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The Solution to the 'Son of Man' Problem This page inrenrioi!GI(¥ left blank THE SOLUTION TO THE 'SON OF MAN' PROBLEM MAURICE CASEY .\\ uadark Copyright@ Maurice Casey, 2009 Published by T&T Clark International A Continuum impriut The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SEI 7NX 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704, New York, NY 10038 www.tandtclark.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitte--d in any form or by any means, clc.ctronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or rctric.\'al system~ without permission in writing from the publishers. Maurice Casey has asserted his right under the Copyright, Dc.signs and Patcnt.s Act~ 1988> to be identified as the. Author of this work. First published in hardback as volume 343 of the Library of New Testament Sntdics series, 2007 This edition published, 2009 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Brirish Library ISBN 10: 0567030709 (paperback) ISBN 13: 9780567030702 (paperback) Typeset by Free Range Book Design & Production Limited Printed on acid-free paper in Great Britain by Biddies Ltd, King's Lynn, Norfolk CONTENTS Prejm·e VII Abbre11iatio11s " CHAPTER I The State. of Play CWAPTER 2 Tile-Use of the Anunaic. Tcnn (K)1V;(N) u , •Son of Man' 56 CHAPTER 3 The ·son of Man Concepr' 82 CJ.JAPTER 4 Six Authentic Sayings 116 CHAPTER 5 The llealing of the Paralytic (Mark 2.1-12) 144 Ci-IAPTER 6 Jackal< lla,•e lloles (Man. 8.19-201/luke 9.57-58) 168 Ci-IAPTER 7 The Son of Man io the Heavenly Ulul't (luke 12.8-9// Man. 10.32-33; Mark 8.38) 179 CHAPTER 8 Octl'ayed by a Kiss (Luke 22.48) 195 CWAPTER 9 Jesus Predicts his Death aod Resurrection 200 CHAPTER 10 Other Synoptic Saying,.:; 212 CJ.JAPTER II Translation and the Use of Scripture. From Sayings of Jes-lL~ to the Synop•ic Evange-lists 246 The-Johannine-Sayiog.:; 274 Ci-IAPTER 12 Conclusions 314 Ci-IAPTER 13 Bibliography 321 /1tdex of Scriplllre and Ancien/ Literatllre 345 Index of Modem Aullwrs 357 This page inrenrioi!GI(¥ left blank PREFACE This book was writteo in 2002-4. In 2001-4, I hdd a Leverhuhne-Major Research Fellowship awarded for me to complete all the nec.essal)' research and write the. first drafl of this book. as well as a small monograph on the Similitudes of Enoch. I am extremely grateflll to the Leverhulme Trust for this award, which enabled me to oomplere this mnssive piece of research. I am also g.rateJUI to all those who have discussed with me the problems of method and of detail which 1his wotk ha..~ emailed. I began research on some aspec.ts of the Son of man problem by re.ading for a doc.torate at Durham Uniwrsity under Professor C. K. Barrett. whose extraordinary combination of learning and helpfulness with lack of bure.aucrac.y or interference re.mains a model to which one cao only al>pire. I would paJ1iculal'ly like-to thank also Dr A. Angel, Professor R. Bouckham. the late Professor M. Black, Professor B. D. Chilton, Dr. J. G. Crossley, Professor J. A. Fi11J11yer. Professor D. R. A. Hare. Dr C. Fletcher Louis. Professor R. Keams, tJ1e late Professor B. Lindars. Professor M. MUller, Professor C. M. Tuckeu and Professor W. Walker-. 1 would like to thank memberS of the Aramaic. ab~o Bnck£JOUnd and Historical Jesus seminars at SNTS, the Jesus seminar at meetings of British NC\1/ Testa.ment scholars, and an annual semi oar oo the Use. of the Old Testament in the Ne\\1 now ge1lerally held at I lawarde11, fOr what I have leamt from them. I alone am respoltsible for what 1 have said. I would also like to thank my Nouiugh.arn colleague Dr R. II. Oell fi)r help with the \\'Ord processor on which this bt)ok wa.~ wrinen: a.od the libnlries of SOAS and tJ1e British Library for the facilities necessary for advanced scholarly work. This page inrenrioi!GI(¥ left blank ABBREVIATIO:VS AB Anchor Bible Ad1•. Haer. Adversus Haereses Adversus Marcionem 11d~>.,\1c. Ad11. Pmx. Adversus Praxeam AGJU Arbeiten zur Gesc-hichte des antik en Judentums und des Urchristenlums Akk. Akkadi:m An Bib Analecta Biblica ANRW II . Temp01ini and W. llaase-(edl>), Aufstieg tmd Niederga11g der rOmisclum l\-e/t (mall)' vols., GeJ·(io: W. de Gruy1er. 1972-) Ant. Antiquilies oft he Jews A.Pers. Aeschylus, Per.fians ASTI Annual oft he Swedish Tlumlogical lnslitwe ATANT Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testame-nts r1ThD Acta 111eologica Dn11ica •\Z 'Abodah Zarah b. Babylonian Talmud BaL Bampton Lectures 2 Bar. 2 Banrch Ber Berakhol BETL Bibliothec-.a ephemeridum thoologicarum lovaniensium BGBE Beitrage.z ur Geschic.hte der biblischen Exegese /Jib Biblica BibRes Biblical Research /JJRL Bullet ill tif the JtJ/m Rylrmds Libra(\' 8111/..M Bullet ill tif the JtJIUJ Rylrmds Librmy tif Mtmclre.\·ter BNTC Black's New Tesuunenl Commeruaries BSRel Bibliothec.a di Scienze Religiose BTL Oenjamins Tran.:;Jation Library BWANT Beitrage.z ur Wissenschaft vom A1ten und Neuen Testament CBM CheSler Beauy Monographs CBQ Cmlwlit· Biblical Quarterly CChr.Sl Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 2 Clem. 2 Clement ConBNT Coniectane.a biblica. New Testament

The opening chapter surveys the history of scholarship regarding the problematic use of the phrase 'son of man' in the New Testament. It also explains why this problem could not be solved until recently. Casey then presents the relevant Aramaic evidence. He offers a careful discussion of the use of
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