S p e c NUMBER 60 / JUNE 2013 t r u m o f B r o n c h i a l I n EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY monograph fe c t i o Lower respiratory tract infections are one the most frequent n causes of medical consultation in primary care. They are also one of the main causes of emergency visits and hospital admissions. The majority of these infections occur in the bronchial tree and include a large spectrum of aetiologies and clinical manifestations, from mild acute bronchitis to severe bronchiectasis and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In this Monograph, a series of prestigious researchers and clinicians provide an overview of the advances The Spectrum of in the pathogenesis, manifestations and new approaches to treatment of bronchial infection in a wide variety of clinical scenarios. This book offers the reader the best existing Bronchial Infection scientific evidence that can be applied to the care of patients with any kind of bronchial infection. Edited by Francesco Blasi and Marc Miravitlles EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY R 60 E Print ISSN 1025-448x Online ISSN 2075-6674 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY Print ISBN 978-1-84984-034-7 S Online ISBN 978-1-84984-035-4 P Number 60 June 2013 I £45.00/€53.00/US$80.00 R A E T E U RO O U P E A R R N R E Y O S P I R P A T O E R Y A N European Respiratory Monograph 60, June 2013 The Spectrum of Bronchial Infection Published by European Respiratory Society ©2013 June 2013 Print ISBN: 978-1-84984-034-7 Online ISBN: 978-1-84984-035-4 Edited by Print ISSN: 1025-448x Francesco Blasi and Marc Miravitlles Online ISSN: 2075-6674 Printed by Page Bros Ltd, Norwich, UK Managing Editor: Rachel White European Respiratory Society 442 Glossop Road, Sheffi eld, S10 2PX, UK Tel: 44 114 2672860 E-mail: [email protected] Editor in Chief All material is copyright to European Tobias Welte Respiratory Society. It may not be reproduced in any way including electronic means without the express permission of the company. Statements in the volume refl ect the views of the authors, and not necessarily those of the European Respiratory Society, editors or publishers. Th is book is one in a series of European Respiratory Monographs. Each individual issue provides a comprehensive overview of one specifi c clini- cal area of respiratory health, communicating information about the most advanced techniques and systems required for its investigation. It provides factual and useful scientifi c detail, drawing on specifi c case studies and looking into the diagnosis and management of individual patients. Previously published titles in this series are listed at the back of this Monograph. Contents Number 60 June 2013 Preface v Guest Editors vii Introduction ix 1. Acute bronchitis: aetiology and treatment 1 Carl Llor 2. Chronic bronchitis: a risk factor for bronchial infection 18 Laia Garcia-Bellmunt, Oriol Sibila, Marcos I. Restrepo and Antonio Anzueto 3. Sputum colour: a marker of bacterial infection 27 Robert A. Stockley 4. Chronic bronchial infection/colonisation: aetiology and mechanisms 34 Sanjay Sethi 5. Impact of chronic bronchial infection on the lungs and beyond 46 Zinka Matkovic, Neven Tudoric and Marc Miravitlles 6. Definition and aetiology of infective exacerbations of COPD 58 Gaetano Caramori, Marco Contoli, Brunilda Marku, Paolo Casolari, Alessia Pauletti, Giacomo Forini and Alberto Papi 7. The role of viruses in chronic bronchitis and exacerbations of COPD 68 Gernot G.U. Rohde 8. Virus–bacteria interactions in COPD exacerbations 76 Patrick Mallia, Aran Singanayagam and Sebastian L. Johnston 9. Impact of exacerbations in the natural course of COPD 84 Francesco Blasi, Stefano Aliberti and Marco Mantero 10. Antibiotic treatment and prevention of exacerbations of COPD 96 Maria Lerikou, Elias Perros, Urania Anagnostopoulou and George Dimopoulos 11. Definition and aetiology of non-CF bronchiectasis 107 Robert Wilson, David M. Hansell and Michael R. Loebinger 12. The role of inhaled antibiotics in bronchial infection 120 Diana Bilton 13. Prevention and treatment of exacerbations of non-CF bronchiectasis 127 Jessica Rademacher and Felix C. Ringshausen CME credit application form 137 C O P E COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Preface The 21st century will be described as the century of infectious diseases. This is not only because of the increasing number of new infections, suchassevereacuterespiratorysyndrome,theH1N1pandemicorthespread ofWestNilevirusanddenguefever,butalsobecausetheroleofinfectionin the pathogenesis of chronic diseases has been recognised and is now better understood. Chronic bronchial infection plays a role in the progression and prognosis of many lung diseases but also contributes to a systemic inflammatory response, which is a predisposition for extrapulmonary diseases such as arteriosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. At present, the mechanisms that contribute to chronic pathogenic colonisation of the lower respiratory tract are not entirely clear. Is there a defect of the innate or the adaptive immune system of the lung favouring chronic colonisation? Are there deficits in the innate and/or adaptive immune system on a local pulmonary level that contribute to the primary colonisation and secondary tissue damage? What is the role of air pollution and other environmental factors? Manyquestionsaboutchronicbronchialinfectionareunclear.Isitpossibleto preventthis condition by early, adequate treatmentof theunderlying disease or is it better to stimulate an immuneresponse by vaccination or similar immunomodulatoryagents?Isitpossibletoinfluencethecourseofthedisease by treatingchronic pulmonaryinfection? How long should the treatment period last for? Should the patient receivethesame treatmentstrategy or should differenttreatmentbe administered at differenttime-points? This issue of the European Respiratory Monograph (ERM) summarises the current understanding of chronic bronchopulmonary infections and addresses future needs. I would like to congratulate the Guest Editors, Francesco Blasi and Marc Miravitlles,fortheirtremendousworkinbringingtogetherthiscutting-edge ERM,whichshouldbeofinterestforgeneralmedicaldoctorsandrespiratory physicians, as well as infectious diseases specialists. In addition, it will provideguidanceforfuturebasicandclinicalresearch.Iamsurethatreaders fromdifferentareasofrespiratorymedicinewillfindthisERMusefulintheir daily practice. EurRespirMonogr2013;60:v.CopyrightERS.DOI:10.1183/1025448x.10005813.PrintISBN:978-1-84984-034-7. OnlineISBN:978-1-84984-035-4.PrintISSN:1025-448x.OnlineISSN:2075-6674. v Guest Editors FrancescoBlasiisProfessorofRespiratoryMedicineandVice-chairmanofthe DepartmentofPathophysiologyandTransplantationattheUniversityofMilan, Milan, Italy,aswell asDirectorofRespiratory Diseases attheUnit IRCCS FondazioneCa` GrandaOspedaleMaggioreMilan.HeiscurrentlyPresidentof theEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS)(2012–2013). Professor Blasi haspublished more than180 papersininternational journals. He isan Associate Editor ontheeditorial boardsof PulmonaryPharmacology and Therapeutics, RespiratoryResearch, Clinical Respiratory Journal and Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease. Hisresearch interests include the effectsofatypicalbacterialinfectiononcellularimmunityinchronicbronchitis, andtheroleofatypicalbacteriaandviralinfectioninasthmaonset.Heisalso interested intheroleofantibiotics inthetreatment ofchronic obstructive Francesco Blasi pulmonary disease (COPD)exacerbations andasthma. Heis actively working onpneumoniaandtuberculosisresearchtrials.ProfessorBlasiwasalsoinvolved in theERS/EuropeanSociety ofClinical Microbiology andInfectious Diseases (ESCMID)guidelinesonlowerrespiratorytractinfections.Inadditiontobeing amember of theERS,he isalso amember oftheAmerican Thoracic Society (ATS) and theItalian Respiratory Medicine Society(SIMeR). MarcMiravitllesisapulmonologistworkinginclinicalresearchintheHospital Universitari Valld’Hebron inBarcelona, Spain. Hisprimary research interests include COPD,chronic bronchitis, a -antitrypsin deficiency, lungdefence 1 mechanisms andrespiratory infections. Marc Miravitlles serves onvarious medical committees and isamember of numerousprofessionalsocieties,includingtheSpanishSocietyofPneumology andThoracicSurgery(SEPAR),whereheservedasSecretary(1999–2003),and wasresponsible forinternational relationships from 2006 to 2011.Dr Miravitlles acted astheChairoftheRespiratory Infections Group oftheERS (2008–2011).Hehasalsoactedasaconsultantforthedevelopmentofdifferent international guidelines for COPD,suchastheATS/ERSTask Force on outcomesinCOPD.HewasalsoaconsultantoftheSpanishMinistryofHealth Marc Miravitlles forthedevelopmentofthenationalstrategyagainstCOPD(2009onwards)and isthecoordinatoroftheSpanishnationalguidelinesforCOPD.DrMiravitlles is EditorinChief ofHot Topicsin Respiratory Medicine,Editor inChiefof Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Diseases and servesasan Associate Editor for Respiration, the InternationalJournal ofCOPD andtheClinical Respiratory Journal. Dr Miravitlleshas publishedover 200articles inanumberofpeer- reviewed international medical journals, whichwere largelyrelated toCOPD, infection inCOPDand a -antitrypsin deficiency. 1 EurRespirMonogr2013;60:vii. CopyrightERS2013. DOI:10.1183/1025448x.10005213 PrintISBN:978-1-84984-034-7 OnlineISBN:978-1-84984-035-4 PrintISSN:1025-448x OnlineISSN:2075-6674 i i v