January8,2016 1:21 WSPCProceedings-9.75inx6.5in main page1 1 The Solar Lense-Thirring effect: perspectives for a future measurement LorenzoIorio∗ Ministero dell’ Istruzione, dell’ Universita` e della Ricerca-Istruzione, Viale Unit`a di Italia 68, Bari, 70125, Italy ∗E-mail: [email protected] http://digilander.libero.it/lorri/homepage of lorenzo iorio.htm 6 1 The predicted Lense-Thirring perihelion precession of Mercury induced by the Sun’s 0 angular momentum through its general relativistic gravitomagnetic field amounts to 2 2 milliarcseconds per century. It turned out to be compatible with the latest experi- mental determinations of the supplementary perihelion precession of Mercury with the n INPOP15a ephemerides, whose accuracy level has nowadays reached the magnitude of a thepredictedrelativisticeffectitselfthankstotheanalysisofsomeyearsoftrackingdata J oftheMESSENGERspacecraft,whichorbitedMercuryfrom2011to2015. Adedicated 7 analysisofthreeyearsofMESSENGERdatawiththeDEephemeridesallowedfora25% determination of the Sun’s angular momentum by means of the Lense-Thirring effect, ] c whichturnedouttobehighlycorrelatedwiththesignatureduetotheSolarquadrupole q massmomentJ2⊙. - r Keywords:Experimentalstudiesofgravity;Experimentaltestsofgravitationaltheories; g Generalrelativityandgravitation;Ephemerides,almanacs,andcalendars [ 1 v 1. The Lense-Thirring Pericenter Precession 2 8 In its weak-field and slow-motion approximation,the General Theory of Relativity 3 (GTR) predicts that the orbital motion of a test body around a slowly rotating 1 mass is affected by the so-calledgravitomagneticcomponent of the central object’s 0 gravitationalfieldduetotheproperangularmomentumS ofthelatter. Asaresult, . 1 the Lense-Thirring (LT) secular precessions of some of the orbital elements of the 0 particle occur.1 In particular, the LT precession ̟˙ of the longitude of periapsis 6 LT . 1 ̟ =Ω+ω, where Ω, ω are the longitude of the ascending node and the argument v: of periapsis, respectively, is2 i X 2GS ̟˙ =− 2 kˆ cosI+sinI kˆ sinΩ −kˆ cosΩ − r LT c2a3(1−e2)3/2 n h z (cid:16) x y (cid:17)i a I − kˆ sinI+cosI kˆ cosΩ −kˆ sinΩ tan . (1) z y x h (cid:16) (cid:17)i (cid:18)2(cid:19)(cid:27) In Eq. 1, G, c are the Newtonian constant of gravitation and the speed of light, respectively, kˆ , kˆ , kˆ are the components of the body’s spin unit vector kˆ in the x y z coordinate system adopted, while a, e, I are the particle’s semimajor axis, eccen- tricity and inclination of the orbital plane to the reference {x, y} plane adopted, respectively. Eq 1 is the sum of the LT precessions2 of the node and the argument of periapsis for an arbitrary orientation of S =Skˆ. January8,2016 1:21 WSPCProceedings-9.75inx6.5in main page2 2 So far, more or less reliable and accurate attempts to detect the LT effect have been made, or will be performed, with spacecraft orbiting some planets of the So- lar System like the Earth, Mars and Jupiter; see, e.g., Refs. 3, 4, 5 and references therein. the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) mission recently measured another gravito- magnetic effect, i.e. the Pugh-Schiffgyroscopeprecession,in the field of the Earth, although with a lower accuracythan expected.6 The main difficulties in accurately measuring the LT effect reside in its generally small magnitude and in the rela- tively huge competing effects of classicalorigin whose modeling may not always be accurate enough to allow for a reliable subtraction from the data processed. 2. The Sun’s Lense-Thirring effect for Mercury In the case of the Sun, it is kˆ⊙ =0.122, kˆ⊙ =−0.423, kˆ⊙ =0.897 (2) x y z in a coordinate system having the mean Earth’s equator at the J2000.0 epoch as reference {x, y} plane. Since, according to helioseismology,7 the size of the Solar angular momentum is S⊙ =1.92×1041 kg m2 s−1, (3) the expected LT perihelion precessionofMercury is atthe milliarcsecondsper cen- tury (mas cty−1) level; indeed, according to Eq. 1, it amounts to ̟˙' =−2.0 mas cty−1. (4) LT As shown in Ref. 4 and references therein, from some years now it has been noted that steady advances in the orbit determination of Mercury may allow to measurethe tinyHermeanperihelionprecessionofEq.4ina nottoofarfuture. To this respect, the latest results inthe field of planetary ephemerides seemsomewhat encouragingsincetheyshowthattheaccuracyreachednowadaysinMercury’sorbit determination, after the analysis of the tracking data of the MESSENGER space- craft from 2011 to 2014 with the INPOP15a ephemerides,8 is at the level of the GTR prediction of Eq. 4 itself. Indeed, the average of two determinations of the supplementary perihelion precession ∆̟˙ of Mercury with different criteria reads9 ∆̟˙' =0.0±2.075 mas cty−1. (5) exp D E The parameter ∆̟˙ represents the experimentally allowed range for any possible departure of a planet’s perihelion precession from its standard value as predicted by GTR and Newtonian dynamics, (almost) fully modeled in the data reduction softwares of the ephemerides to the best of our current knowledge of them. Since Sun’s gravitomagnetismwasnotexplicitly included inthe INPOP15aephemerides, Eq.4shouldentirelyaccountforit,atleastinprinciple,alongwiththemismodeled components of the precession due to other classical dynamical effects such as the Solar quadrupole mass moment J⊙, the ring of minor asteroids, etc. The result of 2 January8,2016 1:21 WSPCProceedings-9.75inx6.5in main page3 3 Eq.5showsthat,atleast,theGTRpredictionofEq.4iscompatiblewiththe most recent orbit determinations of Mercury, although it is not yet possible to measure it. A different, dedicated approach was followed by the authors of Ref. 10 who processed three years of ranging data to MESSENGER by explicitly modeling the gravitomagneticfieldoftheSun,andattemptedtosimultaneouslyestimateitalong with other relevant physical parameters of the Sun and the spacecraft itself. They found that the Lense-Thirring effect is highly correlated with that due to J⊙, and 2 a determination of the relativistic signature of interest with an accuracy of about 25% is possible. The analysis of the full tracking data record of MESSENGER, which ended its mission by crashing onto the Hermean surface on April 30, 2015, and the forth- comingBepiColombomissiontoMercury,scheduledtobelaunchedin2017,should furtherimprovetheperspectivesofmeasuringthiselusivegeneralrelativisticeffect. References 1. J. Lense and H. Thirring, Phys. Z. 19, 156 (1918). 2. L. Iorio, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 44, 719 (2012). 3. I.Ciufolini,A.Paolozzi,E.C.Pavlis,J.Ries,R.Koenig,R.Matzner,G.Sindoni and H. Neumeyer, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 126, 72 (2011). 4. L. Iorio, H.I.M. Lichtenegger, M.L. Ruggiero and C. Corda, Astrophys. Space Sci. 331, 351 (2011). 5. G. Renzetti, Centr. Eur. J. Phys. 11, 531 (2013). 6. C.W.F. Everitt, B. Muhlfelder, D.B.DeBra, et al., Class. Quantum Gravity 32, 224001 (2015). 7. F.P. 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