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INDEX/VOLUME 36, NUMBERS 1-4, 1999 Please note: numbers in parentheses indicate issue number in Volume 36. ARTICLES Author/Title A Trait judgments from Prejudicial Attitudes, Aguirre, Adalberto, Jr., Slave Executions in 299-312 (2). the United States: A Descriptive Analysis Glasrud, Bruce A., Western Black Soldiers of Social and Historical Factors, 1-32 (1). Since the Buffalo Soldiers: A Review of the Allen, David W., Political Economy of Poli¬ Literature, 251-270 (2). cies Affecting Everyday Life in the Ameri¬ Groop, Richard E., Gains and Losses of Mi¬ can States, 393-411 (3). grants and Income Through Intercounty Ashooh, Michael X., Was the Truth Ever Migration in the U.S., 1992-1993, 65-76 Meant to Explain Much? A Critique of (1). Nancy Cartwright, 615-621 (4). Gruender, David, On Explanation Aristote- Aspaas, Helen Ruth, AIDS and Orphans in lean and Hempelean, 589-593 (4). Uganda: Geographical and Gender Inter¬ Guang-zhen, Wang, Women's Reproductive pretations of Household Resources, 201- Rights and Social Equality in Developing 226 (2). Countries, 459-467 (3). B H Baker, David V., Slave Executions in the Hacking, Ian, The Time Frame Problem: The United States: A Descriptive Analysis of Law, Social Construction, and the Sci¬ Social and Historical Factors, 1-32 (1). ences, 563-573 (4). Berg, Marni M., Environmental Protection Hudson, Jerry C., Media Preference and Be- and the Hungarian Transition, 227-250 lievability Among Rural Respondents for (2). News and Advertising Information, 285- Blanton, Shannon Lindsey, The Transfer of 298 (2). Arms and the Diffusion of Democracy: Do K Arms Promote or Undermine the 'Third Koontz, Tomas M., Citizen Participation: Wave'? 413-429 (3). Conflicting Interests in State and National Brenner, Saul, The Myth that the Justices Stra¬ Agency Policy-Making, 441-458 (3). tegically Retire, 431-439 (3). L C Loomis, John B., An Investigation into the Campbell, Joel, Fostering Inter-European Co¬ Presence and Causes of Environmental In¬ operation: Technological Collaboration equality in Denver, Colorado, 77-92 (1). Among Nations of the European Union, 103-116 (1). M Chavis, Ben, Off-Reservation Boarding High Mackintosh, Kenneth H., The Sociology of School Teachers: How are They Perceived Neoclassical Exploitation, 271-284 (2). by Former American Indian Students? Manson, Gary A., Gains and Losses of Mi¬ 33-46 (1). grants and Income Through Intercounty Coventry, Barbara Thomas, Do Men Leave Migration in the U.S., 1992-1993, 65-76 Feminizing Occupations? 47-64 (1). (1). G O Gannon, Tami, What If Your Daughter Mar¬ Oskam, Judy Barnes, Media Preference and ried a Jew? The Dissociation of Stereotypic Believability Among Rural Respondents for News and Advertising Information, Steel, Brent S., Public Perceptions and Pref- 285-298 (2). erences Concerning Pacific Salmon Re- O'Toole, E. Susan, Public Perceptions and covery: An Oregon 'Voluntary and Grass- Preferences Concerning Pacific Salmon roots' Perspective, 497-513 (3). Recovery: An Oregon "Voluntary and Grassroots" Perspective, 497-513 (3). 1^ Tang, Paul C. L., Introduction, 561-562 (4). Rau, William, Sexual EHarassment in the Tang, Paul C. L., The Monamine Hypothesis, Heartland? Community Opinion on the Placebos and Problems of Theory Con- EEOC Suit Against Mitsubishi Motor Man- struction in Psychology and Psychiatry, ufacturing of America, 487-495 (3). 595-602 (4). Rosenberg, Alexander, Economic Theory as Tang, Paul C. L., Was the Truth Ever Meant to Political Philosophy, 575-587 (4). Explain Much? A Critique of Nancy Cart- Rothgeb, John M., Testing Mobilization wright, 615-621 (4). Views of the Relationship Between Inter- Thacker-Kumar, Leena, Eostering Inter¬ national Interdependence and Political European Cooperation: Technological Conflict in Developing Countries, 469- Collaboration Among Nations of the Euro- 485 (3). pean Union, 103-116(1). Trafimow, David, What If Your Daughter S Married a Jew? The Dissociation of Stereo- Scherer, Jennifer, Sexual Harassment in the typic Trait Judgments from Prejudicial At- Heartland? Community Opinion on the titudes, 299-312 (2). EEOC Suit Against Mitsubishi Motor Man- Tschoepe, Gary J., Rational Choice and Out- ufacturing of America, 487-495 (3). of-Wedlock Births Among African Ameri- Shaikh, Sabina L., An Investigation into the can Females: The Influence of AFDC and Presence and Causes of Environmental In- Unemployment, 93-102 (1). equality in Denver, Colorado, 77-92 (1). Simon, Rita J., Sexual Harassment in the Heartland? Community Opinion on the W EEOC Suit Against Mitsubishi Motor Man- Watson, Robert P., Ranking the Presidential ufacturing of America, 487-495 (3). Spouses, 11 7-136 (1). Staley, Kent W., Logic, Liberty, and Anarchy: Williams, Robert W., The Contested Terrain Mill and Feyerabend on Scientific of Environmental Justice Research: Corn- Method, 603-614 (4). munity as Unit of Analysis, 313-328 (2). RESEARCH NOTES Author/Title A C Appelrouth, Scott A., Shifting Frames and Caudill, Steven B., How Robust Is the Rational- Rhetorics: A Case Study of the Christian ity Assumption in Economics, 665-673 (4). Coalition of New York, 329-340 (2). Chandler, Charles R., Twenty Years After Replicating a Study of Anglo- and Mexican-American Cultural Values, 353- 368 (2). B Bodvarsson, Orn B., An Economic Approach D to Tips and Service Quality: Results of a Dragbek, Thomas E., Understanding Disaster Survey, 137-148 (1). Warning Responses, 515-523 (3). E M Earl, Neal, Three Stories, Two Visions: The Madigan, Lauren J., A Citation Analysis of West and the Building of the Canadian Economists in Principles of Economics Pacific Railway in Canadian Culture, 341- Textbooks, 525-532 (3). 352 (2). Metzger, Michael R., The Incredible Shrinking President and the Economy, 659-663 (4). F Mixon, Franklin G., How Robust is the Ratio¬ Fisher, Patrick, Political Explanations for the nality Assumption in Economics, 665- Difficulties in Congressional Budgeting, 673 (4). 149-162 (1). N G Neupauer, Nicholas C., A Personality Traits Gatrell, )ay D., Re-Thinking Economic Devel¬ Study of Sports Information Directors at opment in Peripheral Regions, 623-639 'Big' vs. 'Small' Programs in the East, 163- (4). 172 (1). Gibson, William A., An Economic Approach R to Tips and Service Quality: Results of a Riley, Pamela]., Moral Discourse on Domes¬ Survey, 137-148 (1). tic Labor: Gender, Power, and Identity in Families, 541-548 (3). H Hoaas, David J., A Citation Analysis of Econ- . S omists in Principles of Economics Text¬ Shu-Yun, Ma, Reciprocal Relations Between book, 525-532 (3). Political Development and Ethnic Nation¬ alism, 369-380 (2). K Kiger, Gary, Moral Discourse on Domestic W Labor: Gender, Power, and Identity in Wharton, Renee, Twenty Years After: Repli¬ Families, 541-548 (3). cating a Study of Anglo- and Mexican- American Cultural Values, 353-368 (2). L Wortham, Robert A., The Geography of Fer¬ Lewthwaite, Gordon R., Rethinking Aotearoa's tility Reduction in Kenya, 173-184 (1). Human Geography, (4). Lohrenz, Otto, Anglican Parson, Alleged Sod¬ Y omite, and Loyalist Perjurer: )ohn Milner Yung-Mei, Tsai, Twenty Years After: Replicat¬ of Colonial and Revolutionary New York ing a Study of Anglo- and Mexican- and Virginia, 533-540 (3). American Cultural Values, 353-368 (2). REVIEW ESSAY Author/Title T Tang, Paul C. L., A Review Essay: Recent Liter¬ ature on Cognitive Science, 675-686 (4). BOOK REVIEWS Author/Title B Bernasek, Alexandra, Women and Market Bealmear, David A., Critical Models: Inter- Societies: Crisis and Opportunity, 187- ventions and Catchwords, 549-550 (3). 188 (1). Brown, Doug, Escape from Avarice, 193-194 K (1). Kakar, Suman, Understanding Violence, 383- Burrell, Patricia M., Feminism and Disability, 384 (2). 189-190 (1). Burrell, Patricia M., Organized Womanhood: M Cultural Politics in the Pacific Northwest, Marshall, James P., Revolution, American 384-385 (2). Style: The Nineteen-Sixties and Beyond, 550-552 (3). D R Davis, Charles E., Economic Analyses at EPA: Assessing Regulatory Impact, 191-192 (1). Robey, John, The Pan-American Dream: Do Latin American Values Discourage True Partnership with the United States and F Canada?, 386-387 (2). Freeman, David M., Theory and Progress in Social Science, 381-382 (2). S Sarri, Rosemary C., Cultural Practices and G Socioeconomic Attainment, 388-389 (2). Glatfelter, Ed, Truth and Consequences: How Schnee, Walter, Social Things: An Introduc¬ Colleges and Universities Meet Public Cri¬ tion to the Social Life, 557-559 (3). ses, 199-200 (1). T H Tilman, Rick, The Collapse of Liberal Empire: Haanstad, Nancy N., Women's Rights, 197- Science and Revolution in the Twentieth 198 (1). Century, 552-554 (3). Halabi, Awad Eddie, Women in the Middle East: Tradition and Change, 195-196 (1). V Hoffman, Daniel N., We The People: Trans¬ Villanueva, A. B., Justice Between Genera¬ formations, 554-557 (3). tions: The Growing Power of the Elderly in Hoffman, Thomas )., Killing the White Man's America, 391-392 (2). Indian: Reinventing Native Americans at Vlachos, Evan, Sustainable Global Commu¬ the End of the Twentieth Century, 185- nities in the Information Age: Visions from 186 (1). Future Studies, 390-391 (2).

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