∗ q semisimple in G if and only if ϕ(g) is regular and semisimple in Gad. For g ∈ G(F ) , one can q sr check that θ (g) ⊆ C if and only if θ (ϕ(g)) ⊆ ϕ (C). Therefore, G Gad ∗ |{g ∈ κ∩G(F ) : θ (g) ⊆ C}| |{g ∈ ϕ(κ)∩Gad(F ) : θ (g) ⊆ ϕ (C)}| (3.1) q sr G = q sr Gad ∗ . |κ| |ϕ(κ)| 10

A has good reduction, the reduction A modulo v is an abelian variety Av defined over Fv. We know Reductions of abelian varieties, Galois representations.
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