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The SM Flavour Puzzle and accidental Symmetries PDF

38 Pages·2007·3.33 MB·English
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The flavour puzzle and accidental symmetries Andrea Romanino SISSA based on: Ferretti, King, R hep-ph/0609047 Outline The flavour puzzle in the SM Approaches to the flavour puzzle A new approach • Basic idea • Vus and LR symmetry • s/b vs c/t and Pati-Salam • Neutrinos • A model 2 The flavour puzzle in the SM 3 families, or U(3)5 symmetry of the fermion gauge lagrangian family number 1 2 3 (horizontal) not understood l l l l 1 2 3 ec (ec) (ec) (ec) 1 2 3 q q q q 1 2 3 uc (uc) (uc) (uc) 1 2 3 dc (dc) (dc) (dc) 1 2 3 gauge irreps (vertical) well understood 3 The flavour puzzle in the SM 3 families, or U(3)5 symmetry of the fermion gauge lagrangian Pattern of U(3)5 breaking from Yukawa sector (most SM pars) flavor E c D c U c = λ e L H + λ d Q H + λ u Q H + h.c. SM ij i j † ij i j † ij i j L 3 The flavour puzzle in the SM 3 families, or U(3)5 symmetry of the fermion gauge lagrangian Pattern of U(3)5 breaking from Yukawa sector (most SM pars) • (horizontal) hierarchy of fermion± masses: 1 « 2 « 3 TeV • CKM mixing angles « 1 t b Τ c GeV Μ s d u MeV e keV Q = m t eV Ν 3 The flavour puzzle in the SM 3 families, or U(3)5 symmetry of the fermion gauge lagrangian Pattern of U(3)5 breaking from Yukawa sector (most SM pars) • (horizontal) hierarchy of fermion± masses: 1 « 2 « 3 TeV • CKM mixing angles « 1 t • U vs D vs E b Τ GeV c Μ - different hierarchies: U » D, E s d - m ≈ m , 3m ≈ m , m ≈ 3m @ M MeV u b τ s μ d e G e • mass hierarchy vs mixing hierarchy keV - |V | ~ m /m , |V | ≈ (m /m )1/2 cb s b us d s Q = M G (MSSM) • neutrino sector eV Ν - 2 PMNS mixing angles O(π/4), 1 small - θ = O(π/4) & |∆m2| « |∆m2| , θ ≠ π/4 23 12 23 12 3 The flavour puzzle in SM extensions The peculiar SM flavour structure (m , m « <H>, |V |,|V | « 1) allows the 1 2 td ts SM to pass the FCNC test s¯ds¯d 1 1 (Q H ) , L ! " # ⊃ Λ2 Λ2 ∼ (103 TeV)2 f f 1 g4 m2 m2 1 u u (V V )(V V )f i , j Λ2 ∼ (4π)2 × s†ui uid s†uj ujd M2 M2 × M2 SM f W W W ! " ! " The unknown physics at the SM cutoff should not provide new generic flavour structure 1 1 ? Λ2 ∼ × Λ2 NP f NP ! " • e.g. in the MSSM δ « 1, or (m˜2 -m˜2 )/m˜2 and |W |,|W | « 1 12 d s 31 32 Is the origin of the peculiar structure in SM and the MSSM/NP the same? 4 (Some) approaches to the flavour puzzle “Flavour symmetries” acting on family indexes (subgroup of U(3)5) • symmetric limit: only O(1) Yukawas possibly allowed: λ (λ λ ) t b τ - e.g. tc, q , h neutral under a U(1): Y t c q h is allowed 3 33 3 • spontaneous breaking of U(1) by SM singlets ϕ at high scale φ φ - e.g. Q(q ) = 1, Q(ϕ) = -1: t c q h is allowed (cid:15482) Y = ! " 2 2 32 M M • breaking communicated to SM fermions by heavy messengers (M = mass) h φ - at E « M M φ c tc X q2 → t q2 h M ¯ Q Q • gauge/global, continuous/discrete, abelian/non-abelian Extra-dimension mechanisms • flavour symmetry breaking with boundary conditions • localized fermions - e.g. in RS-type models: (0) A µ H AdS 5 e(0) t(0) (1 c c )πkR H λ e i j ij − − UV (M ) IR (TeV) ∝ P c<1/2 c>1/2 0 y !R UV (M ) IR (TeV) P Figure 1: A slice of AdS : The Randall-Sundrum scenario. 5 m M e πkRFigure 2: The Standaψrd (Myod)el ineth(e1w/a2rpecdi)fikvey-dimensional bulk. H 5 − i − ∼ ∝ the warped down scale k = curvature c = bulk mass in k units requires that lepton number is conserved on the UV brane. Instead in the “reversed” 1 1 M2Ψ¯iΨjΨ¯kΨl → (M escπekRn)a2rΨi¯oiΨojnΨ¯ekcΨaln, place the right((3l)eft) handed neutrino near the IR (UV) brane. In 5 5 − this case even though lepton number is violated on the UV brane, the neutrinos will 1 1 ννHH stillνoνbHtHain, naturally tiny Dirac m(4a)sses [21]. M → M e πkR 5 5 − where Ψi is a Standard Model fermion and ν3is.2the nHeuitgrinhoe.rT-hdisimleaedns stoiognene6oripc erators problemswithprotondecayandFCNCeffects, andalsoneutrinomassesarenolonger consistent with experiment. Thus, while the hierarchy problem has been addressed Let us consider the following generic four-fermion operators which are relevant for in the Higgs sector by a classical rescaling of the Higgs field, this has¯come at the proton decay and K K mixing expense of introducing proton decay and FCNC problems from highe−r-dimension op- erators that were sufficiently suppressed in the Standard Model. 1 1 d4x dy √ g Ψ¯ Ψ Ψ¯ Ψ d4x Ψ¯(0)Ψ(0)Ψ¯(0)Ψ(0) , (38) − M3 i j k l ≡ M2 i+ j+ k+ l+ Exercise: The classical rescaling Φ edΦπkRΦ whe!re d != 1(3) for sca5lars ! 4 • → Φ 2 (fermions), suffers from a quantum anomalywahnedreletahdesetffoetchteivaed4dDitiomnaossf sthcealeLaM- for 1/2 < c < 1 is approximately given by[11] 4 i grangian term ∼ ∼ δLanomaly = πkR!i β4(ggi3i)TrFµ2ν,i , M142 %(5)Mk53e(4−ci−cj−ck−cl)πkR . (39) where β(g ) is the β-function for the corresponding gauge couplings g . Show that this i If we want the suppriession scale for higher-dimension proton decay operators to be anomaly implies that quantum mass scales, such as the gauge coupling unification M M then (39) requires c 1 assuming k M M . Unfortunately for these scale MGUT, are also redshifted by an amount M4G∼UTe−πPkR. i % ∼ 5 ∼ P values of c thecorresponding Yukawa couplings would betoosmall. Nevertheless, the i values of c needed to explain the Yukawa coupling hierarchies still suppresses proton Instead in the slice of AdS with the Standard Model fields confined on the IR brane 5 decay by a mass scale larger than the TeV scale [11, 22]. Thus there is no need to one has to resort to discrete symmetries to forbid the offending higher-dimension operators. Of course it is not adequate just tiomfpoorbseidathdeislceraedtiengsyhmigmheert-rdyimwehnsiciohnforbids very large higher-dimension operators. On the other hand the suppression scale for FCNC processes only needs to be M > 1000 TeV. This can easily be achieved for the values of c that are needed 4 4 ∼ to explain the Yukawa coupling hierarchies. In fact the FCNC constraints can be used to obtain a lower bound on the Kaluza-Klein mass scale m . For example KK 12 A new (economical) approach The knowledge (or existence) of special 1 2 3 horizontal dynamics is not required to explain the fermion hierarchical pattern l l l l 1 2 3 nc (nc) (nc) (nc) 1 2 3 The pattern follows from the relative lightness of one set of heavy fields and is associated to ec (ec) (ec) (ec) 1 2 3 the breaking of the gauge group (Pati-Salam) q q q q 1 2 3 Chiral symmetries acting on family indexes uc (uc) (uc) (uc) 1 2 3 “protecting” the mass of the lighter families dc (dc) (dc) (dc) emerge in this context as accidental symmetries 1 2 3 7

(horizontal) hierarchy of fermion± masses: 1 « 2 « 3. • CKM mixing angles « 1. eV. keV. MeV. GeV. TeV t c u b s d. Τ. Μ e. Ν. Q = mt. The flavour puzzle
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