THE SOLAR SPECTRUM ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE LIBRARY A SERIES OF BOOKS ON THE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF SPACE SCIENCE AND OF GENERAL GEOPHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS PUBLISHED IN CONNECTION WITH THE JOURNAL SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS Editorial Board J. E. BLAMONT, Laboratoire d'Aeronomie, Verrieres, France R. L. F. BoYD, University College, London, England L. GOLD BERG, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., USA C. DE J AGER, University of Utrecht, Holland G. H. LUDWIG, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Mld., USA R. L ü s T, Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garsching-Mü nchen, Germany H. E. NEWELL, NASA, Washington, D.C., USA L. I. SEDOV, Academy of Seiences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR Secretary oj the Editorial Board W. DE GRAAFF, Sterrewacht 'Sonnenborgh', University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Holland PROFESSOR M. G. J. MINNAERT THESOLARSPECTRUM Proceedings of the Symposium held at the U niversity of Utrecht 26-31 August 1963 edited by C. DE JAGER Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. ISBN 978-94-017-6370-7 ISBN 978-94-017-6376-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-6376-9 1965 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means without permission from the publisher Dedicated by the authors to Professor M. G. ]. M innaert on the occasion of his seventieth birthday siraP ,reeV t' nav .F thcertU ,eedahcS .A egeiL ,ettoegiM .V .M thcertU ,retieF ed .D .L thcertU ,neleggiD nav .J tlebneerG ,gnauH uhS-uS egeiL ,xuaizuoH .L siraP ,namztahcS .E egeiL ,xuaizuoH .srM egdirbmaC ,na m.0deR .R noscuT ,ecreiP .K .A thcertU ,llihrednU .B .A thcertU ,nyurB ed .srM topsrruS ,snavE .W .J nodueM ,rekceP .C-.J ,nereuB nav .G .H nevohdniE siraP ,reiddoR .F ezneriF ,ittugiR .M nodnoL ,notaeS .J .M thcertU ,tsagtuoH .J thcertU ,ffaarG ed .W thcertU ,regaJ ed .C .97 .08 .18 .28 .38 .48 .58 .68 .78 .88 .98 .09 .19 .29 .39 .49 .59 .69 .79 .89 .99 .001 STN thcertU ,naawZ .C ,sbbitS .N .W .D swerdnA .tS lessurB ,grebnelekceoK .A ,ylrettiS-erooM .hC notgnihsaW noscuT ,notsgniviL .C .W nodnoL ,gnatsraG .H .R nehcnüM ,tsüL .R ,lessu ,reBznaG .M redluoB ,yahtA .G .R awattO ,saksuaziaG .V thcertU ,levueH ned nav .E thcertU ,namknirB .hC .A elliesraM ,zterB .M redluoB ,sgnilliB .E .D ezneriF ,ilodoG .G acahtI ,udnuK .R .M redluoB ,seireffeJ .T .J thcertU ,tenebuH .H .tQopsrruS ,llarrO .F knabruB ,noteroM .E .G siraP ,reeV t' nav .lC negninorG ,hcsattoP .R .S ,pookwueiN nav .J thcertU ,reuehnepeiK ..K0 uagsierB mi grubierF thcertU ,surepuK .M AP .45 .55 .65 .75 .85 .95 .06 .16 .26 .36 .46 .56 .66 .76 .86 .96 .07 .17 .27 .37 .47 .57 .67 .77 .87 I CITRAP thcertU ,toorG ed .M leiK ,a b.0maN ,sredluM .W .F .G notgnihsaW leiK ,mhöB .H .K drofdeB ,reggeretniH .E .H egdirbmaC ,seyoN .W .R noscuT ,tdnarB .C .J leiK ,esnetiV-mhöB .E noscuT ,lleddaW .J ynhcuaN ,ynreveS .B .A ,nezjiuhnewueiN .H thcertU notgnihsaW ,llecruP .D .J walcorW ,ikswobezraJ .P redluoB ,samohT .N .R redluoB ,niriZ .H thcertU ,sliG nav .N .J thcertU ,lewuorC .srM topsrruS ,rekriZ .B .J thcertU ,eztnieH .W .R .J thcertU ,nyetserroD ssiM oykoT ,onnU .W anedasaP ,drawoH .R egdirbmaC ,ttervA .H .E ,retromegeR nav .H nodueM ,dnalesaM .M .A .V .H thcertU .92 .03 .13 .23 .33 .43 .53 .63 .73 .83 .93 .04 .14 .24 .34 .44 .54 .64 .74 .84 .94 .05 .15 .25 .35 egeiL ,lhoderB .H notgnihsaW ,bbuhC .A .T nodnoL ,ssorcnelG .M .W egeiL ,nomiS .R retsecieL ,sdnuoP .A .K lubnatsI ,ilnitoH .M siraP ,nive tnalP lessurB ,neveN .L arrebnaC ,renkluaF .J .D eveneG ,rellüM .A .E nodueM ,yrruC .Y egeiL ,esseverG .N nodueM ,kcirelW .G dnuL ,neldE .srM nodueM ,reyoB .R nodueM ,tnomuD .S leiK ,dlösnU .A thcertU ,treanniM .J .G .M negnittöG ,tgioV .H .H nodueM ,drahciM .R egeiL ,emualliuG .C dnuL ,neldE .B grubierF ,retörhcS .H .E edE ,sredluM ssiM thcertU ,toorG ed .T necerbeD ,özseD .L revonnaH ,regnuH .K egdirbmaC ,lezneM .H .D thcertU ,rekkoF .D .A .1 .2 .3 .a3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .01 .11 .21 .31 .41 .51 .61 .71 .81 .91 .02 .12 .22 .32 .42 .52 .62 .72 .82 .a82 INTRODUCTION A good deal of our information on solar physics and on solar phenomena is derived from the solar spectrum. A quantitative interpretation of this spectrum was only possible after 1920, after the establishment of Bohr's atomic model, the discovery of Saha's law, and the development of spectrophotometry. The resolving and light gathering powers of our instruments have greatly increased since. Wehave seen an enormaus progress in our theoretical under standing of basic atomic phenomena, and of the intricate problems concerned with the transfer of energy through a complicated structure like the sun's outer layers. In particular the observable part of the solar spectrum tremen dously enlarged since the introduction, in the years after 1945, of radio astronomy, enabling us to study the solar spectrum between wavelengths of some mm to about 15m, of space research, giving access to the whole electro magnetic spectrum below 3000 A, down to about 0.01 A. Further, the low and high energetic components of the solar particles spectrum have been dis covered with space probes (the solar wind), rockets, balloons (the so-called sub cosmic-ray particles) and cosmic ray monitors (solar cosmic ray bursts). The extreme wealth of this spectrum, much vaster in extent than the earlier investigators could only dream of, is an important source of information. It looked appropriate to us, after the rapid development of this branch of science,' to invite the world's leading solar physicists to Utrecht for a summa rizing symposium on the whole solar spectrum. The time of this symposium has been chosen so as to coincide with the retirement from his University duties of Professor M. Minnaert who has been in the first ranks of solar physicists since the 1920's, and to whom this book is dedi cated by the participants in the symposium. This symposium could not have been possible without the help of many persans and institutes. It is with gratefulness that I acknowledge - the generaus financial assistance obtained from the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Arts and Seiences; - the assistance obtained from the section "Organization of congresses" of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Sciences, and in particular from Mr. C. W. J. Rosenberg, in organizing the excursion; - the invitation of the Mayor of Utrecht to receive the participants and their ladies in the City-Hall;