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The Source: Unleash Your Natural Energy, Power Up Your Health, and Feel 10 Years Younger PDF

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Preview The Source: Unleash Your Natural Energy, Power Up Your Health, and Feel 10 Years Younger

"Dr. Merrell draws on cutting-edge research to give us a comprehensive, sane, and fruitful path beyond health to vitality. Anyone can benefit from reading this book." -Daniel Goleman, author of Emotiollal bztelligeJlce Unleash Your Natural Energy, Power Up YOl1r Health, and Feel 10 Years Younger Woodson Merrell, M.D. Chairman of the lJepartment of integrative ~1eclicille at Belh Israel Medical Cente" Alkrt Ein8tein CoUel/e o( NediciJle with Kathleen Merrell 28140 Pront. . tter 7/21/08 4:4S PH P.~'.~r--- Woodson Merrell, M.D. + + with Kathleen Merrell '-f1'+-- 28140 Front_atter 7123/08 4:otS PM P&"•"• THE SOURCE + + U nl e a s ll Your Natura l E n e r gy. Power U p Your H ea lth . and Fee l 10 Years Yo un ger I:::rcc Pel' •• New York london Toronto Sydney (, yr t j 28140 Pront. . tter 7/2)/08 4:4S PH P.~'e.~OEr-- frN Prt$J '" OW~.u O(S",lOfI '" Sd\u!ol(1", In.;,. I!JO Avenllo' or I~ ARIC'n'»> Nno YQI'k. 'Y 10020 All ri&hu TOCr\-cd.lndudm, tbe-rishl to rqorodua"'l1 book or poniom thnrol'in 11'1'( 1<lI'm ..1 \:I.1~"", fOf inM.rm.aUoIln lkIJ,ftlI Fr« I~Sllbtidi.u1 R.pm [l(ol'~nm('nt, + 12JOA.-m\le'ofwAm('rica~ ~_yo)fk..NY lOOlO. + ~ In/i)r.".tio ... boot ~p«U1 JJ."'~IIUlt~ for bul" PUfLh.--. pk~ron~1 Simun & Sc:hu)tC'r S~I.I s..Jc. ill 1..&0() 56 61'911 or bulul~UIlr;n;aI\,I.• d.u)ltf.(I)," Doigned by KIlty Ritgd tohnuf;K!Ultd in the' Unhnl SUI6 ofA mcriu I J ~ 7 , 10 8 6 4 2 J.1c1',.,II, Wuodw.on C. 11. ...O \l...:..: ..n Jeasll)'OUr " •• "nol~. ro""'ff "r)'XI' M-.Ahh. and f«t IO}~N )'OOIII>'T J Woodwn Mendl. wllh Karhl«-Tl Mcrn..iL p. ,m, Ind ...t o in.kl. I. F.UJIK. 2. 11t'~ltb J fM,-grltW1.bou\IO. L Mc·nril.K.,Utko:n II. Titk RUI.50.f}7M47 2008 blJ....-dcl2 1OO80174SS ISBN·' J: 97$.1·4)65-6111 &-2 IsnN·IO: '.4165. .. 61116-6 tf3 28140 Pront~.tt8r 1123/08 4:4S PH Page For Caitlin and Isabel. our Irue sources of vitaJ enert;Ya nd boundless love. + + (,( )yr I'llt j r (.. rL I tf3 28140 Pront~.tt8r 1123/08 4:4S PH Page + + ttt 28140 Pront~.tt8r 1123/08 4:4S PH Page This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is in~ tended 10 provide helpful and informative malerial on the sui>jt"Cls ad dressed in the public-.nion. II is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, or an)' other kind of personal professional services in the book. The reader shuuld consult his or hcr medical. health, or ulher competent profes sional before adopting any of the suggestions in the book or drawing in ferences from il. The author and publisher spcc,ifically disclaim aU responsibility for any liability, loss. or risk, personal or otherwise. which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly. of the use or appli(.:ation of any of the con ten IS of Ihis book. + + (,( )yr I'llt j r (.. rL I 28140 rront~.tter 1/23/08 4:4S PH P~ Co nt e nts 'ur[odIlCljotl I!tJlIl + + Transforming Energy: Six Ways 10 Reclaim YourVilalilY 17 1. Power Mind, Boundless Energy 19 2. Power Food, Your High Perfonna.uce Fuel 55 3. Power Delox, Remo\'(' Toxins, Increase Vilalit)' 89 4, Power Exercisc.lhe Energy F.\Ctory 131 5. Power Rest, How to Recharge Your Battery 159 6 VowernfCollllfc1joO' Cultivate Spirit and Gaill Positivc E.tlt.·rsy 185 PART II 21 Days 10 Optimal Energy: Power Up. Cleanse. Maximize 207 PART III Menus and Recipes 273 Recipe Index 365 Ad;nolVlcdgmellts 367 Ctlder ~69 (, lVr t I r I tf3 28140 Pront~.tt8r 1123/08 4:4S PH Page + + 281.0 Pront. .t ter 7/2l/08 4:45 PM Page. A Note on Usi n g T I, e So tlr ee T Ii I SilO 0 K I 5 divided into three parIS: The why. the how. and the food. The "why· of the book in Part I will provide powerful motivation for manyof you who \\liII be commitl~d 1'0 , .. king on the 21 Day Plan afler understanding the latcst information 011 how ),our body makes energy + and Shl)'S heahhy. But for those of you who waM to cut to the chase alld + skip the explanation of Part I, you maygoslraighl 10 'he "how" - the Plan in Pari II on page 207. The Plan puts the six fundamenlals of Part I into ~tction. providing:1 daily guide for powering up yourcllcTgy and retooling )'our health. Bul promise lhat as rou work through the plan over the next three weeks you go will back to Part I .. nd read the background and science underlying T11t! Sourre. Here you'll pick up on 3 wealth of u.!>cful information on how to increase your energy. and after reading the com pelling evidence you will re.tlize (as I ha\'e) thaI this is not a rod-this is the medicine of the future,

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