Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–6(0000) Printed6January2011 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The soft quiescent spectrum of the transiently accreting 11 Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5 ⋆ 1 N. Degenaar & R. Wijnands 1 Astronomical Institute ”Anton Pannekoek”, University of Amsterdam, Postbus 94249, 1090 GEAmsterdam, the Netherlands 0 2 Accepted 2010December 23.Received2010December23;inoriginalform2010November26 n a J ABSTRACT 4 We report on the quiescent X-ray properties of the recently discovered transiently ] accreting 11 Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5. Using two archival E Chandra observations, we demonstrate that the quiescent spectrum of this neutron H star low-mass X-ray binary is soft and can be fit to a neutron star atmosphere model with a temperature of kT∞ ∼73 eV. A powerlaw spectral component is not required . h by the data and contributes at most ∼ 20% to the total unabsorbed 0.5–10 keV flux p of ∼ 9×10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. Such a soft quiescent spectrum is unusual for neutron - o stars with relatively high inferred magnetic fields and casts a different light on the r interpretation of the hard spectral component, which is often attributed to magnetic st field effects. For a distance of 5.5 kpc, the estimated quiescent thermal bolometric a luminosity is ∼ 6×1032 erg s−1. If the thermal emission is interpreted as cooling of [ the neutron star, the observed luminosity requires that the system is quiescent for at 1 least ∼ 100 years. Alternatively, enhanced neutrino emissions can cool the neutron v star to the observed quiescent luminosity. 2 Key words: globular clusters: individual (Terzan 5) - X-rays: binaries - stars: neu- 4 8 tron-pulsars:individual(CXOGClbJ174804.8–244648,IGRJ174880–2446)-X-rays: 0 individual (XB 1745–25,EXO 1745–248) . 1 0 1 1 1 INTRODUCTION ically be fitted with a soft thermal model, a hard powerlaw : v shape, or a combination of both. Thehard spectral compo- Low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are binary star systems i nenthasbeenattributedtonon-thermalemission processes X inwhichaneutronstarorablackholeaccretesmatterfrom relatedtothemagneticfieldoftheneutronstar,e.g.,accre- a (sub-) solar companion. Two phenomena are thought to r tion onto the magnetosphere or a pulsar wind mechanism a uniquelyidentifythecompactprimaryasaneutronstar:co- (e.g., Campana et al. 1998). herentX-raypulsations andtype-IX-raybursts.Thelatter are intense flashes of X-ray emission caused by thermonu- The soft thermal component is generally interpreted clear runaway of the accreted matter on the surface of the as thermal emission from the neutron star surface. Dur- neutron star. X-ray pulsations can be observed when the ing accretion outbursts, a chain of nuclear reactions release neutron star magnetic field is strong enough to funnel the heatdeepintheneutronstarcrust(e.g., Haensel & Zdunik accretion flow tothe magnetic poles. 2008), which is re-radiated during quiescent episodes. This Many neutron star LMXBs are transient and spend resultsinanincandescentluminositythatissetbythelong- most of their lifetime in a quiescent state, during which termaveragedmass-accretion rateofthesystemandtheef- they are dim with typical 0.5–10 keV X-ray luminosities ficiencyofneutrinoemissionprocessesoccurringintheneu- of Lq ∼ 1031−33 erg s−1 (e.g., Heinkeet al. 2009). How- tron star core (e.g., Brown et al. 1998). Residual accretion ever,occasionally theyexhibitoutburstsduringwhichtheir onto the neutron star surface offers an alternative expla- X-ray luminosity increases orders of magnitude to LX ∼ nation for the quiescent thermal emission (Zampieri et al. 1036−38 erg s−1 (2–10 keV; e.g., Chen et al. 1997). The en- 1995). hanced activity is ascribed to a sudden strong increase in Galactic globular clusters are rich targets for studies themass-accretionrateontotheneutronstar,whereaslittle ofX-raybinaries, whichcan form indynamicalinteractions or no matter is accreted duringquiescent episodes. in thedensecluster environments(e.g., Pooley et al. 2003). Thespectra of quiescentneutronstar LMXBscan typ- Numerouslow-luminosity X-raysources havebeen foundin globularclusters,amongstwhichareseveralcandidatequies- centLMXBs(e.g.,Verbuntet al.1995;Grindlay et al.2001; ⋆ e-mail:[email protected] Heinkeet al. 2006). Indeed, a few transient LMXBs have 2 N. Degenaar & R. Wijnands nationofthebinaryorbitalperiod(Porb =21.27h),andthe identification of the mass donor as a ∼ 0.4−1.5 M⊙ main sequenceor slightly evolved star (Papitto et al. 2010). Anaccurate Swift localization revealed that thesource active in 2010 was likely a different transient than the one detectedin2000(Kennea et al.2010).Chandraobservations confirmed this, thereby establishing the existence of a sec- ond transient neutron star LMXB in Terzan 5, named CX- OGClbJ174804.8–244648 (Pooley et al.2010).Theangular separation between the two transients is only ∼ 5.5′′ (see Figure2),andduetothelimitedangularresolutionofolder X-raymissionsitisunclearwhichofthetwowasresponsible forotheractiveepisodesofTerzan5.The2010transientcor- respondstotheX-raysourceCX25fromtheChandra study of Heinkeet al. (2006), which was marked as a candidate quiescent LMXB by theseauthors. 2 OBSERVATIONS, DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS WesearchedtheChandra dataarchiveandfoundtwoACIS- Figure 1. RXTE/ASM 5-day averaged lightcurve of Terzan 5, showingactivityfromtheglobularclusterin2000,2003and2010. S observations of Terzan 5 in which no bright transient sourcesareactive.Thisdataisthussuitabletoexaminethe quiescentpropertiesofthenewlydetected11HzX-raypul- beenidentifiedinglobularclustersduringoutburstepisodes sar.Thefirstobservationwasperformedon2003July13–14 (see e.g., thereview byVerbunt& Lewin 2006). from 13:33–00:46 ut(ID3798) foran exposuretimeof39.5 ks (see also Wijnands et al. 2005; Heinkeet al. 2006). The second observation had a duration of 36.4 ks and was ob- 1.1 Terzan 5 tainedon 2009 July15–16 from 17:21–04:14 ut(ID10059). The globular cluster Terzan 5 has long been known to har- Both observations were carried out in the faint data mode, bour at least one transient neutron star LMXB. In 1980, with thenominal frame timeof 3.2 s and the globular clus- a number of X-ray bursts were observed with the Haku- terpositioned ontheS3chip.Figure2displaysanimageof cho satellite (Makishima et al. 1981). Activity from Terzan the2009 Chandra observation. 5 was also detected in 1984 with EXOSAT (Warwick et al. Datareductionwascarriedoutusingtheciaosoftware 1988),andin1990/1991 withROSAT (Verbuntet al.1995; tools(v.4.2).Wereprocessedthelevel-1dataproductswith Johnston et al. 1995). Furthermore, RXTE/ASM observa- the task acis process events. The 2003 observation con- tionshaverevealedthreedistinctX-rayoutburstssince1996: tained episodes of background flaring, which were excluded in 2000 (Markwardt & Swank 2000; Heinkeet al. 2003), from further analysis, resulting in a net exposure time of 2002 (Wijnands et al. 2002) and 2010 (see Figure 1). 34.2 ks. We extracted source count rates and lightcurves Thelimitedangularresolutionoftheseinstrumentspre- using the tool dmextract, employing a 1′′ circular region cludes pinpointing the X-ray source that causes the out- centredat thecoordinates reportedbyPooley et al. (2010). bursts.However,Chandra observationsobtainedduringthe Backgroundeventswerecollectedfromacircularregionwith 2000 outburst of Terzan 5 allowed for an accurate localiza- aradiusof40′′,positionedonasource-freepartoftheCCD tion of the transient source that was active at that time that was located ∼1.4′ West of the cluster core. (Heinkeet al. 2003). Multiple X-ray bursts were observed The2010transientisdetectedatcountratesof(0.89± and the 2000 transient was therefore associated with the 0.17)×10−3 and(1.11±0.18)×10−3 counts s−1 inthe2003 X-ray burster that was detected by earlier X-ray missions and2009data,respectively.Atotalof30–40netsourcepho- (XB 1745–25/EXO 1745–248). The quiescent counterpart tonswere collected for both observations. Sourceand back- of thistransient neutronstarLMXBhas anunusually hard ground spectra were obtained using psextract. We sub- spectrum,with noclear evidencefor thepresenceofather- sequently generated redistribution matrices (rmf) and an- mal emission component (Wijnands et al. 2005). A Chan- cillary response files (arf) with the tasks mkacisrmf and dra study revealed 50 distinct X-ray point sources within mkarf, respectively. The spectra were grouped using grp- the half-mass radius of the cluster, several of which were pha to contain a minimum of 5 photons per bin, and fit proposed to bequiescent LMXBs (Heinkeet al. 2006). withinXspec(v.12.6)inthe0.5–8keVenergyrange.Given Renewed activity from Terzan 5 was detected in 2010 the low number of photons, we also fitted the un-binned OctoberduringIntegral bulgescanmonitoringobservations spectra using the W-statistic in Xspec. This yielded simi- (Bordas et al. 2010). Subsequent pointed RXTE/PCA ob- lar results as obtained for the binned spectra with the χ2 servations detected coherent 11 Hz pulsations and type-I method applied, which indicates that the spectral fits are X-raybursts, establishing thenatureof thetransient X-ray not biased by thesmall numberof counts perbin. sourceasanaccretingneutronstar(Strohmayeret al.2010). Figure 3 displays the quiescent spectra of the new Timing studies of the X-ray pulsations provided a determi- Terzan5transient.Inbothobservationsthespectrumissoft, The Terzan 5 X-ray pulsar in quiescence 3 startransientsinquiescence.Forthetwo-component model weobtainNH =(1.6±1.6)×1022 cm−2 andkT∞ =67.1± 10.5 eV (χν = 0.97 for 8 dof). The powerlaw is not signifi- cant,butmaycontribute6+13%tothetotalunabsorbed0.5– −6 10keVluminosity of2.5±2.5×1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1. The inferred thermal bolometric luminosity is 4.6±3.7× 1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1. Since the additional powerlaw component is not required to fit the data, we consider the 2000 transient calculated fractional contributionasanupperlimit.Choos- ing different spectral indices (Γ = 1 − 2) yields spectral 2010 transient parameters and fluxes that are consistent within the errors with theresults for Γ=1.5. The values obtained for the hydrogen column density are comparable to the results of Heinkeet al. (2006), who 10'' performed spectral fits for the 16 brightest X-ray sources in Terzan 5 (which does not include the new 2010 tran- sient),andfoundanaveragevalueofNH ∼1.9×1022 cm−2. However, Bozzo et al. (2010) report NH = (5.0 ± 0.8) × Figure2.Chandra/ACISimageofthecoreofTerzan5,obtained 1021 cm−2, based on spectral analysis of Swift/XRT data on2009July15–16.Thequiescentcounterpartsofbothtransient obtained duringthe2010 outburst.Therefore, we havealso neutron star LMXBs that have been identified in this globular performed fits to the quiescent data with thehydrogen col- clusterareindicated. umndensityfixedatNH =5.0×1021 cm−2.Forthisvalue, the thermal bolometric luminosity decreases by a factor of withmostphotonsdetectedbelow∼2keV.Whenfittingthe ∼ 2.5 and the allowed fractional powerlaw contribution in- 2003 and 2009 data separately, we found no spectral differ- creases to ∼25+−2165%. ences between the two observations. Therefore, we tied all spectral parameters between the two data sets. We assume a distance of D = 5.5 kpc (Ortolani et al. 2007) through- 3 DISCUSSION out this work and all quoted errors refer to 90% confidence intervals. To account for the interstellar hydrogen absorp- We report on the spectral analysis of the newly discov- tion, we employ the phabs model with the default Xspec ered11HzX-raypulsarCXOGClbJ174804.8–244648 (IGR abundancesand cross-sections. J174880–2446) in the globular cluster Terzan 5 during Fittingthespectraldatawithasimpleabsorbedpower- quiescence. Using two archival Chandra observations, car- lawyieldsNH =1.3+−31..23×1022 cm−2,Γ=4.8+−42..94 andχν = ried out in 2003 and 2009, we show that the quiescent 0.89for8degreesoffreedom(dof).Suchalargespectralin- spectrum is dominated by thermal emission that fits to dexisusuallyinterpretedasanindicationthatthespectrum a neutron star atmosphere model with a temperature of has a thermal shape. We therefore tried an absorbed neu- kT∞ ∼ 73 eV. The inferred thermal bolometric luminosity tronstaratmospheremodelnsatmos(Heinkeet al.2006b), is Lq ∼6×1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg cm−2 s−1. If a powerlaw whichisoftenusedtofitthequiescentX-rayspectraofneu- is included in the fits, this spectral component contributes tron stars. . 20% to the total unabsorbed 0.5–10 keV luminosity of For the nsatmos model, we fix the neutron star mass ∼3×1032 (D/5.5kpc)2 erg cm−2 s−1.Thereisnoevidence and radius to canonical values of MNS = 1.4 M⊙ and forspectralvariationsinthequiescentemissionbetweenthe RNS = 10 km, and the distance is frozen at D = 5.5 kpc. 2003 and 2009 observations. Furthermore,wekeepthenormalization fixedattherecom- mendedvalueof 1,which corresponds totheentireneutron star surface emitting. As such, the only free fit parameters 3.1 The powerlaw spectral component arethehydrogencolumndensityandtheneutronstareffec- tivetemperature.ThisyieldsNH =(2.1±0.9)×1022 cm−2 Itisinterestingtocomparethequiescentspectralproperties and kT∞ = 72.7 ± 7.6 eV (χν = 0.92 for 9 dof). The of the2010 Terzan 5 transient with results obtained for the corresponding 0.5–10 keV unabsorbed flux is (9.4±4.6)× accretingmillisecondX-raypulsars(AMXPs).Thequiescent 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. For a distance of 5.5 kpc, the associ- spectraoffiveAMXPscouldbestudiedindetail:NGC6440 ated luminosity is (3.4±1.7) ×1032 erg s−1. Extrapolat- X-1,AqlX-1,SAXJ1808.4–3658, XTEJ0929–314 andIGR ing the model fit to the 0.01–100 keV energy range yields 00291+5934. The former two are both intermittent X-ray an estimate of the thermal bolometric flux of (1.7±0.7)× pulsars (i.e., the pulsations are detected only sporadically 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1. This implies a thermal bolometric lu- duringoutburst),thathavepredominantlysoftquiescentX- minosity of Lq = (6.2±2.5)×1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1. ray spectra and a 0.5–10 keV luminosity of ∼ 1033 erg s−1 The nsatmos model fit is plotted in Figure 3. (Rutledgeet al. 2001; Cackett et al. 2005). SAX J1808.4– Although the data can be adequately fit by a neutron 3658,XTEJ0929–314 andIGR00291+5934,havequiescent star atmosphere model alone, we explored fits with an ad- 0.5–10 keV luminosities on the order of ∼ 1032 erg s−1. Of ditional powerlaw to probe the contribution of a possible thethree,onlyIGR00291+5934showsevidenceforthermal non-thermalemission component.Wefixthespectralindex emission, contributing ∼ 40% to the total 0.5–10 keV flux to Γ = 1.5, which is a typical value observed for neutron (Heinkeet al.2009),whilethequiescentspectraoftheother 4 N. Degenaar & R. Wijnands −30 tion of matter are expected to result in a quiescent bolo- 2×1 metricluminosity thatisgivenbyLq =hM˙iQnuc/mu (e.g., Brown et al. 1998; Colpi et al. 2001). Here, Qnuc ∼ 2 MeV −1V0−3 isnuclearenergydepositedinthecrustperaccretedbaryon −1unts s ke1−45×10 aa(evt.oegmr.a,igcHedamemanssaseslsu-&naictZcrdaenutdnioinkhMr2˙a0it0e=8o),fhMmt˙houebis=y×s1tt.e6omb6/.×tTre1hc0e−isr2a4tthigoeoitsfimtthheee- o d c outburst duration (tob) and the recurrence time (trec) rep- malize−4×10 resenUtssitnhgedtuhteycaybcloev.e equation, the observed quies- Nor2 cent thermal bolometric luminosity of Lq ∼ 6 × 0−4 1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1 suggests a time-averaged mass- 1 accretionrateofhM˙i∼5×10−12 M⊙ yr−1.Combinedwith −50 theestimatedmass-accretionrateduringthe2010outburst, 1 × this would imply that the system must have a duty cy- 5 2 5 cle on the order of ∼ 0.1%, provided that standard cool- Energy (keV) ing mechanisms are operating in the core. The 2010 out- burstcommenced aroundOctober10andisongoingduring Figure 3. Chandra/ACIS quiescent spectra of the 11 Hz X-ray RXTE/PCA pointed observations performed on November pulsarinTerzan5from2003(black)and2009(grey)data,along 19.1 The outburst thus has a duration of > 6 weeks, so withaneutronstaratmospheremodelfit(solidlines). theestimated dutycycle would imply that the source must spend & 100 yr in quiescence. This increases further if the outburst is observed to continuefor a longer time. twoarecompletelydominatedbyahardspectralcomponent Althoughitisplausiblethatthe2010Terzan5transient (Campana et al. 2002; Wijnands et al. 2005b). hasaverylowdutycycle,analternativeexplanationisthat Our limited understanding of the origin of hard qui- enhancedneutrinoemissionmechanismsareoperatinginthe escent X-ray emission makes it difficult to interpret the core,whichcooltheneutronstardowntotheobservedqui- difference between the 2010 Terzan 5 transient and other escent luminosity. Within our current understanding, this X-ray pulsars. However, if the powerlaw spectral compo- would suggest that the neutron star in this X-ray binary is nent is related to the magnetic field of the neutron star relatively massive (e.g., Colpi et al. 2001), or that the core (Campana et al. 1998), we would have expected to detect composition includes different forms of matter (e.g., pions a hard X-ray spectrum for the 11 Hz pulsar in Terzan 5, or kaons; Yakovlev& Pethick 2004). It is not obvious that since this source must have a substantial magnetic field the neutron star in this transient LMXB would be partic- (Papitto et al. 2010, Cavecchi et al. in prep.). A possible ularly massive, since both its high inferred magnetic field explanation for thesoft X-rayspectrum of the 2010 Terzan (B ∼ 109 −1010 G or possibly even higher; Papitto et al. 5 transient is that little matter is available in quiescence to 2010,Cavecchietal.inprep.)andrelativelyslowspinperiod interact with the neutron star magnetic field, so that the (Ps=11 Hz) are suggestive of a relatively youngsystem. powerlawemissioncomponentthatmayarisefromthispro- From modelling the quiescent spectral data we find a cess is strongly reduced. The effects of the strong magnetic neutronstareffectivetemperature,asobservedbyadistant field on the neutron star spectrum might also play a role observer, of kT∞ ∼ 73 eV. In the neutron star frame this (e.g., Zavlin & Pavlov 2002). translates into a value of kT ∼ 95 eV (T ∼ 1×106 K) for MNS =1.4M⊙ andRNS =10km(correspondingtoagravi- tationalredshiftof1+z=1.3).Usingthemodelcalculations 3.2 The quiescent thermal emission of Brown & Cumming (2009) we can obtain a rough esti- The observed thermal quiescent luminosity of the 11 Hz mate of the neutron star core temperature of ∼3×107 K. pulsar in Terzan 5 can be used to estimate the duty cy- For standard (i.e., slow) core neutrino emission processes, cle of the system, by equating this value to the luminos- suchacoretemperatureyieldsaneutrinoluminosityonthe ity that is expected to be radiated due to heating of the order of Lν ∼ 1028 erg s−1 (cf. figure 2 of Schaab et al. neutron star. Assuming that the observed accretion lumi- 1999). This is negligible compared to the observed photon nosity provides a measure for the amount of matter that emissions of Lq ∼6×1032 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1. However, is accreted onto the neutron star, we can deduce the mass- forasampleenhancedcoolingmodel(directUrca),theneu- accretion rate during outburst from the average outburst trinoluminosityisontheorderofLν ∼1035 erg s−1 (cf.fig- flux. Papitto et al. (2010) infer a 0.1–100 keV unabsorbed ure2ofSchaab et al.1999),and thusthedominantcooling flux of ∼ 1×10−8 erg cm−2 s−1 from fitting RXTE/PCA mechanism.Forsuchneutrinolossesadutycycleofroughly and HEXTE spectral data obtained during the 2010 out- ∼25%isrequiredtoexplaintheobservedquiescentthermal burst of Terzan 5. This yields an estimated bolometric ac- luminosity. The time-averaged mass-accretion rate for this cretion luminosity of Lacc ∼4×1037 (D/5.5 kpc)2 erg s−1. scenario is hM˙i∼8×10−10 M⊙ yr−1. For an accretion luminosity given by Lacc = (GMNS/RNS)hM˙obi,theaverageaccretion rateduringout- burst is hM˙obi ∼ 2×1017 g s−1 ∼ 3×10−9 M⊙ yr−1, for 1 Terzan5isunobservablewithRXTE between2010November canonical neutron star parameters of MNS = 1.4 M⊙ and 19and2011January17duetoSun-angleconstraints,norcanit RNS =10 km. The nuclear reactions induced by the accre- beobservedwithotherX-raysatellitesduringthatepoch. The Terzan 5 X-ray pulsar in quiescence 5 Theoutburstduration of thenewTerzan 5transient is REFERENCES unconstrained,butforatypicalvalueof∼2−12months,a Altamirano D., et al., 2010, The Astronomer’s Telegram, dutycycleof∼25%impliesarecurrencetimeof∼1−4yr. 2946 Thiswouldsuggestthatsomeofthepreviousoutburstsfrom Bordas P., et al., 2010, The Astronomer’s Telegram, 2919 Terzan5mighthaveoriginatedfromthe11HzX-raypulsar. Bozzo E., Ferrigno C., Bordas P., 2010, The Astronomer’s Chandra observationsleavenodoubtthatthe2000outburst Telegram, 2922 ofTerzan5wascausedbytheothertransientLMXBlocated Brown E. F., Bildsten L., RutledgeR.E., 1998, ApJLett, in this cluster (cf. Heinkeet al. 2003; Pooley et al. 2010). 504, L95 However,lackofhigh-spatialresolution observationsduring Brown E. F., Cumming A., 2009, ApJ,698, 1020 previous active periods of Terzan 5 (i.e., 1980, 1984, 1990, Cackett E. M., et al., 2005, ApJ,620, 922 1991and2002;seeSection1)donotruleoutthispossibility. CampanaS.,ColpiM.,MereghettiS.,StellaL.,TavaniM., DetailedstudiesoftheX-rayburstbehaviourcanpotentially 1998, A&ARv,8, 279 shed more light on this. CampanaS.,StellaL.,GastaldelloF.,MereghettiS.,Colpi M., Israel G. L., Burderi L., Di Salvo T., Robba R. N., We note that the non-detection of quiescent thermal 2002, ApJL, 575, L15 emissionforthe2000Terzan5transientledWijnands et al. Chen W., ShraderC. 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