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Preview The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994, Vol. 14 No. 1

The Souvenir Card JOURNAL FIRST QUARTER 1994 VOLUME 14 NUMBER 1 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SOUVENIR CARD COLLECTORS SOCIETY AS I SEE IT William Kriebel (SCCS 27) 0 COVER: The BEP intaglio print released at for 1994 and some "gremlins" in Art Benjamin's FUN in Orlando, FL, on 6 January 1994. The message. The issue went to the printer the day accompanying card reads: "In 1920 George before Thanksgiving and a proof copy was never Frederick Cummings Smillie engraved Die made, the issue was simply printed, as is. #10196 which depicts the figure of Justice Therefore, I had no chance to catch the errors—I holding a globe in one hand and scales in the may not have anyway—as it is difficult to be on other. The globe, when held aloft symbolizes three sides—typing, editing, proof-reading—of Justice's sovereignty over the world. The scales, this Journal's production. I am thankful that an attribute of Justice since Roman times, someone else has to deal with the printing and symbolize judgment, used for weighing good and mailing! In terms of the latter, I got my bulk- evil and right and wrong. The die card for this mailed copy before Christmas—my intent was to vignette calls it "Simmons' Justice". Edward avoid the holiday mail—but I have found some Emerson Simmons (1852-1931) painted a mural of members didn't get their copies until mid- Justice in 1895 which is on the North wall of the January! What can I say? courtroom in the Criminal Courts Building in New York. The figure in our engraving is the 0 Bob Hallett's new acquisitions (see pp. 33-37) central figure in that mural." Gene Hessler in reminded me of Robin Ellis's article in the last The Engraver's Line lists G.F.C. Smillie as born issue (SCJ, 13:4, p.16). Item 6 in the spread, a in New York, 22 November 1854, and died in souvenir for a ceremony in honor of Admiral Washington, DC, 21 January 1924. Farragut includes the name of Admiral David D.(Dixon) Porter, who was also mentioned in 0 Many thanks to those members who recently Robin's article. wrote their appreciation of my efforts on behalf of this Journal for the past year: Art Benjamin 0 Art Benjamin advises that a souvenir card (SCCS 1032), Steven Feiertag (SCCS 808), and was issued recently, at a Stock and Bond show, Bill Ziegman (SCCS 1793). Bill is the only under the name of the "Great Lakes Bank Note member who commented (to me) about the need Company." The card was printed at a Spider for updating the catalogue. I don't know Press demonstration in a limited quantity of 100 whether his comments came before his receiving pieces. "The card is quite attractive, but it must the last issue with Art's and my comments about be considered a private issue and therefore will such an updating. I will continue the format of not be listed [in our Numbering System]." the 30% size pictures together with the information I have on hand. I do not have I suspect we have all experienced concern over quantities printed and/or sold, and if and when I the proliferation of souvenir cards. As I noted in do get such information I can produce a listing the last issue of this Journal, 1993 was a really separate from the "catalogue" sections included big year—my annual album is overflowing! If in the Journal. I am attempting to produce this we continue with so many "special" occasions to information for B and SO material, four items of commemorate with a souvenir card, are they the same kind to a page. Members may wish to still "special"? Isn't there a lesson about a photocopy these and/or the card number "golden egg"? listings—which could be used as a checklist or want list—I prepared (see the last three issues), 0 I recently obtained a copy of Gene Hessler's three-hole punch them for a binder and, voilfr, (SCCS 709) latest (1993) book. The Engraver’s you have a start on an illustrated catalogue! I Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & have no current plans to stop producing this Postage Stamp Art. If you are really interested Journal to work full time on a "new catalogue." 1 in the background information on the people will offer help to any member(s) who wish to do behind intaglio printing, this is for you! It is 438 so. pages filled with information and illustrations of the artists and samples of their work, in a 0 Mea Culpa! In the Third Quarter issue (p.45) hardbound 7.25" x 10.25" format. The only the date for SO 116 should read "28 July." The drawback is the price: $85.00 + $3.00 postage Fourth Quarter issue also had some problems per order, from BNR Press, 132 East Second particularly with the forthcoming card listing Street, Port Clinton, OH 43452-1115. C 2 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) The Souvenir Card JOURNAL First Quarter 1994 Volume 14 Number 1 MEMBER Board of Directors CONTENTS AuthorPage President: As I See It William Kriebel C2 Arthur Benjamin (SCCS1032) 1325 E. 17tn Street, Suite 611 Brooklyn, NY 11230 President's Page Arthur Benjamin 2 (718) 627-1879 (Evening) Members Write and Other Matters SCCS Membership 3 Vice President & Show Chairman: John A. Parker (SCCS 1546) Garden State Stamp Show Card Metro Chapter Four 3 P.O. Box 20173 Atlanta, GA 30325 (404) 351-7960 (Evening) The Oldest Souvenir Cards? Curtis Radford 5 Secretary: Local USPS Sports-Related Souvenir Cards-2 Michael Padwee 13 Dana M. Marr (SCCS 751) Post Office Box 4155 Souvenir Card Errata Donald W. Hitchcox 17 Tulsa, OK 74159 (918) 747-6724 Souvenir Card Errata Index WilliamKriebel 19 Treasurer: (acting) Arthur Benjamin (SCCS 1032) Chapter News Robert J. Hallett & Michael Padwee 21 1325 E. 17tn Street, Suite 611 Brooklyn, NY 11230 1994 Chapter Annual Meeting Card Metro Chapter Four 23 (718) 627-1879 (Evening) Members at Large: Mail Auction: First Quarter 1994 Ken Barr 24 John W. Jackson (SCCS 956) Post Office Box 4629 Auction Prices Realized: Third Quarter 1993 Ken Barr 30 Warren, NJ 07059 (908) 604-4841 From the Collection of: Robert J. Hallett 33 Edward J. Kintop (SCCS 1454) 4308 Eton Place Still More Portraits 40 Minneapolis, MN 55424 (612) 912-0609 Who Was John Howard Payne? William Kriebel 41 A. Stephen Patrick (SCCS 1397) Some Recent Cards Illustrated-4 William Kriebel 42 2729 Cloudcroft Drive Apopka, FL 32703 Intaglio Cards Available and/or Forthcoming Calendar 46 (407) 889-0528 Robert Waszilycsak (SCCS 191) INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 407 Timber Lane Falls Church, VA 22046 Allstamps 39 (703) 532-2785 Bank Note Reporter 39 International Paper Money Show 4 Publicity Director: Ken Barr Numismatics 31 Robert J. Hallett (SCCS 1619) John Denune 31 6929 Storch Circle Robin Ellis 31 Seabrook, MD 20706 Ganter's Stamp & Coin Gallery 20 (301) 794-6830 (Evening) Doug Holl 40 Vem Potter 32 Editor - SCJ: Quality Coins 38 William Victor Kriebel (SCCS 27) Curt Radford 32 1923 Manning Street Philadelphia,!PA 19103 Souvenir Card Collectors Society (215) 735-3697 Dues Notice C3 Journal Advertising Rates 20 President Emeritus: Journal Articles Wanted 32 Curtis D. Radford, M.D.(SCCS 1) Journal Back Issues 20 (414) 235-8121 (Evening) Membership Information C4 No. 5 (see SCJ 13:2, p.22) Souvenir Card Exchange_22 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) 1 PRESIDENTS PAGE Arthur Benjamin (SCCS 1032) 0 The New Year has come and it has been quite of material at attractive prices. For you newer eventful with the earthquake in Los Angeles and members, the auction gives you an excellent the severe weather in the Northeast. These opportunity to add to your collection at natural disasters have set up the need for competitive prices. To those members who have contributions to the various relief efforts. I assume excess material, the auction is a way to dispose of that, again, the souvenir card collectors of the it and receive fair compensation. (If you have United States will be called upon to support these consigned to the auction in the past and were not efforts with our hard earned money. Did you say satisfied, I suggest you try again.) Write or call that the BEP doesn't have a appropriate vignette Ken Barr to discuss your material and how long it showing an earthquake scene? I suggest that they must wait before being presented. The more take out those remaining Flood Relief cards and unusual and rare items have been receiving overprint them! substantial bids. This confirms that there is an active group of buyers waiting for your material. 0 I just received my silk handkerchief from the Ken has computerized the auction records and the Bureau and it is quite attractive. [Vignette consignors are kept well informed about the status reproduced on the inside of the back cover of this of their material. issue. Ed.] The silk was packaged in a manner that it is ready to be inserted into a frame and As some of you may know, I make my living in the displayed. This piece is a worthy addition to my insurance business. We, as a Society, do not have silk collection. A special thanks must go to Milt the means to insure your material during the Friedberg whose research and lobbying efforts led auction process. Ken mails most material with to the BEP's decision to produce the handkerchief. insurance, but we do not maintain coverage for your Similar accolades must go to the BEP personnel material while it is in Ken's possession. You who participated in this wonderful and successful should check your own policy to see how it protects project. Now for the bad news. If you didn't order you while the material is in transit to us and in our one, you missed obtaining a superb piece. All of possession. the 1,000 pieces have been sold and the BEP is returning the remaining checks. From an unofficial 0 We have received, as donations, several source I was advised that they had orders for an valuable souvenir cards. We plan to use them as additional 500 pieces. Christie's, the prominent incentives for membership drives and/or rewards auction house, sent a promotional mailing to a for displays and exhibitions of souvenir card group of its patrons which piqued their interest. material—we currently have a program where This is not the usual group of collectors of BEP each member can be rewarded once for such products. How can we get them interested in displays. Please send me a note as to who should souvenir cards? get these rewards. I am also open to suggestions as to how we might use this material to increase our 0 In my last column I asked for some responses as membership. regard to a our annual meeting. I have not received many responses and shortly the Board 0 As I close this column, I am looking forward to must decide where to hold the annual meeting. seeing you at Memphis, ANA, APS, and most of We can hold it at Memphis where a large part of the New York metropolitan area shows. John the board and a substantial dedicated core of Parker will be at ANA Mid-winter in New members will be in attendance. I personally would Orleans. If there is a local stamp or coin show at like to see the meeting held in New York in which you would like to represent our Society, conjunction with the ASDA Mega Event in October. please do so. We will support you with back issues Both the BEP and ABN will be represented and of our Journal and, perhaps, some inexpensive releasing cards. Please let me know if you have a souvenir cards. We donated several of our 1993 preference as this meeting is for you! ANA cards and they were distributed to the participants at the youth breakfast held during 0 We have just received the results of the third the show. The kids loved the card and we quarter auction and it produced substantial received favorable responses. I look forward to revenue for the Society. The participants who your comments and suggestions. have been bidding have obtained a wide variety 2 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) MEMBERS WRITE AND OTHER MATTERS SCCS Membership 0 Herb Meisels (SCCS 3) advises that there is a another SWBC show in Baltimore, MD for 18-20 30 day limit to obtaining the pictorial cancels November; and similar events in Lakeland, FL mentioned in the last Journal. The cards must be and Key Largo, FL, and offers free tables for club sent to the Postmaster in the cities in which the participation. Anyone interested should contact shows were held. him at (407) 995-7984. 0 Edward Kuszmar (SCCS 1622) wrote a flyer 0 Barry Fox (SCCS 499), in response to my query advising of future coin and currency shows noting about the numbering of BEP handprints (SCJ 13:4, SCCS participation in the SWBC show in p.17), advises that B123, B128 and B131 do not Baltimore, MD with dates of 25-27 March which have the backgrounds of the regular prints and, is a day later/shorter than noted by Bob Hallett hence, are considered a entirely different card, not (SCCS 1466) in the last issue. Ed indicates just a variety as the "A" cards are. Garden State Stamp Show 94 Souvenir Card Collectors Society Metro Chapter Four — The SCCS Metro Chapter Four Garden State Stamp Show Card ( S 1994 A) Blue vignette, red lettering, buff card stock (See listing page 47 and note 5, page 48.) The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) MEMPHIS COIN CLUB'S COOK CONVENTION CENTER 255 N. Main Street, Memphis, TN 38108-0016 (901)576-1200 {duress. lo 1 V Off. Fire t Stt-re t Convention Hotel: CROWNE PLAZA Jrt La.VDOS. Esr.LAND. 250 N. Main St., Memphis, TN 38103 / 901-527-7300 (7k NORTHWEST AIRLINES OFFICIAL AIRLINES #NCU8X; 1-800-328-1111 Bureau of Engraving & Printing's Billion Dollar Exhibit Spider Press Demonstration American Bank Note Commemoratives, Inc. Exhibit Commemorative Souvenir Cards Smithsonian Museum Exhibit U.S.P.S. Temporary Postal Station Auction by Currency Auctions of America, Inc. Fantastic Paper Money Exhibits Society Meetings For bourse information and EXHIBIT CHAIRMAN reservation cards, write: Mike Crabb Martin Delger Box 17871, Memphis, TN 9677 Paw Paw Lake Dr. 38187-0871 Mattawan, Ml 49071 Phone 901-754-6118 Phone 616-668-4234 After 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. 7VM NOfJXOl SNOS <1 * m»& The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) THE OLDEST SOUVENIR CARDS? Curtis D. Radford, M.D. (SCCS 1) One thing that has never been addressed in the The oldest souvenir card in my collection was SCJ is a search for the oldest souvenir card in issued in 1808 (Fig. 1, below). On 10 September existence. I have been told that a souvenir card 1808 a souvenir invitation card was issued by the for th£ Inauguration of President George Massachusetts Charitable Society for a special Washington exists. However, I have never seen n.eeting that was to be held on 12 September any souvenir cards from the 1700's. I thought it 1808 at the Green Dragon. This Society was would be fun to write a brief article illustrating founded in 1762 and was incorporated in 1780. some of the oldest cards in my collection. This The card features two vignettes of female article will serve as a challenge to other allegorical figures representing charity. At the members to see if they can come up with any top of the card is the vignette of a bird feeding a souvenir cards that predate those in this article. bunch of young chicks, and a banner with the Society's motto "Be not weary in well doing." Since the Bank Note Companies really don't The [8.75" x 6.5"] card is printed in brown come into being until the 1850's and 1860's, intaglio and was most likely engraved in copper souvenir cards from the 1840's and before were plate. The lettering was engraved by T.W. all printed by local or private printing firms. Summer and the vignettes and design portion of Hence, nearly all of the cards illustrated in this the card were engraved by S. Harris. Since the article could be considered Forerunner private club was founded in 1762, it is quite possible that souvenir cards. earlier cards were issued by this organization. ^^Massachusetts C haritable Society an G non c/at/ //£j2s,/'7&6// m ■■1 iiiii lii'.'fflMInll'.il’i t mnftmfliiM iiiiii The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) 5 The next oldest card in my collection is a large ed reproductions of the signatures of various souvenir certificate issued in 1823 by the Bunker association members, including Daniel Webster, Hill Monument Association (Fig. 2, below). At Edward Everett, George Blake and other the top of this certificate is a large vignette of notables. This particular certificate is printed the "action of Bunker Hill" which occurred on 17 in black intaglio. June 1775. At the bottom of the card are engrav¬ 4 .! * • ^ /As cta/fcm r/« mmumsh/<// /Arytrff/"/t/Artr /As atfiirnyffitk/r/rt w.^yA/r/t * -0_Tl7Jlor JDWE,17^6(^P^ . ■'/ZZMaAjL&ywj&S. A*» ar/AMOr//cVr a//ifw/rry/Au. f/uw/Av/. „/„//Att//A/.> a /r.isi/r ft) ff///fMW*f/r/Aa Atr/r/y ir////fAr//t//1ft /A/ f.irfr/Z/r//y///>/"//ur//rtAs*s///> IfM/c. Jr/Cfe, 67 . t at/AALA-rA+-tJ--' O * VICE IVOfHIUEKTS. 8.0 ft) i.a\Cv\.cnf? 'a*** *v; jgtfr v "SiAu * '•’k X wi Wjijs 6 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) Illustrated (Fig. 3, below left) is an engraved and completed his second term in 1836 the year of souvenir cards issued in 1829 for a special the release of this souvenir card (Fig. 4, below "Military Garden" celebrating the Battle of New right). It features a vignette of Jackson along with Orleans. This particular card [3.625" x 5"] features historical text concerning his past followed by the a vignette of Andrew Jackson and fancy script text full text of his Inaugural address. This is in blacJi intaglio. On the back of the card are engraved in black intaglio by B. Bailey of several signatures of some of the managers of this Philadelphia. This most likely was the same particular event which was held on 8 January Bailey of the future Bailey, Banks, and Biddle 1829. The printer is unknown. Company of Philadelphia. The card is printed on white glossy card stock and is rather scarce. I only In 1836 a souvenir card was issued featuring the know of two of these in existence. It is listed as 1829 Inaugural Address of President Andrew FSO 1836 A in the SCCS Numbering System. Jackson. Andrew Jackson was re-elected in 1832 Utnrv It'uriny. John /.’ Dtrytn, Coo J! Downing. /tichart/ U'o/te. Sam not Joints John F. II a//on. So runt/ Smith.. •' Fig. 3: Battle of New Orleans’ "Military Garden" Fig. 4: Jackson 1829 Inaugural Address card of 1836 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1) 7 An invitation for a \ V' National Birth Night k Ball held on 22 February at Carusis Saloon in New York City is shown (Fig. 5, left) . Unfortunately, the year of this event was not recorded on the [4.75" x 7.5"] card. I estimate that it was printed in the 1830's or 1840's. It features an engraved portrait of D1RT" George Washington as > 4? well as lists of the mana¬ MANAGERS 'Mmw pv.-w/ MANAGERS gers of this event and text f'v Hon J.CUlef, Ye. Hon Ed. Shields, 2\n. ■ . C. Atherton, ATM. %^jj * * ;LDuncan, Ohio. concerning this event all in C. Cuehing, Mu a*. H. John.ton, La . black intaglio. . d. L . TUJittghaut, Jt A. A .S .White , Ind. . 0-Holt, Con . S.J. Choi eon, Hi* . H.BoU, re. wuHav, m. A similar souvenir card . E.Cknia, XT. R. Chapman, Ala. [4.375" x 6.75"] issued in % . W.Halstead , N.J. A .G. Harrison, Ho. . R.H. Hammond , Pa. A. Tell. Ark. 1844 (Fig. 6, left opposite) J.J'Milligan , Del. d. 22. Crary, Hieh. was issued for the Jeffer¬ . W.C .dohnson , Md. ('. J>ou rting, PI or. *J.M-Patton , Fit*. G.If.Jones, Wi*. son Association Annual "• C. Shepard , N.C . Peter Force, Hayor Ball held on 17 December * * */.Campbell, «£C. H. Halsey, Gee . of Washington . 1844. This particular card ft Hoot t do Alle-ra. r.JT. $outhqaU,K\. x> THEHjUroR op Col. Cox-, * GeoX served not only as an invitation but also as a ladies’ ticket. It too is .' C xJ C7V • printed in black intaglio f/?* yid &<. on/. on cream colored stock. The printer is unknown. A proof of an engraved ribbon (Fig. 7, right opposite) issued for the Inauguration of President William Harrison is not actually a souvenir card. It features a vignette of a woman with an anchor, portraits of Harrison, George Washington, and another unidentified indi¬ l » vidual. In addition, there ,• A ' is a vignette at the bottom Sis*- K of Harrison's birth place, mmjm a log cabin. This engrav¬ ing was printed in black Fig. 5: National Birth Night Ball intaglio and was most likely printed by one of the predecessor bank note companies although there is no printer identification on the proof. 8 The Souvenir Card Journal: First Quarter 1994 (Volume 14: Number 1)

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