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THE- SOCIALIST TRADITION MOSES TO LENIN LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. LTD. OF PATERNOSTER ROW 43 ALBERTDRIVE,LONDON,s.w. 19 NICOL ROAD, BOMBAY 17 CIDTTARANJAN AVENUE, CALCUTTA 36A MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. 55·FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK3 LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. 215 VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO I FirstPublished1946 CODE NUMBER: 15631 Printed in EnglandatTHE BALLANTYNE PRESS SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE & Co. LTD. Colchester, London 8 Eton PREFACE IT is a chastening thought that some parts of this book have had an ante-natal existence of approximately twenty-two years. When I began the final stage ofreducing to writing an unwritten book, I had in mind the production of·what should be, in size and otherwise, a companion volume to The Development ofEconomic Doctrine, which apparently has been found to serve a certain purpose intheeducation oftheyoung economist. Despite my good intentions, however, it has refused to be compressed; and in the end it...does not fall far short ofattainingtwice the modestdimensions originallyplanned. Possibly the socialists, being in the main dissentients, rebels, and prophets, are a moreinteresting lotthantheir orthodox and respectable cousins, the ,economists.' I make no apology for writing this book. It may not be the book which the general reader requires as an introduction to the develop ment of socialist thought, but that.at the present moment he does require a book on the subject is beyond all question. Kirkup's History ofSocialism dates from 1892; and since then the literature on the subject has been astonishingly meagre, and-as it may appear to many-grossly disfigured by prejudice on one side or the other. It ought to be possible to write of Socialism without the underlying assumption that socialists alone are right and righteous; that they alone are the true crusaders against the powers ofdarkness. Equally, ofcourse, itoughttobepossibletowrite ofSocialismwithoutassuming that all socialists are fundamentally dishonest, and that Socialism attracts exclusively the world's incompetents and the world's failures. And ofthis second view, there are also some glaring examples. Not that anyone in these matters can be expected to write without bias: if such a miracle were possible, the result would probably not be worth reading. There is, however, an obvious duty resting on an expositorto try to understand a point ofview, even when he disagrees withit. Inthepresentcase, mybias-somemaysaymy ,prejudice' is doubtless sufficiently apparent. I shall be told that I am not sym pathetic to Marx and the Marxian tradition. In a Preface an author, having rigorously eschewed the First Person Singular throughout eighteen chapters, may be allowed to talk somewhat more informally to his readers; and accordingly I am prepared to acknowledge that Ido notlikeMarx, andthatIdo notlikeLassalle; justasfurther back I do notlike Rousseau. And though onemayadmit onhighprinciple that one ought not to allow a small matter of likes and dislikes to influence judgment, those of us who are honest with ourselves will v vi PREFACE admit that in general 'it does for all that! It is difficult to imagine any normal person wishing to meet Marx for a third time. Further, if in the intimacy of a Preface I may continue to be indiscreet, Marx irritates me because in the last generation he has so successfully led so many of the • intellectuals' up the garden path, where at great length they discuss What Marx Really Meant, and say things which would astonish you, as they would certainly have astonished Marx, could he have overheard them discoursing in the garden-house: It is greatly to his credit that Marx, so it is recorded, protested on one occasion that he was not a Marxian. Mr. E. H. Carr, who almost alone in the present generation writes of Marx with balance, comments on the attitude of the pseudo-Marxists in this matter, and their pathetic faith that • if but one plank can be saved from the discredited platform of Marxism, all will be well.' It is an unedifying spectacle. No one would suggest that Marx was consciously dishonest, but a very great deal of intellectual disingenuousness has gone to the explaining (and the explaining-away) of Marx. Accordingly, all things considered, I do not like the company of Marx. Spiritually, despite, or because of, their absurdities, I am much more at home with Saint~Simon and Fourier. While I would do much to avoid meeting Marx-for this Diotrephes of the socialist church would merely bark. at me· in his hot displeasure-:-I should greatly appreciate a long evening with Fourier in a quiet hostelry; and, if the bar were not too crowded, I believe I could prevail upon him to give his marvellous impersonation of a fox or of a robin or a giraffe, with copious comments on the qualities each of them symbolised. It was a performance which he gave only when his company was entirely congenial. While I am thus prepared to acknowledge that I have my likes and dislikes among the team here assembled, and while this may have made me in some cases more sympathetic. than elsewhere, I do not think that I have anywhere been • unfair.' At least, within the space available, I have tried to allow my witnesses to say all that they have to say, and to say it in their own words. As a final contribution to • impartiality,' I have, after searching my heart, confessed herewith that, should we all hereafter forgather in an Elysium, devised by Mr. Eric Linklater, it is only with Marx, Lassalle and Rousseau that I shall hope to avoid being on visiting terms. Having warned the reader of this, my possible bias, he may make the desired correction in the other sense. The only practical reparation an author can make for writing a book twice the length he had intended is to indicate what parts the reader-in-a-hurry may skip. While, officially, I am bound to say that each chapter contributes something to a comprehension of all the others, in fact most of the chapters are reasonably self.·contained, l:Uld PREFACE vii anyone may therefore read the portion in which he is interested. The reader who is exclusively concerned with the problems of Socialism to-day may be tempted to begin at Chapter 12 with Marx; but I would plead with him (unless he is very pressed) to go further back; we do not in this country know enough about the Fathers of Socialism (so-called), and on the human side they are much more interesting than the children they begat. I would therefore suggest that the hurried reader, after running through the Prologue which gives the framework, should begin at Chapter 5, with William Godwin. He might omit Chapter 11, unless, merely for the sake of sampling, he elects to read the sections on two of the English pre-Marxians (let us suggest Hall and Gray). In Chapter 12 he might, if he gnaws at the main joint, omit Lassalle and Rodbertus. In Chapter 13 he could restrict himself to Bakunin, and in Chapter 14 he might prove his insularity by leaving Bernstein aside. The concluding chapter, as it merely contains. disconnected and irresponsible comments by the author, may also be neglected by those who seek a ' shortened course.' I am under great obligations to many librarians who have magnanimously allowed books to go out of their immediate care; perhaps I may be allowed to acknowledge in particular the help received from the Custodians of the Libraries of the Universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen. To my son, John Gray, I am indebted for assistance in the tasks of proof-reading and of the preparation of the Index. ALExANDER GRAY. Edinburgh, September 1944. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PROLOGUE AND PLAN 1 - . 1. THE GREEK TRADITION 10 II. THE JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS . 32 (a) The Old Testament 32 (b) The Essenes 35 (c) The New Testament 38 (d) The Christian Fathers: General Considera- tions 42 (e) Certain Christian Fathers 45 (f) St. Thomas Aquinas 54 III. UTOPIA AND THE UTOPIAS 61 (a) Thomas More 61 (b) Campanella 70 (c) Fenelon 72 IV. ROUSSEAU AND SOME OTHERS 76 (a) Rousseau 76 (b) Mably 85 (c) Morelly 93 (d) Babeuf 100 (e) Fichte 109 V. WILLIAM GODWIN 114 :VI. SAINT-SIMON AND THE SAINT-SIMONIANS 136 . (a) Henri de Saint-Simon 136 (b) The Saint-Simonians 160 VII. CHARLES FOURIER 169 VIII. ROBERT OWEN 197 IX. LOUIS BLANC . 218 ix x CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE x. P. J. PRQUDHON 230 XI. EARLY ENGLISH SOCIALISM 257 The Agrarians: (a) Spence. 257 (b) Ogilvie. 259 The Pre-Marxians: (c) Hall 262 (d) Thompson 269 (~) Hodgskin 277 (I) Bray 283 (g) Gray 289 XII. SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM 297 (a) Marx and Engels. 297 (b) Lassalle 332 (c) Rodbertus 343 XIII. THE ANARCHIST TRADITION 352 (a) Bakunin 352 (b) Kropotkin 362 (c) Bertrand Russell 371 (d) Conclusions on Anarchism 380 XIV.. EVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM 384 (a) Fabianism 384 (b) Eduard Bernstein and' Revisionism' 401 XV. SYNDICALISM 408 XVI. GUILD SOCIALISM 433 XVII. LENIN 459 XVIII. POSTFACE 487 INDEX 515 THE SOCIALIST TRADITION MOSES TO LENIN PROLOGUE AND PLAN THE purpose of the present volume is to present the outstanding figures in the development ofsocialist thought, with some estimate of the significance of their several contributions. It does not, it should be observed, aim at being a history ofsocialist thought: such a task, in its immensity, would probably engage more than the average life time of any moderately conscientious student. Nor indeed (though it may·savour ofheresy) is a history ofsocialism on a comprehensive· scale a primary requirement for the ordinary man, confronted with the problems of to-day. Further, any temptation to be drawn into the history of·the socialist movement has, so far as possible, been resisted. It is admittedly a cognate subject; but again, the effort, doubtless incumbent on all ofus, to disentangle the confusion ofideas making up the environment in which we live, would not be materially aided by embarking on the vain attempt (for instance) to understand the cross-currents and interrelations among the socialist parties in France in the second half of the nineteenth century. Here we are primarily concerned with 'ideas,' as these ideas have been reflected in the minds of the men who have been most influential in shaping the socialist tradition. As a consequence ofthis method ofapproach itis inevitable that many connecting links should be omitted and even .some considerable movements ignored. It is suggested, however, withsomeconfidence, that ifthe ordinaryman,who is the bulk ofthe population, can acquire a knowledge of what Godwin or Proudhon, or Marx or Lenin stood for, he may, without great immediate loss, leave to the academic expert the fascinating pursuit of conjectural sources and hiddeninfluences. One question barks for anansweronthe threshold ofourjqurney; but Prudence and Cowardice (a combination ofpotent masters) unite in suggesting that the question should meantime be avoided. What, it may at the outset reasonably be asked, are we to understand by socialism? The definitions of socialism that strew the expositions and the criticisms of socialism furnish a depressing prospect. Some are foolish; some are vacuous; some are contradictory; some, which appear commendable up to a point, leave gaping omissions. B

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