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The SpinifexbirdEremiornis carteriin the Desert Uplands Bioregion, north-central Queensland: a geographic isolate or a nomadic metapopulation? PDF

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Preview The SpinifexbirdEremiornis carteriin the Desert Uplands Bioregion, north-central Queensland: a geographic isolate or a nomadic metapopulation?

The Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri in the Desert Uplands Bioregion, north-central Queensland: a geographic isolate or a nomadic metapopulation? A.S. Kutt School of Tropical Biology and Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811. Current address: Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (Environmental Protection Agency), PO Box 5391, Townsville MC, QLD 4810. Email: [email protected] T C The Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri is an inland species exclusively associated with mature Triodia spp. grasslands. Despite its wide distribution throughout arid and semi-arid Australia, a history of range A expansion and contraction, and concentration into a number of core population centres, the species R is considered monotypic. Two disjunct eastern localities were recorded during a vertebrate fauna T survey of the Desert Uplands Bioregion in central-north Queensland, both in mature Triodia longiceps grasslands. These localities are described and reasons for the lack of speciation within this S taxon are reviewed. Nomadism in response to fire and climate pressures, discrete habitat specificity B and current land use patterns are discussed as possible causes of lack of morphological differentiation, A though the possibility of cryptic genetic variation in sub-populations is canvassed. Key words: Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri, Triodia, metapopulation, nomadism, fire, genetic variation, Desert Uplands, Queensland Introduction The Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri is a small and secretive (Mathews and Neuman 1939). Examination of Australia- member of the passerine family Sylviidae or Old World wide material concluded that this interpretation was Warblers. Eremiornis is a monotypic genus, though closely incorrect (Ford and Parker 1974), a decision recently related to grassbirds Megalurus (Schodde and Mason reconfirmed (Schodde and Mason 1999). Spinifexbirds 1999). As its common name implies, the Spinifexbird is are generally considered sedentary (Ford and Parker 1974; strongly associated with the characteristic arid and semi- Blakers et al. 1984; Pizzey and Knight 1997) and this arid Australian hummock grasses (“spinifex”) Triodia spp. somewhat confounds the conclusion that isolated More specifically its habitat is considered to be hilly, populations are morphologically undifferentiated, in that “uneven” country, above 300 m altitude, where run-off many other central Australian bird species of comparable causes the Triodia and associated vegetation to grow or smaller distribution have evolved distinct ultrataxa thicker than elsewhere (Ford and Parker 1974). (Ford 1974; Schodde and Mason 1999). Distribution for this species generally follows a broad band In Queensland, the discovery of Spinifexbird distribution between 20-25° latitude across central Australia from has been slow: a single collection from the Mt Isa-Cloncurry north-western Queensland to the Western Australian district that led to the proposal of a smaller Queensland coast (Schodde and Mason 1999). subspecies (Mathews and Neuman 1939); further data for Within this zone, four major mainland populations are the Mt Isa district (Carruthers in Ford and Parker 1974); considered extant (central Western Australia, Fitzroy River discovery of Spinifexbird populations at Opalton (Officer drainage east to Victoria River, southern highlands of the 1971); and additional reporting of localities in the Mt Isa Northern Territory and the Mt Isa-Opalton districts in (Horton 1975; Blakers et al. 1984) and Opalton-Winton Queensland), corresponding with sandstone ranges support- regions (Dawson and Morgan 1974; Ford and Parker 1974; ing the habitat described above (Ford and Parker 1974). Blakers et al. 1984). In both areas populations are considered Intervening areas of lower altitude sandy desert are moderately common, sedentary and widespread (Horton considered to lack populations, or at least support very low 1975; Dawson and Morgan 1974) most typically in “thriving” numbers (Ford and Parker 1974), though historical records Triodia pungens and T. longiceps grasslands (Ford and Parker within these gaps have suggested a more continuous distrib- 1974). This paper reports a further potentially disjunct ution, (Blakers et al. 1984; Schodde and Mason 1999). population of the Spinifexbird in north-central Queensland, Queensland populations were originally considered a isolated from the nearest known localities at Opalton- subspecies queenslandicus, being smaller and less-rufous Winton by a distance of over 200km (Fig. 1). Australian 246 Zoologist volume 32 (2) February 2003 Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri in the desert uplands bioregion Study area and methods New Spinifexbird localities Distribution data for Spinifexbirds were collected from a Two discrete localities for Spinifexbird were located in the fauna survey conducted within the Desert Uplands Bioregion Desert Uplands Bioregion, approximately 100 km apart. (Fig. 1) between 1997 and 2000. This survey assessed Descriptions of these localities including vegetation and variation of vertebrate species abundance and distribution general habitat features are as follows. in a range of regional ecosystem types (sensu Sattler and Moonoomoo Station (21° 52’ 4.8” 146° 1’ Williams 1999). The Desert Uplands is situated within Australia’s northern tropical savannas, and straddles the 55.2”) 120 km south-east of Charters Towers Great Dividing Range between Charters Towers, Hughenden Open hummock grassland Triodia longiceps to 0.75 m and and Blackall, sharing boundaries with the Northern Brigalow 50% cover, with scattered Yapunyah Eucalyptus thozetiana Belt to the east and south, the Einasleigh Uplands to the to 14 m. Virtually a monoculture of Triodia in the ground north and the Mitchell Grass Downs to the west (Fig. 1). cover, though the grass Sporobolos actinocladus appears in The climate is semi-arid, dominated by sand stone ranges small patches. Remainder of ground cover approximately and sand plains with soils of mostly poor structure and 25% bare and 25% small rocks (ironstone) to 6 cm. Soils fertility comprising open Acacia and Eucalypt woodlands, red sandy-clays and poorly drained. Altitude 300-350 m. ephemeral lake and dune systems and hum mock and The Triodia patch was no more than 10 ha in size but tussock grasslands (Sattler and Williams 1999). embedded within a mosaic of other hummock grassland Sampling utilised a standardised nested quadrat array (1ha), patches, open woodlands of E. thozetiana, Mallee box E. modified from Woinarski and Fisher (1995), incorporating persistens and Reid River Box E. brownii all with mixed trapping (four pitfall and twenty small Elliott traps) and Triodia spp. and tussock grass ground cover and low observation (bird counts and daily timed diurnal and woodlands of Blackwood Acacia argyrodenron, Lancewood nocturnal searches) over a 96 hours period. Bird counts A. shirleyi and Gidgee A. cambagei. This site is moderately consisted of four morning censuses undertaken on separate grazed and rarely burnt except by wildfire, though exact days within the survey period. Within the Desert Uplands, information is not available. It is directly adjacent to, 158 quadrat sites were sampled, with 105 of these being and fenced from, extremely fertile and heavily grazed E. sampled twice, each time in a different season. brownii, E. thozetiana and A. cambagei on clay soils. The Figure 1. Distribution of the Spinifexbird in Queensland identified by existing published point records. Solid circle indicates records prior to this study. Sources are literature in text, Queensland Museum, and data from the Birds Australia Atlas of Australian Birds (Blakers et al. 1984). Solid star represent new records for the Desert Uplands Bioregion. Bioregion abbreviations: MGD = Mitchell Grass Downs, DEU = Desert Uplands, BRB = Brigalow Belt, CHC = Channel Country, MUL = Mulga Lands, NWH = North-west Highlands. Australian February 2003 Zoologist volume 32 (2) 247 Kutt quadrat site was visited three times and sampled for two wrens Malurus leucopterus and Desert Mouse Pseudomys days in August 1998 (during a reconnaissance trip), four desertor. The last species in some ways parallels the in November 1998 and four September 1999. Spinifexbird discovery in the Desert Uplands. Previously Spinifexbirds were recorded only in the latter two considered rare and poorly known in Queensland, and surveys and were most vocal and prominent in November, presumed to be restricted to arid western Queensland in coincident with known breeding period (August to the Channel Country and North-west Highland November, Pizzey and Knight 1997). At least two, and Bioregions, P. desertor was the most common and possibly four individuals were noted. abundant terrestrial rodent trapped in this study, and was strongly affiliated with Trioda spp. vegetation Albionvale Station (22° 20’ 42.1” 145° 24’ communities (unpubl. data). 24.2”) 100 km north of Aramac Though only recorded in two discrete localities, potential Open hummock grassland Triodia longiceps to 0.5 m and habitat for the species in the Desert Uplands is moderately 40% cover. Additional ground cover to 10% composed of extensive. There are small and patchy, but widespread, tussock grasses Eragrostis speciosa, Dactyloctenium radulans, Triodia longiceps grasslands predominantly distributed in Sporobolos actinocladus, forbs Polycarpaea corymbosa, the western portion of the bioregion, and extensive T. Trianthema triquerta, Salsola kali, and sedges Fimbristylis pungens dominated grasslands and woodlands throughout bisumbellata. Remaining 50% bare. Soils shallow white the central Alice Tablelands. However, in the latter sandy-clays overlying deep grey clays, also poorly drained. community, the combination of grazing and fire may Altitude 250 m. This area supports large Triodia grasslands create a low, quite sparse ground cover, perhaps unsuitable within a mosaic of herb-fields, heaths and artesian mound for Spinifexbirds. Over 50 quadrats were sampled in springs which form an extensive (>8000 ha) low altitude, Triodia spp. communities and Spinifexbirds were recorded saline discharge zone on the western edge of the Desert only in the T. longiceps grasslands. The more resilient Uplands and a significant inflow area for the Great dense structure of T. longiceps and its relative unpalatability Artesian Basin (Morgan et al. 2000). This site is heavily to stock compared to T. pungens which is grazed and grazed and regularly burnt, though exact stocking rates regularly burnt, may provide a more consistent habitat and fire frequency are again unknown. Adjacent areas of refuge. low open woodlands on sandy clays have been extensively cleared on this property. The site was visited twice and Eyrean avifauna is thought to have Bassian, Torresian and sampled for four days in July 1999 and four days in in situ origins (Schodde 1982), the primary derivation of February 2000. Spinifexbirds were recorded only February, most species being from the mesic south-west Bassian and though were very elusive and rarely vocal. At least two the tropical north-east Torresian environments (Schodde individuals were recorded for the site. 1982). Isolation, via geographic barriers, migrating founders, stranding within refugia, and followed by Discussion subsequent habitat adaptation, is considered the primary cause for arid/semi-arid avian speciation (Ford 1974; The location of these Spinifexbirds as a geographic isolate Schodde 1982; Ford 1987). Continued patchiness of follows the established pattern for the species, appearing extant Eyrean species is thought to be directly due to this in disjunct sandstone habitats with extensive Triodia historical adaptation to specific substrates and resources, grasslands and associated woodland vegetation. The a pattern reinforced by intervening areas of inappropriate Desert Uplands is separated from the nearest populations habitat (Schodde 1982; Ford 1987). in the Opalton-Winton area by a large expanse of low altitude Astrebla spp. and associated grasslands on cracking The Spinifexbird is one of the few monotypic Eyrean bird clays in the Mitchell Grass Downs Bioregion. Though species, despite a clear habitat specificity and a history of perhaps unexpectedly further east, the presence of range expansion and contraction (Ford and Parker 1974). appropriate vegetation types and new localities geographic Its existence in a series of primary refuges (Selwyn Ranges/ position on the eastern edge of the broad Eyrean zone Mt Isa-Opalton Plateau, Hammersley and Pilbara Ranges, suggests the Spinifexbird’s appearance and continuous Central Australian ranges) (Schodde 1982; Ford 1987; distribution is predictable. Schodde and Mason 1999) on face value suggests that the The Moonoomoo Station location lies directly on the undifferentiated status for the Spinifexbird is ecologically Great Dividing Range, clearly on the border of the somewhat paradoxical, though clear morphological Eyrean and Torresian zones. This locality must surely evidence exists for its singular status (Ford and Parker represent the Spinifexbirds’ most eastern locality, as 1974; Schodde and Mason 1999). Four broad explanations beyond this point climate, altitude and vegetation shifts for this pattern have been, or are proposed: Spinifexbirds markedly into wetter savanna woodlands. The locations in Australia consist of a nomadic metapopulation; being at Albionvale Station were less surprising, this region of Eyrean origin they have failed to differentiate during having more extensive Triodia vegetation that is typical periods of Pleistocene aridity; there are possibly of the Channel Country near Winton-Opalton, and a unidentified cryptic species within the population that direct geographic and hydrological relationship with the exhibit no morphological variation; and that post- Great Artesian Basin. Other species recorded here are European land management impacts have increased also more typically arid-zone, including Centralian Blue- population discontinuity. Each is discussed in further tongue Lizards Tiliqua multifasciata, White-winged Fairy- detail below. Australian 248 Zoologist volume 32 (2) February 2003 Spinifexbird Eremiornis carteri in the desert uplands bioregion Nomadic metapopulation (Churchill 1998), however Nyctophilus geoffroyi has also been recorded flying an unexpected 10 km per evening, Pan-arid zone nomadism and post-rainfall irruption from between roosts and remnant foraging habitat (Lumsden et core habitats and consequent genetic interchange are al. 1995). This suggests that though wing structure controls identified as a possible cause for lack of speciation in the typical flight and foraging patterns of volant species, it may Spinifexbird (Ford 1974), an explanation provided for the not be a limiting factor on the ability to disperse or migrate monotypic status of the Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor within a heterogeneous terrestrial landscape, given the (Keast 1958). This is a typical metapopulation pattern, appropriate reason. Higgins et al. (2001) identifies some where genetically identical sub-groups interact, but are secondary sources that suggest species such as White- geographically separated (Hanski and Gilpin 1991). The winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus can be locally wide geographic separation for such a terrestrial and nomadic, moving seasonally. cryptic bird seems problematic, though Old World Warblers from which Spinifexbirds derived, are renowned Eyrean origin and the failure to differentiate for their migratory prowess (Schodde and Mason 1999). The Spinifexbird is considered of Eyrean origin, derived The suggestion is that, despite its small size and apparently from ancestral warbler populations entering Australia weak power of flight, a capacity for longer-distance from the north-west (Schodde 1982). This obviously dispersal may remain. Historically irregular rainfall and implies primary or in situ adaptation to arid landscapes. large scale habitat patchiness caused by traditional burning Subsequent expansion with increasing aridity in Australia, of landscape by Aboriginal people may have reinforced followed by contraction and isolation has left sub- this nomadic behaviour. populations in areas of habitat to which Spinifexbirds There is little available information regarding the relative have already well adapted, but without impetus for flight abilities of Spinifexbirds in comparison to other morphological change, as happened to mesic Bassian or warblers and grassbirds, sedentary species of the arid Torresian species isolated into xeric environments (e.g. interior (e.g. Malurus, Amytornis) and other arid nomads Gerygone fusca and G. olivacea, Ford 1974). Potential (e.g Crimson Chat. Epthianura tricolor), though the expansion of Spinifexbirds into eastern wet-dry grasslands related Little Grassbird Megalurus gramineus has was not possible due to the existing radiation into these successfully colonised artesian bores in the arid inland niches by other Old World Warbler descendants of (Blakers et al. 1984) implying dispersal ability. Limited Acrocephalus and Megalurus (Schodde and Mason 1999) data in Ford and Parker (1974) and Higgins et al. (2001) from an existing Torresian origin. indicate absolute wing lengths of Spinifexbirds (51-53.5 Cryptic species with no morphological mm) to be longer than those of fairy-wrens (e.g. Malurus leucopterus 43-47.3 mm) and emu-wrens (e.g. Stipiturus variation ruficeps 36-39.5 mm), equable to those of grasswrens (e.g. Morphological variation in the Spinifexbird has been Amytornis striatus 53.5-56 mm) and shorter than those of examined twice, both concluding its monotypic status (Ford chats (e.g. E. tricolor 64.3-67.5 mm), suggesting an and Parker 1974; Schodde and Mason 1999). Molecular intermediate flight ability. Data on relative wing length, evidence also exists as to its interspecific relationships, which also reflects bird shape and size, is a better predictor confirming the unique generic status of Eremiornis, and its of distance flight (W. Boles, Australian Museum, pers. phylogenetic position next to Megalurus (Schodde and comm., 2002). Examination of the length sequence of the Mason 1999). This situation is not unique as both the Yellow five outer wing primaries (highest is the outermost) White-eye Zosterop luteus luteus and Crimson Finch Neochmia indicates the following pattern: Superb Fairy-wren Malurus phaeton phaeton in northern Australia have widely disjunct cyaneus (7=6=5=4>3); Striated Grasswren Amytornis populations with no morphological variation (Schodde and striatus (7=6=5≥4>3); Little Grassbird M. gramineus Mason 1999). However there apparently has been no (8=7=6=5>4); Eremiornis carteri (8=7=6=5>9); and intraspecific genetic examination of the Spinifexbird and it is Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor (8>7>9>6>5) possible there are cryptic ultrataxa within population isolates, (Higgins et al. 2001; W. Boles, Australian Museum, pers. which lack morphological distinction. Molecular studies comm., 2002). Therefore morphologically, fairy-wrens using mitochondrial DNA have identified deep genetic and grasswrens have short, rounded wings (longest differentiation in species that lack any external phenotypic primaries 5-7), while nomadic Crimson Chats have long variation across vicariant rainforest refugia (Chowchilla pointed wings (longest primaries 7-9). Spinifexbirds have Orthonyx spaldingii, Grey-headed Robin Poecilodryas wings similar in shape to that of the Little Grassbird, albispecularis Joseph et al. 1995; Moritz et al. 1997), though intermediate to grasswrens and chats, suggesting some Schodde and Mason (1999) subsequently identified a dispersal ability. northern form of Chowchilla on morphological grounds. Conversely, rainforest generalists which exhibit greater For comparison, wing-aspect loading and flight characteristics flexibility in habitat preference lacked genetic differences of microchiropteran bats have been well studied (e.g Bullen between isolated populations (e.g. White-browed Scrubwren and McKenzie 2001 and references therein) indicating slow Sericornis frontalis laevigaster, Joseph et al. 1993; Schodde and flying, manoeuvrable gleaning species (e.g. Nyctophilus) have Mason 1999). Recently other species of inland birds short broad wings whereas fast flying, above canopy species geographically isolated but with no obvious morphological (e.g. Tadarida australis, Taphozous spp.) have long narrow variation have been found to have genetically differentiated wings. The latter species are known and expected to populations (L. Christidis, Museum Victoria, pers. comm.). seasonally migrate or travel long nightly distance to feed Australian February 2003 Zoologist volume 32 (2) 249 Kutt Post-European impacts A definitive assessment of the nature of the Spinifexbird population in the Desert Uplands is not possible from The impact on native fauna by post-European landuse simple observations of two new localities. Large areas of - grazing by hoofed stock, alteration of traditional fire suitable habitat exist and remain unsurveyed, and these regimes and the ancillary increase in feral predator records suggest this bioregion may support another numbers - is well accepted (Burbidge and McKenzie Spinifexbird isolate, but part of a larger metapopulation 1983; Morton 1990). Grazing impacts were recognised connected by recent or past nomadic migration either as responsible for the demise of terrestrial mammal from the Opalton-Winton district to the west or the Mt th species as early as the 19 century (Krefft 1866). It is Isa region to the north-west. Though it is presumed the possible that the extant pattern of Spinifexbird isolates Spinifexbirds in the Desert Uplands have been extant for in rough, hilly terrain is partly a function of this more a long period, the coincidence of these records with a recent history. Intermediate Triodia and tussock grass period of record rainfall in central and western Queensland habitat may have been transitory or non-core habitat, cannot discount the possibility of very recent migration to but still utilised sporadically or for regular migratory the Desert Uplands. No historical data exist to confirm movement. Decrease in the density and cover of the this, and both the Desert Uplands and adjacent Einasleigh ground strata by grazing, and discontinuation of Uplands Bioregions remain poorly surveyed and warrant traditional burning by Aboriginal people, decreasing further attention. the frequency and patchiness of the fire mosaic and On evidence presented above, it is suggested that, though increasing scale and intensity of the impact (Burbidge Spinifexbird populations are clustered into areas of ideal and McKenzie 1983) may have accentuated both the habitat, changing local conditions over the short or long isolation and the gaps, and therefore a pattern of term are likely to promote a degree of nomadism. Past and patchy distribution. current patterns of rainfall variability, the pattern of large fires in Triodia communities, and an association with lush, Conclusion mature Triodia indicate a species that needs to be flexible and mobile. The map of Spinifexbird localities in Queensland North-eastern Queensland, including the northern Desert (Fig. 1) indicate that the population at Mt Isa and Winton Uplands, is an area of remarkable avian hybridisation and are also divided by the Mitchell Grass Downs (with a couple ultrataxa radiation (Keast 1961; Schodde and Mason of isolated intermediate records), a pattern similar to the 1980, 1999; Schodde 1982; Ford 1986, 1997). The southern cluster and the Desert Uplands records. This identification of a population of Spinifexbird in the Desert suggests barriers of such distance, though perhaps Uplands extends the eastern range extent for this species, accentuated by current land use, are negligible. Following but the disjunction suggests the habitat in this bioregion this, it is predicted that within Queensland there is likely no may currently or historically have acted as a refuge. The genetic variation in the species. However, across its entire intergradation of a number of Eyrean and Torresian fauna distribution in Australia where the scale of geographic species and the presence of two new, seemingly endemic distances may be more influential, there is still a likelihood species of reptile (Couper et al. 2002; unpubl data) further of cryptic genetic difference between Western and Central supports the biogeographic significance of this area. Australian and Queensland populations. Acknowledgements The survey of the Desert Uplands Bioregion was funded permission to work on their properties. The manuscript by the Australian Heritage Commission’s National Estate was improved by comments from John Woinarski, Stephen Grant program and the Tropical Savanna CRC. Further Garnett (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service) and invaluable assistance was provided by John Woinarski Lawrie Conole (Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd), Walter Boles (Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory) (Australian Museum), Brad Law and an anonymous and Jeanette Kemp (Queensland Herbarium). Many referee. Les Christidis (Victorian Museum) provided thanks to all the land-holders of the Desert Uplands valuable information on cryptic variation in birds, and community who assisted and provided Walter Boles data on wing shape. References Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. and Reilly, P.N. 1984. The Atlas of Couper, P.J., Amey, A.P. and Kutt, A.S. 2002 A new species Australian Birds. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. of the genus Ctenotus (Scincidae) from Central Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 48: 85-91. Bullen, R. and McKenzie, N.L. 2001. Bat airframe design: flight performance, stability and control in relation to flight. Dawson, P.E. and Morgan, B. 1974. An ornithological tour of Australian Journal of Zoology 49: 235-261. western Queensland. Sunbird 5: 57-64. Burbidge, N. T. and McKenzie, N. 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