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The Pennsylvania State College The School of Chemistry and Physics Department of Chemistry The Solution Stabilities of Chelate Compounds A Dissertation by LeG-rand Gerard Van Uitert Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1952 Approved: Head of the Department Acknowledgements I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. W . 0. Fernelius for his encouragement and. for his ahle d.irection of this research problem; to Dr. G. G-. Haas for his contributions to tb.e theoretical considerations involved in the text; to Dr. B. E. Douglas for his careful criticism of the manuscript; to the above per­ sons and Drs. R. W. Taft, Jr., H. D. Zook, and R. P. Seward for the many helpful discussions I have enjoyed, with, them and assistance in other forms; to the research group for their cooperation in many ways ; and to the Atomic Energy Commission and the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation for their financial support of this research project. I especially wish to acknowledge the many long hours that my wife has contributed to the completion of this dissertation. Ttie Solution Stabilities Cbelat© Compounds- Abstract The experimental work contained herein has been designed to elucidate the basic relationships that exist for the reversible chelate compound, formation equilibria between be^a-diketones and metal ions in solution. In the past, pH titrations in partially non-aqueou solvents have been made in order to determine the sta­ bility of coordination compounds. The interpretation of such data has been reconsidered with, the object of obtaining thermodynamic stability constants. The variation of the pKd values for several beta- diketones with, changes in composition of water-dioxane solutions has been found t-o follow the pattern for simple acids above a mole fraction of dioxane (ng) of 0.10. Shifts in the keto-enol equilibrium causes devia tions from linearity below = 0.10. The variation of the logarithms of the formation constants (log. Kf values) of the metal chelate com­ pounds with, structurally similar beta-diketones h.as been found to be an essentially linear function of the negative logarithms of the acid dissociation constants of the beta-diketones. The stabilities of the metal chelate complexes of a common ch.elat.irg agent, in general, increase with the electronegativities of the metal ions (Xrn values) involved wit.b.in a common 1)011(3 hybrid (B^) classifi­ cation. When the log. values for the metal ions are plotted as a function of Xm , separate, approxi­ mately straight, lines are obtained for the mono­ valent, the divalent, and the trivalent ions. The slopes of these lines stand in the ratios of the rela­ tive stabilities for the probable bond hybrid states about the cation. On this basis, one may write log. Kfq - a(Xm*E>h.) - Const, for the exchange constants representing, chelate com­ pound. formation in solution. It can be shown that the above equation can be expected from considerations of molecular orbita.1 . theory The coordinating abilities of nitrogen and oxygen have also been found to be consistent with molecular orbital theory. It is shown in Section Six that basicity should decrease in the following orders for nitrogen and oxygen , > . =N~ , -N and. — O , ^0 , -=0 * / * as found in amines, ring nitrogen, the ^C-N- group, and cyanides for nitrogen and the enolat.e ion, ethers, and carbonyl groups for- oxygen. Experimental evaluations indicate the following order of group coordinating abilities -N-N- > > COO" ^ )c > -0 Th.e relationships between chelate compound forma­ tion constants in different solvent mixtures have been demonstrated for water-dioxane mixtures and ethanol. The true ratio of the first to the second formation constants Kf]_/Kf2 for the chelate complex­ es of beta-diketones formed in aqueous solutions is obscured by the leveling effects of salt anions and aquation upon the metal ions. As these factors are reduced, the apparent ratio increases far beyond the limits that can be accounted for statistically. Measurements in ethanol demonstrate that the ratio of the two constants is close to 1 x 10^. Data for beta- ketoesters and malonates in ethanol are also included. Table of Contents I. Introduction ....... 1 II. Source of materials ....................... 4 III. Experimental ............................... 8 IV. Definitions of symbols....... ...... 15 V. Section One - The determination of thermo­ dynamic formation constants in the water-dioxane system....... .............. 16 VI. Section two - Chelating agent dissociation constants ................................ 35 VII. Section Three - Chelate compound formation constants for t.he divalent, met,al ions .. 46 A. Calculation procedure ................. 46 B. The formation constants ................51 C. Beta-diketones vs. chloride salts .... 52 D. Beta-diketones vs. nitrate ........... 61 E. Beta-diketones vs. perchlorate ...... 64 F.- The salt anion effect ................ 66 G-. The solvent effect • ............. 74 H. Chelate compound species .......... 81 Table of Contents VIII. Section Four - Additional chelate compound formation constants ............. 91 A. Monovalent ions .............. 91 B. T^ivalent ions and tborium(IV) ...... 93 C. Mercury(ll) ............ 94 D. Palladium( II) .......................... 95 IT. The uranyl i o n ........................ 95 F. Formation constants for cerlum(lll) .. 96 IX. Section Five - Measurements in absolute ethanol ................................... 102 A. Experimental ....................... 102 B. Nickel vs. acetylacetone ............. 104 C. Nickel vs. bef.a-ketoesters ........... 105 D. Nickel vs. malonic esters ............ 107 X. Section Six - G-eneral consideration con­ cerning chelate compound stability ....... 112 A*. General ................................ 112 B. The application of electronegativity values to solution data ............... 117 C. The role of the metal ion in the chelation process ........ 120 D. The role of the ligand. ............... 128 E. A comparison of ligands .............. 130 F. Experimental evaluations ............. 133 Table of Contents X I . Appendices ................................ 141 A. Appendix to Section One ............... 141 B. Appendix to Section two ............... 14-7 C. Data for divalent perchlorate salts .. 153 D. Lead(Il) data .......................... 166 E. Data for divalent nitrate salts ...... 169 F. Data for divalent chloride salts ..... 177 G . Tabulated, stability constants ........ 193 1 . pK^ values in n2 = 0.380 ........ 194 2 . MCI 2 stability constants ......... 195 3. M(£10-5)2 stability constants ..... 199 4. M( C104)2 stabilit3r constants .... 201 H. Appendix to Section Four .............. 203 1. Mercury(ll) ........... 204 2. Palladium( II) ..................... 206 3. Uranyl nitrate .................... 209 4. Thorium(IV) ......... 210 5. Scandium(III) and aluminum(III)... 211 6 . Cerium(lll) ..... 212 7. Monovalent ions ..... 215 I. Additional data ....................... 220 1. Half chelation titrations ....... 221 2 . Salt anions complexation of zinc(II) ........................... 223 Table of Contents 3. Data in ethanol ......... 225 4. Carbon hydrogen analyses .............229 XII. References ............... 232

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