Draftversion January24,2011 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.03/07/07 THE SPIN PARAMETER OF UNIFORMLY ROTATING COMPACT STARS Ka-Wai Lo∗ and Lap-Ming Lin† DepartmentofPhysicsandInstituteofTheoretical Physics,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong,HongKong,China (Dated: January 24, 2011) Draft version January 24, 2011 ABSTRACT 1 Westudythedimensionlessspinparameterj (=cJ/(GM2))ofuniformlyrotatingneutronstarsand 1 quarkstarsingeneralrelativity. We shownumericallythatthe maximumvalue ofthe spinparameter 0 ofaneutronstarrotatingattheKeplerianfrequencyisjmax ∼0.7forawideclassofrealisticequations 2 of state. This upper bound is insensitive to the mass of the neutron star if the mass of the star is n largerthan about 1 M⊙. Onthe other hand, the spinparameterof a quarkstar modeled by the MIT bagmodelcanbelargerthanunityanddoesnothaveauniversalupperbound. Itsvaluealsodepends a J strongly on the bag constant and the mass of the star. Astrophysical implications of our finding will be discussed. 1 Subject headings: Dense matter—stars: neutron—stars: rotation 2 ] E 1. INTRODUCTION imum value for f (i.e., the Keplerian frequency fK) has been one of the most studied physical quanti- H The general stationary vacuum solution (the Kerr ties for relativistic rotating stars (see, e.g., Cook et al. spacetime)oftheEinsteinequationsisspecifieduniquely . h by the gravitational mass M and the angular momen- (1994); Haensel et al. (1995); Koranda et al. (1997); p tum J (see, e.g., Wald (1984)). If J ≤ GM2/c, we Benhar et al. (2005); Haensel et al. (2009)). However, o- have a rotating black hole. However, if J >GM2/c, the incontrasttothesepreviousworks,weshallfocusexten- sively on the spin parameter j. r Kerrspacetimewouldhaveanakedsingularitywithouta t horizon. One could then consider closed timelike curves It has been known that the spin parameter for a s maximum-mass neutron star lies in the range j ∼ a and causality would be violated (Chandrasekhar 1983). [ While its validity has not yet been proven, the cosmic- 0.6−0.7 for most realistic equations of state (EOS; e.g., Cook et al. (1994) and Salgado et al. (1994)). In this censorship conjecture (Penrose 1969) asserts that naked 2 work, we first extend the previous works and show that singularities cannot be formed via the gravitational col- v the upper bound for the spin parameter j ∼ 0.7 is lapseofabody. Forthisreason,itisbelievedthatastro- max 3 6 physicalblackholesshouldsatisfytheKerrboundj ≤1, essentiallyindependentofthe massoftheneutronstarif 5 where j =cJ/GM2 is the dimensionless spin parameter. thegravitationalmassofthestarislargerthan∼1M⊙. Next we study the spin parameter of self-bound quark 3 While the valueofthe spinparameterj playsafunda- stars,whichwasnotconsideredpreviouslyinCook et al. . mental role in black-hole physics, it appears that this is 1 (1994) and Salgado et al. (1994). We find that the be- notthecaseforotherstellarobjects. Inparticular,there 1 haviorofthespinparametersofneutronstarsandquark is no theoretical constraint on the value of j for stars. 0 stars is very different. In contrastto the case of neutron It is known that the spin parameter of main-sequence 1 stars, the spin parameter of quark stars does not have : stars depends sensitively on the stellar mass and can be v much larger than unity (Kraft 1968, 1970; Dicke 1970; a universal upper bound. It also depends sensitively on i the parameterofthe quarkmatter EOSand the mass of X Gray 1982). On the other hand, the spin parameter of thestar. Furthermore,thespinparameterofquarkstars compactstarshasnotbeenstudiedindetail(seebelow). r can be larger than unity. This leads us to propose that a As we shall discuss in more detail in Section 3, the spin thespinparametercouldbeausefulindicatortoidentify parameterofcompactstarsisinterestinginitsownright rapidly rotating quark stars. for two reasons. (1) It plays a role in our understand- Theplanofthis paper isasfollows. Section2presents ingofthe observedquasi-periodicoscillations(QPOs)in themainnumericalresultsofthiswork. InSection3,we disk-accreting compact-star systems. (2) It determines discusstheastrophysicalimplicationsofourresults. Our the final fate of the collapse of a rotating compact star. conclusions are summarized in Section 4. Ever since the seminal work of Hartle (1967) who considered the limit of slow rotation, rotating compact stars have been studied extensively in general relativ- 2. NUMERICAL RESULTS ity. In the past two decades, various different numer- 2.1. Numerical method and EOS models ical codes have been developed to construct rapidly rotating stellar models in general relativity. We re- We make use of the numerical code rotstar from the fer the reader to Stergioulas (2003) for a review. As C++ LORENE library1 to calculate uniformly rotat- the rotation frequency f is a directly measurable quan- ing compact star models in general relativity. The code tity for pulsars, it is thus reasonable that the max- uses a multi-domain spectral method (Bonazzola et al. 1998) to solve the Einstein equations in a station- ∗Currentaddress: DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofIllinoisat ary and axisymmetric spacetime with a matter source Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,IL61801, USA. †Emailaddressforallcorrespondence: [email protected] 1 http://www.lorene.obspm.fr/ 2 2.5 2500 A APR AU 2 BBB2 FPS 2000 SLY4 UU )n1.5 A WS Msu APR Hz) QMB60 M ( 1 ABBUB2 f(K1500 QMB90 FPS SLY4 UU 0.5 WS QMB60 QMB90 1000 0 1 2 3 4 ρ (1015g/cm3) 1 1.5 M (M ) 2 2.5 c sun Fig. 1.— Gravitationalmassasafunctionofthecentralenergy Fig. 2.— Keplerianfrequencyasafunctionofthegravitational densityfornon-rotatingcompactstarsconstructedwiththechosen massforrotatingcompactstarsconstructed withthechosenEOS EOSmodelsinthiswork. modelsinthiswork. 1 (Bonazzola et al. 1993; Gourgoulhon et al. 1999). The 0.9 code has been tested extensively and compared with a 0.8 few different numerical codes (Nozawa et al. 1998). As theoretical calculations for dense matter at 0.7 supranuclear densities are poorly constrained, the EOS 0.6 A idnertshteoohdigh(s-edee,nsei.tgy.,coWreeboefrcoetmapla.c(t2s0t0a7r)s;isHnaoentsweleleltuanl-. jmax0.5 AAUPR 0.4 BBB2 (2007) for reviews). In this work, we employ eight FPS realistic nuclear matter EOS to model rotating neu- 0.3 SLY4 tron stars: model A (Pandharipande 1971), model APR 0.2 UU WS (Akmal et al. 1998), model AU (the AV14+UVII model 0.1 in Wiringa et al. (1988) is joined to Negele & Vautherin 0 (1973)), model BBB2 (Baldo et al. 1997), model FPS 1 1.5 2 2.5 (Pandharipande & Ravenhall 1989; Lorenz et al. 1993), M (M ) sun model SLY4 (Douchin & Haensel 2000), model UU (the Fig. 3.— Maximum spinparameter as a functionof the gravi- UV14+UVII model in Wiringa et al. (1988) is joined tationalmassforrotatingneutronstars. to Negele & Vautherin (1973)) and model WS (the UV14+TNI model in Wiringa et al. (1988) is joined to Lorenz et al. (1993)). For the quark star models, we use the simplest MIT bag model with non-interacting mass- 2.2. Neutron stars less quarks (Chodos et al. 1974). Two different values, Nowweturntothemainfocusofthiswork: thedimen- 60 MeV fm−3 and 90 MeV fm−3, are chosen for the bag sionless spin parameter j. Having seen that f depends K constant B. These values correspond approximately to stronglyonthe EOSandthe mass of the star,it may be the range of B within which the hypothesis of strange quite surprising to learn that the maximum value of the matter is valid (Haensel et al. 2007). spin parameter j (as set by the Kepler limit) is quite max To illustrate the diversity of the EOS models used in universalforrotatingneutronstars. InFigure3, weplot thiswork,weplotthegravitationalmassM againstcen- j against the gravitational mass M for the selected max tral energy density ρc for non-rotating stars constructed nuclearmatter EOSmodels. In the figure,eachline cor- withthechosenEOSmodelsinFigure1. Thequarkstar respondsto one particular EOSandeachpoint ona line models QMB60 and QMB90 in the figure correspond to corresponds to a star model with a fixed M rotating at the cases B = 60 MeV fm−3 and 90 MeV fm−3, respec- its Keplerian frequency. Note that each sequence in the tively. The maximum mass of compact stars depends figure is terminated at the stellar model with the same quite sensitively on the EOS models and it ranges from total particle number as the stable maximum-mass non- about 1.5 M⊙ to 2.2 M⊙. In Figure 2, we plot the Kep- rotating configuration. In the figure, we see that jmax lerian frequency f against the gravitationalmass M of lies in a narrowrange∼0.65−0.7 for the eight different K rotatingcompactstarsbasedonourchosenEOSmodels. nuclear matter EOS models. In particular, the values Similar to the maximum mass for non-rotating compact do not depend sensitively on the mass of the star. This stars, Figure 2 shows clearly that f depends strongly extends previous works (Cook et al. 1994; Salgado et al. K on the EOS model. It is also sensitive to the mass of 1994) which focus on maximum-mass neutron star mod- the star. This is the well-known reason why searching els. for rapidly rotating compact stars can provide us con- Whilethespinparameterofanastrophysicalblackhole straints on the EOS of dense matter. is constrained by j ≤1, we find that the spin parameter 3 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 j j 0.3 0.3 0.94 M APR sun 0.2 1.43 M 0.2 FPS sun SLY4 1.73 M 0.1 sun 0.1 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 f / f K f / f K Fig. 4.— Spinparameter isplotted against thescaledrotation Fig. 5.— Spinparameter isplotted againstthe scaledrotation frequency for neutron stars constructed with the FPS EOS. Each frequency for neutron stars constructed with three different EOS line represents a sequence of fixed total particle number. Each sequence is labeled by the gravitational mass of its non-rotating models. ThebaryonicmassisfixedatMB=1.6M⊙. configuration. For the QMB60 model, j is decreased by about 24% max of a neutron star is bounded by jmax ∼ 0.7. The upper as M increases from 1 M⊙ to 2 M⊙. Comparing to the bound j is quite universal for different EOS models caseofneutronstars,itisalsoseenthatj hasamore max max and gravitational mass larger than ∼ 1 M⊙. For lower significant dependence on the EOS parameter, namely massneutronstars, M <1M⊙,we findthatj decreases the bag constant in the MIT bag model. Analogous to with decreasing M. However, we shall only focus on Figure 4 for neutron stars, we plot j against f/f for K mass M >1 M⊙ in this work as the observed masses of the QMB60 model in Figure 7. Each line represents a neutron stars are typically larger than 1 M⊙. We refer sequence of fixed total particle number. As in Figure 4, the reader to Steiner et al. (2010) for a recent review on each sequence is labeled by the gravitationalmass of its the observed masses of neutron stars. non-rotating configuration M . We show three different 0 So far we have studied the maximum spin parameter sequences in the figure: M0 =0.82 M⊙ (solid), 1.27 M⊙ jmax ofneutronstarsrotatingattheirKeplerianfrequen- (dashed), and 1.55 M⊙ (dash-dotted). We see that the cies f . However, realistic neutron stars in general ro- differences between the curves increase significantly as K tate slower with frequencies f < f . Is the spin pa- the scaled frequency increases. At f/f = 1, the spin K K rameter j still insensitive to the EOS and mass of the parameter is increased by about 27% when M changes 0 star? In Figure 4, we plot the spin parameter j against from 1.55 to 0.82 M⊙. the scaled rotationfrequency f/f for the FPS EOS. In We see that the spin parameter of quark stars can be K the figure, each line represents a sequence of fixed total significantly larger than the upper bound (j ∼ 0.7) max particle number (the so-called evolutionary sequence). for neutron stars. It can also be larger than the Kerr Each sequence is labeled by the gravitational mass of bound j = 1 for black holes. This suggests that the its non-rotating configuration M . The solid line corre- spin parameter could be a useful indicator to identify 0 spondstoM0 =0.94M⊙,thedashedlinecorrespondsto rapidlyrotatingquarkstars. Discoveringevenonesingle M0 = 1.43 M⊙, and the dashed-dotted line corresponds compact star with spin parameter j & 0.7 will provide to M0 = 1.73 M⊙. Note, however, that the gravita- a strong evidence for the existence of quark stars. Fi- tionalmassincreaseswithrotationfrequency. Thefigure nally, it should be pointed out that the fact that the shows that the spin parameter changes only by at most spin parameter of quark stars can be larger than 0.7 is 10% (depending on f/f ) when M changes from 0.94 also evident from the results of Stergioulas et al. (1999). K 0 to 1.73 M⊙. It is also interesting to note that the differ- Using the values of the gravitationalmass M and angu- encesbetweenthecurvesdecreaseasthescaledfrequency lar momentum J for Keplerian quark stars presented in f/f tends to 1. This is quite different from the case of Table 1 of Stergioulas et al. (1999), it is easy to check K quark stars which will be studied shortly. In Figure 5, that the quark stars considered by the authors all have we plot j against f/f for three different EOS models. j >0.7. In particular, their results also suggest that K max The stellarmodels onthe threesequenceshavethe same j decreaseswithincreasingM aswehaveseeninFig- max total particle numbers such that their baryonic masses ure 6. are fixed at MB = 1.6 M⊙. It is seen that, for a fixed scaled frequency, the spin parameter of neutron stars is 3. ASTROPHYSICAL IMPLICATIONS essentially independent of the EOS models. We have studied the spin parameter of uniformly ro- tating compact stars in general relativity. Our numer- 2.3. Quark stars ical results show that the behavior of the spin parame- Let us now consider self-bound quark stars using the ter of quark stars is quite different from that of neutron MITbagmodel. InFigure6,weplotj againstM for stars. In particular, the spin parameter of neutron stars max the two quark matter models QMB60 and QMB90. In is bounded above by j ≈ 0.7, while quark stars can max contrast to the case of neutron stars (see Figure 3), we have a value larger than unity. In this section, we shall seethatj dependssensitivelyonthemassofthestar. discuss (in our view) the astrophysical implications of max 4 1.5 1.2 1 1 0.82 M sun max0.8 QQMMBB6900 j 11..2575 MMsun j 0.6 sun 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 f / f M (M ) K sun Fig. 7.— Spinparameter isplotted againstthe scaledrotation Fig. 6.— Maximum spinparameter as afunction ofthe gravi- frequencyforquarkstarsconstructedwiththeQMB60EOS.Each tational massforrotatingquarkstars. line represents a sequence of fixed total particle number. Each sequence is labeled by the gravitational mass of its non-rotating configuration. our results. First, how could the spin parameter of a compact star be measured? Unfortunately, so far there is no gen- eral technique to infer the spin parameter j of compact flat solution of the Einstein-Maxwell system obtained stars directly. As far as we are aware, the spin param- by Manko et al. (2000) and study the geodesics in this eter of a compact star could be potentially measured in spacetime. If there is no charge and magnetic moment, disk-accreting compact-star systems. In particular, the this analytic solution depends only on the mass, angu- neutron stars (or quark stars) in low-mass X-ray bina- lar momentum, and quadrupole moment of the space- ries (LMXBs) provide the most natural cosmic labora- time. Furthermore, this solution only involves rational tories for studying the spin parameter. In order to un- functions, which helps to simplify the analytical study derstand how the spin parameter might be inferred in of geodesic motions. Berti & Stergioulas (2004) have disk-accreting systems, it should be noted that the spin demonstrated that this analytic solution can describe parameterofthecentralcompactstardirectlyaffectsthe the exterior spacetime of a rapidly rotating neutron star particle motion around the star. For example, to first (e.g., j >0.5) very well. Nevertheless, further investiga- order in j, the orbital frequency of a point particle in a tion is needed to check whether this analytic solution is prograde orbit around a compact star is given by (see, also valid for rapidly rotating quark stars. e.g., van der Klis (2006)) One of the well-observed features of LMXBs is the high-frequency (∼ kHz) QPOs. To date, QPOs have GM 3/2 GM 1/2 been observed in more than 20 LMXBs. These QPOs 2πν = 1−j , (1) φ " (cid:18) rc2 (cid:19) #(cid:18) r3 (cid:19) osyftsetnemcsomine winhipcahirtshweistphinfrefqreuqeunecniecsieνsuofantdheνlc.omInpaacltl where r is the orbital radius. For infinitesimally tilted stars ν have been measured, the frequency separa- star and eccentric orbits, the disk particles will have radial tion ∆ν = ν − ν is approximately equal to ν or u l star (ν )andvertical(ν )epicyclicfrequencieswhichalsode- ν /2. We refer the reader to van der Klis (2006) and r θ star pend on j (see van der Klis (2006) for the expressions). Lamb & Boutloukos(2008)forrecentreviews. Whilethe Furthermore, the combination ν −ν also gives rise to physical mechanism responsible for producing the high- θ r the periastron frequency of the orbit. These frequencies frequency QPOsis not knownyet, mostphysicalmodels in general depend on M and j, and hence their obser- involve orbital motion and disk oscillations. Hence, the vations (possibly needed to be combined with the mea- frequencies ν , ν , ν and various combinations of them r θ φ surement of other stellar parameters such as the mass) areofteninvoked(eitherdirectlyorindirectly)toexplain wouldinprincipleprovideusefulinformationonthespin high-frequencyQPOs. This is the reasonwhy one might parameter. Infact, therearestrongevidencesthatthese hope to obtainuseful informationon the spinparameter frequencies have already been observed in LMXBs. of the central compact star in an LMXB by observing It should be noted that existing algebraic relations, its QPOs. For example, if the higher frequency of the such as Equation (1), which relate various orbital fre- QPO pair (ν ) is identified with the orbital frequency u quencies to stellar parameters are in general only valid (ν ), one can then obtain a relation between the spin φ for small spin rate j ∼ 0.1. The difficulty of obtaining parameter and an upper bound on the mass of the com- the corresponding algebraic relations for rapidly rotat- pact star (Miller et al. 1998). On the other hand, based ing stars (j ∼ 1) lies in the fact that there is no exact on the so-called relativistic precession model of QPOs analytic representationof the vacuum spacetime outside (Stella & Vietri1998,1999),T¨or¨ok et al.(2010)havere- a rapidly rotating compact star. Having such an ana- cently derived a constraint relating the mass and spin lytic representation of the spacetime metric will allow parameter of the compact star in Cir X-1. These works onetoobtainthedesiredalgebraicrelationsforarapidly thus demonstrate the possibility of measuring the value rotating compact star. A starting point along this di- of j with an independent determination of the mass and rection would be to take the closed-form asymptotically vice versa. 5 The abovebrief review ofhigh-frequency QPOs serves of the bursts, depends on the mass of the disk, the col- to point out the astrophysical relevance of the spin pa- lapseofquarkstarsmightthusbeamechanismforshort rameter and in what situations could it be potentially gamma-raybursts. measured. Now we are ready to discuss how one could On the other hand, what if the collapse process does make use of the finding in this work to obtain useful in- not lead to any (or little) mass ejection as in the col- formationregardingthecentralcompactstarinLMXBs. lapse of neutron stars? In fact, Bauswein et al. (2009) Suppose a single well established model for the high- haverecentlysimulatedquarkstarmergersbasedonthe frequency QPOs can be agreed upon in the future, then MIT bag model and the conformally flat approximation it is possible that rapidly rotating quark stars could be to general relativity. Their results show that the mass identified from the inferred spin parameters. As shown ejection depends sensitively on the bag constant B. In inournumericalresults,iftheinferredspinparameterof particular,they find that there are some binary mergers the central star is larger than ∼0.7, then the star could without mass ejection. Could this conclusion, namely be a quark star. Of course,the star can either be a neu- theabsenceofmassejectionforsomevaluesofB,alsobe tron star or quark star if the spin parameter is less than true for the rotational collapse of quark stars? For the 0.7. collapse of rotating neutron stars to black holes, apart On the other hand, for the present situation where from the small amount of total mass energy M and an- many models are available, our finding could still be gular momentum J carried away by gravitational radi- usedtoputconstraintsonthephysicalmodelsforQPOs. ation (Baiotti et al. 2005b), the final black holes have For example, let us consider the resonantly excited disk- essentially the same M and J, and hence the same spin oscillationmodelforQPOsproposedbyKato(2008). In parameter j, as the initial star. For a rapidly rotating the model, Kato suggests that the high-frequency QPOs quark star with initial spin parameter j > 1, if there is are inertial-acoustic oscillations on a deformed disk that no mass ejection, how could the spin parameter be re- are resonantly excited by nonlinear couplings between duced efficiently in order to form a regular black hole the oscillation modes and the disk deformation. Kato that satisfies the Kerr bound j ≤ 1 at the end of the applies the model to Cir X-1 and finds that it describes collapse? IfaKerrblackholecouldnotbe formedinthe the observed QPOs quite well if the mass of the cen- process,thenwhatwouldbethefinalfateofthecollapse? tral star is about 1.5−2.0 M⊙ and the spin parameter These questions deserve further investigation using fully is j ∼ 0.8. However, our work suggests that uniformly general relativistic modeling. The hope is that studying rotating neutron stars cannot have j & 0.7. If Kato’s the collapseofquarkstarsmightleadto the discoveryof model is correct, then our finding implies that the cen- some new phenomena which are not seen in the collapse tral star in Cir X-1 could be a quark star. On the other of neutron stars. This might then help to shed more hand, if other measurements in the future (such as the light on the highly nonlinear dynamics of gravitational mass-radius relation or cooling property of the central collapse in general relativity. star) suggest that the compact star in the system is in- Theastrophysicalimplicationsdiscussedabovedepend deed a traditional neutron star, then our finding would cruciallyon the existence of rapidly rotatingquark stars rule out the resonantly excited disk-oscillation model. with j > 0.7. However, it is known that rapidly ro- Afterdiscussinghowonemightusethespinparameter tating compact stars may be subject to different kinds to distinguish between neutron stars and quark stars in of secular or dynamical non-axisymmetric mode insta- LMXBs, let us now turn to a different issue concern- bilities (Andersson 2003). One might thus worry that ing the collapse of a rotating star to black hole. In rotating quark stars (if they exist) may be limited the past decade, general relativistic simulations of ro- to small spin rates due to various instabilities, and tational collapse of neutron stars modeled by the poly- hence rendering a possible distinction between neutron tropic EOS have been performed (Shibata et al. 2000a; stars and quark stars unlikely to happen. However, Shibata 2003a,b; Duez et al. 2004; Baiotti et al. 2005a). Gondek-Rosin´ska et al. (2003) have shown that, taking These simulationsshow thatno stable massivedisks can into account realistic values of shear viscosity, viscosity- beformedaroundtheresultingblackholes. Theimplica- drivenbarmodeinstabilitycannotdevelopinquarkstars tion is that the collapse of a uniformly rotating neutron modeled by the MIT bag model in any astrophysically star (with j <1) to black hole cannot lead to the black- relevant temperature windows. Even taking the unre- holeaccretionmodelofgamma-rayburst,whichrequires alistic assumption of infinite shear viscosity, the insta- arotatingblackholesurroundedbyanaccretiondisk(see bility can develop only if the ratio of the rotational ki- Piran(2005)fora review). It isexpected thatthe initial netic energy to the absolute value of the gravitational spin parameter of the collapsing star must be j & 1 in potential energy T/W is larger than 0.1375. The ex- order to form a massive disk around the final black hole act value depends on the stellar mass. For compar- (Shibata 2003a,b; Duez et al. 2004). As rapidly rotating ison, a quark star modeled by the MIT bag model, quark stars can have j > 1, it is thus possible that the with B = 60 MeV fm−3, M = 1.146 M⊙, and j = collapse of a rapidly rotating quark star could be a pro- 0.8, has the value T/W = 0.126. We have followed genitor for the black-hole accretionmodel of gamma-ray the samenumericalprocedureofGondek-Rosin´ska et al. burst. Furthermore,it is noted that the collapse of mas- (2003) to check that this quark star is indeed sta- sive stars to black holes (the so-called collapsars) could ble against the viscosity-driven instability. We refer formmassivedisksaroundtheblackholesandhencepro- the reader to Gondek-Rosin´ska & Gourgoulhon (2002) duce long gamma-ray bursts. Since quark stars have and Gondek-Rosin´ska et al. (2003) for more details smaller mass (∼ M⊙) comparing to massive stars, the on the numerical procedure. On the other hand, collapse of quark stars might only produce small disks. Gondek-Rosin´ska et al. (2003) have also discussed that Asthedurationoftheaccretion,andhencethetimescale 6 the gravitational-radiation driven r-mode instability of the star if the mass of the star is larger than about seemstobeunimportantforquarkstarsinLMXBsifthe 1 M⊙. On the other hand, the spin parameter of quark strangequarkmassis m c2 ∼200MeV(standardvalue) starsbehavesquite differently. We findthatthe spinpa- s or higher. The r-mode instability can develop and may rameter of quark stars modeled by the MIT bag model limit quark stars to small spin rates only if the strange can be larger than unity. It also depends sensitively on quark mass takes the relatively low value m c2 ∼ 100 theEOSparameter(i.e.,thebagconstant)andthemass s MeV. of the star. Even if the viscosity-driven and gravitational- We have discussed (in our view) the astrophysical im- radiation-driven instabilities (which are both secular ef- plications of our finding in detail in Section 3. We have fects) cannot develop in a quark star, the star may still discussedhowthespinparameterofcompactstarscould subject to dynamical bar-mode instability which occurs be potentially measured in LMXBs and its relevance in at a higher spin rate. This kind of instability has not the physicalmodels for high-frequency QPOs. As a first been studied for rotating quark stars. However, we can application,our finding implies that the compact star in still obtain some insightfrom the Newtonian theory of a Cir X-1 could be a quark star if the resonantly excited rotatingincompressiblestar,whichisagoodapproxima- disk-oscillation model for QPOs is correct (Kato 2008), tion to quark stars because of their rather uniform den- since the model requires that the spin parameter of the sity profile. The onset of dynamicalinstability occurs at central star to be j ∼ 0.8 in order to fit the observed T/W ≈ 0.27 for an incompressible star (Chandrasekhar QPOs. We havealsospeculatedonhowthe collapseofa 1969). Forcomparison,aquarkstarmodeledbytheMIT rotating quark star might be different from the collapse bag model, with B = 60 MeV fm−3, M = 1.4 M⊙ and ofaneutronstar. AsexplainedinSection3,thecollapse j = 1.11, has the value T/W = 0.23. Although general ofa rapidlyrotatingquarkstarwithj &1 mightleadto relativity may change the critical value T/W for the on- the formation of a stable disk around the resulting Kerr set of the instability to a somewhat smaller value than black hole. This implies that the collapse process might that is suggested by the Newtonian theory2, it is still formthe centralengine ofa gamma-rayburst. However, verylikelythatrapidlyrotatingquarkstarswithj >0.7 a fully general relativistic dynamical calculation (which canexist. SomeofthemmayevenbreaktheKerrbound has not been done in this work)is requiredto shed light j =1 for black holes. on the issue. In conclusion,our work suggeststhat discoveringeven 4. CONCLUSIONS one single compact star with spin parameter j & 0.7 will provide a strong evidence for the existence of quark In this paper, we have studied the dimensionless spin stars, and hence verifying the hypothesis that strange parameter j of uniformly rotating neutron stars and quark matter could be absolutely stable (Witten 1984). quark stars in general relativity. We find that the max- imum value of the spin parameter (as set by the Kepler limit) of neutron stars is bounded above by j ∼ 0.7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS max This upper bound is essentially independent of the EOS This work is supported by the Hong Kong Research of the neutron star. It is also insensitive to the mass Grants Council (grant no: 401807). 2 Shibataetal. (2000b) have shown that the effects of general starsmodeledbyapolytropicEOS. relativityonly change the critical value to T/W ∼0.24−0.25 for REFERENCES Akmal,A.,Pandharipande,V.R.,&Ravenhall,D.G.1998,Phys. 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