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(cid:2)NETWORK The Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance: A One Health Consortium Mark M. Rweyemamu1*, Peter Mmbuji2, Esron Karimuribo1, Janusz Paweska3, Dominic Kambarage1, Luis Neves4, Jean-Marie Kayembe5, Aaron Mweene6 and Mecky Matee7 1SACIDS atSokoine University ofAgriculture, Morogoro,Tanzania; 2Department ofPreventiveServices, Ministry ofHealth andSocial Welfare, Dares Salaam, Tanzania; 3NationalInstitute for Communicable DiseasesoftheNationalHealthLaboratoryServices,Sandringham,Johannesburg,SouthAfrica;4Facultyof Veterinary Medicine, EduardoMondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique;5School ofPublicHealth, UniversityofKinshasa,DemocraticRepublicofCongo;6SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine,UniversityofZambia, Lusaka;7DepartmentofMicrobiologyandImmunology,MuhimbiliUniversityforHealthandAlliedSciences, Dares Salaam, Tanzania Formedin2008,theSouthernAfricanCentreforInfectiousDiseaseSurveillance(SACIDS)isaOneHealth consortium of academic and research institutions involvedwith infectious diseases of humans and animals. Operatinginpartnershipwithworld-renownedcentresofresearchinindustrialisedcountries,itsmissionisto harness innovations in science and technology for improving southern Africa’s capacity to detect, identify, monitor(DIM)andmanagetheriskposedbyinfectiousdiseases ofhumans,animals,andecosystems.The consortium’s majorcapacitydevelopment activities include a series of One Health-based Masterof Science (MSc)coursesandafive-yearDIM-drivenresearchprogram.Additionally,SACIDSorganizedAfrica’sfirst OneHealthconference,inJuly2011.ThispaperdescribestheseandothermajoractivitiesthatSACIDShas undertaken to improve infectious disease surveillance across southern Africa. The paper also describes the role and collaboration of SACIDS with other national, regional and international consortia/networks that share avision and interest in promoting novel approaches to infectious disease surveillance and outbreak response. Keywords: SACIDS;SADC;OneHealth;mobileICT;CORDS;wildlife-livestock-humaninteraction Introduction sectors; and, ideally, through an approach that is based Founded in 2008, the Southern African Centre for on ecological systems, which in Africa often transcend Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) services the administrative or national boundaries (1). Southern African Development Community (SADC). The underlying concepts for One Health have long Operating in partnership with world renowned research been recognized. In the 19th century, Rudolf Virchow institutions in the United Kingdom, United States, and observed,‘‘Betweenanimalandhumanmedicinethereis Asia, SACIDS (www.sacids.org) is a virtual center that no dividing line (cid:2) nor should there be. The objective is links expertise and physical resources across institutions different, but the experience obtained constitutes the and health sectors with the goal of developing southern basis of all medicine’’ (2). In the 1960’s, Calvin Schwabe Africa’s capacity for the cost-effective risk management stated, ‘‘There is no difference between human and of its regional infectious disease burden threat. It has veterinary medicine. Both sciences share a common becomeincreasinglyapparentthatthemostcost-effective body of knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pathology, strategyforaddressingthehighinfectiousdiseaseburden on the origins of diseases in all species’’ (3). However, and risk in southern Africa must be through the sharing only recently, largely through the risk of emerging of expertise and resources across institutions; through infectious diseases, has the One Health paradigm come closecollaborationbetweenthehumanandanimalhealth into sharp focus, with the dialogue shifting from one EmergHealthThreatsJ2013.#2013MarkM.Rweyemamuetal.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution- 1 Noncommercial3.0UnportedLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),permittingallnon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninany medium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) MarkM.Rweyemamuetal. centeredonthepracticeofOneHealth(‘‘OneMedicine’’) percent of emerging infectious diseases in humans to one centered on One Health as an outcome or goal originatedinanimals. Thattrendisexpectedtocontinue (4,5).Yet,stillthereisnouniversallyagreeddefinitionof in the future, as economic development, changes in One Health. At the 2007 American Veterinary Medical habitation and farming systems, globalization of travel Association convention, Lonnie King described One and trade, and climatic variations continue to fuel the Healthas‘‘aholisticsystems approachtounderstanding emergence and spread of infectious diseases. Many of health across all species’’ (6). He explained, ‘‘It’s a theseanimal-originatingemergingdiseasesinhumansare recognition that human and animal health are inextric- endemic to Africa (and Asia) and constitute a high risk ably linked, and One Health is about how to promote, for future marginalization of Africa; and could severely improve, and defend the health and well-being of all constrain human mobility and access to international species,withthecooperationofphysiciansandveterinar- markets for African animal and plant commodities. ians.’’TheAVMAdescribesOneHealthasa‘‘collabora- Reducingtheriskposedbyanimalandhumanpathogens tive effort of multiple disciplines working locally, (cid:2) and their interactions (cid:2) requires more than an under- nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for standing of the diseases themselves. It also requires an people, animals and our environment’’ (7). An arguably understanding of the social context of disease. SACIDS more comprehensive description is the European Com- researchers advocate that substantial advances in infec- missiondefinition:‘‘theimprovementofhealthandwell- tiousdiseasepreventionandmanagementcouldbemade being through (i) the prevention of risks and the not just by integrating research across health sectors mitigation of effects of crises that originate at the (human, animal, ecosystem), but also across disciplines interface between humans, animals and their various (natural and social science) (16). environments, and (ii) promoting a cross-sectoral, colla- SADC is geographically and culturally linked to the borative, ‘whole of society’ approach to health hazards, five-country East African Community (EAC): Burundi, asasystemicchangeofperspectiveinthemanagementof Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Together, the risks’’ (8). two regional economic communities (RECs) share not In the absence of a single universally accepted defini- only a vision for inter-regional free trade, but also an tion of One Health, the trend is for practitioners to abundance of wildlife animals in their savannah describetheirownOneHealthfocus, oftenreflectingthe and forest ecosystems and an intense wildlife-livestock- underlying driver or objective of their work. Given that human dynamic (17). Thus, some SACIDS activities infectious diseases drive the mission of SACIDS, the are conducted in collaboration with the East African SACIDSfocusonOneHealthseekstoapplytheconcept Integrated Disease Surveillance Network (EAIDSNet) to the management of infectious disease risk. Accord- (18). ingly, we have identified the SACIDS focus on One Health as: a collaborative effort between natural and Governance social scientiststoadvance theunderstanding ofinterac- The headquarters of SACIDS is located at the Sokoine tionsbetweenhumans,animals,andtheirenvironmentin University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. theendemicsettingsofsouthernAfrica.WhileSACIDS’s SACIDS operates as a non-profit inter-institutional One Health focus broadly relates to definitions for One consortium through the legal frameworkof the SACIDS Health described by others (2(cid:2)8), the SACIDS focus secretariat host (i.e., SUA) and member institutions. At firmly reflects its own vision and mission. The vision of the national level, several virtual centers for infectious SACIDS is a southern African society protected from diseases have been formed. Collectively, these National devastating infectious diseases affecting the health of Centres for Infectious Disease Surveillance (NatCIDS) humans, animals (i.e. both terrestrial and aquatic), and form the core of SACIDS (see Table 1). The underlying ecosystems (i.e., crop, fruit, and ornamental), thereby concept of the consortium’s governance is equitable promoting livelihoods, socio-economic development representation of the human and animal health sectors (including market access), and the environment. The at both the national and regional levels in order to consortium’s mission is to harness innovation in science ensure effective inter-sectoral collaboration. SACIDS and technology for improving southern Africa’s capacity also operates in partnership with world-renowned to detect, identify, and monitor infectious diseases of centres of research in several industrialised countries, humans, animals, ecosystems and their interactions and especially the University of London Colleges, United to better manage the risk posed by them. Kingdom. For a complete list of partnerships, see The need for a One Health approach is supported by Table 1. the findings of several recent studies (9(cid:2)15). Together, SACIDS seeks to enhance the effectiveness of existing these studies have shown that about 60 percent of all official disease surveillance systems. Thus, at both infectious pathogens of humans originate from animals national and regional levels, SACIDS is underpinned and that, over the last 25 to 30 years, some 70 to 75 by sector ministries and regional inter-governmental 2 Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) SACIDS organizations,especiallySADC,theNewPartnershipfor humanhealth,livestockandwildanimalhealth;operates Africa’sDevelopment(NEPAD),andtheAfricanUnion. under the patronage of national chief medical and At the national level, each NatCIDS includes as active veterinary officers; and is linked to national offices membersrepresentativesoftheMinistriesresponsiblefor responsible for responding to natural emergencies. Table1. ParticipantsintheSACIDSConsortium PartnershipCategory Partners SouthernAfricanpioneer Partner NationalCoordinator ConstituentMembers partnersandconstituent membersofSACIDS byagreement TanzanianNational ProfessorMeckyMatee,HeadDept TheNationalInstituteforMedical Consortium Microbiology,MuhimbiliUniversityof Research(NIMR) HealthandAlliedSciences,MUHAS, IfakaraHealthResearch&Development DaresSalaam,Tanzania Centre,Tanzania TheMuhimbiliUniversityofHealthand AlliedSciences(MUHAS) TheFacultyofVeterinaryMedicine, SokoineUniversity(FVM-SUA) TheCentralVeterinaryLaboratory(CVL) TheTanzaniaWildlifeResearch Institute(TAWIRI) TheInstituteofResourceAssessment (IRA),UniversityofDaresSalaam DemocraticRepublic ProfessorJean-MarieKayembe TheInstituteofPublicHealthoftheFaculty ofCongo(DRC) Ntumba,AssociateDean, ofMedicineoftheUniversityofKinshasa NationalConsortium FacultyofMedicine,Instituteof TheFacultyofVeterinaryMedicineofthe PublicHealthKinshasa,DRC UniversityofLubumbashi NationalInstituteforBiomedical Research(INRB) TheCentralVeterinaryLaboratoryin Kinshasa NationalInstituteforNature Conservation(ICCN) MozambiqueNational DrLuisNeves,FacultyofVeterinary FacultyofMedicine-Eduardo Consortium Medicine,EduardoMondlane MondlaneUniversity(FM-EMU) University,Mozambique FacultyofVeterinaryMedicine(cid:2)Eduardo MondlaneUniversity(FVM-EMU) DirectorateofAnimalSciences(cid:2) InstituteofAgriculturalResearchof Mozambique-MinistryofAgriculture (DCA-IIAM) NationalHealthInstitute(cid:2)Ministryof Health(INS) NationalInstituteforFisheries Inspection(INIP) ZambiaNational Dr.AaronS.Mweene,Dean,School SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine, Consortium ofVeterinaryMedicine,Universityof UniversityofZambia Zambia SchoolofMedicine-Universityof Zambia CentralVeterinaryResearchInstitute (CVRI) TropicalDiseasesResearchInstitute (TDRC) 3 Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) MarkM.Rweyemamuetal. Table1(Continued) PartnershipCategory Partners SouthAfricanInstitutes ProfessorAntonyMusoke,Director, NationalInstituteforCommunicable intheSACIDS OnderstepoortVeterinaryInstituteof DiseasesoftheNationalHealthLaboratory Consortium theAgriculturalResearchCouncil Service(NICD/NHLS),Johannesburg, (ARC-OVI),Pretoria,SouthAfrica SouthAfrica OnderstepoortVeterinaryInstituteofthe AgriculturalResearchCouncil(ARC-OVI), Pretoria FacultyofVeterinaryScienceUniversityof Pretoria(FVS-UP),atOnderstepoort StellenboschUniversity,MedicalSchool, CapeTown Londonstrategicsmart LondonInternationalDevelopmentCentre,UniversityofLondon partners RoyalVeterinaryCollege,UniversityofLondon LondonSchoolofHygieneandTropicalMedicine,UniversityofLondon InstituteofEducation,UniversityofLondon ImperialCollege,London InstituteforAnimalHealth South-Southcollaborating EastAfricanIntegratedDiseaseSurveillanceNetwork(EAIDSNet) institutions FacultyofTropicalMedicineandCenterofExcellenceforBiomedicalandPublicHealthInformatics (BIOPHICS),MahidolUniversity,Bangkok,Thailand SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity(SADC)EpidemiologyandInformaticsSub-committeeofthe LivestockTechnicalCommittee SADCTrans-BoundaryAnimalDiseases(TADs)ProgrammeofSADCSecretariat AfricanFieldEpidemiologyNetwork(AFENET) AfricanResearchConsortiumforEcosystemsandPopulationHealth(AFRIQUEOne) SouthernAfricanConsortiumforResearchExcellence(SACORE) ConnectingOrganizationsforRegionalDiseaseSurveillance(CORDS) MekongBasinDiseaseSurveillance(MBDS)Network ConsultativeGroupon InternationalLivestockResearchInstitute(ILRI),Nairobi,Kenya InternationalAgricultural Research(CGIAR) partner Othercollaborating CentreforPopulationandEco-Health,UniversityofGlasgow,UnitedKingdom institutionsfromthe CentreforInfectiousDiseases,UniversityofEdinburgh,UnitedKingdom North GlobalHealthandSecurityInitiativeoftheNuclearThreatInitiative(NTI),Washington,D.C.,UnitedStates CentreforZoonosisControlHokkaidoUniversity,Japan SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine,UniversityofCalgary,Canada DepartmentofGeography,UniversityofCambridge,UnitedKingdom InternationalInstituteforEnvironmentandDevelopment,London,UnitedKingdom InstituteofTropicalMedicineandInternationalHealth,Berlin,Germany MeteorologyOffice,HadleyCentre,Exeter,UnitedKingdom FondationMe´rieux,France InSTEDD(InnovativeSupporttoEmergencies,DiseasesandDisasters),StanfordUniversity,California,USA andCambodia At the regional, or SADC level, SACIDS is developing Activities and Achievements linkages with sections of the SADC Secretariat that The initial focus of SACIDS is on capacity development deal with human and animal health matters, not only through employment of the Community of Practice through desk officers but also directly with the com- (CoP)principle(19).ACoPisaparticipatorypartnership municable diseases and livestock technical committees amongpeoplewhoshareacommonconcernandinterest, thatadvise governmentsonprioritydiseasesforregional in this case the vision and mission of SACIDS, andwho priority. conveneregularlytolearnfromeachother(20).Building 4 Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) SACIDS on existing strengths and programs, SACIDS is focused on four major sets of activities: 1) Provide training through two ‘‘One Health’’ MSc courses,oneatSokoineUniversity,Tanzania,witha focus on molecular biology; the other at the Uni- versity of Zambia, Lusaka, with a focus on analy- tical epidemiology. Each course includes core modules on the understanding of key One Health challenges.Thecourseshavebeendevelopedandare being delivered in collaboration with regional in- stitutions and the University of London’s London SchoolofHygieneandTropicalMedicine(LSHTM) and Royal Veterinary College (RVC). Fig.1. ScientistsfromtheSADCregion,includingaSACIDS- 2) Developresearchcapacity,focusingprimarilyonfive sponsored postdoctoral research fellow, working in the only disease-driventhemes:(i)climate-dependent,vector- biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory in Africa, which is loca- borne diseases (e.g., Rift Valley fever); (ii) diseases ted at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, with potential inter-species concern/spread between Johannesburg,SouthAfrica.Source:SACIDS. wildlife, livestock, and humans (e.g., tuberculosis); (iii) diseases of economic and food security impor- tance (e.g., foot-and-mouth disease); (iv) bacterial rarediseases(e.g.,plague);and(v)dangerousemer- ging diseases (e.g., viral haemorrhagic fevers). The consortium’s research on One Health policy is focused primarilyon diseaseburdenin the dry land ecosystems of southern and East Africa and its impact on livestock-dependent communities (21). Another cross-cutting area of research is that on participatory epidemiology (22) and the use of mobile technologies to collect and transmit field data. 3) Share expertise and resources across consortium institutions, especially for disease emergency situa- tions(SeeFigure.1).Thevalueofthisapproachhas been demonstrated by the discovery of two new arenaviruses, LuJo (23, 24) and Luna (25). 4) Examine approaches and mobile technologies for improving the efficiency of disease alerts, surveil- lance and response (26). Additionally, SACIDS organized the first One Health conference in Africa at the National Institute for Com- municable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa, in July 2011 (Figure. 2). The conference covered the same research themes listed above (under the second bullet point).Foreachtheme,youngscientistspresentedaseries ofshortpapers,followedbyakeynotepaperbyaninvited specialist of international repute. The final session was addressed by the special conference guest, Dr. David Nabarro of the United Nations, who spoke about ways that the One Healthapproachis contributingnot justto healthbutalsotofoodsecurityandcommunityeconomic well-being. Nabarro emphasized the importance ofover- Fig. 2. A poster for the first One Health conference held in comingthetendencytoworkin‘‘professionalnichesand Africa,inJuly2011,whichwasconvenedbySACIDS.Source: bureaucraticsilosand,instead,sharingdataandanalyses, SACIDS. 5 Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) MarkM.Rweyemamuetal. developing joint policies, doing research together, im- percent of the sub-Saharan human population but plementingjointinvestigationsandbeingaccountablefor accounts for 50 percent of TB cases reported. The delivering results’’ (27). Nabarro’s address was followed SADC Health Protocolincludes aspecific Article 12 byagranddebatebyinvitedspecialistswhodescribedthe on TB control, advocating for global and regional variousfacetsofOneHealth.Theconferenceproceedings partnerships to respond to the TB epidemic in the were published in a special supplement of Onderstepoort SADC region (30). This fact, coupledwith a lackof Journal of Veterinary Research (28). knowledge about the role of zoonotic Mycobacteria SACIDS One Health efforts complement other efforts strains in the infection of humans, was a key to integrate human and animal disease surveillance. For justification for the selection of TB as an exemplar example, in the spirit of One Health, the Tanzania Field disease for study by SACIDS. Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (FELTP) is governed by a multi-sectoral steering com- mittee whose members include representatives from the Text Box 2. Piloting mobile technologies and One Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries, and Health surveillance approaches efforts are underway to establish a veterinary stream of theTanzaniaFELTP.TFELTPisacollaborationbetween With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, MOHSW, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied SACIDS is collaborating with EAIDSNet on the Sciences (MUHAS), National Institute of Medical Re- pilot application of a One Health-based mobile search (NIMR), Centres for Disease Control and Pre- technology approach to disease surveillance. The vention(CDC),WorldHealthOrganization(WHO),and project operates in Tanzania, Zambia, and Burundi. AfricanFieldEpidemiologyNetwork(AFENET)(25).It In Tanzania, the approach has been to involve was established by the Ministry of Health and Social human,livestock,andwildlifesectorsatthenational Welfare (MOHSW) in 2008, following an assessment of and local levels, relying on specialists from both the Tanzania’sexistingpublichealthandsurveillancesystems humanandanimalsectorstoagreeonasetoftarget and recognition of the need for a competently trained diseases and to design shared data-collection forms. public health workforce (29). Additionally, most SADC The forms are programmed into Android-driven countries have adopted the WHO-AFRO system for mobile telephones using the EpiCollect and ODK Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR), which promotes a One Health-based strategy (30). programmes (31). Primary health workers enter disease data into the mobile telephones; and data aretransmittedviathemobiletelephonenetworktoa Case Studies serveratSACIDSheadquartersforstorage,analysis, Text Boxes 1 and 2 present case studies illustrating the and mapping (Fig. 3). Piloting efforts thus far have ongoing activities and early accomplishments of SA- shown that for effectiveness and sustainability, a CIDS. Text Box 1 describes how SACIDS’s selection of mobile technology-based disease surveillance system tuberculosis (TB) as a priority disease reflects not only will require three key elements: i) participatory SACIDS’s focus on One Health, given the potential epidemiologicalapproaches;ii)form-basedreporting; spread of TB between animals and humans, but also andiii)residentICTexpertiseforprogrammingatthe seeks to enhance the effectiveness of already existing discovery end and for local support, database hand- surveillance systems. ling,customizedprogramming,trouble-shooting,and training at the user end (22). Text Box 1. Tuberculosis as apriority disease for both SACIDS and SADC The case study described in Text Box 2 demonstrates how SACIDS is fostering inter-sectoral collaboration in Various Mycobacteria strains, the causative agent(s) OneHealthsurveillanceandresponsethroughtheuseof of tuberculosis (TB), can infect both animals and humans.SACIDS’sfocusonTBexemplifiesnotonly mobile technologies. Once rolled out, the One Health- how SACIDS is focused on developing and imple- based mobile technology system described in Text Box 2 mentingaOneHealthapproachtoinfectiousdisease will help to meet the need for a systemic exchange of surveillance,butalsohowSACIDSseekstoenhance disease surveillance data across the human and animal existingsurveillance systemsbyprioritizingthesame health sectors within SADC. There is no such exchange diseases that the official organs of SADC prioritize. occurring except via vertical programs like the ongoing SADC prioritizes TB because member states carry a WHO-supported rabies elimination project in Tanzania disproportionate burden of the dual epidemic of TB and South Africa. The episodes of Rift Valley fever in and HIV/AIDS compared to the rest of Africa and 1997/8and2007inTanzaniabroughttotheforetheneed the rest of the world. The region is home to 25 for such exchange (16, 28). 6 Citation:EmergHealthThreatsJ2013,6:19958-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ehtj.v6i0.19958 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) SACIDS for One Health infectious disease surveillance and response. Butastheburdenincreases,sotoodoopportunitiesfor reducingtheburden.ItisanticipatedthatSACIDSitself will continue to evolve as an initiative that promotes novel One Health approaches to infectious disease surveillance, such as the application of improved diag- nostic and information technologies that can be used in remote rural settings. To be effective, SACIDS will need to strengthen its ‘‘engagement’’ and convening strategy for developing smart, shared-vision partnerships at na- tional, regional, and international levels. CORDS helps to nurture that strength. Fig. 3. Images of the SACIDS-EAIDSNet piloting mobile Acknowledgements technology being used to conduct One Health disease surveil- lance in Ngorongoro (Tanzania), the Kagera Basin (cross- The work of SACIDS has been possible thanks to the financial border across Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania), and the Zambezi support of The Google Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Basin(Zambia)ecosystems.Source:SACIDS. andTheWellcomeTrust.Wearegratefultothesupportofthehost institution(SokoineUniversityofAgriculture,Tanzania)andallthe Relationship to CORDS participating and collaborating institutions in Africa, the United Kingdom,theUnitedStates,andAsia. CORDS provides a common vision and goal for disease surveillance that transcends regions; allows for South- South-North exchange of experiences and mutual trust; References and enables bilateral collaboration between disease surveillance networks from different regions and even 1. 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