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BRILL’S STUDIES IN INTELLECTUAL, HISTORY J. Toner, Universi “)D. Norra, Univer REL, Ponts, Wishing THE SOULAND — ITS INSTRUMENTAL BODY A Reintespretation of Aristotle's Philosophy of Living Nature by AP ROS BRILL LELDLN™ BOSTON. 2 ap 103 or BOD ic ‘nla ee he ef J sey 16 Library of Congress Catalosingin-Publcaion Data 1 ca Bl tin to i ISSN RBA = elk grail tees le ‘uN Ie cua ISON sh 1804 wen lim amar schiagaeietae ei ii or TABLE OF CONTENIS Chapter On Avstode's phology reconsidered “The Ds ania a the Paes The pce o- Denia n the whote of Asstode's Pawn and ether. ‘Whar precise isthe meaning of “shea piesnon nbn Chapter Two: The modem debate on Arte’ psychology W Jorgen (1928) . Fy. Nayens (1059) ©, Verbeke (1945) T Bock M51), Morante (1955), MG, Nussbaum (1978; (. Frewenthal (1995) Cispter Three: Puna the sani of the sul in De mst Th theory af Demat antnabum 10 The pevious ctapters The common cause of movement “The movement of easos-and mieracestnos Inairumentalise and eshersetc instrument ‘Chapter Fane What dy eat fo: ceceving tbe soul {De ssine 13, ADTDLSEH The place of he aniaaie the Corp Deeananal 2, AN7D1826 The dais of Pain and he Fytagarcanaenized “The deals of Aric’ vce The arguments unlesbing Avner’ ction Docs Aristo himself ners the veguivemens whieh he lays dens for Fix preddenesson? or A enue ile 58 (Carpentry aad itsinarurserte 62 Ancter possible exsianation of 13, 10762 66 Criticism of the lek aan cfiione tause in Pleas ast logy according tw Asitole’s Mathie (Chapter Boe: Arisere's new psychology in Deanna TL 2, 69 Anncwapotoaeh io Be entaal wo Beanie | does nat mention esttisr Arete prions 70 A tat ente echy n Natal bodies ¥ Nawal bodies posessing If 8 A natural dy tai agent ss De anioa Il Wale presupposes an “onganne sda of the soul 9 the paige whic Fas encouraged the mistake: Dranimatl AT614 9% A qyberneti instruttentabel pipchelogy ow Th wd wie pal ai istrict boa at “The unity ofthe pars ofthe soul wits ene instrumental bck vos “The nutitive si val conmected with a instrumental dae 109 The fal pus af De wna Tey he soul and thae whic receives the soul M4 Alink with De ania 3 ni The correct reading of Deana I 1.41381 615, 7 Notes om Peanina I and 4 na The clocolateBcsoy, che tenpocnt, sad the conmpur peogran 120 The soal asthe formal since of the sou body and the vfrible so? 1 (exer Six The a Fase bay 8 He le Ship (Deaniwa I 1, $1285) Les The instru xy ever te ai he “The insrmmental bedy as ever atthe soul the backgrourd athe concept of ratio [Chapter Seven: Atos problems with the stanéardl psyches Togical theaties Sn sof Lovses, human beings sh gol “ht which possesses sa Comwrcal wed nen comporeal setstes of tbe sou I whut ses ie the soul te principle of movement? The sul tsa unoved nose Lirason oF the intellect from te bored sth the ‘sul whe Tees The boa Vly lo plats ane some animals sey aive ater bring ct CChopter Light: The sule ef wal heat and provmais| Lie genrations mati Emphisison the eilieksnt eae ie Ds gnonatons sooo, ‘The sexual iferentanior of ining eeatires ist present in thei sous The pretarmation theery revi; esigenesis aeepe Ihe proc she producer, al the means ef production An arte foci peep ad passive matte Thedvine factor ial ta ves Thevehice ofthe divine ficor (De gevortiane aati 13, T30NBO7ITAP Be ener noson H 5, T3HH2OTITAT, ‘wor saeane by the dyans of every su nace the ‘dierert ane more asine bay? hac meant by hts something 3 Hove do souls dtr sale The bist ofthe il Sponsnenins generation Adulional remarks. 1. Seed and fut 2, Grom egus and entre ace in sla 5. How ate living erentnrex generate fos eats ta diferent kind? us M6 us ve Chapter Nine:‘Pre abies the relation of the soul 9 the bey that ceiver ou Artois De longue tbat The medern deaste er te Zaye waar, De angie ete tne Tonstation of Astle, De indie Britt Anas athe tex’ prem nave esplenation Ihe deca of secslewtl qualities: Knosledge and bealth Whe s the relatinnship of som with sina? Does Arte mean fie in "the upper part of te (Ov does Arse mean by Te” the sta heat o eng What the meaning of tire above Whi was able to fol the argument of Br lang (chapter Ten: Puouma and the theory «sl In De mud [Chapter tleven: The ultimate problem: how di Aristo relate the intellect, which is rot bond up wi en 0 he soul, sshich sais cennectee wth sin Aristotle doctrine uf the setation of inelleet ad sa “The immanent divine and the taacerident divine The astal dyoomis hingsabmr psvchie wal activi The presence of intellect n the sublanary sphere The intellect that eames from ents’ Gicero on the “quote stot ‘Ghprer Tile: AMHode's Lat woke dhe ontequetees of Feinterprsting the prchology of Dr ani. The net reconsie= the acublem ofthe Las works Lanblishus” Pres ane Astle’ Prtpes. {Chapter Phirteen: Le utonmation on Anite’ a “The ile of Fudeunus of Cypris. Ison of de sul oe tna of Mo eles? How serious andl scientific was the Buon Rejection of Plates sheory of anamnesis ve revelation of Silents 10 King Mich on roan’ eieg astanger ‘Man athe produce of toghins demon, The les of the Blessed Conater Fourteen; The Bit element asthe sbatane of the ‘ol Gieero on Arinoce’s theology ive dot ine of miter esis venience Te leawnly element as sino ofthe human soul Does Ce eestial body of the sal Hally dsotie ato Che ‘esta phe \sltsOrphess alo leave Bend his beloved uryaice The shee ofthe irs’ and the ‘second dea Tie Gctrin ofthe soul's pneumatic yhiele ‘ol tn lke light “The doctrine af the soul a elon The theme of the sous jourey throng he elena The mantic pawers af she soul CGhaprer Flicen: The eomperiwn of the seersman and hihi ‘a Aristo’ lost works and elsewhere Hos: na beer ave nf the existence 9 gos God as the supreme commander and yovernor af the The nuaivat Odgers sage home How de awareness af ges came abot according [Chapter Sisteens ‘The sos bondage’ aecording to Tost work by Ariat. The Einaest livers, ‘opprenive bone! with dead bade Inpro wl Can Here frigate and Orphisn W.ALG, Gutaeie’s potion on Arbus vefetion of he nk, 1 thsigurs ype on old and yore teeent Onpie Ppl referemeos-n he Oxphie waders He Arion tellin Corpus a5 The wot of “unndage” doblec: bonds of icep ain bonds of deat a The descent of the “atonal prep ata the sphere snort 3 Speculations em a possible syess ae onds of sleep and otter O-phie themes in Aristotle. 344 fn Orphie -heogony ascribe! to Eudes the Peripatetic ‘Atextin the Prompticss ty Clement of Alexei. 20 Commie yor'said demons a “robbers. 1 ‘Concluding remarks, 356 Chapter Seventeen: The intogration of the gssehalogy of Aristle’s Eunos and Bis ae 558 ‘more comprehensive perspective inthe Exams tan Deanives but not an oppesiton, Recspitulaion ofthe arguments against ®ve tadtoasl snterpretation of Aristotle's schoo sea The advantages oa slurestiveienperaion of Arist’ psschology ‘iis Cchepterghtees: Final consi¢erations and conclusions a Selimman-aton of «wrong bypothess i ‘The deselopnen al hyaobess sometimes covers up unsolved prob ens a Beier in authority seience x6 ‘The weakness of mans assnpions 3m Aristo’ philosophy diinguishes ot twa but fo ave’ a8 Tie need 16 reconscer the works of which Ariaoik's tuihonip bs dtd. cc Aisote's doctrine of dja 00 Ihe para leis between Aristeles psychology and hs heolbay ost Fittography as Index noms 408 INTRODUCTION 4 Leoakd bogs > taersand panna Use begin alerts Ait TMA, Tomine eae a Breanne ithe zane degree as ol superior 0 body. is trind beter and nore dine rs Purch, none see 9A 110 book isthe ft of seed soten fn 1904, On the vee of one of poy teieher, Pra DALT. Vollerhewen, Fad, while sing. on the Frsian lekes fara wotk, W, Jaegers famous book vst Grwnd hong einer Gesehichte seine: Enticbng dating fromm 1028. the Deter acy scholars had. ecoane whol consinced, partly due co Sides by E.Oy} Nwyens al F. Sans, thatthe philosoplay of the reat Arstetle could only be unde-sood Fo the perszeetve of a Historia developient, For almost thirty years mee thar frst ime Action 10 the scholarly fsterpretation of Anstote’s work Lave been reaped wih various facets OF Arise’ Iegary inthe Hamers a Trees param, For my dissertation Jha ehosen dhe subject ef Aristotle's De ets nad becertte faseinatee. hy the doctsine of the EM element set Sout there, This naturally lee to stude of reports in Cicero that rise idence 4 quintessence mater which mage up net nly estas planets hat alo hasan seus Te tle of my thesis shows ow mel I a bees infuerced by W, Jaeger, A. Pestngire WIC Gathrie, af Pepin tv Br cota early recaguiaed a "ea. estar" a pre esac pile py and aes It cout he distr she fron the ate rein whiels Aste al elaborated I hs craphical Umer Mee While wocking on the thesis, Calten came arrose reports ba brig wnat Anil hal el very special octine of divine Providence. This Provence exe operative ia dhe supratunary, sal fihere, but dit aot extend te the human world #4 the stblanay Sphere. Is [S76 published sal study es raesbjoee® Almost impercepsly 1 thus agtived at the work De mands in dhe Aristtclin Corpus, which on tke auhorily of AJ. Festive was {ane sil is) generally hed o be pseulAriswoteisa. it 1874, how fever, G, Reale argied a length tha the gretrds for rejection were estremely wrath Festusiere believed Ut te bred train abou fan Arioteli tectrine of Hine divine Pricer sss le tthe influence af te late Hellen ste work De wid, wr ey had ronal come 10 be reguided a8 Aritote'ian. 1 fave always beet intrigued hhow sucha work—late and mediocre in the view of snedera thon abe to bring out sch a brosd ut spurious tradition regarding Arstotle's theology Tesies reviewing Reales commentary L wrote sn articie an De mundo which spppetred in. 1979, andthis work hax continved 6 necrosis These minds donteinae were Bly imograted in comaletely reed elton of thy teat of De made with, omementey instons, Meats I had intensively stud. the fragments of Aristnle’s lost works The siareng-point here as a repor: in Terthian that at sone point Aristo had talked ou a drean-ng gout Kronos. is "eme lelto thy of the Hlermetis Conpus ae Pitarch's Ds cen ikwrnng an deo ef Paw and howe ee Be ited ean £0. Seige On on fe et ey eyo Kale ve di Pa Muon Jette semen Re 00) SH ibe fnnos where the same mode of a ‘seeping? dreaming god onan’ pied aoe! THhese sis made it clearer eo me that Aristotle i his Los wit sags hand alead dstingwsied herween a cosmis Wocldruler (Kec lesan a metacosnics weecenent Ged (Zens), [ean ta sspect Jeong shat the ‘dreaming god Kronos hd xeved asa model for the tamcept of the slecping World sos foul in Alginous and rota Tlaving foul a series argumnen for eamecting the moti of the “dreamung god Kronos’ ot with Ansiode's Proepeiews uc wi his Laows 1 On e st eae to Uae conehason dat “he dea nage Kronos was eate! to Avitrl'sransceaert Hirst Mover in ie same way asthe soul as fist entolechy’ is related to the soul as lized ence, i acrondanee wit the distnetion formated by Aristotle in Deanne: 1, 41232536 In ths study] was heretore able range confident for he fs ime ‘hat Cie padign of W. Jeger hal w be abonvlaned: the basis apport regen’ parsdign, t fimdamensal apposition between the fsenry soul in Aristode's aden a that of De ovina, ce wo Langer be maintained Insubsesjucnt years Len back to examine Aristotle's biological mvtingy sant Deanne Here Veaane sere the enrons sitetion that the view which a el is alidonally ascribed to Arivoule on the Isis of De avin I Toes nor oeeuramsehere else in dhe Corpus hor incleee is any rare of fe to be forind in the classes! radon ‘lying several cenmris alter Anstote's death, Is 1005 ir hen daned pon me that there s something funda nent wrorg wits the ter esation af the ware gan the Aletniion of deal Arise, Deana IL. Ureatized that “go ha aul not possibly mean “equipped wih orgaes, because every iste ese fe the Aristotelian Corpus t seo for "serving as an sian. lr the praets of he juin commentary wih Reale it 1005 Tiherefive propose a reinterpretation of this cefinition: Ta letinisione del siina in Dr anima II, 119bS .. Wehbe essere ‘nsnpotata come segs Tanta & Paxtdecie del panna che Vor spinodal nas? Ths after thing: years # drastic reorientation af’ my views was prompted ly the dnsighs chat there are not enough grovnds for {eoumg change iv Aristotle's postion "At the seane trie is lear tthe that Meger's bok was messy to sact the development which evull lea 4 9 refutation of his heory bao that ging, {immunized ise against possible Felusitions.Janges demonstrated wnce and forall hat Anstode wrote ‘at afew orks hich weno longer posses, ad tba it iseraeal for boar kn-vledge of his chou ty Jovk carefully a dhe atestacons ad Inngments ofthese works But Jaeger ensared, too, that thee works ‘sere not used i ey to gain acces to the Aristotelian Corpus, bu ‘vere se apart tesimon es toa position abandaned by Aristotle ‘The at of the present suey is 10 show char Avsiotle’s extant ‘writings ca and shuld he consistenny read as agreeing ‘ith the consent of his ‘as! works. This mans that Aviston’ intrrketion of the doctrine af fh clement sis an incegral porta his liscason With his teacher Plato on the cormos and on the soul, Jost se the order end Wie af Ihe comes deperid on the fnematerel axa Boy, 0 the goo! of every lig dndhidual 3s inseparable fom n ‘rataca Tn’ whic esweies eel of dicated tesa, Ave is fdopted a position which moves cleatly away fromm his great and sadnired teacher ato, and hick andeipaced the hslozoltie costo Tegan psyhology ot te Sta, Tat this theare cn only be seyued fea Ye shown thse dhe explanation of Aristotle's oso phy went astray not just fon 1664 ‘or 1925, but rom the dine of Alenader of phon, wlio worked found AD S04, ‘arouse results ofthis nee project wete previously preset! in the term of artices” hain as Tuaecr uy nonecoen Salas of natin eres: hese face 4 short version the present ook wis published in Date forthe ne of det. {ion gratelul to the Netherlands Organization ‘or Selene Re= seach {SWO) for proving a urant towards an English translation, "The ertcal srt sons nae trom this sty inthe Researel, Gnunp for Ansient, Pati, and Medieval Phlosaphy at che Faculty Sriilosorhy in the Free Unisersty ad ie the rational Aristotle Shudy geeup sere very stimulang forme The help of say booth, Br ©. Bos, Dr R, Ferweréa, Ds. Ti Jansen ant pro. Gr, GP, Luttibezen are specially ckmoweded here, Lvl ike ta thactk AP. Rune for tasting 1» Dutch text into Enis “gt Sn CSS tr ph I eh Ww Wha bs hat oer ARISTOTLE'S PSYCHOLOGY RECONSIDERED. ie De nina on he Eade The soal is he frst entdetnino na pooch is argent By means oF this sleiniion of chs soul in De ausiee WT Arse Detieved ache could Ht ths debate the soul as prine eo all living ereausres, 19a evel on which it had 30: yet been eordieted it pprowous esncuies 1 isa intriguing definition through she use of the term eatlecita, which iy Arstde’s own creation, but the hick ground and incention of whic he fils to make elear anheve ese in his exta ut work! Bur itis even more smpartant tha. thiseeinition has abways teen expined ata foreulation of Artes ann ard final psychgy and is -aken v0 meat thatthe soul is the Formal scrcturl principle of the visite, material body ofa plant sims, oF humm heing. The bodies of thse living creatures were supposedly regarded by Arico a natural organic uliee ores mat ale ‘quipped with organs." Understooe in din nay eee iio. seems to imply a ratial break, wat only mith dhe papcholoyica theories of all those ‘ew sexed xo be philosophically related to Aristotle, focus bis teacher Pca, but also th the view ofthe soul witch se Dini hal explicitly bel, His amu dialogue ened Faden stg) nie pings H UPA TAL pak “The wigan Inorg Lem deer eet ane Artin i {Treeaixe", Af af Pl 11D (1889) 74 GA We, Acitoce on sewadero, sha raat ea oA ay a ayn et ‘hake casa of Tat ns can ay thatthe sre oe oko De ama Ron as one nthe snes sel foutdailons for an approach to We rg aie eating Capen oth preach The Durch Cite JE, Snens dope angers Mpc ma ele he Sita gh an cron more wld ban Uy oom Woy of hens eal oh the rey the ete exch thre phases ena be Clearly lingvahed, ta Negens's ew? Al hgh ne decaes following We pubieabon f Jager work + umber he angumens stich e had ted to show cage I the yputess of an cay pave a Ae ptnlogy (pre tie Dei tl idl cepted) Pin reget she wn svn, WD ora, Oxo 1085s, 908; 30 Ge ela ge ol TT Hip ware gare alla gut Bee Hs ad Py Acd oral’ he popes ents ence se aor 1 eigen an eke ey sn Wee Aagena, Dean fasinates sir utmece cans woe eerie Meaoee an Lae eater MIS Tor che claim of sin Arn, WRC, Gusti, A. Fessanie. J pa, HL nS otis rial hg a ot sd i 8 Arran ose ‘OFF, Nugen ts an intestate result of med sciertie research sand used it asthe sartingspoirc for his own inguiry into the “cosmic theology” ofthe “easly Arsene’ * The place of Dean ithe tbo of Atte’ eunze Bur the ostion of Desai very problema, as dhe ses of any moter attics show The largest shaming eek here iy he fet tt, besides the psychology af De auama, the extn tings of Ariseatle vont another view, pasculaly in Ce bileics! sritings in whieh an important role is assigned to the “innate nevi’ oF he innate vital heat or the “aatural ire" in. the explanation at every thing thas lives ard grows. En these writings this feu oF vital eat has a mediator taneton beeen the stl ofthe individual creature and its perceptible bay, This view was often regarded as ineompat ible with the Die enim conceytion, in-wtich any gap betsecm body sand sol appeared to be cancelled by she supposition of the so a= nti des (fer) of he vibe hay. This oberon el #931 ipplemettary hypothesis of an exten phase in te evolition of Aristo’ paychologicl views. Ustaly the view af De waime mis ce ts the final point of shis develepment andl the guawna theory ofthe bial works asa posizon Between the early theory ofthe Eaows sa th late one of Deanne, However, Block fas centended that the positions of Be oni and the bislegeal works should be turned around! unentonale! Hoch iH. Retin octet (stro) j2 nnn exerting chee “Arae's Ont ata tn reba he mee aby pce of ik wea. ini nl ged ince Res Sd toe aw toy pa |gesroTins rsvononney ancosinem 7 fur apt exarspe of the contision which hasiarse ot ‘his point fs page fom an important arele by JM, Rit") Aller mentioning inate’ theory of frum, he gees on 19 tnt one cf the most mporar fete cf Aue Cig ton jpromais ack eyhayed ava atsnp to Drge be “ppm gap Eervecn oa an body Now wr mags suppose hatin aries nate eng here nn eal gap he ged tor Dei Host Gh 200) aout the aetulty vor frm 3 rataral bck qupped th ngane Ba ihe pss Seq pped wih organ” or ‘Eat problem whic cencertelAvaate Sie ae so fr fru ina seave-mnnateralindeed thereat les ene Aso item wt pay ata om eat Hale 900) {ita i Ariens ngage, ony 3 aera oy To at In isvemarkable tha: De anima sees to offer no seope Hor theory of veo tat activates dhe parts of the visible buds, whereas the sete theory of penta has wo solve 8 prota ofthe Be naive tee, siz Jane am incorporeal so. is able to influence the corporeal isle od 1 could aloe considered unsarsfactory that in his extensive sursey ot ratierpaysholegical theories in De ania | Anistoel ignores Tic own pathology of the Edney while it seems ta have bern sdhuned it De ona 01, Pre ed tier Scother remarkahe point is tht Aristotle himself made: siking connection Between his prvsime Lieory and the dectine of the vite filth clement of which the celestial spheres and the ated gods od, Panda sap ye Cea BD 1 re TEL, ie 988 98, Pan sep proseed ath wie res ste pened oe hea "oporteo he e nthe) soul ALE! Natsu, sae Dee dyna Paseo 1 i St 0 aan ee a pte pers nc al ge te ane male St his orien ofthe fifth element was alriay developed bby Aristotle in dhe wctks plished daring his etme, for exsmplee Dik rnd work Or pep. Moreaves, Cicero tepets int number of ionrigning sete that. in Acntode's vey, a wate Fhmctions whee are usactere of human esistenesexts20: be rege sida x conetted with the for elemenss ofthe sblusary sphere, aud hat he had therefore dev tired these fnetions wa be eos ‘ith ether or the quia asentia.”'This lee some authors 4 consider Seriously that Art e this oat works had alo developed fon a pathology which scemed “materia ste” or atleast “hsizoisic™ in Kin ‘We can al shat dhe popchology whichis taitional'y ase to Avistode om she basis of the text of Le ena didnot play any role in the ahilosophiea. discussion during the Fst fe cenenries after Aristotle's death, It only became current through the actrties of Alewanler of Aphis a commentator en Ariole’s corks fa ‘he thied cestry AD. ol Pao dcct eo he cae ht setts prc Tor Arey aaa 2h ange Se | Asterten esveracocy RCDNSIMERED " Wench meaning of xn plysbon organikon’ ov all hese reasons T think if desi: and legiimse 0 recom Shier the entire problem of dristotelian peyehology. The evita again watts parts of di sews of W. Jaeger ane F. Nuyens i fon be eartice Unrougl its final fhe pis decades should pet fomseisnces, Perhaps we should devide to stap inter ueting the iMeriation abowt Aristotle's ost works 38 Platonisi’ And hess we should perhaps interpre: the suviing work much more rigorous ound of te pailosephical views af bis storks, il sshich Aristotle esablished his reputation as2 great philosophies, I leading pring ere isthe question: i i prkape sie te lacovoniz the psyhabeiont Cite of Ariat’ igs i), bit Bi sea ors 2), ard of his De anima (3! Such am undertaking could Sco pate ie focus speficlly on the definition of te soul in Ie waime ILL and ask of whick eee plytan nganden se sea the sucess For in principle tse question san be given diferent msc Linon the general aeeeped te 1. The standard views!7 which we alread encountered 7 the inne, ateans the souls the fist ener of eetaion OF JM Rt teenie visite, grosemaceril body ef man. nia wr plist while frequ poet with ongats. Am idea tat goes se) this es fs ar he ‘Sl canna exist wiht Ee vs ae buds ad eselOre has no post Thovtal existence hat perishes with he visible bod. As we sd Faneever, there i no tice of a interpretation of Arisoule’s psyele Vg lang these fines in te fie centivies bengeen Ariston deat sail ye aching ai of Alexandr of Aphrodisias around AD 208, ‘Also this interpretation ‘kes the words “sina plyaan’ ia sense sinh has na paral! in the philosepner's wrttys, while the term ‘ngouitn’, wih eccsesfroepently > Avior ws werk (in she sense 1 natrumenta’, sensing asa usteuuent! 8), is read ferently impaetant basnely se "equiped sh organs") only in this ve

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