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The Spanish Gambit aka Tapestry of Spies PDF

381 Pages·2016·1.46 MB·English
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ASSASSINATION Portela led them down the slope and out into no-man’s-land. A mist had risen, and the three men seemed to wade through it. Oddly, up above, the stars were clear and sharp, shreds and flecks of remote light. Florry was last in the file. He had the Webley in his hand, and a four- five-five in each chamber. He was just behind Julian. Wait till you get beyond the lines. Then lift and fire. Clean. Into the back of the head. It’ll be much easier…. Florry gripped his Webley so tight he thought he’d smash it: what an opportunity for Julian, and so early on! A single noise, a cough, the smallest twitch, and the bloody thing was over…. Also by Stephen Hunter FICTION Pale Horse Coming Hot Springs The Second Saladin Time to Hunt Black Light Dirty White Boys Point of Impact The Day Before Midnight The Master Sniper NONFICTION Violent Screen: A Critic’s 13 Years on the Front Lines of Movie Mayhem Contents Other Books by this Author Title Page Dedication Acknowledgments Prologue Part I - Robert Chapter 1 - London, Late Fall of 1936 Chapter 2 - The Lux Chapter 3 - Barcelona, Late 1936 Chapter 4 - Mr. Sterne and Mr. Webley Chapter 5 - Barcelona Chapter 6 - The Akim Chapter 7 - MI-6, London Chapter 8 - The Water Chapter 9 - The Interrogation Chapter 10 - On the Ramblas Chapter 11 - Igenko Chapter 12 - The Parade Chapter 13 - The Major Part II - Julian Chapter 14 - Huesca Chapter 15 - The Grand Oriente Chapter 16 - The Attack Chapter 17 - Comrade Major Bolodin Chapter 18 - News from the Front Chapter 19 - The Club Chapter 20 - Tarragona Chapter 21 - The Hospital Chapter 22 - The Mission Chapter 23 - ¡Viva La AnarquÍa! Chapter 24 - Tristram Shandy Chapter 25 - Behind the Lines Chapter 26 - The Club Chicago Chapter 27 - Pamplona Chapter 28 - Midnight Chapter 29 - The Oberleutnant Chapter 30 - The English Dynamiters Chapter 31 - The Suppression Chapter 32 - The Bridge Part III - Sylvia Chapter 33 - Arrested Chapter 34 - Bad News Chapter 35 - The Trial Chapter 36 - Tibidabo Chapter 37 - Papers Chapter 38 - Ugarte Chapter 39 - Detectives Chapter 40 - Pavel Chapter 41 - Night Train to Paris Chapter 42 - The Green Chapter 43 - The Hangar Chapter 44 - A Walk in the Park About the Author Copyright This one, as promised, is for Amy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank those who gave so generously of their time and their imaginations. First, thanks to Ernie Erber, who actually spent part of 1936 in Barcelona. Thanks to Mike Hill and Joe Fanzone for valuable early consultations; they see their ideas reflected on every page of the book. Thanks to Fred Rasmussen, of The Sun library, for digging out the Spanish Civil War photos that were of so much help; Antero Pietila of The Sun’s Moscow bureau, for unearthing the location, size, and architecture of the Hotel Lux; to another colleague, Matt Sieden, for his kind words and good suggestions. Thanks to my old college roommate, Lenne Miller, for his enthusiasms for the book. Thanks to my mother, Virginia Hunter, and my brother, Tim Hunter, for their comments and patience; and to my brother-in-law, medical consultant, and good friend, John D. Bullock, M.D. Thanks to David Petzal for his reading. Thanks to the night-shift concierge at the Hotel Colón in Barcelona for numerous courtesies and unfailing good humor. Thanks to Jeff Bass, for suggesting the epigram from the Mason book. And to Susan Carnochan and Zita Dabars, for assistance with my Spanish. Thanks especially to my courageous and stubborn agent, Victoria Gould Pryor, who believed in this book from the very start and fought for it as if it were her own; and to my brilliant editor, Barbara Grossman, of Crown, for her quotient of belief and her refusal to accept anything less than my best. And thanks—special thanks—to my wife, Lucy Hageman Hunter, for her glamourless, thankless, and yet heroic efforts on behalf of this book. Needless to say, errors are entirely my own. The Ruy-Lopez is more popular than any other king pawn opening…. The Gambit is astonishingly complicated, embodying as it does a perpetual intertwining of grandiose strategical planning with an alarming maze of difficult tactical finesses and combinative motifs. It is no exaggeration to affirm that mastery of the Spanish Gambit is a requisite for anyone aspiring to become a strong chess player. Adapted from James Mason, The Art of Chess, London, April 1898 PROLOGUE T at Moulmein, lower Burma, HE TRIAL OF THE ASSASSIN BENNY LAL IN THE OLD COURTHOUSE in February of 1931, caused a bit of a stir in its own day, but its memory has not lingered. It was a forgotten moment in the history of a vanished empire. Yet a case could be made that it changed the political history of our century, however secretly, however subtly. Still, in the mind of one man, the event was important for exactly what it was, and not for what it eventually made possible. He was, on the last day of the trial, the Crown’s chief witness, a tall, not unpleasant-looking young officer in the service khaki of the India Imperial Police. It was his duty to put the noose around the neck of Benny Lal. The blades of the overhead fan moved through the air in a stately whirl, yet without palpable effect. Robert Florry stared at the motion, its easy, hypnotic blur fascinating him. “Assistant superintendent?” The magistrate’s voice. Florry swallowed awkwardly and, blinking, embarrassed, redirected his vision toward the bench. He hoped his discomfort did not show, knowing of course that it did. He swallowed again. It had taken such a long time for this moment to arrive, but now it rushed at him with the power of the undeniable future. “Assistant superintendent?” Florry attempted a wretched smile. The courtroom, jammed with other Imperial Policemen and natives, was as still as a photograph. He could feel their scrutiny: it had the weight of accusation. “Yessir,” he said. His own voice always bothered him. It was a reedy, thin instrument and tended to disappear in key moments such as this one.

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